Is it possible to remove the blue screen of death. How to fix the blue screen of death, simple methods. Fix Blue Screen When Hard Drive Problem

  • 16.01.2021

1. Install only native drivers for the hardware.
One of the most common BSOD errors is driver conflict.

2. Check the amount of free space on the system drive. To do this, go to Computer - and look at the C drive.

If the free space is less than 500 megabytes, remove all unnecessary programs from the disk.

3. It makes sense to scan your computer with an antivirus program. It is possible that viruses are the cause of the blue screen of death.

5. Check each disk for errors. To do this, go to Computer - right-click on the disk shortcut - Properties - Service - Run Check.

6. Roll back the system. To do this, go to Start - type in the search for "system restore" - Enter.

Select the desired restore point and roll back the system to it.

7. Try updating Windows. To do this, go to Start - Control Panel - Windows Update - Search for Updates.

If nothing helps from the above methods, do this:

1. Disable automatic reboot after BSOD occurrence. To do this, press the Win + Pause button combination.

2. Go to advanced system settings - Boot and recovery options.

3. Disable automatic reboot.

4. Now, if a blue screen appears, you can carefully analyze it, read the instructions for its elimination, and also write down the error code.

5. Go to the site, find your error code in the list and read the instructions on how to fix it.

Good afternoon friends! Today I want to talk about such an interesting and at the same time frightening topic like the Blue Screen of Death (Blue Screen of Doom, BsoD). A similar phenomenon has been encountered or at least heard by many users. The title blue screen of death is truly frightening and memorable.

So what is this ominous phenomenon - windows 7 blue screen of death? Many people, when they have such a screen, fall into a stupor and do not know what to do. Let's look at this problem calmly and without panic.

The windows operating system, as a result of any malfunctions in the system or in the hardware, if it cannot solve the problem on its own, simply restarts the computer. She does this automatically, and therefore, the documents with which the user has worked at the moment do not have time to be saved. However, windows manages to write information to the log and create a dump file.

The dump stores information about what happened and what caused the failure, which allows you to diagnose the problem and fix it. In this situation, this is the right way out.

What the windows blue screen of death shows us

It looks like this in the BIOS:

Now I think the origin of this name is clear to you, at least the word is blue. The operating system was forced to stop working, i.e. a symbolic death of the system, as it were. Hence the name "Death". I would like to note that in most cases, the system does not need to be reinstalled, with rare exceptions.

Let's take a closer look at what the inscription on the screen means (for convenience, I have highlighted the most important ones with a frame:

  • The first part of the inscription says that due to an unforeseen error and prevention of damage to the computer, the system was forced to stop working.
  • This is followed by an indication of the errors, of which there are a certain number and for each specific error you can easily find out on the Internet the cause of the failure.
  • This is followed by a message about the alleged causes of the problem and recommendations for its elimination.
  • Next, after the word STOP, there is a hexadecimal error code.
  • Then, in brackets, the error parameters are indicated (these data are sometimes very important).
  • Next is the name of the driver (usually ending with SYS).
  • The email address of the error follows at the end.

After you have read this information about the blue screen of death, you need to understand what kind of error occurred and in which file, at what address.

What causes the blue screen of death to appear?

  1. These are drivers - there may be driver incompatibility, driver conflict, incorrect drivers, all kinds of driver failures, etc.
  2. Incompatibility of various devices with each other (if you assemble a computer in parts, do it better with a professional, do not rely on friends and acquaintances).
  3. All kinds of hardware failures (quite often hard drives and RAM cards fail).
  4. Various viruses - after the blue screen of death, it is advisable to completely check the computer with a good antivirus (by the way, this type of error is rarely the cause of the blue screen of death).
  5. There may be a conflict between various programs and applications (quite often different anti-virus programs come into conflict with each other, firewalls installed on the same operating system, so it is advisable to install one, but good antivirus program).
  6. Overheating of various computer devices (checked by various programs, such as Spessy and Aida).

The blue screen of death can appear for various reasons and it is desirable to eliminate them as quickly as possible, without postponing indefinitely. Otherwise, some device may fail and your computer may simply not turn on.

What do we need to do when a blue screen appears

a) You need to stop the automatic restart of the computer (windows is configured so that the blue screen of death appears for only a few seconds and after the computer starts to automatically restart and you simply do not have time to record data from the screen). To do this, go to the "control panel", then "system properties", select "additional", go to the words "boot and restore" and press the "parameters" button. Then we go to the inscription "system failure" and uncheck the box from the inscription "perform automatic reboot", click OK. Then check the "debug system entry" column. It should be displayed as in the picture:% SystemRoot% is C: \ windows \, ​​where C: \ is the system drive.

b) Don't panic. Take a close look at the blue screen of death and copy all the data onto a piece of paper.

c) We proceed directly to the search for the reason why you have a blue screen of death.

Windows 7 blue screen of death appears quite often due to inept user actions. Let's say you deleted some system file or driver and a blue screen of death appeared. What do we need to do in this situation? We need to restore the system, make it the way it beat before your inept actions.

To do this, we enter the inscription "System Restore" in the search bar. Click on the file that appears. Next, we select a restore point before the actions that led to the problem. That's it, the problem must be solved.

