The history of the creation of Facebook. Who owns Facebook. A short history of Facebook

  • 15.07.2020

If you own only 0.1% of Facebook shares, then after the initial public offering of the company's shares on the stock exchange, your fortune could potentially be estimated at $ 100 million. Therefore, many people are interested in Facebook IPO from this point of view - how many new billionaires and multimillionaires will appear.

The biggest payoff will go to founder Mark Zuckerberg, who owns 28.2% of Facebook. Is it a lot or a little? Bill Gates, when he went public in 1986, controlled 49.2% of Microsoft shares, and Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, when their company went public in 2004, had about 15% of the search engine.

Facebook in numbers

When Google went public, hundreds of people became millionaires, including secretaries. With Facebook, this will take on an even larger scale - about 250 employees in the early years of the company received decent options, this employee club has a very decent share of the Internet giant in total.

The top management of Facebook owns less than 1% of the shares. Shareholders include Microsoft, Elevation Partners, La-Ka Shing, Founders Fund, Goldman Sachs and Meritech. In addition, a small amount of shares (1.2 million shares) are owned by the twins Tyler and Cameron Winklewos, who received them as part of a court agreement with Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, who also received 5% in the settlement of the litigation, and Sean Parker.


Mark Zuckerberg

Share: 28.2%

Founder of Facebook. According to the documents submitted for the IPO, in addition to his shares, he has a power of attorney to vote by a package of a number of other shareholders, having a total vote of 57% of the shares.

Accel Partners
and James Breuer

Share: 11.4%

The foundation acquired Facebook in 2005, and James Breuer is the director of the foundation. Accel Partners' early investment in Facebook will return a thousandfold.

Dustin Moskovitz

Share: 7.6%

He lived with Zuckerberg in the same room, became one of his first partners. Currently not employed by the company.


Share: 5.4%

Yuri Milner bought the company's shares from 2009 to 2011, increasing its capitalization with his transactions from $ 10 billion to $ 50 billion.

Peter Thiel

Share: 2.5%

A well-known venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. He became the first investor in Facebook, having invested $ 500 thousand. Subsequently, he partially sold his share.

Since the value of Facebook is estimated at up to $ 100 billion, the owners of even a very small number of shares automatically become very wealthy people. For example, graffiti artist David Cho was painting the walls in the Facebook office in Palo Alto in 2005, when then-president Sean Parker offered him a choice of “thousand” dollars or a share of the same amount as payment for the work. Although the artist thought the idea of ​​Facebook was pointless, he chose stocks. Now they are pulling more than $ 200 million.

For some, Facebook shares will be a pleasant compensation. For example, the famous musician Bono from U2 through his venture capital firm Elevation Partners paid in 2010 $ 120 million for the shares of the Internet company. Since then, they have grown significantly, which cannot be said about his investment in Palm.

Today, the concept of "social network" is used no less often than words such as "coffee", "computer", "jeans", "smartphone", etc. However, before the advent of Facebook, it seemed somehow vague and vague to Internet users. So the one who created Facebook created the standard of social networking - a service that promotes the expansion of conditions and opportunities for communication.

The "father" of Facebook

The world's most popular social network, of course, owes its success to Mark Zuckerberg. It was this man who turned a single idea into a powerful project that covered hundreds of countries and millions of Internet users. With amazing intuition, foresight and tenacious business acumen, Mark was able to gather a talented team around him and become the idol of ambitious youth.

Zuckerberg showed interest in technology at a fairly young age. Studying C ++, he first created a small computer game, and then a program for his father's company, with which its employees could communicate. The first serious product of Mark was the “Synapse” program, the task of which was to compose an individual playlist based on the user's preferences. Then even Microsoft wanted to buy the rights to it, but the young programmer immediately refused the tempting offer.

Despite his passion for programming, Mark entered the Harvard Department of Psychology. However, he did not abandon computer technology and in his free time from the main study worked out his ideas and ideas.

