Double cassette recorder. Cassette recorders. Soviet tape recorders. Tape recorder cassette: prices. A small historical digression and technical characteristics

  • 26.11.2021

The cassette player "Electronics-Microconcert-Stereo" has been produced since the autumn of 1984 by the Zelenograd precision engineering plant. The model has a prototype in one of the Sony tape recorders. In 1984, the USSR did not have the necessary microcircuits and it was not possible to make a full-fledged tape recorder. They made a player on "loose", transistors like KT3129/3130. Later, the KF1407UD1 microcircuit was developed, then the recording also got into the device. The 1985 model had a metal case. All subsequent plastic. The model had a built-in microphone, which was intended for recording, and for use as a hearing aid, including simultaneously with playing cassettes.

Children's cassette recorder-toy "Volna" since 1985 has been produced by the Saratov production company "Korpus". The tape recorder is designed to play sound tracks recorded at a speed of 4.76 cm / s on a magnetic tape 3.81 mm wide placed in an MK-60 cassette in order to organize various games, develop musical abilities in children and develop practical skills in handling complex technical products. The toy is intended for children aged 8 and over. The toy provides electrical playback through a LP for connecting household equipment. The toy works in stationary conditions, in motion, carrying and transportation. The supply voltage from A-343 batteries is 6.3 ... 9 V. The speed of the magnetic tape is 4.76 cm / s. The operating frequency range at the linear output is 100...10000 Hz. Rated output power 0.5W. Battery life 10 hours. The dimensions of the toy are 280x212x80 mm. The weight of the toy with batteries and cassette is 2.1 kg.

Since 1985, the Proton-402MT cassette tape recorder-player has been producing the Kharkov radio plant Proton. "Proton-402MT" is a two-speed, four-track tape recorder designed to play ordinary musical and speech phonograms and phonograms of the "Talking Book" type for people with visual loss. The electrical circuit, design and design of the device, except for the track switch, the absence of a recording mode and the presence of a second speed of 2.38 cm / s, are similar to the basic Proton-402 tape recorder. Read more about the tape recorder in its instruction manual.

The player "Sonata-Mini" was experimentally released in 1985 by the Velikoluksky software "Radiopribor". The player is designed to play phonograms from cassettes of the MK-60 type on small-sized headphones. There is no information on the player, but on its basis, since 1987, the plant has been producing the Sonata P-421S tape recorder.

Since 1985, the portable cassette player "Electronics P-401C" has been produced by the Novovoronezh plant "Aliot". "Elektronika P-401S" is a portable stereo cassette player. The player is designed to play sound tracks recorded on magnetic tape in an MK-60 cassette. Playback of phonograms is carried out on head stereo phones. Tape rewinding is carried out only in the direction of travel. The player can be used on the move, while being carried and transported. The player's operating time from a set of 4 AA batteries is 3...4 hours. Tape speed 4.76 cm/sec. The detonation coefficient of the LPM is 0.5%. Audio frequency range at the output for stereo telephones is 63...12500 Hz. Harmonic coefficient 2.5%. Rated output power 2x5 mW. Current consumption 150 mA. The dimensions of the player are 154x90x38. Weight without elements 300 gr. To expand the range of products, the plant simultaneously produced the player "Electronics P-402S" in everything similar to the one described.

Since 1986, the Jazz-4 toy tape recorder has been produced by the Saratov Precision Mechanics Plant. ""Jazz"" (PKP-4 Portable Cassette Player 4th model) is designed to play phonograms recorded on magnetic tape in MK-60 cassettes in order to organize children's leisure, develop their musical abilities and develop skills in handling complex household appliances . The model has indicators at the level of tape recorders of the 3rd class. The range of reproducible frequencies at the linear output is 100 ... 10000 Hz, according to sound pressure 150 ... 8000 Hz. Rated output power 0.5W. Powered by 6 batteries 343 or from the mains through a remote PSU. The dimensions of the apparatus are 260x173x72 mm. Weight with batteries and cassette 2.1 kg.

Since 1986, the Diana-Stereo cassette recorder-player has been producing the Kazan plant of radio components. The tape recorder is designed to play mono or stereo music programs recorded on compact cassettes. The tape recorder provides for separate volume control, tape rewind in 2 directions, the possibility of a short stop, connection to household amplifiers with speakers, electronic and mechanical hitchhiking, listening to cassettes on two pairs of stereo telephones of the "TDS-13" type. The tape recorder is powered by 6 batteries and from the mains, through a remote power supply unit. The speed of the tape is 4.76 cm/s. Detonation coefficient 0.4%. Output power 2x5 mW. The range of reproducible frequencies is 63...12500 Hz. The power consumed from the network is 1 W. The relative level of noise and interference is 48 dB. The dimensions of the tape recorder are 170x100x40 mm. Weight without PSU 580 gr.

Since the beginning of 1986, the cassette player "Duet-stereo PM-8101" has been producing the Popov Radio Plant in Riga. The cassette player "Duet PM-8101" is designed for individual listening to stereophonic phonograms recorded on standard cassettes on stereo headphones. The kit includes: "Duet PM-8101" cassette player, stereo phones, battery container. The player is controlled by the keys for playback, rewind (in both directions), the tape type switch. When the tape ends or breaks in the tape cassette, the power will automatically turn off. The range of reproducible frequencies is not already 40 ... 14000 Hz (Fe); coefficient of non-linear distortion 1%; Power is supplied from A-316 or A-373 batteries located in a special cassette. The dimensions of the player are 140x95x35 mm. Weight 500 gr. In the first releases of the player, the playback path was made on a large hybrid MS, and later on K157UD2. Since 1986, the plant also planned to produce the Duet-stereo ML-8101 radio tape recorder, consisting of an all-wave radio, powerful amplifiers with an equalizer, two loudspeakers and a battery and power supply unit, combined in a common housing where a player was inserted into the middle of the connector " Duet-stereo PM-8101 "forming a radio tape recorder, but without the recording function. The rated output power of the radio is 2x2 W. Sound pressure frequency range 100...10000 Hz.

Portable transistor radio tape recorder "Amfiton-MR" from the I quarter of 1987 was produced by the Omsk plant named after. Karl Marx and Baku PO "Radio Engineering". The radio tape recorder "Amfiton-MR" is used to receive radio stations in the DV, SV bands, as well as to listen to mono and stereo (on stereo headphones) phonograms from compact cassettes. There is a fast rewind of the tape in both directions, separate volume control when working on stereo phones. Powered by 6 A-316 elements or mains via an external power supply. Sensitivity in the range LW - 2, SV - 1.5 mV / m; selectivity 30 dB; the range of reproducible sound frequencies in terms of sound pressure at reception is 315 ... 3150 Hz; frequency range at the telephone output when listening to recordings from cassettes 63 ... 12500 Hz; harmonic coefficient 5%; maximum output power 0.5 W; knock coefficient ±0.5%; model dimensions 196x136x41mm, weight 0.8 kg. The price with stereo phones is 145 rubles. Since 1988, the design of the radio has been somewhat changed. The radio tape recorder was produced in a limited series, and in Baku piece.

Since 1987, the Amfiton stereophonic system has been produced by Karl Marx's Omsk ETZ. ""Amfiton"" portable block device, consisting of MP ""Amfiton-MS"", AAS and BP. MP "Amfiton-MS" is a device that reproduces stereo and mono phonograms from compact cassettes to stereo phones and AAS. There is a separate volume control, tape rewind in two directions. Powered by six D-0.25 batteries or from the mains through a remote power supply unit. Belt speed 4.76 cm/s; detonation factor 0.5%; frequency range 63...12500 Hz; noise level in the playback channel -44 dB, output power of telephones 2x2.5 mW; dimensions 138x337x88 mm; weight 0.5 kg. Price with phones and PSU - 120 rubles. "Amfiton AAS" consists of an amplifier combined with a loudspeaker of the left channel and a loudspeaker of the right channel. The AAC has a volume and tone control for bass and treble, stereo phones can be connected to it. Powered by 343 type batteries and from the mains through the built-in power supply unit. AAC output power - 2x0.5 W; frequency range on LV - 80 ... 16000, sound pressure 150 ... 10000 Hz; battery life 10 hours; dimensions 342x143x85 mm; weight 2.2 kg. The price is 176 rubles. The tape recorder "Amfiton MS" was produced by several factories: the Leningrad plant "Novator", the Lvov plant named after Lenin, the Saratov plant of precision electromechanics and the Kamenetz-Podolsky plant "Elektropribor" named after the 60th anniversary of the USSR.