If you did not delete any system files and drivers, then you need to solve the problem in a different way. Having carefully studied the inscription from the blue screen of death, try to understand which driver or file led to this problem. After we understand the problem, we enter the name of the file or driver in the search bar and find a description of our problem. We delete the drivers or files that led to the blue screen of death, and in their place we install new ones that we find on the Internet. It is advisable to take the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of the device that led to the problem.

If the problem of "windows 7 blue screen of death" cannot be solved using this method, we check the temperature of the computer components using the Spessy or Aida programs. These programs indicate what temperature is critical for a given part of the computer. If the temperature is higher than critical, this device needs to be repaired or replaced.

I hope my article about windows 7 blue screen of death helped you in solving your problems, if not, contact a professional. Let him take a close look at your computer. To consolidate the information from this article, I suggest watching the video.

Happy viewing!

Another toast:

Best regards, Andrey Zimin. 08/22/2013

What causes the screen of death in windows 7 and general troubleshooting tips?

Hello readers, Denis Trishkin is in touch.

Here we get to the scary topic that scares many computer users - the blue screen. It appears for a variety of reasons. At the same time, it is possible to deal with them, both at the software and at the physical level. In this article, I will tell you how to remove the death screen on windows 7 operating system as a result of various problems.

What is this? (Back to content)

BSoD (short for Blue Screen of Death), known as the Blue Screen of Death, is a bug that is familiar to many Windows users. If it occurs, an image of the corresponding color appears on the monitor. Various information is written on it in white. At the same time, it is impossible to go anywhere. This occurs as a result of a serious error being detected by the system. In fact, the blue screen is a crash.

Reasons for the appearance (back to content)

There are various reasons leading to the appearance of BSoD on a computer:

    Hardware problems (hard drive, video card, and other components)

    Conflict of connected devices.

    Incompatible hardware with the operating system being used.

    Overheating of one of the components.

    Inappropriate or conflicting drivers.

    Incompatibility of the program with the system.

    Incorrect BIOS settings.

  1. Artificial acceleration of a processor, video card or RAM.

According to statistics, most often problems arise precisely with the drivers. That is why it is recommended to install the appropriate software only from official or verified sites. The best thing is to find the program on the manufacturer's resource.

Blue screen diagnostics (back to content)

In order to correct the current situation, you first need to find out why the failure occurred.

If for some reason you have a blue screen, do not worry once again. In most cases, this can be corrected without losing any information.

On the screen itself, all the necessary data appears, which is enough to search for a malfunction or conflict.

It shows the following information:

    The entire third line is the name of the error.

    Then after the word STOP: a hexadecimal error code (0x100000d1) is indicated.

    The following shows the name of the file that is likely causing the problem.

    The name is followed by the address of the place where the event took place - it is not always indicated.

Most likely, the information found to an ordinary user may not say anything, and therefore it is advisable to look for any matches on the same Internet. Fortunately, today many have not only a computer or laptop, but also a smartphone, tablet and even TVs with access to the world network. The information found will indicate the problematic device or software.

You can specify different data in the search bar:

    The name of the error.

    Error code.

    The code along with the driver.

    Code and name.

Do not get upset right away, because most likely someone has already encountered a similar problem and solved it. This can be unplugging a new device, reinstalling drivers, uninstalling a program - in other words, whatever.

In addition, you can find out all the necessary information using the special program BlueScreenView. It is simple and straightforward to use.

If you experience a blue screen, don't panic. First, clean the dust off your computer. If this does not help, change the battery on the board. The machine started working without any problems - everything is fine. If this repeats itself, you need to move on to the following measures.

Globally speaking, the reasons for the emergence of BSoD are divided into three main groups:





If any additional boards are connected, they should also be tested. The best thing is to get them out of the case one by one and work at the computer for a while. If all is well, the problem has been found. If not, try another one.

In the case when, after checking all the boards, everything goes in working mode - you need to pay attention to the power supply. To do this, you need to carry out the appropriate tests with him.

It is advisable to load the system and measure the operating temperature. If the norm is exceeded, contact the service, where they will clean the system, change the thermal paste and, if necessary, replace the power supply unit.

One of the most effective options (at least it helped me more than once) is to disconnect all the components from each other, including the hard drive and optical drives, and then reconnect. Before that, you need to get the power cord.

Important! In this case, problems may arise even when installing windows, since the hardware itself does not work well.


This includes problems with certain software. How to fix? It's simple - reinstall. If necessary, contact the developer's resource to find the latest version.

In this case, it is important to remove the past software in advance. To do this, you can use more than built-in capabilities.

Don't forget about windows updates. Important must be set. Others, however, view and use the most essential.

Sometimes cleaning the system from viruses helps, because they can affect the performance of not only programs, but also devices. At the same time, do not overdo it and install two antiviruses at once, because most likely their conflict will lead to a blue screen (unless, of course, there are no problems during installation).


As mentioned earlier, these are the most common causes of BSoD.

What to do? Don't worry - find and reinstall. Initially, it is advisable to remove the past software yourself. If this does not help, just as in the case of the programs, go to the developer's website and download the latest version. Sometimes, on the contrary, using the previous assembly helps.

If the version of your utility does not differ from the one offered by the developer, check the compatibility. In case of discrepancy - replacement of hardware or reinstallation of windows.