The origin and development of the project

If you analyze the biography of Zuckerberg, it becomes clear that the idea of ​​creating the Facebook social network did not arise spontaneously. While attending the prestigious Phillips-Exeter Academy, Mark saw The Photo Address Book, which was a reference book with photographs and contact information for all students. Among themselves, the students called it "The Facebook". Zuckerberg's idea was hooked, and already at Harvard University, he suggested that the management repeat the project, giving it a new form - an online service. However, the offer was rejected as the university adhered to its privacy policy.

Being a stubborn and passionate person, Mark once simply hacked into a university database, gaining access to photographs of students. This is how the prototype of the future Facebook project - the Facemash website - was born. The essence of the service was to evaluate the photos of Harvard men published by Zuckerberg. The rumor about a new project spread instantly, and at some point the server simply could not stand the flow of visitors. Naturally, the university leadership learned about the situation, and the site was immediately closed, to the great regret of the heated students.

Already in 2004, The Facebook was launched - a social network among Harvard University students. At that time, no less talented guys appeared in the Zuckerberg team - Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes. Together with Mark, they made the history of the Internet community, developing and presenting to the world the very Facebook that we see today.

Heroes of our time

Many people think that the sole founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg. However, his comrades at Harvard - Moskowitz, Saverin and Hughes - played an equally important role in the development of the social network.

Chris Hughes was primarily responsible for beta testing the site. But his main merit is the proposal to make the new service available not only to Harvard students, but also to students of other educational institutions. It was this idea that led to the fact that the social network became open and received international status.

Unlike Zuckerberg, Chris graduated from Harvard with a BA in Literature and History. In 2007, Hughes decided to take part in the election campaign of Barack Obama and left Facebook.

Eduardo Saverin became Mark's faithful companion at the stage of creating the social network. At Harvard, the Brazilian student had an excellent reputation. He was successful academically and socially. Having met Zuckerberg, Eduardo got carried away with the idea of ​​a new social network and agreed to act as an investor.

Saverin took the position of commercial director of the company, however, some time after the launch of Facebook, the relationship between Eduardo and Mark deteriorated markedly. As a result, the share of Saverin's capital was reduced several times, and only through the court was the former commercial director able to defend his 5% stake in Facebook.

Dustin headed the company's development and strategy department and was also the head of the on-staff programmers. Despite the success of the social network, in 2008 Moskowitz decided to leave the company and start developing other projects, in particular, "Asana" - a program that helps to monitor and manage projects.

Thus, the social network Facebook is the product of the hard work of several talented students, who were united by a common idea to create a unique project. Despite all the disagreements and conflicts, the founders of the social network managed not to lose their professional qualities and present to the world Facebook - the most popular and demanded service for communication on the Internet.


Our goal was not: to make a giant social network. Our goal was: to create a site where you could write someone's name and get various information about this person. (Mark Zuckerberg)

Agree, nowadays, many Internet users have their own social pages. This means that they are registered on various social networks. Someone in one, someone at once in many. It all depends on the specific purpose of your communication.

it Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, In the Circle of Friends, the world of communication with the help of short statements (like a micro-blog) Twitter and of course Facebook.

At this point in time, there are many other social services. There we can communicate, exchange information, publish our thoughts and view photographs.

Music lovers can listen to their favorite music and so on. All the benefits are countless. Social networks bring us closer to each other, and this is the biggest plus of these services.

Of course, I am also no exception, and I have my own pages in some pleasant social networks. (You can find me there if you click on the buttons for these services at the end of the article.)

Interestingly, have you ever thought about which of the social networks appeared first?

Who created Facebook?

Facebook is one of my favorite social networks at the moment.

There I have my own page and many friends who are dear to me and with whom I communicate. By the way, today, on the day of publication of the article, is the birthday of one of my friends. So I wish him a Happy Birthday! Respect to him and respect for the help he gives me and his other friends!

So who created Facebook?

The founder of Facebook is a young man who dropped out of his studies at Harvard due to his passion for creating the social network Facebook.

