The phone is not charging from the usb cigarette lighter. The battery is not charging. The car battery is not being charged by the alternator. Why

  • 11.01.2022

If the phone stops charging, then this is an extremely unpleasant problem. Most often, owners of old, almost outdated batteries face it - their service life is 3-5 years, and with a modern load on a mobile device, it can fall short of two. However, the reason is not always in the old battery, there are others.


Which phones are affected

A modern smartphone is a complex communication device, not just a phone. With it, you can surf the Internet, listen to music, play games, watch videos, take photos and so on. Therefore, the load on it falls much stronger than on a device designed only for making calls and sending SMS.

In addition, modern models do not have a connector dedicated specifically for charging. As a result, charging is carried out through a single connector that is combined with USB, and this process is closely related to the software.

Therefore, charging problems are the most common breakdown among mobile devices. And no one is safe from them, neither the owners of expensive smartphones, nor cheap Chinese ones. Although it is believed that the latter are still more vulnerable and less reliable.

Main causes and their solution

There are several reasons why the phone does not charge from the charger, and they manifest themselves in different ways. Most often, the problem is in the memory itself. If it is faulty, then the smartphone will not respond in any way to connecting to the network. It's easy to check: you need to find a 100% working charger of a suitable model and try to connect your mobile phone to it. If the process goes, then it's time to change the memory. But there are also more difficult situations. For example, when the phone does not turn on or shows that it is charging, but in fact the opposite happens.

Important! The reason that the phone is not charging may be in ... a faulty outlet! Trite, but before you panic, it's worth checking this out as well.

Phone shows charging but not charging

Many smartphone owners have encountered such a problem: when connected to the mains, the corresponding indicator lights up and a filling battery appears on the displays, but in fact the charge level does not increase or, even worse, it charges in the opposite direction - that is, it is discharged.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Not native memory. Modern mobile devices may not charge from non-original chargers, that is, they see the connection, but they do not let electricity into themselves, since the voltage is higher or lower than the recommended one. iPhones are especially famous for this.
  2. Weak memory. If the charging power is noticeably less than required for a given battery model or the process goes through USB from a computer, then the device will charge for a very long time, and if at the same time you play on your smartphone, watch videos or sit in social networks. network, the phone will simply discharge faster than it can charge.
  3. Memory failure. The cable, adapter, or connector may be damaged. It can be either a tear or a bend in the cable, or oxidation of the contacts or a failure in the board at the adapter itself.
  4. Battery failure. The battery has outlived its usefulness and it remains only to replace it.
  5. Failure in calibration. The smartphone may not correctly see the battery capacity, for this it needs to be calibrated. Discharge and charge several times.
  6. background applications. If the smartphone is not used during charging, but it still does not charge, then it is possible that a large number of running applications are spinning in the processor in the background. It is worth turning off wi-fi, mobile Internet and GPS. Close all applications, check the phone for viruses with an antivirus.

Phone won't turn on or charge

If the mobile device stops turning on and charging, this may be evidence of a serious breakdown, which can only be diagnosed and fixed at a service center.

  1. Memory problems. Perhaps the smartphone does not turn on, because it is completely discharged, and the memory has become unusable. You can check this by connecting the device to another suitable charger.
  2. Deep discharge. If the phone is discharged to 0 and is not charging, then the battery may have gone into a deep discharge and the controller no longer passes current, in order to revive it, you will have to use universal charging.
  3. Failure of the phone or battery. If the battery is removable, then you can ask someone you know for a while for the same battery in order to establish who the problem is. In extreme cases, you can try to turn on the phone from the wires.
  4. Firmware failure. This can happen when a software update fails, a virus infection or a glitch occurs. Will have to carry to the SC.

Phone charges but won't turn on

If, after connecting to the charger, the indicator lights up on the smartphone, but it does not turn on, then the following could happen:

  1. Didn't have time to recharge. If the smartphone is very much discharged, then it needs to be allowed to stand on charge for some time from 5 to 30 minutes. Then it should turn on.
  2. Firmware. You need to hold down the hot keys on your smartphone to reset the settings to factory settings. (You can see them on the Internet, as each model has its own). If it does not help, then we carry it to the SC.
  3. Hypothermia. If you stay at sub-zero temperatures for a long time, the device may turn off and not turn on. You should not immediately put it on charge, it is better to wait until it warms up to room temperature, and then connect it to the network.
  4. Battery problems. If the battery has become unusable, then it may show that the charge is on, but in fact there is no more capacity left in it and there is simply not enough power to start the smartphone.

The phone does not charge in the car from the cigarette lighter

When connecting a mobile device to the cigarette lighter, you need to know that the current here will be weaker than from an electrical outlet, so the phone will take longer to charge. If a navigator is used on it at this time or other applications are running, then the phone will not charge, and it may even begin to discharge.