Delayed screen of death (back to content)

It is not uncommon for many people to use computers without thinking about this problem. When it occurs, by default, an algorithm is registered in the system that automatically reboots the computer. This happens quickly, which is why many simply do not even have time to write down the information they need to search.

To avoid such problems, you need to set the blue screen delay on the monitor in advance.

This requires:

Most popular mistakes (back to content)

The problems that cause BSoD are many. Accordingly, the computer gives out different information.

Despite this, there are error codes that are more common than others:

    0x00000001: APC_INDEX_MISMATCH. Internal kernel error. It usually appears due to a mismatch of some parameters in the file system. If possible, they need to be changed. Otherwise, reinstall the OS.

    0x0000001E: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. Problems like this most often point to functions or programs that led to the appearance of the screen of death. It is important to look not only at the name, but also at the address that contains the error.

    0x00000012: TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN. This code indicates that the cause of the problem is unknown. In this case, it is important to track the moment when exactly it occurs. For example, you might be doing something, or you were trying. In any case, some changes had to take place.

There are many reasons why screens of death appear. Personally, they appeared to me due to problems with the hard drive and drivers. In the first case, reconnection helped. And in the second, the problem went away after installing windows. In any case, do not panic, but simply check everything point by point and fix the problem.

I hope my knowledge helped you. Invite your friends to visit us so that they can also understand computers.

Blue screen of death what to do windows 7,8,10

Hello everybody! Today I want to talk about the blue screen of death, what to do in windows 7,8,10. A blue screen is either a conflict with parameters or with devices.

I want to note what is also called a blue screen, BSoD (it stands for Blue Screen of Death or even so Blue Screen of Doom), stop error. Accordingly, such a problem cannot be abandoned and must be dealt with. You will find out how to fight below!

So, if you still have a blue screen of death on your screen, then in any case, you ask, what should I do? Today I will try to show the maximum and tell you how to remove it on any windows.

If you saw on your PC, here is such a window as in the screenshot below, then this means that you have encountered a system error. What is the reason, you ask?

I will tell you that the reasons are different and therefore I will give you below a link to a special error guide. But I want to note that there are two categories, this is hardware and software failure.

The reasons are as follows:

Driver problems

PC may overheat and crash

Due to incompatible device conflict

Viruses, but not always

Conflict or incorrect driver

There may also be problems with the hard drive or RAM.

Software conflict (example, if you installed 2 antiviruses)

  1. First of all, consider the software problems

In this case, when you see such a screen, the PC will automatically reboot. Accordingly, you will have this all the time until you fix this problem. First of all, you must write down the error code on a sheet, this is necessary in order to then check in the reference book what exactly it means.

You can download the guide here:

After running, enter the error code and see the solution on the right.

You can also try to click F8 before booting the PC (if you didn't have time, then try again). After that, select the last boot of the good configuration. If, nevertheless, your PC causes the same error, then click F8 again, but already select safe mode. If you managed to run through safe mode, then you can see, and for which file the conflict occurs.

First, you will need to make sure the PC keeps the ladies errors. How can you be sure of this? Well, first you need to right click on the computer folder and select properties. Then click on the additional section, after that find the item download and restore and click on the "Options" button. Now you need to set everything up as in the picture below.

I would also like to note that you may have already disabled "writing debug information" before. If you have such a problem, then you need to restart your PC and cause the blue screen again, and then go into safe mode.

In general, you should have a Mini ... file. in the C: \ windows \ Minidump folder.

This file can be decrypted with a special program. You can download the program here.

Once downloaded and launched, this program will show you the problem files.

So, if you still do not display anything, then you need to see if the path to the dumps is selected. In the settings - additional parameters.

2. Problems with iron.

Here I want to notice first of all that you need to check the bad sectors on the hard disk. Why? And because system files can get on the broken sectors. Accordingly, for this reason, an error occurs and a blue screen appears.

And also the devices themselves can conflict, but this is very rare. To find out, you need to test for errors, the RAM strips.

Another common error occurs in the BIOS. This is when the achi of the hard drive in the BIOS is reset during a power surge or when the battery is dead. For these reasons, it becomes the hard disk mode on ide. Accordingly, the drivers for this mode are not suitable, and for this a blue screen appears.

Best regards, Roman Rvachev!

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Blue screen of death what to do windows XP, 7, 8, 10

Comments on record: 3

A blue screen is a conflict between any devices or parameters. The blue screen is also called BSoD. BSoD decryption - Blue Screen of Death or otherwise Blue Screen of Doom. And as usual - Stop Error (stop error that stops the computer programmatically). We cannot leave this and we must fight the blue screen and now we will see what needs to be done so that it does not bother us anymore!

Blue screen of death what to do windows 7, 8, 10?

If you saw the blue screen of death, then anyway you had a question, what to do? And today I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove it on any operating system, be it windows xp, 7, 8, 10.

If suddenly you see such a window, it means that a system error has occurred, and there can be many reasons, for this I have laid out a special error description guide below. And the appearance of a blue screen of death can be a bunch, but there are 2 categories, this is a software failure and hardware.

And the following reasons are also possible:

Conflict or incorrect driver

Driver problems

Viruses (not always), but maybe that's why you need to choose the right antivirus

Device conflict due to incompatibility

Problems with devices, usually either hard drive or RAM.

