Private houses in South Korea. How the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea has changed. Changing your privacy settings

  • 22.10.2021

Hanok is a traditional Korean style house. When building such a house, the terrain and seasonal characteristics are taken into account. Besanimsu is considered ideal, when a mountain rises behind the house, and a stream flows in front of it. In the cold northern regions, traditional houses are built in the form of a square, in the central part of the country - in the shape of the letter "L", and in the warm southern regions - in the form of a straight line.

Traditional korean house hanok Is an environmentally friendly dwelling that was created exclusively from natural materials: wood, stone, straw and earth for walls and floors, clay for tiles and rice paper hanji for windows and doors. There were two main types hanoka : a house with a tiled roof, where the nobles lived, as well as the thatched dwellings of peasants and ordinary people. It was by the material used to create the roof that it was possible to distinguish the house of an aristocrat from the dwelling of a commoner. In those days, ceramic tiles cost a lot of money, and only the upper class could afford to have a house with a roof made of this expensive material. Farmers usually used rice straw from their fields for roofing. Nowadays, thatched roof houses have practically disappeared, and as for hanoks with a tiled roof, many Koreans still live in houses that can be easily seen not only in the countryside, but also in large cities.

The pillars and supporting structures were erected from wood, the walls were laid out of bricks made from compressed earth mixed with grass, and the floor in the living rooms was wooden, while in the utility rooms it was stone or earthen. Doors, windows and walls were pasted over with Korean rice paper hanji .

They also laid on the floor hanji , which was previously impregnated with vegetable oil. One of the hallmarks of Korean traditional dwelling is the unique heating system ondol ... It consisted of pipes laid under the floor, through which hot air from the hearth in the kitchen reached the living quarters, heating them. In this way, the floors did not lie directly on the ground, but were raised to the height required for installation. ondol , and the rooms were made relatively small in size to save heat.

Also, the spread of such a heating system made such pieces of furniture as a bed, chair or armchair unnecessary - Koreans preferred to sleep or sit directly on the warm floor, laying a mat or thin mattress on it. This “on the floor” lifestyle has had a great impact on everyday culture.

Now most Koreans live in European-style buildings or modern apartment buildings, sleep on beds and dine on chairs at a high table, but their apartments are still heated by the system ondol ... People go barefoot at home, so you must take off your shoes when entering a Korean apartment.

Recently, the number of cases of various types of dermatitis and eczema has increased in Korea. Scientists have conducted research and found that living in a Korean traditional home can help cope with such ailments and have a beneficial effect on health.

Many older people choose to retire to live in the provinces and settle in hanoke .

Korean traditional houses hanok quite a lot has survived throughout the country. Some of them have hotels where anyone can spend one or more nights and get to know the Korean culture better. The most famous examples of traditional Korean architecture that have survived to this day include the traditional village in Jeonju, Hahoe Village in Andong, the Chire Artists' Settlement, Suedan Manor, Imchongak and Rakkoje in Seoul.

Real estate in Korea is more in demand than in other countries. This country is famous for high-quality production of goods in the industrial sphere, preservation of the environment and well-groomed cities. attracts not only tourists, but also investors, people who want to buy real estate.

Buying property in South Korea in 2020 is a very profitable investment . This country is the most stable in its economic performance, in a well-established real estate market, which has held a high position in Korea for many years. Buying housing here, you can be sure of stability. The first thing that is expressed in this is the state regulation of real estate prices.

The cost of real estate in Korea is calculated at the price of 1 m². Housing in Seoul at a price corresponds to the prices of prestigious metropolitan areas in Europe. Buying an apartment on the outskirts is not difficult for the average immigrant. The cost of housing will be approximately 2 times cheaper. The average property value is available to all investors with average earnings. It is quite profitable to rent out housing in major cities in Korea.

Property For Sale

The procedure for registering and buying a home, as a rule, is associated with a long collection of documents and wasted time. Many people choose the services of lawyers and realtors who can easily draw up all the necessary documents for the sale or purchase of real estate.

It is important to note that all contracts are concluded in English. Before you sign this or that agreement, carefully read the terms and conditions. The registration process takes no more than 2 months in time. Buying an apartment is not so difficult as many people think.

