Great fun for the audience: ball and phone trick. How to give an original gift - pack in a balloon Description of the focus phone in a balloon

  • 29.07.2020

Focus the phone in the ball- an interesting and incredibly simple trick. The performance will appeal to both children and adults. It is impossible to look away from such a trick.

Both the smallest spectators and the more serious audience will be delighted with the bright, light and unusual focus. You just have to find out all the illusions and go to conquer your friends and loved ones.

How to cheer up your guests?

Entertaining the audience is easier than it sounds. This requires just one spectacular trick.

Illusions have always attracted attention. I want to watch interesting feints. Many people want to solve the mystery by asking the magicians numerous tips. Someone asks to repeat the trick over and over.

Magic tricks help entertain guests of all ages. Even in a new company, you can demonstrate at least one trick to make a positive impression.

Have you been invited to a children's birthday? And here you can easily cheer up the audience. Are you bored with your friends? Showcase your new feint. Everyone around, without exception, will be surprised and delighted.

Many people think that only professionals in their field can show illusions. It's a delusion!

There are many tricks that don't require any special skills. You just need to learn the secrets and learn the necessary techniques. It is important to have enough. If you cannot perform feints quickly and accurately, it will be too difficult to carry out an interesting trick.

But do not despair if you cannot master complex illusions. Start with the lightest. The best solution for beginners would be to trick with the phone. It does not require serious preparation. From the first try, you can achieve the desired result.

Trick with ball and phone

This focus will not require large cash investments.

Advantages the ball and gadget views are obvious. The trick does not require professional sets of magicians, which will help to cheer up the guests without harm to the budget... Every modern person has a smartphone. It is important that even old models of mobile devices are suitable for a feint.

Balloons can be purchased at any nearest store for minimal financial resources. You don't have to spend too much time preparing. The show is performed so easily that even a child can handle it.

  • In one hand there is a bright balloon, in the other - a familiar device.
  • The magician inflates the beloved attribute, presses the gadget to it and says magic words. You can invent your own magic spells to thrill your friends. The audience is delighted! And this is not surprising.
  • The smartphone was inside.

How? Is it possible? Of course yes! You haven't seen an easier trick.

Feel free to explore each stage of the new focus and start to amaze your loved ones. Children and adults will be surprised when they see how this extraordinary ended. Illusions can be taught to little spectators. They will be interested in conducting safe and unusual experiments, demonstrating their skills to friends.

The secret of the ball and phone trick

Many beginners are attracted to this feint because of the ease of execution. All you need to do the trick is a gadget of any size and an ordinary balloon.

In order for the illusion to work, every movement must be practiced. Go to the guests only when you are sure of the perfection of the performance. So how do you do the trick with the phone and the balloon? Very simple.

For focus, you need any phone model and any ball

To do this, you need to complete just a few simple steps:

  • Take the attributes suitable for your presentation... You can choose absolutely any cellular model. You can also take the view attribute from guests. This way you will quickly attract the public to the process.

Illusionists advise against giving preference to large gadgets. These smartphones are too difficult to fit inside the ball.

What is the magic? The secret of the ball and phone trick easier than you might think!

When deflated, the elastic material covers half of the device. This creates the illusion that he is inside. The magician only shows the closed part of the phone.

This allows you to believe that the illusion really worked out.

"How to put a phone in a balloon?"- a question that will worry many viewers watching your interesting show. Professionals do not reveal their secrets. It's up to you whether to tell the secret or not. Show the real show and you will always be in the spotlight!

Want to to wrap a gift in an unusual and original way- put it in the balloon! It’s funny and involuntarily brings a smile. The only question is there how to wrap a gift in a balloon yourself?

The video shows how to make a big balloon filled with small balloons... Moreover, this can be done without any auxiliary equipment. You will need a large, transparent and tight ball, a pump, and many small balls. You can even do without a pump, but it will be difficult to inflate so many balloons 🙂 Insert a small balloon into a large balloon so that your navel remains in your hands. Inflate a small balloon, tie it and release it into a large balloon. Do the same with the rest of the small balls. Try to keep them the same size.

Balloon packaging

Another simpler one, in my opinion, method of making a balloon filled with small balloons Is to pull the navel of a large ball onto a roll of duct tape. You will get a hole into which small balls and even a soft toy will pass. A little tip for a soft toy - tie a thin line to it so that the toy hangs inside the ball. The tip of the line should stick out from the outside of the ball. When you wake up to tie a ball, pull the line to the desired length. The gift will look more interesting.