Software conflict (possibly if you installed two antiviruses at the same time)

The computer may overheat and malfunction too.

If a blue screen appears, then the computer should automatically restart. And it will appear until it is eliminated. First, you need to write down the error code on a piece of paper in order to see what it means in the reference book.

The guide can be downloaded here:

We just select the error and on the right we see the solution.

Next, you can try to press F8 before loading windows. Then choose to load the last known good configuration. If the computer also causes a blue screen, then press F8 again and select the already safe mode. If the computer booted in safe mode, then you can see which file the conflict occurs.

To do this, you need to make sure that the computer saves error dumps. To do this, right-click on the computer, select the property. Further additional parameters. Download and restore options button. We expose everything as in the picture. If you have disabled the recording of debug information, then we reboot and again call the blue screen, and then go into safe mode.

This file can be decrypted with a special program.

After starting the program will show the problem files.

If nothing is displayed, see if the path to the dumps is selected. Settings - additional parameters:

2. Problems with iron.

A conflict of the devices themselves is also possible, for this it is necessary to test the RAM strips for errors (information cannot pass through the memory), as well as the hard disk into bad sectors (system files got into bad sectors and cannot be started.).

It is also a fairly common error in the BIOS. When the achi hard disk mode is on, the BIOS is reset (power surge or the battery is dead) and the hard disk mode becomes ide. The drivers, respectively, do not fit this mode and a blue screen occurs.

That's all! I wish to defeat the blue screen of death 🙂

What to do if a blue screen appears on your computer monitor. How to remove windows BSoD blue screen or Blue death screen when booting windows 7 and windows 8, 10 - Make a computer

I want to say that even experienced PC users are often not always able to successfully determine the cause of the blue screen, and even reinstalling the system does not always help to solve the problem. The blue screen reappears. This is evidenced by numerous forums dedicated to the blue screen windows, where the cause of the blue screen, many managed to establish with great difficulty.

Usually the file system is damaged or a lot of errors appeared on the hard disk, it happens in most cases from an incorrect shutdown of the computer, it hangs with us a little and we rebooted it through the Reset button or turned it off altogether. Of course, there may be problems with a power outage in your house. One of the results of all of the above will be a blue screen with error 0x000000E3 or error code 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, which indicates problems with the file system and hard drive. Information on how we solved the problem of the blue screen of our reader and a few more similar problems at the end of the article, but first we will analyze what causes the blue screen, how to decrypt the blue screen error code and how to proceed if the error code is not decrypted at all succeeded.

A blue screen, instead of the desktop when loading windows 7 and windows 8, indicates a critical error in the operating system, in which further work is impossible. Even if you get a blue screen when you boot the system from time to time, this is still a reason to look for a possible error.

The most common causes of a blue screen in windows 7 and windows 8 are:

o Incorrect operation of drivers, you installed an incorrect or written with an error in the system, or maybe an old driver that does not work correctly with any device. Or in other words, the driver tries to perform an impossible operation on the system (many drivers can make changes even to the system kernel) and windows, protecting themselves from severe system violations, blocks what has time and goes into reboot, while creating an entry in the system log, as well as postponing a dump file to the C: \ windows \ Minidump folder, with which you can determine the cause of the blue screen (a memory dump is not always created, more details will follow).

o A software conflict, such as damage to the file system, or the simplest example - two anti-virus programs were installed on the computer and in addition a firewall. Naturally, a problem arises at startup, one program perceives another as a virus and blocks it, the result is a blue screen when the computer boots. Or there is often a conflict between the program and the operating system, for example, many users sometimes try to install a 64-bit application on a 32-bit system.

o If there are small children at home, they probably often press the red burning button of the surge protector or the large POWER button of the system unit, after which the computer naturally shuts down, as a result of which the structure of some system file may be disturbed, which is also the reason for the appearance of the blue screen. If this happens quite often, you just need to remove the filter further away, and turn off the POWER button "Control Panel -> Power supply -> Power button action -> select When the power button is pressed -> No action required". And when you click on it, your computer will turn on, but not turn off. In this case, the operating system, for example, can be brought back to life through a system restore or update in the XP installation menu. In more complex cases, the file system is damaged and you have to restore it (see details below). o Iron conflict or, in other words, improper operation of one of the components of the computer, for example, RAM, video card or hard disk. Once I could not determine the cause of the blue screen for a long time, and most importantly, reinstalling the system did not help. I began to ask what actions have been carried out recently with the computer. It turns out that a RAM bar was added to the system unit the day before, which not only worked at a different frequency, but also had a different supply voltage.

o Viruses rarely cause blue screens.

Of course, in order to solve the problem of the blue screen on our computer, it is very good to first find out the reason for its appearance. To do this, the operating system displays us the relevant information on a blue screen, which is basically the same, except for two small items - the name of the error and the error code.

How to decipher the blue screen error. Let's take a look at two cases that you may have.

· A blue screen appears when the computer boots up and remains on the screen for a long time, giving us the opportunity to read the name and error code.

· The blue screen appears when the computer boots for a second and disappears, while the computer again goes into reboot, so we do not have time to read anything (about this difficult option below).