There are no restrictions on the purchase of real estate for foreigners. However, it should be borne in mind that the profit that is received from the lease cannot be exported outside the border. How, then, can this issue be resolved? On the territory of this state, you can create your own company. Investors who have invested in the Korean economy and can get a residence permit and a more affordable option for income received from rent.

By the way, an apartment is the most important thing when moving. It is clear that everyone wants to check into a comfortable apartment that matches the price. Seoul is a metropolis where housing is the backbone of everything. For many, buying an apartment in Seoul is still a dream and the most desired event. When choosing this or that housing, you need to take into account your financial capabilities, since not everyone can afford to buy or rent an apartment in Seoul.

The video tells about the apartments in Korea and what they look like.

What you need to be prepared for when you move

  • Deposit.

First of all, before renting an apartment, the owners of the apartment may require a deposit. Before you enter the apartment, you need to pay an amount in the amount of 5,000 to 100 thousand dollars.

  • Agreements.

Surely everyone knows that when making any transactions or providing services, it is necessary to conclude an agreement in order to be sure that the landlord does not steal your deposit.

The contract must be signed by both parties without fail. You shouldn't take the landlord's word for it. Even in Seoul, there are scammers, like everywhere else. It is better to spend money on the services of lawyers than to be robbed later.

  • Another important rule: you need to rent a house for a long time.

Contracts and agreements are signed, as a rule, for a year, no less. If you rent an apartment for less than a year, then it is better to look for options without deposit conditions, or to change your place of residence on a permanent basis.

  • Look for a helping hand.

It is best if a local resident can help you navigate the apartment and its prices. Those who have lived in these cities for a long time know all the circumstances and the value of real estate as it should be. When choosing a home, you must be prepared for the fact that the apartments are very small in size and there is practically no daylight in them.

  • Indicate pricing policy

Arriving at the agency, you must immediately define the pricing policy. It is necessary to clarify how much money you are willing to pay for housing per month.

  • Understand in advance what you want

Before looking for accommodation, you should at least know in which area you would like to stay. In addition to the area, you need to understand which apartment you are ready to move into and which one you are not.

  • The owner is the first impression of the accommodation.

No matter how silly it may sound, in fact, looking at the owner of the apartment, you can draw a lot of reasonable conclusions.

  • Home with or without furniture?

Yes, this is very important for choosing housing not only in Russia, but also in Korea. You can rent an apartment with or without furniture. Of course, Koreans do not like to use other people's things, but if you wish, you can buy the necessary furniture, and pick it up when you leave the apartment.

  • Live with a neighbor.

You can find the same like-minded person who needs an apartment. You can rent an apartment together and split the payment for two. It will be more fun, and renting an apartment is much easier.

  • Underground.

It is very important when there is transport near the apartment, which can take you to any place you need. The most important thing is that the minimum amount of time is spent on the road.

Choice of area of ​​residence

Real estate in South Korea is developing rapidly and is in great demand. It is necessary to choose an area taking into account your wishes and possibilities. For those who love parties, noisy and nightlife, it is best to go to the areas where the majority of students live (Hongik University, Seoul National University Station, etc.).

Watch the video: Hohgik University District.

If there is a desire to rent luxury housing and you are ready to invest a lot of money for this, then the areas of Hannam, Gangnam, Mokdong are best suited.

If the choice is in front of housing, where the price corresponds to the quality, then renting an apartment, which is located a few minutes' drive from the main districts, is best suited.

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Quite recently, the expression "inter-Korean demilitarized zone" was perceived as a kind of oxymoron, a contradiction in concepts. In words - "DMZ", but in fact everything there is stuffed with weapons and the military. Formally, it was created "to ensure peace", but in reality it is one of the most dangerous areas, where shootings, skirmishes and even casualties happened regularly. It really was - until recently. But in the past few days, the South and North Korea have taken a number of practical steps that have brought the DMZ back to its original meaning.