The cassette recorder-player "Sonata P-421S" from the beginning of 1987 was produced by the Velikoluksky software "Radiopribor". Designed for playback of phonograms from cassettes of the MK-60 type on small-sized head phones "TDS-13-1". The MP is powered by 4 elements of the A-316 type, while the continuous operation time is seven hours or more. The MP has a socket for connecting an external power supply. At the end of the cassette, auto-stop is automatically activated, turning off the "Start" key. The speed of the magnetic tape is 4.76 cm/sec. The range of reproduced sound frequencies is 63...12500 Hz. Output rated power 2x20 mW. MP dimensions - 142x95x37 mm. Weight 325 gr. The price is 130 rubles. According to exactly the same electrical circuit, design and external design, an unidentified plant produced a cassette recorder-player, but under the name "Edelweiss P-421S".

The stereophonic tape recorder "Spring-212C" in 1988 in the amount of 10229 copies was produced by the Zaporozhye plant of tape recorders "Spring". The tape recorder-player in all its technical characteristics corresponds to the tape recorder of the same name "Spring-212S" of the Zaprozhsky electric machine-building plant "Iskra", but without the function of recording sound tracks. Unfortunately, there is no other information on this model.

Since the beginning of 1988, the children's tape recorder-toy "Druzhok" has been producing the Kamensk-Uralsky PSZ. It is intended for the acquisition by school-age children of skills in handling household equipment, the development of musical abilities and technical knowledge. Allows you to play phonograms recorded on compact cassettes MK-60. The tape recorder has 4 positions of the switch for the type of work: play, fast forward, stop and turn off, as well as flipping the lid and ejecting the cassette. The device operates from the mains through an external power supply unit or from 6 batteries 343. Rated output power is 1 W. Frequency range 200...7000 Hz. Battery life is about 10 hours. Model dimensions 230x225x60 mm. Weight with batteries 1.5 kg. The price is 60 rubles. Housing made of high-impact colored polystyrene. Since 1995, the plant has been producing the Druzhok-M toy tape recorder, however, according to the scheme, design and design, it did not differ from the one described.

The portable cassette player "Kvazar P-405S" since 1988 has been produced by the Leningrad software named after. M.I. Kalinina. ""Kvazar P-405S"" is a wearable stereo cassette player designed to play soundtracks from cassettes MK-60, MK-90 on stereo headphones. Tape rewinding is carried out only in the direction of travel. Battery life is at least 3.5 hours. The player is powered from four A-316 elements or from an external source with a voltage of 4 ... 6 V. The tape advance speed is 4.76 cm / s. Detonation coefficient 0.45%. The range of reproducible frequencies is 63...12500 Hz. Harmonic coefficient 2.5%. Rated output power 5x2 mW. Current consumption up to 150 mA. The dimensions of the player are 144x94x37 mm. Weight not more than 300 gr.

Since 1988, the Saturn-401C active stereo system and tape recorder-player have been produced by the Omsk ETZ named after Karl Marx. The first releases were called "Saturn MS". Stereo system and tape recorder "Saturn-401S" (since 1989 "Saturn P-401S") - a miniature portable, block device, consisting of a tape recorder and an active speaker system with an external power supply. The tape recorder reproduces mono and stereo soundtracks from MK-60 compact cassettes to TDS-13 stereo phones or to AAC. The player has a separate volume control, fast rewinding of the tape in both directions. The player is powered by 6 batteries or from the mains through the power supply when working with AAC. Tape speed 4.76 cm/s. Detonation coefficient 0.5%. Frequency range 63...10000 Hz. The output power of phones is 2.5 mW. The power consumed from a network is 4 W. Player dimensions 138x337x88 mm. Weight 0.5 kg. AAC consists of an amplifier combined with a left channel loudspeaker and a right channel loudspeaker. The complex has a volume control and timbres for bass and treble. Stereo telephones can be connected to the AAC. The power supply of the complex is universal, from elements 343 or from the network through the power supply. Rated output power AAC 2x0.5 W. Electrical range of reproducible frequencies AAS - 80...16000 Hz. The frequency range reproduced by loudspeakers is 120 ... 10000 Hz. Battery life 10 hours. AAC dimensions 342x143x85 mm. Weight 2.2 kg. The plant produced a Saturn-T-201S tuner for the complex, which could replace the tape recorder by pulling it out and inserting the tuner or using it autonomously, receiving VHF stereo programs on stereo phones.

The toy tape recorder "Wave" was produced by the Saratov production association "Korpus" from the 1st quarter of 1989. "Volna" is a modernized version of the "Volna" model produced since 1985. Email In diagrams, it is sometimes referred to as "Volna-M", although the diagrams of both models are the same. The new model is designed to play through the built-in speaker phonograms recorded at a speed of 4.76 cm / s on a magnetic tape placed in an MK cassette in order to organize various games, develop musical abilities, as well as skills in handling complex technical products in children from 8 years old and older. Supply voltage from batteries 6.3 ... 9 V. From an external DC source with a rated load current of at least 0.3 A - 6.3 ... 10 V. Magnetic tape speed 4.76 ± 3% cm / sec. The operating frequency range at the line output is 100...10000 Hz, at the loudspeaker 200...7000 Hz. Rated output power 0.5W. The battery life of the toy tape recorder is at least 10 hours. The dimensions of the toy are 222x205x75 mm. Its weight with batteries and a cassette is 2.2 kg.

The cassette stereo player "Diana P-406S" from the 1st quarter of 1989 was produced by the Kazan NPO "Elecon". Stereo cassette player "Diana P-406S" is designed to play magnetic phonograms placed in MK cassettes. The model has the following functions: playback of mono and stereo phonograms, fast rewinding of the tape, volume control separately for each channel, turning off the engine at the end of the tape in the cassette, listening to phonograms on two pairs of headphones. Rated operating frequency range 63...12500 Hz. Power consumption, when working from the network through a remote PSU 5 watts. Dimensions 170x100x40 mm. Weight 500 gr.

Since 1989, the Duet PM-8401 tape recorder has been produced by the Popov Riga Radio Plant. The cassette recorder-player ""Duet PM-8401"" is designed for individual listening to stereophonic phonograms recorded on MK-60 cassettes on headphones. The kit includes: cassette player, stereo phones, A-343 or A-373 battery case. Controls: playback keys, rewind in both directions, tape type switch; at the end or breakage of the tape, the power is turned off automatically. Frequency response range 40...14000 Hz (Fe2O3); distortion factor 1%; powered by AA batteries or A-343, A-373 through a container; dimensions of the apparatus 140x95x35 mm. Weight 500 gr. The name of the model "Duet" means listening to phonograms on two pairs of phones.

Tiflotechnical cassette player "Legend P-405T" since 1989 has been produced by the Arzamas Instrument-Making Software. A special sound recording two-speed four-track tape recorder designed to play MF2-4 phonograms at a speed of 2.38 cm / s and musical phonograms at a speed of 4.76 cm / s through a LP and a loudspeaker. The model has; volume control, treble tone, tape speed control, headphone jack TM-4, jack for external devices and remote control cord. Powered by 6 elements 343 and from the network through the PSU. Battery life 10 hours. Speed ​​adjustment range 2.38 cm/s 0...50%. Frequency range at speed 2.38 cm/s 125...5000 Hz; 4.76 cm/s 63...10000 Hz. Output power 0.8W. Dimensions 265x175x85 mm. Weight 2.3 kg.

The cassette player "Nerl P-411S" from the I quarter of 1989 was produced by the Vladimir software "TochMash". The stereo cassette player "Nerl P-411S" is designed to play soundtracks from MK cassettes on 2 pairs of small-sized headphones. Power is supplied from four A-316 elements, continuous operation time is up to 10 hours. The player has a socket for connecting an external power supply. The KP has a fast rewind tape in the direction of playback. The range of reproduced sound frequencies is 63...12500 Hz. Output rated power 2x20 mW. Player dimensions - 144x94x37 mm. Weight - 350 gr. The price of the Nerl P-411S player with one pair of head stereo telephones is 120 rubles.

Since 1989, the cassette stereo player "Romance-6601-stereo" has been produced by the Kharkov Instrument-Making Plant named after. T.G. Shevchenko. "Romance-6601" household wearable stereo cassette player. It is intended for playback of phonograms placed in cassettes MK-60, MK-90. The device has the following functions: playback of mono and stereo phonograms, general volume control, listening to phonograms on stereo headphones. The range of reproducible frequencies is 63...12500 Hz. The dimensions of the player are 170x100x40 mm. Weight 500 gr. The player does not have a tape rewind function. A feature of the player is that the main roller and the playback head are located in the top cover.