Facebook is currently the largest social network in the world.

Mark Zuckerberg - born May 14, 1984, White Plains, New York, USA. Zuckerberg's father worked as a dentist, and his mother was a psychiatrist. He is the second child and the only boy of four children in the family. He has three sisters - Randy (eldest), Donna and Ariel.

During his school years, Mark became very interested in computer programming, developed a network version of the game "Risk" and after graduation entered the Faculty of Psychology at Harvard University. At Harvard, Mark also attended computer programming courses.

During his studies at Harvard University, Mark lived in a dorm in the same room with his friends - students Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz (future assistants in the development of Facebook).

The idea of ​​creating Facebook came to the young Mark when he was still studying at a prestigious private school in New Hampshire. Every year the school published something like a directory with the contact details of the students.

This directory contained all the information about the person: his photograph, name, surname and address of residence. And this directory was called: The Facebook, which literally means "face book".

Once, student Mark Zuckerberg decided to take the initiative and came up with a proposal to create a similar resource at the University. But, as you know, the initiative is not always appropriate, and the administration of this institution refused him. They just said it violated the student privacy policy.

But, this guy was not one of those who gave up their ideas and ideas. And one day, when he was in his sophomore year, Mark wrote the code for the Facemash website. It was a site that posted photographs of young people in pairs. The user of the site just had to vote for the most liked photo. This happened on October 28, 2003.

This is where his programming knowledge came in handy and Mark cold-bloodedly hacked into the protected sections of the Harvard University computer database in order to copy all the photographs of the students to post on the website.

You can't imagine, but Facemash attracted 450 visitors and 22,000 photo views in its first two hours of operation.

It was incredible !!!

The site gained popularity with great speed, but a few days later it was closed by the administration of Harvard University. And Mark Zuckerberg was charged on the following counts: violation of copyright security and privacy. For this he was threatened with exclusion from his studies at the University.

I do not know what exactly influenced the decision of the administration later, but the charges were soon dropped. And Mark, with renewed vigor, set to work on his initial project.

Soon he opened a website where his classmates began to share their thoughts on his project.

In January 2004, Mark Zuckerberg decided to write the code for a new site. He was inspired by inspiration and creative flight. Mark was unstoppable. And so, on February 4, 2004, the initial version of the social network Facebook appears at Thefacebook.

But, a week after launching the site, three Harvard students: Cameron Winklevoss, Divya Narendra and Tyler Winklevoss accused Mark Zuckerberg of dishonesty.

They stated that he deliberately misled them in order to mislead their understanding of what was really going on. He allegedly promised to help them create the social network "HarvardConnection.comHar", but instead appropriated their idea and built a rival site. An investigation began, and soon a lawsuit was filed against Mark.

Meanwhile, more than half of the University's students were registered on the social network during the first month. As the network grew in popularity, Mark Zuckerberg was soon joined by Dustin Moskowitz (programmer), Eduardo Saverin (chief financial officer), Andrew McCollum (artist) and Chris Hughes to help promote and improve the site.

In March 2004, there were even more Facebook users. Students from Stanford Columbia University have joined this social network. A little later, students from other educational institutions were also involved in this.

Since 2004, Facebook has been headquartered in California, Palo Alto. In mid-2004, Facebook is registered as a company and Sean Parker becomes its first president.

Sean Parker finds first investors for Facebook. The company will soon receive its first investment. But, in 2005, Parker leaves the Facebook company, but does not cease to take part in the development of the company and regularly meets with Mark Zuckerberg.

In 2005, the company buys a domain name and now it is, and since September 26, 2006, access to this social network has been opened for everyone over 13 years old and who has an e-mail address.

Microsoft in 2007 acquires a 1.6% stake in Facebook for $ 240 million and estimates the entire company at $ 15 billion. Microsoft acquires the rights to post international ads on Facebook.

In October 2008, Facebook opens its international headquarters in Dublin.