You cannot rely on solving the problem of the blue screen, only on decoding the error codes. One and the same error, for example 0x0000008E, may indicate a malfunction of the RAM and at the same time a rootkit infection, and another error 0x0000000A IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL may indicate dozens of reasons. But reinstalling windows right away, if a blue screen occurs, is also not worth it, you still need to try to figure out what's the matter ...

To ensure that in the event of a critical error your computer does not constantly restart and you can read the error code on the blue screen, the first thing to try is when you turn on the computer, press the F-8 key on the keyboard and go to the Advanced boot options menu, then select the item Disable automatic restart on system failure,

If it does not help, then it will not be superfluous for you to know such information. I want to say that the operating system is able to save information about the blue screen error in a special file called a memory dump, it will be located in the C: \ windows \ Minidump folder. But for this you need to enable the recording of debug information windows. Do it now.

Windows XP: Right-click on My Computer, then Properties-> Advanced-> Startup and Recovery Options-> System Failure-> Disable the Auto restart option. Select Small memory dump (64 KB) and click OK.

For windows 7 and windows 8, 10: Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced tab -> Startup and Recovery-> Settings, uncheck the Auto restart box. Select Small memory dump (128 KB) and press OK. Let's now move on to specific examples (which I actually had to solve) how to fix the blue screen problem. So the first option. Debug logging is enabled for us. On the computer, after installing the latest game, the sound disappeared, after updating the audio drivers, the computer went into reboot and dumped a blue screen with such an error. We write out the name and error code, the decoding of almost all error codes is given on the website Information about your error code can also be searched on the Internet, through any search engine. Anyone has already come across it and some solution is applicable to it. In our case, the name of the error directly indicates the system compiled file HDAudBus.sys. belongs to software Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio, a large percentage of our blue screen is due to a problem with the System Audio Driver. Error code: STOP: 0x00000101 (0x00000031, 0x00000000, 0x807c9120, 0x00000001) In this case, you can try to reinstall the drivers on the sound card. And what to do if there is no name of the faulty file on the blue screen. In this case, you can download a utility on Ozone to more accurately determine the driver or file that caused the windows BSOD blue screen. I will tell you how to use the BlueScreenView program. The program is very simple, we launch BlueScreenView and it immediately scans the folder for a memory dump file, which I recall is located at C: \ windows \ Minidump.

Select the memory dump with the left mouse in the upper window of our program and immediately look at the lower window, there will certainly appear information about the error. By the way, if you press F-8 while the program is running, then our blue screen will appear in the lower window.

Microsoft has its own debugging tool, but I would say the BlueScreenView utility is simpler, and the result is no worse.

You may ask, our computer does not boot, how can I reinstall the audio driver? Firstly, you need to try to roll back a certain period of time using system restore points, this can be done in safe mode or in the troubleshooting menu of windows 7 (when booting the F-8) or from the recovery disk of the seven. To remove the problematic driver, in case of a blue screen, you can try to enter safe mode with command line support and type the command devmgmt.msc and you will be taken to the device manager.

After removing the problematic driver, you need to install updated driver versions, preferably taken from the official websites of device manufacturers. Or vice versa, install an old and stable driver.

Now let's move on to a more difficult question. What to do if a blue screen appears for a second and it is not possible to read the title and error code?

Be aware that if you are dealing with someone else's computer, you will often not be able to see the error code, the blue screen will appear for a second when you turn on the computer and disappear. Since not everyone unchecks the Disable automatic restart on system failure option. Now you know what to do, so that the blue screen remains on the monitor and the computer does not immediately go into reboot, you could read it above.

In this situation, do not hesitate to ask in various forums, and remember especially interesting cases. If you even know the error code, but you can't fix the situation, just talk to people, ask what programs or drivers were installed last, before the blue screen appeared. What were the last actions taken with the computer. What else can you do if your windows shows you a blue screen? Let's take an interesting case of our reader, especially since I very often had to solve a similar problem.

Real-life examples of blue screen elimination in the operating system windows XP, windows 7 and windows 8

Our computer broke down at work, the system

windows XP, windows 7 and windows 8 regularly reboots, the screen is blue, appears for a second, the error cannot be read, although it should not be so, since I removed the check mark in the option Perform automatic restart (see information above). There is a lot of important data on the computer, they all appeared on the computer within the last few hours and everything is on disk (C :), on the desktop, you need to get everything at all costs, and then you can restore the system's performance, for example, just restore her from the backup that was made last night, but that, if all else fails.

I opened the system unit - everything was cleanly not a speck of dust, I changed the RAM, then the video card, it did not help. I think let me boot the computer from the recovery disk (I always have two 32-bit and 64-bit disks with me), I may be able to get to the system recovery. Well, I booted with a sin in half from the windows 7 recovery disk, but I could not find a single system

We write notepad, a notepad opens, then File and Open, the Computer window appears, I open it, I think now I will go to the disk (C :) to the desktop, copy the necessary files to the USB flash drive and reinstall the system, I look, but there is no disk (C :). There is a disk (D :), but there is no partition on which windows 7 is installed, which means that there are no files needed on the C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Desktop desktop.

Booted from a simple Live CD and there is the same thing, there is no disk (C :).