The children's tape recorder "Junior" from the I quarter of 1989 was produced by the Ryazan Instrument Plant. Children's cassette player "Junior" reproduces soundtracks recorded on cassettes MK-60. The device can be used for experiments in the process of technical creativity of children. LPM in the apparatus was used from the tape recorder "Rus-207-stereo". Powered by six elements of type A-343. Tape advance speed 4.76 cm/s. Rated output power 0.5W. The dimensions of the apparatus are 230x155x60 mm. Its mass is 1.3 kg. The price is 60 rubles. In 1991, the plant began production of the "Junior-M" tape recorder in design similar to that described, but with a recording function.

The stereophonic tape recorder "Amfiton P-401S" has been produced since the beginning of 1990 by the Kamenetz-Podolsky plant "Electropribor". "Amfiton P-401" is a portable unit consisting of MP "Amfiton-P-401S", AAS and BP. In terms of parameters, scheme and design, the apparatus is similar to the Amfiton MS model.

Since the beginning of 1990, the Vega P-410S portable cassette recorder-player has been produced by the Berdsk Vega software. Stereo cassette tape recorder "Vega P-410S" is designed for high-quality playback of phonograms from cassettes of the MK-60 or MK-90 type on small-sized head phones of the "TDS-13-1" type or the like. The tape recorder-player is powered by three elements of the A-316 type, while the time of continuous operation is 7 ... 10 hours or more. The tape recorder has a socket for connecting an external power supply. At the end of the cassette, auto-stop is automatically activated, turning off the "Start" key. Unlike other similar models, in the M-P "Vega P-410S" fast rewinding of the tape is possible in both directions. The speed of the magnetic tape is 4.76 cm/sec. The range of effectively reproduced sound frequencies is 63...12500 Hz. Output rated power 2x20 mW, maximum 2x50 mW. The dimensions of the tape recorder-player are 140x95x38 mm. Weight 320 gr. Retail price - 185 rubles.

Since the beginning of 1990, the Karpaty P-402S cassette recorder-player has been produced by the Ivano-Frankivsk production association Karpaty. MP in design and design is similar to MP "Amfiton P-402S" and was produced to increase the range of products manufactured by software. The MP is intended for listening to phonograms recorded on cassettes MK-60 or MK-90 on stereo headphones or the included amplifying unit with acoustic systems.

Since 1990, the Lota-Stereo cassette recorder-player has been producing the Novopolotsk Izmeritel plant. MP "Lota-Stereo" is intended for stereophonic playback of phonograms recorded on a magnetic tape placed in an MK-60 cassette in order to organize games, develop children's musical abilities, and gain practical skills in handling complex technical products. The toy is intended for children aged 8 and over. The operating frequency range for sound pressure is 100 ... 10000 Hz. Rated output power from batteries 0.3 W, from the mains 0.7 W. The detonation coefficient of the LPM is 0.5%. Dimensions of the player block - 200x110x120 mm, speakers - 120x135x105 mm. Unit weight - 1.8, one AC - 0.6 kg.

Cassette recorder-player "Argo P-401S" from the beginning of 1991 was produced by the Leningrad TsNPO "Leninets". The Argo P-401S stereo cassette recorder-player is designed to play soundtracks recorded on MK-60 cassettes and listen to them through stereo headphones. The performance of the tape recorder is ensured when powered: from the network through the power supply; from a set of batteries D-0.26D. The tape recorder provides: playback and listening to recordings through telephones; rewinding the tape in both directions; separate volume control by channels; battery charge during mains operation. The time of continuous operation from a set of charged batteries is 2.5 hours. Technical characteristics: The power consumed from a network of 3,5 W. Belt speed 4.76 cm/sec. Detonation ±0.6%. The frequency range of reproduction is 63...10000 Hz. Harmonic coefficient 5%. The signal-to-noise ratio in the playback channel is -40 dB. The rewind time of the magnetic tape in the MK-60 cassette is no more than 180 sec. Weight MP with batteries 0.6 kg. PSU weight - 0.3 kg. MP dimensions - 119x138x37 mm, BP - 63x107x85 mm.

Since 1991, the Berestye P-402S cassette recorder-player has been producing the Brest Radio Engineering Plant. Designed for listening to phonograms recorded on MK-60 or MK-90 cassettes on stereo headphones or on the amplifying unit with acoustic systems included in the kit.

The stereo player "Spring P-404S" since the autumn of 1991 has been produced by the Zaporozhye Electric Machine-Building Plant "Iskra". Vesna P-404S is a portable, compact, single speed stereo cassette player. It is intended for playback of mono and stereophonic phonograms recorded on magnetic tape in MK-60 (90) type cassettes. Playback of phonograms is carried out on head stereo phones. Rewind in the direction of the movement of a magnetic tape with fixation. The player can be used in any conditions, including while driving. The player's operating time from a set of fresh batteries (2 AA cells) is at least 6 hours. The speed of the magnetic tape is 4.76 cm/sec. The detonation coefficient of the LPM is 0.5%. The operating range of audio frequencies at the output for stereo telephones is 63...12500 Hz. Harmonic coefficient no more than 2.5%. Rated output power 2x5 mW. The current consumption is not more than 120 mA. The dimensions of the player are 154x90x38. Weight without batteries ~ 300 grams.

Since 1991, the Debut portable cassette recorder has been produced by the Kostroma Electromechanical Plant. It is designed to play phonograms from "MK-60" cassettes. The model provides the following operational conveniences: rewinding the tape forward, stopping the movement of the tape, ejecting the cassette, separate volume control for each channel. It is possible to listen to phonograms through stereo phones. There is an electronic stereo expansion device. Tape speed 4.76 cm/s; detonation coefficient of CVL ± 0.5%; the range of reproducible sound frequencies on the LV - 63 ... 12500 Hz; reproduced by loudspeakers - 150...7000 Hz; rated output power 2x0.75 W, maximum 2x1.5 W; model dimensions 342x116x89 mm, weight with batteries 1.85 kg. The price is 110 rubles. Later, probably since 1993, the power button was moved to the common LPM keys and an LED power indicator appeared.

Since 1991, the Sanda P-401S cassette recorder-player has been producing the Mari Machine-Building Plant. "Sanda P-401S" is a wearable stereo tape recorder-player with a supply voltage of 3 V. It allows you to listen to phonograms on cassettes of the MK-60 type, with the connection of 2 pairs of stereo telephones. MP can be connected to the amplifier of any radio device. The MP is powered by an independent power source (two A-316 elements), or from the mains, through a power supply unit with an output voltage of 3 V and a current of 0.6 A, which is included in the kit. The operating time from one fresh set of elements is at least 3 hours. The main characteristics of the MP: Tape pulling speed 4.76 cm / s; reproducible frequency range 63...10000 Hz; detonation coefficient no more than ± 0.4%; THD 1%; external dimensions MP -150x107x38 mm; weight 150 g.

The Yauza P-401S stereo cassette player has been produced since the 1st quarter of 1991 by the Moscow Electromechanical Plant No. 1. It is designed to play magnetic phonograms through external active speakers. In addition, the player provides rewinding the tape in both directions and the "rollback" mode, which is convenient when transcribing dictaphone records. The joint venture has the ability to remove the cassette without pressing the "stop" button while maintaining the operating mode, light indication of the operating mode, illumination of the cassette receiver, volume control in each channel. In addition, electronic pseudo-sensor control of the LPM operating modes from a wired remote control is provided. The SP can be powered by internal and external power. Detonation coefficient ±0.3%. Frequency range on LV 63 ... 12000 Hz, AC 315 ... 10000 Hz. Maximum output power 2x1 W. The power consumed from a network is 20 W. Joint venture dimensions - 140x114x150 mm, weight 2 kg.

The cassette stereophonic tape recorder "Vega P-420S" has been produced by Berdsk software "Vega" since the 1st quarter of 1992. MP is intended for playback of phonograms from cassettes MK-60 or MK-90 on small-sized head phones. Powered by two A-316 cells. The MP has a socket for external power supply. At the end of the tape and an attempt to clamp, an auto-stop with the "antirolling" function is activated, turning off the "Start" key. Rewinding is performed in both directions. Belt speed 4.76 cm/sec. The range of reproducible frequencies is 63...10000 Hz. Rated output power 2x50 mW. Dimensions 130x90x38 mm. Weight 300 gr.