In 2010, at the peak of Facebook's popularity, the film The Social Network, directed by David Fincher, was released, which tells the story of the creation of Facebook. Be sure to watch this movie. He will open up a new look at the moments of development and creation of this social network.

On October 4, 2012, a grandiose event took place, which Mark Zuckerberg announced on his page: a billionth user appeared on the social network. This means that according to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet is registered on Facebook.

The only competitors of this most popular social network are Google+ and Twitter, but they are far behind the leader.

Mark Zuckerberg only thanks to this site at the age of 23 became the youngest billionaire in the world.

Did you know that there are very interesting facts about the personality of Mark Zuckerberg?

He is a dateanopic (typical for 1% of people, a form of partial color blindness, usually congenital, which is characterized by reduced sensitivity to some colors, mainly green) and distinguishes between red and green colors much worse than the main color of Facebook - blue.

In the animated series "The Simsons", in one of the episodes, Mark Zuckerberg voiced himself.

Fun fact: in January 2011, an unknown hacker hacked into his Facebook page.

While still in college, Microsoft employees drew attention to Mark after he wrote the Synapse program, which allowed the computer to independently compose a sequence of musical hits for its owner.

That's all. You have learned the whole truth about:

Who created Facebook.

I hope it was not only useful for you, but also interesting to know the story about the simple guy Mark Zuckerberg, who turned our whole understanding of communication over the Internet upside down.

If you liked this article, it will also be interesting to read a story about a person that we use with great pleasure.

Facebook history

Important moments in the biography of Mark Zuckerberg, programs created by him earlier. Facebook creation. The film "The Story of a Star Boy". Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park. Company shares: their value and purchase. The Era of Facebook book.

Today it is difficult to find a person who has not heard about the Facebook site. It is the most popular social network that has united millions of users from around the world. The Facebook founder, creating this site, could not even imagine that it would soon become so in demand. The number of users is growing every day. The founder of Facebook is today a rich and famous person. The whole world knows about him. The founders of less popular sites can only envy him. This person deserves admiration. In general, Facebook developers did their best, thanks to which people got such a wonderful site.

But let's dwell on the main figure, on site creator... If you are not familiar with the founder of Facebook, you will probably be interested to know about him. Let's get started? The founder of Facebook, whose biography will be presented below, is a rather interesting person. He was born on May 14, 1984 in a village called White Plains, which is located in the state of New York. By the way, the name of the founder of the social network is Zuckerberg... And his name is Mark. The Facebook author lived in a large family: there were four children. He was born second. The head of the company had excellent educated parents: a psychiatrist and a dentist.

On his tenth birthday, his parents gave Mark his first computer - Quantex 486DX, then he realized that there are two categories of people - users and programmers. The future owner of Facebook already then understood that the former simply use a PC for personal needs, while the latter bring real benefits. Mark was very proud of his new computer, and it was impossible to take him away from the monitor. The one who created Facebook many years later, until he was just beginning to be interested in programming, tired of boring computer games. Soon Mark created a couple of small programs, including a computer version of the famous board game called "Risk"... But this was far from his main achievement at that time. He also created a program Synapse... The boy invented it for his own personal use. The program was, in fact, an "intelligent" mp3-player, memorizing information about which tracks, how many times and how many times the owner listens to it, so that then automatically turn on exactly what he likes at a certain moment. Information about this extraordinary program reached Microsoft, and they also learned about Mark himself. AOL has also shown an interest in his personality. But the little child prodigy did not want to sell his program and refused to cooperate with these companies. Without any hesitation, Zuckerberg put an end to the opportunity to make a lot of money and become an employee of one of the best IT companies on the planet.

Now you know who invented Facebook. Amazing biography! And no wonder, because the one who founded Facebook simply must be an outstanding person. You could say that Zuckerberg is a genius of its kind. Perhaps you will sometimes remember who created Facebook in order to take an example from him in some way. The biographies of great people are motivating.