I boot into the Acronis Disk Director 11 program, my disk (C :) is visible and the data on it is all intact, but nothing can be done with them, for any operation with the partition, Acronis immediately gives an error The file system is damaged! There is nothing to do, I decided to remove the hard drive and connect the hard drive to another computer with the windows 8 operating system installed.

The utility for checking the hard disk CHKDSK, which exists in windows 8 or 7, immediately detected a problem disk with a damaged file system and began to check it for errors in five stages: checking files, checking indexes, checking security descriptors, checking data in files and checking free space!

I had to wait three hours, then I rebooted and my system boots safely, and the missing partition of the connected hard drive also became available. In general, friends, this is the first sign that the hard disk will soon become unusable and it needs to be checked with special programs for bad sectors and Bad blocks (bad or bad sectors). If everything is more or less successful, in order to use such a hard drive, ideally format it completely and reinstall the operating system on it.

Friends, when your operating system does not boot due to errors on the hard disk, then you do not need to remove it to check with the Chkdsk utility, you can boot the computer from the windows 7 installation disk or the recovery disk, then enter the recovery environment, select the command line, then enter the command:

Chkdsk c: / f, which means run a system disk check (C :) with / f options - checks for file system errors on the disk and fixes them. Details in our article: Chkdsk program.

Another example: an old friend of mine, spent a long time looking for the cause of a blue screen on one computer. A newly installed operating system, with native drivers installed on all devices, after 5-10 minutes of operation of any active application (for example, a game), went into a blue screen with a Stop: 0x00000019 error. Tests of almost all components were carried out, including the Mem test program, the 512 MB RAM was successfully tested, which in the end turned out to be to blame. The fact is that on a computer with a relatively weak configuration, there was a powerful gig video card, and only 512 MB of RAM. He replaced the 512 MB RAM bar with 1 GB and the blue screen stopped appearing, the old RAM bar still works on another computer with an integrated video card.

· My friends bought a computer, two years have passed and from time to time, when playing games, a blue screen began to appear. We decided to reinstall the system. We reinstalled and began to install drivers on all devices; when installing a driver on a video card, the system went into a blue screen. Updating the driver on the official website did not work, the problem was solved only by replacing the video card. By the way, on another computer, this video card behaved the same way.

· Exactly the same case was with a network card installed in the form of an expansion card in a PCI slot. We went through all possible and impossible drivers, when installing the driver, windows 8 showed a blue screen with an error and went straight to reboot, not allowing the name and error code to be read. The network card was replaced and everything worked fine.

Sometimes people are looking for the cause of the blue screen for a long time, reinstalling the system, drivers, and the matter is in the banal overheating of the processor, it is worth removing the side wall of the system unit, looking at the dust cap on the processor cooler and everything will become clear.

· Overclocking the processor, also often the cause of the blue screen, is treated by resetting the BIOS settings.

· Once friends, I was very much asked to save the windows 8 system from the blue screen, they did not limit it in time, they gave me the whole day. The error code could not be found, the operating system was rebooting all the time. First of all, just in case, I made a backup of the faulty system, namely the system partition -disk (C :). If you can't fix the problem, I'll deploy the backup and give the computer back unchanged, maybe someone else will succeed.

I tried almost everything that can be done in this case, last of all I tried this method - I replaced all SAM, SEKURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM registry files from the C: \ windows \ System32 \ config folder with the same files from the C folder : \ windows \ System32 \ config \ RegBack, in it every 10 days the Task Scheduler creates a backup copy of the registry keys - even if you have System Restore disabled and windows 8 has booted safely.

How to make a bootable windows 7 flash drive from an iso image

Today I want to tell you how to deal with such a system error as " BSoD " it is also better known as the Blue Screen of Death. If you tell me that you have never had a blue screen in your life, this will mean two options: either you have been sitting at a MacBook since birth, or you purchased a computer just yesterday =)

In general, the blue screen of death (aka BsoD) refers to special types of errors in the Windows family and can be both critical for the operating system and a serious warning. Here's a look at what Bsod is:


  • 1) Error name
  • 2) Recommendations for elimination
  • 3) error code
  • 4) Error parameters
  • 5) Driver name
  • 6) Error address

Terrible right? =)

If the system was able to boot after bsod, then in your case the error can be considered not so critical, but the next time the blue screen pops up again, write down item number 1 and number 3 shown in the screenshot on a piece of paper and with the help of this article you you can figure out what is the reason for such a thing on your computer.

Based on the experience of many programmers, this error is caused by the absence or incompatibility of drivers with the software. Only very rarely is the true reason " blue screen of death"There are hardware malfunctions and if your computer encounters such a problem, then you do not need to prepare it for reinstalling windows.

Causes of the Blue Screen of Death

Let's list the reasons why bsod can occur
The first group includes the reasons associated with the installation of software, and the second includes both physical and software malfunctions of the computer.

Group A:
- Installing a new device (RAM, video card, hdd);
- Installing ServicePack'a or any windows update;
- Updating drivers

Group B:

  • failure of the hard disk, RAM, video card, power supply ...
  • collision of computer devices ( the cable from the hdd can get into the cooler);
  • Overheating of the processor;
  • Inappropriate driver;
  • Driver conflict;
  • Incorrect BIOS firmware
  • lack of free space on the hard disk;
  • overclocking the performance of the processor and RAM.