Another reason is the banal pollution of the cigarette lighter socket. If so, then it should be cleaned. The socket may also be defective. You can check it by connecting another device. Also a possible reason in the "non-native" wire.

New phone or battery won't charge

  1. Manufacturing defects. If you bought a new battery or phone in the store and it does not charge, then the most likely reason is a factory defect. The memory may also be defective. No need to try to fix the device yourself, it is better to return to the store and change for another.

Important! Be sure to check the phone, battery and charger for operability while still in the store, then you will not have to go twice. When shopping in an online store, you need to be aware that the return will make it harder.

  1. Sealed contacts. For a new battery, the contacts are sealed with adhesive tape to protect against oxidation. If it is not removed before inserting the battery into the phone, it will interfere with the current flow. Therefore, before this, the battery must be inspected from all sides and unnecessary protection removed.
  2. Deep discharge. If the device or battery was stored in improper conditions, then the battery could go into a deep discharge, we are going to change it in the store for a new one. If she died after not prolonged use and this is no longer a warranty case, then you can try to push the battery.
  3. Hypothermia. If everything was in order in the store, and when you came home the battery refused to charge, then this could happen due to frost. It is necessary to give time to warm up the device to room temperature, and then put it back on charge.
  4. Incompatible battery. A new battery may not charge because it is not compatible with your phone. You have to be more careful when choosing.
  5. Oxidation of phone contacts. A new battery in an old phone may not charge due to oxidation of the contacts between the battery and the smartphone. If this is the problem, then the old battery may be good.

Important! If you have a new phone or battery, then you should not repair it, as you can lose the warranty. Within 14 days from the purchase, the store must change the device without question, then a guarantee of 1 to 2 years will apply, depending on the manufacturer.

Have you ever had a case when your smartphone stopped charging from the charger? Tell us in the comments what was the reason and how you managed to solve this problem. This will help make the material more complete and useful.

Many who own Apple technology will agree that sometimes it can be very capricious and forces you to buy only original devices for it. But all this is not connected with the fact that to shake out the money from you to the maximum (although there is some truth in this too), but to ensure the long service life of the device. Today I will analyze such a problem: the iPhone is not charging in the car from usb. And also, I will tell you how to solve it and why it occurs at all.

iPhone does not charge in the car from the radio or cigarette lighter - solution

As I wrote above, Apple technology is capricious for a reason. If your Android phone is quietly charging from the cigarette lighter, and the iPhone flatly refuses, then there may be several reasons:

  1. Unstable voltage
  2. Non-original device (cable, or device that is installed in the cigarette lighter)
  3. radio tape recorder
  4. USB connector

And now in order to each problem. In the first two cases, the device is most often to blame, which is not able to maintain a normal current for charging. Usually these are "No name" manufacturers, so buying a branded cigarette lighter socket should solve the iPhone charging problem. Many car owners speak well of the Belkin charger. In rare cases, the problem may lie in the wiring of the machine itself, and here it is already necessary to contact specialists. An ordinary multimeter, which costs from 200 rubles, will help you to recognize this problem. You measure the voltage in the cigarette lighter itself, after which it will be clear - the problem is in the wiring or cigarette lighter of the car or in the device. which you bought.

The next problem why the iPhone does not charge in the car from usb may lie in the radio. You can find out its presence using the same multimeter. After measuring the voltage, everything will fall into place. For normal operation of the device, 1 Ampere is needed, if the measuring device gives out more, there is nothing to worry about. It’s another matter if you get less than 1 ampere, since such a voltage can not only simply not charge your iPhone, but also damage the battery or even render it unusable.

And the last reason why the iPhone does not charge in the car from usb is the USB connector itself. Namely, if you have USB 2.0, then the iPad, for example, will charge, but the iPhone will not. The solution to this problem is very simple - buy a device with a USB 3.0 port. It is worth saying - any consultant will assure you that all devices are currently compatible with USB 2.0, but this applies to data transfer. That is, USB 2.0 has a much lower speed than USB 3.0, but the current strength of USB 2.0 is 500 mA, while USB 3.0 has 950 mA, which is why the problem of charging an iPhone occurs when using an older generation USB port .

Precautions for Using Apple Phones

In conclusion, I will say: in order for your iPhone to last for a long time, it is advisable to use original chargers, usb cables. If you use memory devices from other manufacturers, try not to take Chinese counterparts and always look at the technical specifications. This will save you from re-purchase, as well as your phone from handing over to the workshop. Using cheap analogues, you spoil the battery, and there is always a risk of simply “burning” the board on your iPhone.