The portable cassette player "Spring P-401C" has been produced by the Zaporizhia plant of tape recorders since I quarter of 1992. The MP is intended for playback of mono and stereo phonograms recorded on magnetic tape in MK-60 cassettes. Playback of phonograms is carried out on head stereo telephones. The tape rewinds in the direction of travel. The operating time of the player from a set of fresh batteries (2 pcs. AA) is at least 6 hours. Tape speed 4.76 cm/sec. Detonation coefficient 0.5%. The operating range of audio frequencies at the output of stereo telephones is 63 ... 12500 Hz. Harmonic coefficient 2.5%. Rated output power 2x5 mW. The current consumption is not more than 120 mA. The dimensions of the player are 154x90x38. Weight without batteries 300 grams.

The Berestye RM-304S stereo cassette recorder has been presumably produced by the Brest Radio Engineering Plant since 1993. Designed for listening to phonograms recorded on MK-60 or MK-90 cassettes and radio stations in the VHF (mono) range on stereo headphones or on the unit with speaker systems included in the kit. The photo does not show the cover that closes the cassette. Previously, when equipment broke down, they most often looked for a craftsman to repair, now there is an Honor Service Center, which will perfectly cope with the repair of these popular smartphones.

Since 1993, the Arzamas Instrument-Making Software has produced the Tiflotechnical cassette tape recorder "Legend P-305T". "Legend P-305T" is a special typhlotechnical (for the blind) cassette, two-speed, four-track monophonic tape recorder designed to play magnetic phonograms MF2-4 (talking book) at a speed of 2.38 cm / s and musical phonograms at a speed of 4, 76 cm/s via line out or loudspeaker. The tape recorder has a built-in VHF-FM radio receiver. There is no other information on the device.

Since 2000, the cassette player with a radio receiver "Russia KP-708" has been produced by the Chelyabinsk Radio Plant "Polet". The player is designed to receive radio stations in the VHF range and to play stereophonic sound tracks using MEK1 and MEK2 magnetic tapes in MK-60 or MK-90 cassettes. Listening is carried out on stereo ear or head phones. The player is powered by two A316 elements or from an external 3 V direct current source or from an alternating current mains through the BPS-3/0.25 remote power supply included in the kit. ©

In the 1980s, a tape recorder was the main attribute of a tough guy who could easily throw a party or take equipment with him on a camping trip. With the “cassette player” you could go out into the yard or take a walk with friends around the area. “The cassette player” was the dream of all the boys of those years ...

The tape recorder was the most important part of the non-state culture and non-state economy of the Soviet Union. The state culture was heard through radio stations, TV sets "Record" and electrophones "Aurora".
The tape recorder, thanks to the possibility of re-recording, distributed what was not released on records and did not sound on TV - from Vysotsky with Galich to Arkady Severny and Pink Floyd, covering the entire spectrum of music not covered by Melodiya.
Household appliances were expensive. Not cheap - to put it mildly. The average Soviet family was preparing to buy a cassette recorder with no less trepidation than, say, to the birth of their first child.

Money for a shabby cassette recorder was set aside for months, during which all family members, without exception, were engaged in a painful and painful process, which I once designated with the strange word “watching”. This process boiled down to regular visits to stores with radio products.
Although, the process is a bit of a wrong word that defines all the action that unfolded in these stores. If you think about it, it was much easier for buyers of those years to make the right choice - the number of products offered at the same time never even reached a dozen.
Nevertheless, in the trading floors of the stores, one could always and at any time meet a crowd of sullen men who crowded around the counter, silently looking at the angular radios, massive record players and cassette decks.

As a rule, each of the men was mentally aimed at one or another product, which he came to look at every day. The whole process took 10-15 minutes, after which one "like a buyer" was replaced by another. People came and went, but the crowd of curious people almost never thinned out.
The seller, of course, dominated this exhibition of unfulfilled desires. Salesmen in the radio shops of those years were quite an interesting type: dressed in the latest fashion in hundred-ruble imported jeans, they radiated around them a charge of grandeur, originality and awareness of their own superiority over mere mortals.
Paying no attention to the "stayers", the seller majestically looked through the crowd, looking at fragments of trolleybuses, bread vans and panel trucks, barely visible over people's heads, rhythmically making their way along the city streets.

Of course, this was not always the case. Occasionally, yesterday’s “stayer” opened the doors of the store, and he did this not cautiously ingratiating, as usual, but in a businesslike way, confidently and proudly looking at those around him. And immediately everyone around realized that this person would certainly buy something now ...

Portable cassette monophonic tape recorder of the third class "Electronics-302"
Tape recorder "Electronics-302" produced until 1984. The main factory that produced this model is the Moscow "TochMash", the "Electronics-302" tape recorder is designed to record and play sound on a magnetic tape 3.81 mm wide placed in an MK-60 cassette.
It was developed on the basis of the unified model "Electronics-301" differing from it in the use of a new dynamic head 1GD-40 instead of 0.5GD-30, volume and tone sliders, and a more modern appearance. Due to complaints from the warranty workshops about the poor quality of the sliders, they were soon replaced with regular angle ones.
The tape recorder has undergone many changes in the electrical circuit over the years of production, transistors and a microcircuit were installed in the output stage of the amplifier, the entire circuit was corrected.

Portable cassette recorders "Electronics-321" and "Electronics-322.
Tape recorders are developed on the basis of the tape drive mechanism of the Vesna-305 apparatus. In the new tape recorders, the clutch drive of the receiving unit has been modernized, guide racks for small-sized cassettes and clamps for the block of magnetic heads in the vertical direction have been installed.
The tape recorder of the "321" series uses a built-in electronic microphone, manual and automatic adjustment of the recording level, thinly compensated volume control, a loudspeaker of the 1GD-40 type.

Cassette tape recorders "Electronics-323/1" and "Electronics-324/1".
Novovoronezh plant Aliot. Models 1981 and 1987
Household wearable cassette monophonic tape recorders "Electronics-323" and "Electronics-324""- are intended for recording and playback of sound phonograms in any conditions. Built-in mains power supply, autonomous power supply from batteries or car battery makes tape recorders universal in use. Of the service amenities, the models have ARUZ and a signal output.
According to the electrical circuit and the general design, the devices are the same, the only difference is the absence of a built-in microphone in the Elektronika-324 tape recorder.

Portable tape recorder "Electronics-211 stereo".
Novovoronezh plant "Aliot". Release since 1983.
Portable stereo cassette tape recorder ""Electronics-211 stereo"" designed to record or play sound programs from a microphone, receiver, pickup, TV or other tape recorder.
It provides for manual and automatic adjustment of the recording level, there is an auto-stop, a noise reduction device, separate tone controls, a line counter
you, two built-in microphones.

Tape recorder "Electronics-311-C"
Novovoronezh plant "Aliot" - Issue since 1977
Tape recorder "Electronics-311-S" provides tone control for high and low frequencies, automatic and manual control of the recording level of all inputs, a temporary pause in the movement of the tape, erasing the recording, the possibility of visual and sound control of the recorded signal.
For high-quality listening and expanding the stereo base, the device is equipped with two external speaker systems. The tape recorder was produced in four configurations: 1. With a power supply and a microphone. 2. Without PSU and microphone. 3. With a microphone but without a power supply. 4. Without PSU and microphone. In configuration No. 1, the price of the tape recorder "Electronics-311C" is 289 rubles.

Portable cassette recorder "Spring-202"
Zaporozhye Electric Machine Building Plant Iskra. Serial production of the model began in 1977.
Second class cassette monophonic tape recorder" "Spring-202"" (UNM-12) unlike the produced cassette tape recorders of the second and third classes, it has an increased output power of a low-frequency amplifier, a noise reduction system, manual and automatic adjustment of the sound recording level.
Price - 200 rubles.

Cassette stereo tape recorder "Spring-201-stereo".
Zaporozhye EMZ Iskra. Model release since 1977.
Record player "Spring-201-stereo" works on its own loudspeaker as mono, and on external speakers as stereo. The band of reproducible sound frequencies on remote speakers is 63 ... 10000 Hz. The rated output power of the amplifiers for its own speakers is 0.8 W, for remote speakers 2x3 W.
On the eve of the 1980 Olympic Games, from the beginning of 1978, the attribute "Olympic" was added to the name of the tape recorder. Accordingly, the cost of the tape recorder also increased. Until 1978, the plastic case of the tape recorder on the sides and back up was pasted over with a decorative film under the tree, and since 1978 it began to be produced only in plastic, with the addition of aluminum design.