Facebook creation

Now let's talk about how Facebook was created. This is also an interesting story. How was Facebook created? It all started with Harvard. The university had an internal network, and it had a place where students uploaded their pictures and personal information. And the young Zuckerberg suddenly wanted to have some fun: he created a program that selects any two photographs and compares who is more beautiful. A lot of students wanted to rate their appearance. By the end of the first day, 4000 students had visited the resource. At that moment, when the number of visitors to the site reached 20,000, it broke down, unable to withstand such a load.

But the brilliant site had already been created at that time. When did Facebook start? February 4, 2004... Now you know what year the site was founded. A lot of time has passed since then. Today, everyone understands that the date of the company's foundation was a truly significant event. On this day, the world has changed. Facebook celebrated its birthday quite recently, a few days ago. Many recalled this date and were surprised at the transience of time.

When the site was created, people did not even suspect that it would become so famous. And this happened some time later. You can count how old is the social network... Neither more nor less - ten... Zuckerberg originally named the network "The Facebook"... It was intended for university students. The young people liked the site mainly because it could be divided into groups, courses and companies that were in the educational institution.

When the site went live, Mark told reporters that the network was created in just seven days. He just came up with a website and immediately wrote it. The owner of Facebook admitted that four people helped him. They also made a significant contribution to the creation of the site. Facebook owners other than Mark are E. McCollum, E. Severin, D. Moskowitz, and K. Hughes... Don't forget these people. The Facebook creators went out of their way to make the site. Thanks to them, we can now spend time interestingly, chatting with friends, reading news and watching videos. The creators of Facebook gave us a brilliant site. Its genius is evidenced by a huge and constantly growing number of users. The creators of Facebook will forever remain in history. After all, they made a real masterpiece. Now you know how Facebook was created. Not in detail, of course, but at least a little.

"The story of a star boy"

The history of Facebook, as you already understood, is very fascinating. If you want to know more about it, watch the documentary about him. It is called "The Story of a Star Boy" (it is documentary, not? Although it is based on real events and came out quite interesting). This film leaves no one indifferent. It tells the whole story of the creation of Facebook from start to finish. Take a look and you won't regret it. The history of the creation of Facebook is most detailed in this movie. From it you can find out what the Facebook developers had to go through before they became famous. The film is so interesting that it is impossible to look away from the screen.

Facebook languages

What is Facebook written on? Used PHP, Java Script, ASP.NET, Html, JQuery and many other languages. So it is impossible to give one answer to the question of what language the site is written in. It should be understood that this is a very large-scale project. Also, at the moment, even special extensions of standard languages ​​have been developed, which can be called virtually independent languages: FBML, FBJS, FQL.

Headquarters and office

The site is headquartered in the city Menlo Park... It's a pretty cute town. The Facebook office is also located here. Needless to say, everything here is at the highest level. The Facebook office gathers many employees within its walls. Despite being crowded, this is a fairly cozy place.


How to buy Facebook stock? Find them on NASDAQ... They are indicated by letters FB... By the way, Dzhigurda recently bought shares of Facebook. He also said that he wants to meet with Zuckerberg to give him some useful advice on the site. 🙂

Corporation value

Another topic that many are interested in is the cost of Facebook. This is really curious. How much does Facebook cost? From 85 to 95 billion US dollars. Now you know how much Facebook costs. Is that impressive? The cost of a corporation is incredibly high. Capitalization also occupies the minds of many curious people. The company's capitalization is US $ 123 billion. This amount is amazing. The social network's income is surprising. Someone may not even be able to sleep at night after learning these numbers. Monitoring of the company shows that it has very great prospects.

Era Facebook

It is always interesting to hear about the life of famous people. Especially if it is filled with many interesting facts and reveals the secrets of achieving success. The article will focus on the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, from the very idea of ​​developing such a popular project to predictions. You will find out the history of the emergence of the social network, the biography of its owner, and much more.

The history of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is the name of the "father" of social networks, just the way we are used to seeing them. Back in 2004, he was able to develop the most popular website in an almost illegal way. Of course, this story is not as simple as it seems. In the development of this resource, not only Mark participated, but also his student friends. This, as well as many other things, will be discussed further in the text.