Brand new USB car adapter charges iPhone at a snail's pace? Indeed, from some chargers, even for a long trip, a phone or tablet manages to “suck out” only a couple of tens of percent of energy! The resource experts tried to find out why buying an inexpensive cigarette lighter charger is a lottery.

Many car owners have noticed that car chargers connected to the cigarette lighter work differently. Some charge quickly, others slowly, and still others are not only “stupid”, but also unable to even start the charging process on a phone that has sat down to zero ... Why this happens is a mystery to an ordinary car owner ...

In need of urgent charging of the smartphone in the car, the author of these lines himself was somehow forced to urgently buy a USB car adapter during a trip in a store better known by the people under the nickname “All for 37 rubles”. The price is wonderful, but only when working in navigator mode with this adapter, the smartphone did not charge, but only shakyly balanced at the initial battery level ... When you tried to charge the device, the battery of which had run down to a complete shutdown, the USB adapter could not even “ move away ”- the smartphone battery simply did not want to switch to charging mode!

Why do some chargers show such thin talents? And is it possible to somehow find out BEFORE buying or correct something later?

What's inside?

Three car chargers with USB connectors visited the autopsy test, which showed their complete or partial unsuitability during operation, charging smartphones and tablets slowly, very slowly, and even demonstrating the inability to put the iPhone 6 into charging mode with a completely dead battery. This is a charger from All for 37, a charger from the Auchan store, and another one of unknown origin. All gadgets are completely “outbred”, noname.

As a rule, inside each charger there is a specialized microcircuit from the category of the so-called "DC / DC Step-Down converters" plus several related passive parts, which are called "strapping". This microcircuit makes 5 volts from 12-14 volts of an automobile on-board network, provided for by the USB standard. We disassemble the chargers and thoughtfully look at their "offal". We find a stabilizer chip - it is there alone, and you cannot confuse it with anything. We read the name written on the chip, search the Web for its description from the manufacturer - the so-called "datasheet" - and look at what it is really capable of.

Here, for example, the charger from "All for 37 rubles." It says that it provides an output current of 500 mA, which is really not enough for a smartphone. But according to subjective sensations, even such a current is not even in sight!

We open the case of the charger and see that it is assembled on the basis of the MC34063 chip. This is a good and well-known to electronics microcircuit-pulse stabilizer, which provides an output current ... up to 1.5 amperes! Chic current (if it is appropriate to talk about current!), Suitable for fast charging and smartphones with a powerful battery, and even tablets. However, for some reason this does not happen - smartphones are barely charged, by 15-20 percent per hour ...

We read the datasheet of the microcircuit and see that the output current of this chip is regulated by the "strapping" elements - namely, a certain resistor. With its resistance equal to 0.2-0.15 ohms, the microcircuit will give out a current of about 1 ampere, with a resistance of 0.1 ohms - a maximum of 1.5 amperes.

What is actually installed? Oops…. The Chinese soldered 2 1 ohm resistors in parallel, which gives a total of 0.5 ohms and limits the output current of the MC34063 to a ridiculous 300 milliamps - that is, almost five times less than this wonderful microcircuit can provide!

What can be charged with a current of 300 mA? Well, perhaps the simplest push-button phone with a tiny battery, and even then it’s not fast ... But the iPhone 6s Plus with a 2750 mAh battery, this current is absolutely not enough.

Why is the adapter so assembled?

Yes, because the Chinese did not have radio components of the required denomination at hand, and they put parts from that bucket, where there was still something at the bottom, without bothering with the accuracy and recommendations of the chip manufacturer.

In other defective Chinese charging crafts - exactly the same story ... We take the next charge, on the case of which an output current of 800 mA is announced. We open it and see a good old friend - the MC34063 chip. We look at the value of the notorious resistor that regulates the current - and we see a resistance of 0.33 ohms. And with it, the output current, according to the chip manufacturer, is 450 mA, and not 800 mA at all, as promised.

We open the next charger - and again we see the most popular MC34063 chip, but the control resistor already has a value of 0.7 ohm, which guarantees a current of no more than 200 mA! This is already a complete finish - such an adapter is not suitable for anything ...

General and global conclusions:

- All the tested chargers, although they limited the charge current at an abnormally low level, still provided the required 5 volts of voltage at the output and, at the very least, transferred the phone that was not discharged “to the bottom” into charging mode - for this reason, it will be extremely difficult for you to prove to the seller that he sold you a defective adapter.

- Alas, despite the love of many for cheapness, the spell “why pay more ...” and “analogues with Aliexpress”, in the case of charging adapters, it is worth noting that the lowest price category is not distinguished by quality and reliability - buy chargers without names and costing less than 100 rubles is hardly worth it.