Portable cassette recorder "Spring-202-1"
Zaporozhye Electric Machine Building Plant Iskra. The production of the tape recorder began in 1983.
Cassette monophonic tape recorder "Spring-202-1" type UNM-12 has increased output power, noise reduction system, manual and automatic adjustment of the recording level. Level control is carried out by a pointer indicator, and the consumption of a magnetic tape by a three-decade mechanical counter.
The operating audio frequency range of the tape recorder is 63 ... 12500 Hz. The tape recorder is powered by 6 elements 373.
The price is 195 rubles.

Portable cassette tape recorder of the 2nd class "Spring-207-stereo"
Zaporozhye Electric Machine Building Plant Iskra. Issue. 1982
The tape recorder has a switchable noise reduction system, automatic transfer of the LPM to stop mode when the power is turned off and at the end of the tape in the cassette or due to a cassette malfunction.
Automatic level adjustment during recording is provided. There are indicators of peak overloads, an electret microphone, a magnetic tape consumption meter with a memory device, and a magnetic tape type switch.
The device is powered by 6 batteries 373, 7 - A-343 or from a 220-volt network. through the built-in rectifier.

Cassette stereo tape recorder of the second class "Spring-211-stereo". Zaporozhye Electric Machine Building Plant Iskra. Release since 1978.
A tape recorder similar in appearance, design and parameters under the brand name "Russia-211-stereo", has been producing since 1979 the Chelyabinsk software - "" Flight "".
The tape recorder was developed on the basis of the "Spring-201-stereo" model and differs from it in its external design and the presence of such operational amenities as; full hitchhiking, as well as recording level control by peak indicators, on LEDs. There is a noise reduction device and a tape consumption counter.
The tape recorder can work on the built-in loudspeaker "2GD-40" or on external loudspeakers "6AC-503", each of them has 2 heads of the 4GD-35 type. Power supply from the mains or from eight cells 373.

Portable cassette recorder "Spring M-212 S-4"
The issue has been established since 1989 by the Zaporozhye plant of tape recorders Vesna and the Iskra electric machine building plant.
The tape recorder was also called "Vesna-212-4S" and "Vesna-212 S-4". It allows you to record on magnetic tape and play through the built-in speaker music and speech programs from various sources of sound programs.
It has an auto-stop at the end of the tape in the cassette or its jamming, control of the recording level by pointer and peak indicators, control of the supply voltage by a pointer indicator, a switchable ARUZ system, there is a tape type switch, a three-decade tape consumption counter in the cassette, with a device memory, a switchable noise reduction system and a stereo expansion device that improves sound quality. The tape recorder is powered by a network or 8 elements 373.
Price 365 rubles.

Cassette stereo tape recorder "IZH-303-stereo"
Izhevsk Motor Plant (Aksion JSC). Release since 1986.
In a tape recorder "IZH-303-stereo" there are manual and automatic adjustment of the recording level, auto-stop when the tape breaks and ends in the cassette, there is a tape consumption counter with a memory device, pointer indicators of the recording level, a noise reduction system.
You can connect external speakers and headphones TDS-9, TDS-6 to the device. Universal power supply: from 6 A343 Salyut-1 elements or from the mains. Rated output power - 2х1 W. The operating range of sound frequencies is 63 ... 10000 Hz.
Price 285 rubles.

Portable cassette recorder at the p / p "Elegy-301"
Voronezh Plant Electrical Appliance. Release since 1986.
In a tape recorder "Elegy-301" there is a built-in electret microphone, an ARUZ system, a switchable noise reduction system, tone controls for low and high frequencies.
According to the same electrical circuit and design, but with a slightly different design of the front panel, different factories in the country produced tape recorders of the Agidel-301 and Legend-301 brands.
The price of the "Elegy-301" model is 184 rubles.

Portable cassette recorder "Tom-303"
Tomsk Radio Engineering Plant. Serial production since 1982.
In a tape recorder "Tom-303" a switchable noise reduction device is provided, which allows you to reduce the level of noise during playback.
Tape recorder "Tom-303" allows you to record and playback while moving when carrying and during transportation. This ensures that the main electrical parameters and sound quality are preserved.
The tape recorder is powered from the mains, through the built-in power supply unit or from batteries. Since 1985, the plant has been producing the Tom M-303 tape recorder with a different design of the front panel and a wide range of colors in the case.

Cassette recorder "Belarus-301"
Record player "Belarus-301" allows you to record phonograms from a microphone, from a receiver, TV, broadcast line, pickup, electric player or other tape recorder. The recording level is controlled by a dial indicator.
An external amplifier with a speaker system or a small speaker system with an impedance of about 4 ohms can be connected to the tape recorder.
The range of recorded and reproduced frequencies is 63...10000 Hz. Rated output power when working on an external loudspeaker - 0.8 W. Duration of work from a set of elements - 15 hours. The power consumed from a network is 5 W.

Portable cassette recorder "Karpaty-202-1"
Carpathian Radio Plant. Software "Karpaty". Ivano-Frankivsk Production of a tape recorder has been established since 1977
Class 2 mono cassette tape recorder "Karpaty-202-1" (UNM-12) was produced simultaneously with the "Spring-202-1" model and according to its electrical circuit and design, nothing from
it is no different.
In turn, both tape recorders are a modernization of the tape recorders "Spring-202" and "Karpaty-202" differing from them in another only by a loudspeaker grille and minor changes in the electrical circuit. The audio frequency range of the tape recorder at the line output is from 63 to 10,000 Hz, and those reproduced by the loudspeaker are 100 ... 10,000 Hz.
The tape recorder is powered by six elements 373. The rated output power of the amplifier is 1 W, the maximum is 2 W.
The price is 200 rubles.

Portable cassette recorder "Karpaty-205-1"
Carpathian Radio Plant. Production since 1987.
The tape recorder was produced on the basis of the model - "Spring-205-1" and, behind minor changes in the circuit, it is completely similar to it.

Cassette tape recorder "Sail-201-stereo"
Saratov plant "Znamya Truda". Production started in 1983.
Record player "Sail-201-stereo" has the following functions: recording and listening to stereo and mono programs through an external amplifier in stereo and mono modes, or through the built-in control speaker in mono mode; the ability to connect stereo phones and an external loudspeaker or speakers; built-in noise suppressor; autostop of all modes; three-decade tape consumption counter.
The tape recorder has a universal power supply: from a 220 volt network through a built-in power supply, from an external 12 volt DC source or from 8 A-343 elements. Frequency range: 40...14000 Hz; Maximum amplifier output power 2.5 W:

Cassette stereo tape recorder - "Sail M-213S". Saratov plant "Znamya Truda". Production since 1991.
Record player "Sail M-213S" can work in a stand-alone version as a monophonic for playback of phonograms through its own built-in speakers, or as a stationary version as a stereo with two speakers. The range of recorded and reproduced sound frequencies on chromium oxide magnetic tape is not less than 63...14000 Hz.
Rated output power for own speakers 1 W, for remote speakers 2x1 W, maximum output power 2x3 W.

Portable cassette recorder "Proton-401", "Proton-402" and "Proton-402MT". Kharkov radio plant "Proton" Production since 1980.
In a tape recorder "Proton-401", "Proton-402" and "Proton-402MT" ARUZ, hitchhiking at the end of the tape in the cassette, an arrow indicator of the recording level and a built-in microphone are provided. Powered by 6 A-373 elements and the network, in this case, the output power is doubled.
The device has an automatic recording level system, tape type switch, high-frequency tone control. The range of operating audio frequencies at the line output is 40 ... 12500 Hz, at the loudspeaker 200 ... 7000 Hz. Rated output power - 1.2 W.
Since the beginning of 1985, on the basis of this tape recorder, a two-speed, four-track tape recorder of the "Proton-402MT" type has been produced. It is designed to play "Talking Book" phonograms for people with vision loss. The electrical circuit and design of the model, except for the track switch and the second speed - 2.38 cm / s - are similar.

Tape recorder "Proton M-412"
Kharkov radio plant Proton. Release of MG since 1988.
Class 4 portable cassette recorder "Proton M-412" assembled on transistors and microcircuits. It is intended for recording or playback of phonograms on A-4207-3B magnetic tape or similar in standard MK-60 cassettes. The number of recording tracks is 2.
The range of sound frequencies effectively recorded and reproduced through the LV is 63-10000 Hz, the frequency range reproduced by the internal loudspeaker 1GDSh-3 is 150 ... 7000 Hz. Power is universal, from a 220 volt network or from 4 A343 elements. Rated output power 0.5W. The power consumed from the network is 8 watts.
The price of the model is 125 rubles.