If the blue screen of death appeared a couple of times, but after restarting the computer, the problem disappeared, then the first time it can be ignored, only if you have non-licensed windows. Pirate assemblies always contain many different bugs, which Bsod can just give out for the wrong reason.

It happens that, working at the computer, he freezes abruptly and after a few seconds the blue screen of death appears. In this case, you need to figure out what the problem is and the first thing to do is to disable automatic restart for critical Windows errors. What do I need to do? First, run windows in “ Safe Mode"And do the following:

For those with Windows XP:

Right-click on "My Computer" à then select the item "Properties" à tab "Advanced" à subgroup "" à "Options". In the dialog that appears, uncheck the box “ Perform automatic reboot"And turn on the recording of small memory dumps (find the" Write debug information "group and select" Small memory dump(64 KB) ”. In general, we do everything as in the screenshot below:

For those with Windows Vista 7:

Go to the "My Computer" folder à then select " System properties»À further on the left panel“ System Protection ”à“ Additional ”tab à subgroup“ ”à“ Parameters ”. In the dialog that appears, uncheck the “ Perform automatic reboot"And enable the recording of small memory dumps (we are looking for the group" Writing debug information”And select“ Small memory dump(128 KB) ”. In general, we do everything as in the screenshot below:

2). After rebooting, write down the error code and check it here:

3). Now you need to download the utility “ Blue_Screen_View"With which you define the driver that calls Bsod. You can download the program, as well as learn how to use it, by following this link:

4). Next, we google the driver who is the hero of the day.
If this is a video card driver, we update or roll back it, and if it is a sound driver, motherboard or network card, then it should be updated or installed with an older version.

If this does not help, then we remember the name of the driver. In the table below, for the same name from the error, we are looking for the device or program to which it belongs. This is a necessary procedure to identify the device or program, the driver that caused the crash of the operating system. If the driver belongs to software (software), reinstalling it will help resolve the problem. Otherwise, this program must be removed and a more stable analogue used. If the driver belongs to one of the PC systems, it needs to be updated. Oftentimes, downgrading to an earlier version can fix these issues. That's all, I think, now you just have to work with the table.

In principle, this is the detailed answer to the question.

Now let's summarize!

How to prevent future blue screen of death?

1. Always check if there is free space left on the system partition of the hard disk. If there is little or no free space, then you need to increase it by deleting unnecessary data;

2. Keep your computer clean and from time to time scan your computer with an antivirus to remove all kinds of rubbish from it.

3. Constantly update officially through the Microsoft server, since most errors occur due to OS problems. And with new updates, all "holes" in the system are closed

4. If BSoD appeared after installing the drivers, then they need to be replaced with older, proven ones. If after installing the program, then removing it will resolve the issue. The option “ Last Known Good Configuration Run systems”.

5. If the screen of death began to appear after you connected a new device to the system, then you need to check it for compatibility with your OS. Next, install the drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

6. Set the BIOS to default settings. Incorrect BIOS settings can lead to very sad consequences. And the screen of death isn't the worst ending. If you are not confident in your skills, then it is better not to change anything in the BIOS. And contact a specialist.

7. Very often the cause of BSoD occurrence is RAM malfunction. You can use testing programs to check it, for example memtest86 +. If detected, the RAM bar should be replaced. If two or more memory sticks are used in the computer, elimination of the faulty card will eliminate the failure.

8. Check the hard disk for bad sectors and errors. If possible, restore errors and bad sectors using standard system tools.

9. It is necessary to get rid of overheating of PC components. Clean your computer from dust, lubricate all coolers (processor, chipset, video card, power supply). If necessary, install additional coolers to organize the correct air flow and circulation in the system unit.

10. Check if the cables and accessories are connected correctly. Look at their contacts, if necessary, clean, blow through and lubricate them.

11. As a last resort, reinstall the operating system. Use only a licensed operating system disk. Using different assemblies leads to constant problems. (although this is probably overkill =)) I myself have never used licensed windows.

Finally, I want to give you the most common causes of the blue screen of death.

Popular blue screen of death error codes

DATA_BUS_ERROR Is an error that indicates a problem with the device itself or with its hardware. These are often memory problems. One of the options could be the cause of an incorrect physical or virtual memory address. If you have upgraded your computer, you may have hardware that is incompatible with your system, or it is more likely that the problem is in the drivers. If you made software or driver updates before the error occurred, then the problem is definitely in the drivers.

Correction method: Correct reinstallation of drivers is needed, most often video cards (any other device is not excluded). This already concerns updating drivers.

NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM Is a problem with writing and reading from the system disk and the NTFS file system. The reason for this can be either large fragmentation or a damaged cluster on the disk. It is possible that there is a problem with the FAT_FILE_SYSTEM view; this is essentially the same, but only concerns the FAT file system.

Correction method: you need to defragment.

One of the most common errors is KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. This error comes with a second key that refers to the problematic driver or value that caused the error to be raised.

In the case of Windows XP, very often the problem is solved by itself. If this option did not work, then something happened with "system support in an emergency." Therefore, you will have to solve the problem manually.

Correction method: there are several ways to fix it. Much depends on the value of the second key.