- And the last, final thesis - all the tested "three-penny" chargers technically COULD provide the necessary current and charge phones quickly, but were initially, even during manufacture, ruined by an illiterate Chinese assembly.

Modern phones have opened up many new possibilities for motorists.

The most obvious thing is that thanks to a smartphone, you can not buy a navigator. A lot of free applications allow you to use the gadget as a full-fledged on-board computer, track traffic jams, build routes and receive information about car services. Drivers have already appreciated all the advantages of using a smartphone, there is only one nuance left: how to properly charge the phone in the car?

Car chargers

You can charge your smartphone in the car using a car cigarette lighter adapter with one or more USB outputs. This interface can also charge a portable battery and other devices with this connector.

In order to avoid a short circuit, breakage of the gadget or failure of vehicle components, manufacturers recommend using only original accessories. Depending on the quality of the charger and cable, the power may be faster or slower than usual.

Try not to save money and buy quality accessories from well-known brands. Also pay attention to the support of the desired version of Quick Charge.

Gained popularity due to its versatility and compatibility with almost any gadget. When choosing it, it is important to calculate the required capacity so that the battery is enough for several charges of the device. The most common and optimal indicator of the capacity of "power banks" is 10,000 mAh. In practice, such a battery will allow you to fully charge the Samsung Galaxy S7 three times.

Car stereo

Modern cars are equipped with radio tape recorders. By connecting your smartphone to the radio via a USB cable, you can not only listen to music, but also charge your phone. The charging speed will not be high, but if there is an urgent need, this option can be used.

When choosing a solar panel, it is important to determine which device it will power. For phones, a voltage of 6V and a power of 4 watts will be sufficient. Everything you need to make your own solar charger can be purchased at radio stores. It is worth considering that the solar battery makes it possible to charge the smartphone only during daylight hours and rather slowly. This method is more suitable for geeks and lovers of experiments.

Is it safe to charge your smartphone in the car?

Charging your phone in the car is easy, but it's important to consider the risks involved. Charging gadgets in a car indirectly violates the rules for operating a vehicle and can harm the phone's battery. The use of low-quality chargers and adapters can lead to localized fire.

It is recommended to charge the smartphone only with original and reliable accessories and in the presence of the user. The second convenient, mobile and versatile charging method - external batteries.

If you're on the road and the trip promises to be long or stuck in traffic for several hours on your way home, there's nothing worse than a smartphone battery going to zero. A low phone charge can spell disaster for a bored driver. But you shouldn’t panic, because it’s so cool that in modern cars there are, and often there are several of them, but you can, if anything, plug a splitter into the “cigarette lighter” and charge several devices at once, if you really feel like it. Is there any catch in charging your phone through the car's USB port? Let's figure it out.

At first glance, plugging your phone into your car's USB port may seem completely harmless. But if you can delay charging, there is no emergency, you should not connect your iPhone or Samsung to the on-board power via a cable, because this can be a big mistake. Your phone's battery won't thank you for that.

Why is that? Here are a few reasons to believe or not in which - it's up to you:

Charging a smartphone through a car USB port is almost impossible (too low current)

Firstly, charging the phone in the car is useless in 80% of cases. The USB port in your car will most likely not provide the power your phone really needs. As a result, your smartphone can simply be discharged to zero during charging if you use it.

“Many people may notice that during their 30-60 minute drive home from work, the connected phone barely charges., says Brad Nichols, a technician at a company that specializes in fixing Staymobile devices. - This is mainly due to the phone using more power than the car charger can supply.”

In fact, this is easy to check, for example, in my car, you can charge the iPhone for two hours and move only 10-15%.

"Plug" a mobile phone into the cigarette lighter, you will also get problems

Things will be even worse with charging a mobile phone. In this case, the smartphone may receive too much power. Most cigarette lighters are able to “accelerate” by delivering current up to 10 amperes, while most of the chargers operate on one, maximum three amperes.

If the charger is working properly, then in general there should be no problems. But if the charger is damaged, defective, or just a Chinese replacement for the original, expect problems. Plugged into the cigarette lighter socket, it can cause sudden power surges that can cause your smartphone to overheat, damage internal components, or, in rare cases, destroy the device.

A left smartphone can drain a car battery

Thirdly, charging the phone through the USB port. Do not be surprised, as experts say, this happens. If you constantly leave the device plugged into the charging port on a car with the engine off, sooner or later the following will happen: you will not be able to start the car because the battery will not have enough starting current. He'll just loosen up.

This is usually not a big deal for those owners who have new cars with new batteries in the garage. But if your car is no longer young, you should avoid charging your phone through the USB port, provided that you are a forgetful nature.