We pack in a balloon ourselves

If you are planning to place a large soft toy in the balloon, watch the video on how to do it. But I want to warn you right away that this is not easy and you need training and technical equipment)

You can even pack a rose inside the ball. Just keep in mind that all the thorns must be carefully cut, make sure that the stem is smooth, if there are irregularities, then just in case, remove the irregularities with a knife. Wrap the edge of the stem of the rose in a piece of cloth or wrap it with thin paper - so as not to damage the ball. You need to tie the ball very tightly and preferably twice, just in case. The very edge of the rose will stick out of the balloon, and the flower itself will not be able to touch the walls of the balloon.

An option for a man's gift is a bottle of cognac in a blue balloon. Even baby clothes can be packed in a balloon. A full-fledged gift for both the child and the benefit for the parents.

If there is no time or desire to fill the ball with large objects, then the ball can be filled with confetti, serpentine, artificial snow, small candies and even a thin translucent fabric - organza. And the gift will be banknotes placed in the ball. Roll up the banknotes with a tube, tie them with a ribbon and put them in a deflated balloon. You can place small items in a balloon using a crow and cutting off the neck from a plastic bottle.

In addition to money in a balloon, you can give tickets to a concert, jewelry in small boxes, just notes with wishes.

A couple more tips. Try to keep the gift free of sharp corners.

Buy dense large balls, because if this beauty bursts ahead of time, it will be a pity.

The ball must be transparent. You can buy balloons with congratulatory inscriptions or a discreet pattern. But the main thing in this ball is the content)

Tie the balls tightly. You can even twice, with a small distance from each other. Better to be safe.

Everyone has their own fashion and hobbies, and therefore it is sometimes very pleasant to find like-minded people, evaluate their collection of stamps or skill in a certain game. Here are collected various videos that are dedicated to this or that hobby. It doesn't matter if you love chess, tennis or collect wild, unbridled animals under your roof - here you will be able to find good video content to your liking.

Now it is very popular both on the network and in reality, one hobby is available for the most part only to the female sex - Make-up on camera. To ordinary viewers, it will seem that in these videos the girls are simply putting on paint and blowing an elephant out of a fly. But in reality, these beauties showcase their artistic skills that they have developed over the years. In such videos, you can find tips, life hacks, and also highlight many useful moments that you missed in your life. Curvy models and their stylists will tell you which eye shadows to choose and which dress to choose to match your hairstyle. For many women, this has become a kind of hobby, to which they devote almost their entire life.

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Focus phone in a balloon is a very simple trick that is suitable for children of all ages. The balloon phone trick is very simple, but at the same time very effective. The advantage of this trick is that only two items are required to demonstrate it: an ordinary balloon and an ordinary cell phone. The cell phone model, as well as the color of the balloon, do not make any difference.

Description of focus phone in hot air balloon

For demonstration, the magician demonstrates to the audience an ordinary inflated balloon in one hand and an ordinary cell phone in the other hand. After that, the magician presses the inflated balloon with its lower part against a cell phone located in another river, and then releases the balloon valve clamped between his fingers. Air whistles out of the balloon. The ball was deflated. But, lo and behold! The phone, which was previously in the other hand of the magician, turned out to be inside a deflated balloon! The magician lets go of the hand, in which the phone was previously, but he does not fall out of the balloon, because is inside the deflated balloon. This can be seen because the deflated ball has the shape of a telephone.

The secret to focus the phone in the balloon

Quite simple, which is why this trick was posted in the Tricks for Kids section. No additional accessories for focus phone in hot air balloon will not need. It will take some training to show focus phone in hot air balloon as described above, holding the balloon and the phone in separate hands. The easiest way to demonstrate a trick or practice doing it is to put the phone on the table and, while holding the balloon with both hands, lightly press it on the phone. It is desirable that the bottom point of the ball coincides with the center of the phone. Now try to release or loosen the valve of the ball so that it begins to deflate. While doing this, lightly press on the deflating ball. Deflating, the balloon will grab the phone. At the same time, in order to remove the phone from the deflated ball, it will take a significant amount of effort.

The secret to focus the phone in the balloon lies in the fact that the ball, deflating, grabs the phone from the outside. The phone does not end up inside the ball, as it might seem at first.