Portable cassette transistor tape recorder class 4 - "Legend-404" Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant named after. 50th anniversary of the USSR. Issue 1981
"Legend-404"- Class IV portable cassette recorder with universal power supply. The tape recorder can be used as a voice recorder. The range of recorded and reproduced sound frequencies at a higher speed is 63 ... 10000 Hz, and at a lower speed 80 ... 3150 Hz. Voltage supply 9 volts from 6 A-343 batteries or from the mains through a separate power supply.
Rated output power of the amplifier - 0.5 W, maximum 0.8 W. The tape recorder has a built-in electret microphone, ARUZ system, connectors for installing a special radio cassette operating in the range of only LW or only SV and allowing you to turn the tape recorder into a radio tape recorder.
Since 1989, the tape recorder has been produced under the name "Legend M-404". In general, the model was a long-liver, the release of the tape recorder was completed in March 1994.
The price of the tape recorder "Legend M-404" is 139 rubles.

Portable cassette stereo tape recorders "Spring M-310S", "Rus M-310S", "Rus M-310-1S", "Spring M-310S1"
Zaporozhye plant Iskra ("Spring M-310S", "Spring M-310S-1")
Ryazan Instrument Plant (Rus M-310S", "Rus M-310-1S")
Release of models "M-310S" since 1987, "M-310S-1" since 1990.
All tape recorders have the same design and are built on the basis of the " "Spring-310-stereo"". The difference is in the external design and minor changes in the electrical circuit.
The tape recorder has the ability to: automatically stop the operation of the tape recorder when the magnetic tape in the cassette ends or the cassette malfunctions; automatic recording level adjustment; recording level control by peak indicators on LEDs; stereo balance adjustments; separate tone control for higher and lower frequencies; use of two types of magnetic tapes; automatic changeover of tape type.
The noise reduction system reduces the level of interference during playback. Nutrition; from 6 elements 343 or from the AC network through a remote PSU. The body of the tape recorder is made of high-impact polystyrene. Included are 2 cassettes of the "MK-60" type.

Portable cassette recorder "Rus-207-stereo"
Ryazan State Instrument Plant. Serial production of the apparatus began in 1985.
Cassette recorder "Rus-207-stereo", was produced on the basis of the "Spring-207stereo" model of 1982. Different plants of the USSR, according to the same design and electrical circuit then
similar cassette recorders were produced with the names:
"Tarnair-207-stereo" and "Rhythm-203-stereo".
Playback in mono mode through the built-in speakers, in stereo mode - through an external UKU and remote speakers. The operating frequency range at the line output is 40 ... 14000 Hz, when using a magnetic tape - A-4312-3B. Rated output power of own speaker 1 W, maximum 2 W.
Retail price 265 rubles

Cassette tape recorder "Sonata-211"
Velikolukskoe Software Radiopribor. Issue 1980.
The model has ARUZ and separate treble and bass tone controls, a tape consumption counter, a recording level indicator
and power status, built-in electret microphone, pause mode. For the first time in domestic tape recorders of this class, a tape-type switch was used; it is possible to record on a chromium dioxide tape. The tape recorder is equipped with a retractable carrying handle.
The loudspeaker 2GD-40 is installed in the speaker of the model. An external speaker with a resistance of 4 ohms can be connected to the device. Power is supplied from the mains, through a built-in stabilized power supply unit or from batteries.
Rated output power - 0.7 W, when working from a network or from an auto-battery 1.5 W. The operating frequency range at the linear output is 63..12500 Hz, while recording on a chromium dioxide tape 63...14000 Hz. The frequency range reproduced through the loudspeaker is 100 ... 10000 Hz. The power consumed from a network is 10 W.
The price is 260 rubles.

Portable cassette stereo tape recorder-prefix "Sonata MP-213S". Velikolukskoe Software Radiopribor. The release of the tape recorder-set-top box began in 1989.
Stereo to line out "Sonata MP-213S" designed for recording and playback of stereo and monophonic phonograms. In stand-alone mode, the model works on the built-in loudspeaker as monophonic, and when connected to stereo phones or a stereo amplifier with speakers, as stereo.
The tape recorder is powered by six A-343 elements, or from the mains, through the built-in power supply. The first releases of tape recorders were referred to as - "Sonata-213-stereo"

Cassette portable monophonic tape recorder - "Romantic-306"
Gorky plant named after Petrovsky. Model production since 1979.
The model was produced for a short time by the Petropavlovsk Plant. Kirov but without the "M" index. The carrying handle was either rigid, made of duralumin and plastic, or similar to a shoulder strap.
The operating frequency range at the line output is 63...10000 Hz, loudspeaker - 100...10000 Hz. Rated output power 0.5 W, maximum, when working from the mains 4 W.
In 1985, the Petrovsky plant began production of a modernized model - "Romantic M-306-2"

For the first time, the audio cassette standard appeared in the world in 1963 in Japan, then in the USA and Europe.

The first stray tape recorders with audio cassettes appeared in the USSR in the mid-60s, as a foreign curiosity.

With the establishment of the production of domestic audio equipment, Soviet audio cassettes appeared by the end of the 60s, but until the end of the 80s it was problematic to buy an “imported” tape cassette in the USSR, but still possible.

The production of Soviet cassettes began simultaneously with the release of cassette tape recorders, according to historical data in 1967.

The Kharkov plant "Proton" produced the first Soviet tape recorder in 1967, and then the domestic cassette player officially rolled off the assembly line of this plant in 1969 and was called "Desna".

The cassette was intended for audio recording and was called a "small-sized cassette", with a playing time of 40 minutes and a cost of 4 rubles 50 kopecks.

All Soviet audio cassettes had the designation MK (Tape Cassette) and indicated the playing time and modification number, for example MK-60-1 or MK-60-2.

With musical recordings, tape cassettes in the USSR were produced at the All-Union Recording Studio "Melody" and also in the former Soviet republics of the Baltic states.
Raw materials, that is, tape for Soviet audio cassettes, were purchased from Eastern European countries, including the GDR.

In the USSR, for many years we did not have the opportunity to make high-quality recordings on domestic tape cassettes until the early 80s. Although stereo cassettes had already been produced in the USSR since the beginning of the 70s, they were in great demand.

In addition, stereo cassettes and audio cassettes for them in the USSR were of poor quality. It was possible to purchase imported products in the stores of Vneshposyltorg and in commission shops, as well as from the hands of the "farmers", but these were very non-budgetary expenses that not every honest citizen of the USSR could afford.

For the first time, imported audio cassettes were “thrown out” on Soviet shelves in the 80th year in the year of the Olympics. Their price was more than twice the cost of a Soviet audio cassette.

For example, a SONY audio cassette was sold for 9 rubles. But then, according to eyewitnesses, they were “swept away” from the shelves by lovers of good music and, of course, “farmers”, holding the goods, they managed to sell it even more expensive a little later.

The boom of tape cassettes in the USSR fell on the 80s-90s, when the duplication of pirated audio products brought huge income, much more than that of the domestic publishing show business.

The sale was carried out in all cooperative stores, stalls, and railway stations. CD media, which appeared at the end of the USSR in the early 90s, at first could not compete with the huge number of sold-out audio cassettes.

Cassettes have not disappeared as a class even today, many still carefully store their audio recordings of the “post-Soviet” time, being able to play them in old audio tape recorders and even radio tape recorders in cars of the past generation.

Victoria Maltseva

In those days, cassettes were very popular, although not everyone had high-end cassette decks. For many, this format is associated with simple portable tape recorders of domestic production, on which they first heard Boney M, Arabesque and Modern Talking copied from a friend. However, these tape recorders are almost 40 years old, what is such a primitive technique capable of after so much time? Will it fall apart in your hands or will it still play, “like then”?

A small historical digression and technical characteristics

Cassette tape recorders "Electronics-302 / 302-1 / 302-2 / 302-2M / 302-3" were produced, respectively, from 1974, 1984, 1988, 1989 and 1990 by the Zelenograd plant "Tochmash", the Chisinau plant "Mezon" and Stavropol plant of radio components in the city of Izobilny.

Tape recorder "Electronics-302" is designed to record and play sound on magnetic tape in an MK-60 cassette. It was developed on the basis of the unified model "Electronics-301", differing from it in the use of a 1GD-40 loudspeaker instead of 0.5GD-30, slide and angular volume and tone controls, and a more modern appearance. Rated output power - 0.8 W, operating frequency range 63 ... 10,000 Hz.