Perhaps a kind of irony of fate is that the military of the two countries are at the forefront of this peaceful rapprochement. The army has always been known for being conservative and suspicious of various peace initiatives with a recent enemy. The soldier and the officers can be understood: diplomats can agree on anything, but if the enemy stabs in the back again, it is the servicemen who will die first, and therefore a certain conservatism in the thinking of the generals is inevitable. The "people in the form" of the South and North are no exception. However, over the past few weeks, they have met several times in the DMZ area, negotiated, negotiated cooperation and worked together to bring peace back to the inter-Korean border. Based on the current results, they were able to achieve a lot.

On Thursday, October 25, the parties fully completed the implementation of measures for the complete demilitarization of the already seemingly "long-time demilitarized" joint security zone (the English abbreviation - JSA or Joint Security Area) in the Panmunjom area. Nine checkpoints have been eliminated there - five from North Korea and four from South Korea. And by the end of November, all 22 checkpoints on both sides of the entire DMZ will be removed, which serve as forward defense strongholds in case of war, and are also widely used for observation.

In addition, also in the JSA, which until recently was full of mines, the process of demining has ended. At one time, US President Bill Clinton called this area "the most terrible place on earth," and now JSA is truly turning into a symbol of peace and rapprochement between the two parts of Korea.

It is expected that in the near future the South and North will also dismantle some of the equipment for monitoring each other, as well as stop a number of military and intelligence activities in the regions adjacent to the border.

From now on, in the Panmunjom area, which was and is perhaps the most famous point on the DMZ, where negotiations between the South and the North are constantly taking place, you will not see any armed military. Security is provided there by 35 people on both sides - five officers and 30 soldiers, but all of them are unarmed, reminding the "vigilantes" keeping order.

If earlier soldiers of the South and North stood in tense positions against each other, then on October 26 the generals of the two countries shook hands with smiles, jokes and laughter, signing another package of measures to reduce military tension. From now on, no military action at the DMZ is allowed under any pretext.

“I am really very impressed with the measures that we took to disarm in the JSA area ... Yesterday we were standing opposite each other, at the forefront of a possible confrontation, aiming at each other. Now we are at the forefront of those efforts in part of the world, about which our countries and our leaders have agreed, "said the South Korean Major General Kim Do Kyun to his colleague, General of the DPRK Armed Forces An Ik San. whereas now a new era begins.

It is expected that in the near future a joint military committee will be created to monitor compliance with these and other similar agreements.

Of course, it has already happened more than once before when the South and North talked a lot about peace, so that in a few months they would begin to threaten each other with weapons, and tensions returned to the border and sometimes even the sounds of machine-gun bursts. But now everything is different - the weapons are leaving, and in some key areas the DMZ (the same JSA) has already left, making it impossible to shoot.

This rapprochement between South and North Korea is viewed with suspicion by the United States and a number of other countries. In South Korea itself, there are enough conservatives who urge "not to believe the commies," but the leaders of the two Koreas, Moon Jae In and Kim Jong Un, seem determined to seriously reduce tensions in bilateral relations. At least they were able to get their military to become the main executors of this. peaceful offensive ”.

October 28, 2018 will become a kind of symbol of changes to the world and, of course, a landmark historical event. On Sunday at 9 am, the Joint Security Zone, where previously only a select few could enter under strict escort, will be open to ordinary visitors. From now on, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in JSA, anyone can visit and walk freely both on the South Korean and North Korean sides of this area.

In this regard, South Korean journalists joked: "Yes, you can breathe a sigh of relief - you can now come to Panmunchom for a walk in jeans, shorts and miniskirts." Indeed, until now, the JSA from the South Korean side could only be visited subject to a certain dress code. Moreover, there were no such restrictions on the part of the DPRK. Now you don't have to worry about your wardrobe that much. But, of course, it's not about shorts and miniskirts. Peace has returned to the inter-Korean border. Hopefully, forever.

It is one of the largest cities in Korea, its rapid growth began in the mid-90s, and still something new appears every day there. Now the Koreans are implementing the Songdo Smart City project - it will be a large ecologically clean and maximally automated area in the port area, but it has not yet been completed. But Incheon is a great place to see Koreans build modern housing.

Koreans have a different approach to housing. From the outside it seems to us that they are simply adopting everything from the Americans, Europeans and Japanese, but this is not entirely true. For example, Koreans believe that it is very cool and prestigious ... to live in anthill houses! Yes, yes, this is not a one-story America with its endless suburbs and not London townhouse districts.