Creator Mark Zuckerberg

Having dealt with the history of the emergence of the social network Facebook, let's go directly to the biography of its creator Mark Zuckerberg. In addition to some well-known facts, it will talk about his personal life, income and wealth, as well as about his good deeds, expressed in donations to charity.


It is reasonable to start the story directly from the childhood of the future millionaire. Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in a family of American Jews. He spent his childhood in White Plains, which is located near New York. He grew up in a family of doctors, his father Edward Zuckerberg worked as a dentist, and Karen's mother was a psychiatrist. In addition to Mark, they had three more children: Randy, Donna and Ariel - all girls. The future creator of the most popular social network from childhood began to get involved in programming, and already at school age he developed the first network game. It was a computer version of the Risk game.

By coincidence, Mark was unable to graduate. He entered Harvard University in 2002, and studied only until 2004 at the Faculty of Psychology. In addition, he regularly attended IT courses, was able to work with many popular programming languages, including C, C ++, Java, PHP, and so on. Zuckerberg spoke of himself as a hacker. By the way, while studying in college, Microsoft executives drew attention to him after he developed the Synapse program. It was a simple program for composing music tops on a computer.

As mentioned earlier, in 2004, Mark, along with his friends Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, began developing the now popular social network Facebook. At that time, they were sponsored by a friend of their student Eduardo Saverin, who in the future sued Zuckerberg, because the latter tried to remove Saverino from the management of the company.

  • In early 2009, he met Yuri Milner, whose company five months later bought 1.96% of Facebook shares for $ 200 million.
  • In 2010 he was named "Person of the Year" according to Time magazine.
  • At the end of 2010, he joined the Oath of Giving campaign, which was founded by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
  • In the summer of 2016, I attended a meeting with Pope Francis.

As you can see, Zuckerberg's life is quite eventful, however, only general facts were considered, now let's move on to the most interesting - to Mark's personal life.

Personal life

Mark Zuckerberg married only once - on May 19, 2012, Priscilla Chan, who was his longtime girlfriend. The ceremony was not quite usual. The young couple invited all of their friends and family to a celebration to mark Priscilla's PhD in medicine. And only after all the guests had gathered in the backyard, they said that the celebration was actually in honor of the wedding. Many thought that the young people had timed such a momentous day for the Facebook IPO, but a representative of the couple said that this was not the case, and the reason was the end of Priscilla's training.

Three years later, on December 2, 2015, a daughter was born in a young family, who was named Maxima Chan, or Max for short. And already on August 28, 2017, sister Max was born. Her parents were named after the month - August.

Income and wealth

Mark Zuckerberg owns 24% of the shares of his company, which is why, according to Forbes magazine, he became the world's youngest billionaire. Its share is 4 billion US dollars. The corresponding entry was published in March 2010. The same year, in the same magazine, Mark was ranked 29th in the list of the richest people in America. According to Forbes, his fortune was equal to $ 7 billion. With all this, the official salary of the young billionaire is only one dollar.

After some time, after all the above calculations, Mark multiplied his fortune, and already in 2011 Forbes magazine put him in the 14th place in the list of the richest people in the United States. His income was 17.5 billion.

Mark's persona will more than once fall into various Forbes lists, for example, in 2012 he took second place in the ranking of young billionaires. There were two interesting events in 2014. First, he purchased a piece of land on the island of Kauai. It cost him $ 100 million. In the future, Mark plans to build a family property with a total area of ​​280 hectares. Second, he was ranked 14th on Forbes. At that time, his fortune was estimated at $ 33.6 billion.

Four years later, in 2018, his capital doubles and equals 70 billion. This year he was ranked fifth on Forbes and earned the status of the youngest multibillionaire.

Since 2010, Zuckerberg has been on the lists of the most influential people around the world, according to the same American magazine. By the way, in 2018 his position in this list is 13, although earlier it reached 10.