Power supply from 6 A-373 elements or from 6 A-343 (in a cassette), and through a power supply unit inserted into the battery compartment and from the AC mains. Model dimensions 315x225x90 mm, weight - 3.5 kg.

Due to the claims of the warranty workshops for the poor quality of the sliders, the production of such models was discontinued. The tape recorder has undergone several upgrades over the 20-year production: transistors and a microcircuit were installed in the UZCH, domestic and imported engines were used in the LPM, the design changed. Sometimes tape recorders with different indices were released at the same time ...

Let's take a closer look

On the review, we have an early version of the tape recorder, the year of manufacture is the 77th, on the front panel there are inscriptions in English. Termination on germanium transistors GT403B, the whole circuit is made on loose. The motor is Japanese, with an external speed stabilization board.

I bought a copy, of course, on Avito, but here is an important clarification: given that the prices for such in good external and serviceable internal condition (as some write - after prevention) can easily reach the price for a pair of "S90", it was decided to buy a non-working or semi-working the device and put it in order, if only externally it was more or less complete and complete, the buttons would shine like new, and the design would be the most classic. Later revisions with a flimsy lid and a round cutout for the speaker are not suitable.

All main controls are located on the front panel; below the cassette compartment there is a hole for adjusting the head azimuth, which, although it looks a little collective farm, but, it seems to me, is necessary for this unit (especially when playing good recordings made on serious equipment).

Rewinds, surprisingly, are fixed - apparently, this refinement also remained from one of the previous owners. In general, a nice bonus, the main thing is to press the "stop" button in time, otherwise the new rubber can become unusable very quickly, since no hitchhiking is provided here.

There are four SG-5 connectors on the side: they are used for recording from external sources, connecting a microphone, outputting sound to an external speaker system, as well as for line-out and for recording to another tape recorder.

The 220 V power supply is a black brick that is inserted into the battery compartment instead of batteries. To connect to the tape recorder, a separate pair of terminals is used.

Complete power supply and the minimum required supply of rechargeable batteries, for using the tape recorder far from the outlet

On the back of the case there is a ledge for large "D" type batteries (also known as 373), in this revision of the tape recorder they are connected in series and installed directly into the case. In later versions, there was no longer a protrusion, and the batteries were placed in a separate unit, which had similar dimensions to the power supply of the tape recorder, and the batteries had a smaller form factor - type "C" (then known as the 343 battery).

Restoration work

A cursory inspection revealed a number of faults in the specimen found. The tape recorder gave signs of life, the background and engine noise were heard from the speaker, but neither the capstan nor the receiving unit was spinning. But replacing the belt is probably the most banal malfunction, and by no means the most important one. Its previous owner, far from electronics and radio engineering, bought it and another tape recorder from his hands. For the restoration of that he paid a certain amount of money, but before that, as they say, his hands did not reach. Well, nothing, such a valuable artifact will never be superfluous, and the hands of someone else will reach it.

Later, upon a detailed examination, in place of the belt, the hardened remains of an elastic band for banknotes were found. After replacing the belt, the pull somehow spun, but here's the trouble - instead of the sound from the cassette, nothing was heard except for the buzz of the engine. We try to send a signal to the line input and hold down the P2K switch, and ... lo and behold! The signal appeared, albeit relatively quiet.

Tape drive with a new belt

By dialing the board, we find at best three dead electrolytic capacitors, but in order not to climb several times, we rewrite the denominations on a piece of paper and change everything in a circle. Here is an important clarification: I highly do not recommend installing Chinese capacitors of especially small capacity, especially separating ones in a universal amplifier. I ran out of normal ones of the required denomination, I put several of them. There were certain questions about the sound, but after replacing this misunderstanding with Nichicon and Jamicon, all questions disappeared - the sound improved noticeably.

Payment after electrolyte replacement

And at the same time we will put a new universal head, since there are many of them, and the price is cheap. I installed a mono head with the proud inscription "JVC Japan", although I have some doubts about its Japanese origin. For a product of this class, I think it’s not critical, it will be better than what was originally there.

We solder everything that was badly soldered, and these are at least some wires going to the side connectors and holding on, as they say, “on snot”, the contact of which disappeared due to the slightest change in their position, and one trimmer, who, apparently, already unsuccessfully someone tried to solder. We clean and lubricate all switches and potentiometers, just in case. Until I wiped the MP1-1 with alcohol, it all didn’t want to work normally.

About mechanics. At first I tried to build an elastic band for the winding unit from sanitary pads, but due to their poor quality I had to abandon this idea. I ordered an idler from Gennady from the forum "Radio engineering of the 20th century", dimensions: D 25.5 mm d 20.5 mm h 1.5 mm D1 24.5 mm d1 19.5 mm. The sizes are very close to what they were originally here, the only thing is that it is put on a little tight, and it would be nice to check later that the rubber sat down evenly, and before all this, wipe the stretch from the old rubber. I didn’t change the idlers for rewinding, it winds very briskly without that.

Be sure to lubricate all the necessary parts of the broach, as shown in the diagram, and in particular the outer metal part of the take-up unit, which is in contact with the rubber idler. If this is not done, not only will the winding unit creak great, but also the winding will be very brutal, and as a result - detonation. Well, if you're "lucky" it can stretch some cassette in the process. I used SI-180 silicone grease, you don’t need a lot of it, just a couple of drops on the rubbing parts, a little more on the winding unit.

The belt can be bought at the Quartz Store, but the quality of their belts does not suit me at all - no matter how you adjust the stretch, how you twist the trimmer, the detonation does not decrease. I took about five pieces, probably, and none of them fit normally, all were kind of crooked. But the counter belt from the pioneer cassette deck ideally fit, and the dimensions are suitable (105 x 1.2 x 1.2 mm).

An equally important part is the pressure roller: it also had to be replaced, in my device it became hardened and became oval instead of a round one. With such normal characteristics it is impossible to achieve, I got out by replacing it with roller No. 53 from the Quartz Store, No. 54 should also come up.

After that, we tune the speed of the tape along the test cassette with a frequency of 3150 Hz. An important clarification: the test cassette should not be too tight, Japanese cassettes of those years will work well, some cheap normal. It is also important to pay attention to the spring of the winding unit, it should be tightened, but not very tight. I got a peak of no more than 0.35% detonation, which is very good for this broach.
After all these machinations, the tape recorder began to emit something similar to a sound. Half a turn with a screwdriver on the azimuth adjustment screw of the head, and high frequencies appear. The device sounded - you can use it for its intended purpose.

Device in operation

After pressing the "start" key, the device starts playing, a warm, albeit a little harsh, sound of germanium transistors flows from the speaker. But what more could you want from a speaker that was built into the Rubin Soviet TVs and a host of other small-sized equipment? However, about the sound - in the next section.

After restoration work, there are no complaints about the performance of the tape recorder, the design, albeit very primitive, but extremely maintainable, if the hands grow from the right place. The main thing is not to accidentally tear off all these thin wires, and if they have already come off, solder them back. Regarding the mechanical part, with the correct settings and the absence of factory defects, he did not even try to chew a single cassette (of course, with such a winding and new rubber). And this is even when testing on the street, on the go, with a certain number of sudden movements during work. So the rumors that this tape recorder chews cassettes are more of a myth, nothing more. Another thing is that even in the work of such a primitive tape drive it is necessary to understand and configure it humanly, and the rubber for such a long period of time will definitely require replacement.

Operating time from six elements of type "D" is about 15 hours. I note that I used rechargeable GP batteries with a capacity of 2200 mAh each. The tape recorder continues to work normally until the EMF of the power sources drops from nine volts to six, then (after 15 hours of operation), playing a little quieter with increased detonation, and in the process and at a lower than necessary speed of the tape, it will somehow publish some sounds. In other words, batteries eat mercilessly, especially in comparison with higher-class Japanese devices, but there the circuitry is of a completely different level.
The dimensions and weight of the tape recorder are relatively small, due to this it is very convenient to carry it along the street, on a half-bent left arm, with the right one, switching modes and adjusting the volume level.


Listening to such a product near a large stereo system is not recommended: in addition to sharply negative impressions, there may not be any at all. So we pull out the mafon on a bench in the yard and take a friend and a couple of bottles of beer with us.

Collections of the eighties, classic rock (the main thing is not heavy metal, it mixes into porridge here), the Gaza Strip group, Soviet VIA and pop music can work well. Such performers as Arabesque, Boney M, Sandra, Modern Talking, Cheerful Guys, Forum, Mirage are required to listen.