But, on the other hand, this is not with: a different quality of housing, a different attitude to public spaces. Of the total, only the height of buildings and a fairly high building density, but there is very little land in Korea. The population density in Seoul is 16 626 people / sq. kilometer, in St. Petersburg - 3764 people. Do you feel the difference?

01. View of Incheon. Something is being built everywhere. In some places there are wastelands, but they will not stay here for long.

02. Housing in Incheon is being built in blocks. The Korean residential complex consists of high-rise buildings standing along the perimeter of the block.

Perhaps most of all, Korean new buildings are similar to American apartment buildings, even. But otherwise, they are ordinary neighborhoods. For their designation in the Korean language there is a special word - "apathy".

Most likely, this is the English "apartment" distorted in the local manner, although there is a version that the Koreans borrowed this word from the French. This is a universal term: the word "apatkhs" is used to refer to a microdistrict, a multi-storey building in such a microdistrict, and an apartment in this building.

Here, along the street, three different "apathas" are visible.

03. Here is a typical Incheon quarter - "apathi". Usually "apatkhi" is a microdistrict of several houses (there are somewhere from 5 to 15) with a common territory closed from the rest of the world. Houses are usually built at the same time and not in "queues".

04. There are no purely residential areas in Incheon, because office and other public buildings can be built between the “apathas” quarters.


06. Some are lucky: their residential complex overlooks a park with a lake.

07. You have most likely seen the music video for the song Gangnam style... This clip focuses on the Gangnam-Gu Seoul lifestyle. Something like how the Moscow majors used to sing arenbi about Rublyovka. Only Gangnam does not mainly consist of mansions and cottages, but namely "apatha".

That is, the Korean nouveau riche settle in unsightly high-rise buildings (in architectural terms, as a rule, they do not stand out in any way), and this is not considered shameful. On the contrary, it emphasizes the status of the buyer of such a home. Even if the house does not belong to the elite class of real estate, then living in an apartment in a high-rise building within the boundaries of Seoul is sometimes considered more prestigious than in a cottage outside of it. The same can be said about Incheon, which is generally considered by many to be part of Seoul.

08. In general, if you are Korean and live in your own house or in an apartment in a house where there are less than 10 floors (they are called "yonglip"), then you are so small fry. The really tough guys live in skyscrapers like this.

09. The park goes straight to the sea

10. The first floors from the street side are always "live", there will be shops, cafes, offices, fitness centers, laundries, medical offices and so on.



13. The gate at the entrance to one of the quarters. At the entrance, there is always a concierge, he is also an Important Watchman, who can also perform the functions of a house manager. At night, the door to the "apathas" is closed, and if you returned home late, the Important Watchman will eat your brain. He also makes sure that the cars of strangers do not park in the yard. The territory is always fenced, you get inside the block through a gate or a wicket. And sometimes there is simply no entrance to the courtyard: cars immediately go to the underground parking.

14. Here he is. You can leave your car either here or on the street, where a short-term guest parking is provided.

15. Courtyard. It can be seen that there are no parked cars here. But this is a feature of the new "apathas". In the old (and old houses are considered here, which are 20 or more years old), all the yards are parked, because large underground parking was not built at that time.

Previously, courtyards in Korean cities were simply rolled into asphalt, a lawn, or even more so, a large tree could rarely be found. Sometimes right under the windows of the "apatkha" one comes across mini-vegetable gardens where Korean grandmothers grow Korean carrots. But gradually, Koreans also began to realize that a lot of greenery and playgrounds are good, so in new areas there is a higher chance of settling in a house with a landscaped area.

16. Koreans pay a lot of attention to landscaping, and they often have a bias towards landscape design. When decorating courtyards, all sorts of stones, rocks, fountains, streams, hills, trees are used. At the same time, the trees are already planted large.

17. Only special equipment can drive to the entrances, for this there are wide driveways along the houses. Of course, they are always free: parking is prohibited here, there is an underground parking for this. The same photo shows that the trees, although young, are already up to the 4th floor.

18. An example of improvement

19. This is a children's pool. Now it is cold and empty, but closer to summer they fill it up, and the children here freely splash around.