In addition to all of the above, Mark Zuckerberg has made a huge contribution to charity. So, at the end of 2015, on his page on the social network Facebook, he published an entry in which he said that he would donate 99% of the company's shares. At that time, this was equal to 45 billion US dollars. This amount will be transferred to the appropriate organizations throughout life, and it is aimed at "improving this world for the next generation," - said the billionaire.

In addition, in September 2016, Zuckerberg's wife announced that she was preparing to launch a project called Chan Zuckerberg Science. It will be aimed at fighting all kinds of diseases, the total donation budget is $ 3 billion, distributed over 10 years.

Stages of creating Facebook

Now let's optimize all the information about the social network Facebook and look at the key points of its creation. And we will start directly from 2003, when Mark Zuckerberg took the first step towards his billions.

While studying at Harvard University, Mark had his eye on the institution's network, which was a profile of students and teachers, with the ability to exchange messages within it. After gaining access to the network, Zuckerberg copied all of his data and launched his own website called Facemash. As you might guess, the project was completely based on the institution's network, so when it became more or less popular, it was blocked for copyright infringement. By the way, it was under this pretext that Mark himself was expelled from the educational institution.

Surprisingly, in 2004, all charges against Zuckerberg were dropped, and without hesitation, he began to develop his own project based on Facemash. But this time it was given a different name - The Photo Address Book, but in short - The Facebook.

It is rather difficult to answer the question of who exactly created Facebook, since Mark is not the only one who was involved in its development. As mentioned earlier, the project was a collaborative effort in close collaboration with Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz, Mark's student friends. By the way, Parker left the company in 2005, although he continued to communicate with its creators.

Fun fact: the domain name was obtained in 2005, but the social network continued to operate within the framework of Harvard University. And only in 2006 every interested user over 13 years old could register in it.

Facebook headquarters and office

Have you ever wondered where the main office of Facebook is located? Of course, the site's servers are scattered all over the world, which is why any user has no problem connecting to a social networking site, but such a multi-billion dollar company cannot exist without a headquarters.

It is located in the city of Menlo Park. The city itself is quite quiet and cozy, and, perhaps most importantly, it has been ennobled. In such a calm and peaceful atmosphere, all the employees of the purple social network work.

In the images above, you can see that the headquarters does not look like a typical office building, but rather a holiday village. According to managers, this atmosphere is conducive to productive work. All employees come not to work, but to create.

Further development of Facebook and its prospects

Perhaps enough has been told about the entire history of the Facebook company, so it remains only to think about what will happen to it next. For example, in 2006, more than 25 million people were registered on the resource. It should be noted that only active users who regularly visited the social network were taken into account in the calculations. At the same time, the developers worked in two directions: they developed the news feed and made the registration publicly available. While this was happening, Mark was bargaining with Yahoo in an attempt to sell his company. He was offered $ 1 billion. In fact, any price would not suit the young billionaire, he just wanted to know how much his company was worth.

Soon the news feed was added and a scandal erupted. The fact is that the developers completely forgot about confidential information, and users had personal data of their friends. Surprisingly, after letters poured in asking to remove the tape, Mark did nothing, just continued to watch everything.

Following the feed, registration for all comers appeared, and the stream of users tumbled down. Already in 2007, more than 50 million accounts were created on the resource. Accordingly, the company was developing and investments were required, so it was necessary to look for partners. Zuckerberg turned to two world famous companies - Microsoft and Google. As a result, the contract was concluded with the first one.

A year later, in 2008, the 100 millionth user was registered on Facebook, and in 2010 their number increased to 500 million. However, this does not suit the young billionaire. He's not going to stop there and is going to break the 3 billion user mark. To do this, every day, the company's specialists are trying with all their might to improve the brainchild of Zuckerberg, introducing new additions and improving the existing functionality. It is worth noting that Mark Zuckerberg is considered young for a reason. Despite the fact that he has multi-billion dollar capital, he is not yet thirty years old. Therefore, everything is just ahead of him.