The sound of this tape recorder in the background in the yard, or far from a large system as a whole, does not cause disgust, if you do not unscrew the volume knob more than normal. The sounds of this tape recorder, despite one speaker with a power of one watt, can produce quite loud sounds, and within a small room, the ear will be cut by a harsh flow of music and low detail.

However, given that this is a simple monophonic tape recorder, high detail is not required from it. Its main advantages are, like “then”, the ability to take with you to barbecues, booze parties, walk along the street, so that at the same time “those” well-known melodies can be heard for some distance.

And with this task, it seems to me, the tape recorder copes quite well. Compared to today's portable speakers, it looks unusual, at least you can put a cassette in it (even the second type - it will have more high frequencies). And its sound is much more emotional and lively than from a piece of plastic with 10 tiny Chinese speakers installed in it.


"Electronics 302" is a well-known, cult tape recorder of the Soviet era. Its sound is quite suitable for a wearable monophonic tape recorder, it does not have enough stars from the sky, but even after competent prevention it does not cause disgust. It won't ruin cassettes like plastic LPs in Chinese balalaikas. If necessary, you can always find a second one and use it for spare parts to bring a better preserved copy into working condition. The very fact that after so many years the tape recorder is so well preserved (both in cosmetic and technical condition) shows how well and reliably the USSR was able to make even such simple low-class products.

Now, after the revival of vinyl, the cassette theme is also gaining momentum. In addition to large vintage Japanese ghettoblasters a la "Sharp", it seems to me that small-sized portable tape recorders should be no less popular, if only because they are much more convenient to use in some cases. In addition, there are events for which you cannot drag a large radio tape recorder.

Advantages: Small dimensions and weight, good volume margin, reliable and easy-to-maintain mechanics, the ability to connect an external loudspeaker, record from a separate microphone or line-out of another source. If necessary, in a fight, they can be hit in the head with someone, while the tape recorder continues to work, and the bully's head starts to hurt badly

Disadvantages: Lack of hitchhiking, fixing rewinds “from the factory”, rather large detonation (by the standards of high-end CVLs), operating time from one set of batteries

Special thanks for the help in editing and designing this review.

Tape recorders are gaining popularity again as an alternative to other analog players, which is not surprising against the backdrop of a rather unexpected compact cassette in vogue. Of course, the format has always enjoyed special respect in the narrow circles of experimental electronics. But more recently, releases have also begun to appear on tape, occupying the top lines of the mainstream charts.

However, it's not a secret for anyone that today manufacturers pay almost no attention to cassette decks. Suffice it to say that we have not been able to find a single modern non-portable player on the market. But, fortunately, the cassette format remained popular until the late 90s, and since then there are plenty of decent and affordable options.

Of course, you can mostly find them on Avito. In addition, you can try your luck at Meshok or other similar Russian online auctions. Do not forget about Western sites like Ebay or Yahoo! Japan, but the prices for shipping decks from these sites in most cases bite. Some used audio retailers also sell tape recorders, of course, the price of them will be slightly higher, but this is compensated by the presence of a guarantee, which obviously does not hurt when using vintage models.

When purchasing a tape recorder, it should be remembered that this is a rather complex mechanical device, and the older it is, the greater the likelihood of wear of any of the many parts. This advice is especially relevant against the backdrop of the fact that even the newest models on this list date back to the mid-90s. However, here everything depends on the care of the equipment - thanks to proper handling, many vintage models that have come down to us have managed to maintain functionality. Ideally, before purchasing a deck, it would not hurt to test it, especially if it cannot be returned in case of a malfunction. Anyone who has used cassette players knows what they can do to a cassette when it jams or breaks.

Most of the most popular models of tape recorders were produced in Japan, which is famous for the reliability and maintainability of its equipment. This explains the presence of a large number of working rare models on Internet sites, which do not slow down in terms of sound after restoration, but significantly reduce the price. But, of course, only if the repair was carried out in a reputable specialized service. Listed below are a few noteworthy used cassette decks that are widely available on the aftermarket today.

Akai DX-57

Price: ~7000-12000₽

Now this brand is mainly known among musicians due to a wide range of electronic instruments, but Akai used to specialize in tape recorders, including reel-to-reel ones. The three-head DX-57 comes from the early nineties and is equipped with a ¼ inch headphone jack and bias current control to handle a variety of film types. It is also worth noting that in a comparative test conducted by the authoritative edition of What Hi-Fi, it surpassed the Sony WM-DC6 Walkman Pro revered by many audiophiles in all respects.

Denon DR-M24HX

Price: ~9000₽

Years later, Denon still hasn't lost its status as one of the most trusted audio manufacturers. Although since the release of the Denon DR-M24HX in the late 80s, the company is better known for its stereo amplifiers of fairly good quality. Popular with cassette fans, this model boasts three magnetic heads, full manual tuning, and a stabilized drive mechanism. Dolby B and C noise reduction systems help to get rid of the characteristic hiss during listening, and the drive belt can be easily replaced and can be easily found online.

Denon DRS-810

Price: ~5000-9000₽

A later model from the same Denon. With its design, the DRS-810 is reminiscent of the CD players that had appeared by that time, which should have appealed to enthusiasts of the coming digital age. Like CDs, cassettes were placed horizontally in this tape recorder, and the playback process could not be observed through a transparent window in the cassette compartment door. Initially, this model came with a remote control, but now they are almost impossible to find. In addition, the DRS-810 is equipped with Dolby B and C noise reduction systems, as well as a dynamic bias system with current control. True, the latter is not very convenient to use.


Price: ~8000-12000₽

This worthy 1993 cassette deck needs no frills like chromium dioxide or metal powder cassettes for decent recording and sound quality; it performs well with regular gamma iron oxide cassettes and is ideal for those who plan to only listen to cassettes with pre-recorded music (i.e., cassette releases of certain artists) with it. The cassette compartment is located in the center of the case, which gives the model a greater style. In addition to the usual ¼" headphone jack and Dolby B, C and HX Pro systems, the deck includes a CD Direct jack for perfect signal-to-noise ratio during recording. Previously, JVC was considered one of the leading representatives of the field of video and audio technology, and still continue to produce headphones, boomboxes and camcorders. And, it is possible that over the years, tape recorders of this brand have survived better than other analogues.

Pioneer CT-S740S

Price: ~13000-17000₽

Pioneer Japan has a legendary reputation for the quality of its products. And from time to time, the company managed to release not only reliable, but also decent-sounding models - like, for example, the CT-S740S. First published in the 70s, it stood up to the competition with Nakamichi tape recorders, which at that time were considered the standard of the cassette world. Equipped with Dolby S, the pinnacle of noise reduction systems that ensured maximum cassette recording quality, this deck was Pioneer's ultimate victory over tape noise. Due to its cult status, the CT-S740S rarely appears for sale online, but it all depends on patience and luck.

Sony TC-K611S

Price: ~11000-15000₽

At one time, Sony did not establish itself as the most reliable manufacturer of home cassette players. But released in 1994, the TC-K611S was one of the company's few successful attempts to make itself known in this field. In this case, cassettes based on chromium dioxide or metal powders will be required for higher recording quality. Thus, this is not the best option for those who plan to use the tape recorder exclusively for listening. But for home recording enthusiasts, this deck will be one of the best options on the market. Three magnetic heads, Dolby S noise reduction and the possibility of remote control will contribute to these goals - again, if you're lucky to get a remote control.

Yamaha KX-300

Price: ~5000₽

A material echo of the 80s era, produced by a company that, over the years, has remained true to its cause. Assembled in Japan, the KX-300 is equipped with amorphous metal drivers for superior sound quality. The venerable age of these tape recorders can often indicate the need to replace the drive belt. Fortunately, as practice shows, they are not so difficult to find and purchase at an affordable price. A relatively simple deck device includes two magnetic heads, the entire set of noise reduction systems and a remote control function. But the key feature of the model is the automatic tape calibration system, which will allow you to achieve the best recording quality on any type of cassette.

Nakamichi BX-125E

Price: ~10000-15000₽

An unshakable giant in the field of cassette players, Nakamichi once produced models with the best sound in this niche. In this light, the day that CD players finally came to replace tape recorders was a tragic date for many audiophiles. This is not to say that the BX-125E was the company's most outstanding deck, but it was a combination of a time-honored reputation and solid sound quality. A bonus to this is the external style of the model - which are only the sliders on the right side of the panel. At the same time, in terms of additional functions, the BX-125E did not differ from the closest analogues in a similar price segment. But in contrast to the dull sound quality of most cassette players, the melodies blasting out of the Nakamichi were simply uplifting.