21. Yard simulator

22. Another children's pool, this time indoor. Children throw bicycles freely wherever they want.

23. Kindergarten on the territory of the quarter

24. There is even a camping area: you can pitch a tent right in your yard)

25. Bicycle paths

26. Entrance to one of the entrances. The doors are transparent, the entrance is made on the level with the sidewalk, tactile tiles are laid to the place - everything is like in Europe.

27. Mail lockers in which a courier from the delivery service can leave your order. Very cool.

28. The lobbies usually have a small public area like hotel lobbies. Here you can meet some guest whom you don't really want to let into your apartment - the same courier.

29. Video intercom

30. There are bicycles here, usually no one chained them to anything. As I already wrote, there is practically no street crime in South Korea. Even just on the street, thefts are quite rare, and even within a closed quarter, they are almost unbelievable.

31. Sales office of one of the new areas. Here is the layout of the "apatkha".

32. It's funny that when entering the sales office you need to take off your shoes and put on slippers) In Korean apartments, everyone also goes without shoes - this is another difference from America. And the area where you need to take off your shoes is usually distinguished with a special depression, a drop in height, or just a high threshold.


34. The block is raised one level above the road. The parking lot is hidden below, and there are public areas above it.

35. There are now several apartments for sale with different layouts.

36. There are 93 sq. meters, there are 84 sq. meters. Another difference between the Incheon high-rise building and the St. Petersburg one is that in a normal "apatkha" house you will never be offered a hotel room with an area of ​​20 square meters instead of an apartment. meters, as Russian developers like to do. For example, in the 90s, most houses were rented out with apartments of more than 75 square meters. meters. Now the choice has become wider. There are apartments less than 50 sq. meters, there are under 300, but in general this is a solid living space, and not cat enclosures. On the other hand, Koreans can include everything in the area of ​​the apartment, for example, a balcony and even a parking space, so this should be borne in mind when buying.

Previously, the entrances to the apartments of "apathas" were made outside the house, from the gallery that encircled a high-rise building (like in motels). Gradually, the Koreans switched to a more familiar scheme for us and now come home from the staircase.

37. All apartments are fully finished, but unfurnished. Household appliances are sometimes immediately included in the price of the apartment, sometimes not, then as you agree. You can also choose one of the examples of the interior, they will immediately make the same for you, and you will enter everything ready.


39. This is part of the smart home system. From here you can call the concierge, answer the intercom, adjust the climate and lighting.


41. There is an elevator call directly from the apartment. While you lace up your shoes, call the elevator, leave the apartment, and he is already waiting for you. And the computer can also show how long the lift will take. During rush hours, when everyone goes to work, you can wait for an elevator for about five minutes. Very convenient when you don't want to waste your time.

42. An example of an interior

43. Rooms in Korean apartments are usually small, with the exception of the hall, which is a living room, dining room and kitchen at the same time.


45. The rest of the rooms are called bedrooms, but beds as such may not be there, because many Koreans still prefer to sleep on the floor.

46. ​​Here beds are everywhere presented as an example, but more Europeanized Koreans, most likely, actually order them.

47. Only half of Koreans have their own apartments, despite the rather low mortgage rates (there are several categories, but they are all below 5%). The high cost of the apartment and the mobility of the population play a role here. The cost per square meter of housing in an ordinary Seoul residential area (not prestigious) starts at $ 3,500 per sq. meter, and in the same Gangnam apartments are consistently worth more than $ 1 million.

It is clear that this is not a problem for the local rich, but often Koreans prefer to rent an apartment. This is also not cheap: in addition to the monthly payment, you also leave a deposit to the landlord, from which he receives interest in the bank. When you move out, the new tenants return your deposit. But the problem is that the size of the collateral can reach an impressive amount. That is, you can give more than $ 50,000 for an apartment that does not belong to you into the hands of a person you do not even know.

Previously, this scheme was more popular and more radical. The amount of the mortgage was even higher (up to 70% of the cost of the apartment), but there was no monthly rent: the owner of the property simply received high interest on the mortgage.



51. A fancy toilet bowl is one of the main features of a Korean apartment.