0 × 01E- such a key indicates an incompatibility of drivers or a malfunction of devices. It is common to see file names on a blue screen that indicate problematic drivers. If you write the name of the file to a search engine, then you can easily identify the driver that gives errors. The solution to this problem is to reinstall the driver according to the instructions.

Win32k.sys- this key indicates incorrect access from a third party. Maybe there is a special separate program for such a connection. To fix it, you need to boot into Safe Mode with F8 and uninstall the program cleanly.

It is very interesting that there could even be problems such as firmware incompatibility. In short, the old BIOS is not adapted for modern hardware. The solution is to update the BIOS. There is a lot of such information on the Internet, so you can cope with this task.

You have been provided with a list of solutions that can help you effectively deal with this problem. Be sure to take into account that if you log in to the system in safe mode (boot via F8), then the problem should be looked for in the drivers or software. If the login cannot be performed under any conditions, then look for a problem in the hardware or in the BIOS.

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL- an error with an incorrect value or memory location. As a rule, it pops up in the form of STOP 0x0000000A, the memory cannot be Read.

Before starting to consider this error, you need to check the drivers. Have you updated your drivers or installed new software? Uninstall them or roll back to an earlier version.

If the problem is resolved, then there was a software incompatibility issue. If the problem has not been resolved, and you have not updated anything, then at boot time, try to select the boot of the last good configuration, which is invoked by the F8 key. Maybe you have a crash and rollback will help you. If nothing has changed, then, unfortunately, you will have to reinstall the system.

An improper logoff can also cause a problem, but in this case, you should try to load the last known good configuration.

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA- an error caused by the absence of the requested data. In the most common cases, the cause of the problem is RAM, its incorrect operation or failure. Perhaps there may still be a problem with the antivirus or in the system service.

Correction method: You can try booting in Safe Mode and cleaning up recently installed software.

If the download cannot be completed for unknown reasons, then change the memory bar and try to boot. But in the BIOS, you must first reset it, there may be an overclocking problem.

You should understand that this is not the whole list of errors that may appear on your blue screen of death. The most common Bsod error codes have been listed here.

In order not to write big Talmuds, you can register any error in the search engine and try to find a solution. You should also not forget about the key parameters that the error throws out.

So how do you diagnose any error and prescribe the right solution?

There is one unwritten rule for analyzing BIOS errors - in any system from scratch, not a single error will occur.

The fastest and most effective way to identify most system errors is to recall the previously performed actions on the PC (which appeared before the appearance of the blue screen). When you can recover all the errors in the system, then you can fix the problem.

Key factors causing BSoD errors to pop up.

You bought a new computer, and after the first launch, you started to see a blue screen of death. But you haven't really installed anything before that.
Solution method: without a doubt, you can safely take your computer to the service. And let them try to point out the reason as proof and demonstrate in your presence how well the computer works.

Again, you just recently purchased a computer. Things went swimmingly. But after a while you installed a couple of programs and after that you saw the blue screen of death.
Solution method: boot into safe mode, uninstall programs and drivers.
It may be that the antivirus also finds bad interaction with certain programs. You can try to turn it off for a while and try to install the program again. If this time the operation was successful, then it should be added to the list of trusted programs in the antivirus.

You have an old computer by today's standards, so you made the decision to upgrade it. After the upgrade and the installed drivers, a blue screen began to appear.
Solution: in any case, the problem is in the HDD, it is unlikely that it is physical, so updating the file system should help you. In order to successfully enter the system, you will need to remove programs from autorun.

I collected all the cream on the Internet on the topic of "bsod" here, two copywriters wrote the text, and then I also brought it into a readable state. I think it turned out not even bad!

P. S.

On this I have all dear friends! I hope you have now received the full amount of knowledge about. By the way, how do you like articles on computer topics? I'm tired of writing about SEO all the time, so I'm fading away =) Who is the first on the blog to subscribe to its updates, and who does not leave a comment =)

BSoD or Blue Screen of Death in Windows can appear for various reasons. Starting from a failure in a separate program, ending with the breakdown of important equipment. If you've only seen BSoD once, it's too early to sound the alarm. But if the failure is regular, then there is some problem with the computer. And you need to pay attention to the information that is shown in the error.

You quietly worked at the computer, and saw the "Blue Screen of Death" in Windows 7. What to do in this case? You don't need to restart your PC right away. Check the error code. From it you will understand what is “broken”. And you can eliminate the cause of the failure.

When BSoD appears, pay attention to the sections:

  • "The problem seems to be caused". The file that caused the crash is listed there;
  • Below is the name of the error;
  • "Technical Information". Technical information. The error number must be written after the word "STOP". For example, "0x0000007E" or "0xC0000135";
  • Next comes the name of the driver and the address of the error.

Reasons for the error

Remember what happened before the "Blue Screen of Death" arose. This will help you figure out what to do with it. For example, you connected a new device, installed a program, updated the system, or downloaded unlicensed Windows drivers. If it was after this that the problems began, then you have found the culprit. You can also determine the cause by looking at the error codes.

Here's what causes the crash:

  • Hardware malfunctions. The hard disk, RAM, network card, video adapter may be damaged;

The problem may be caused by a defective hard drive.

  • An incompatible device or equipment is connected. Let's say you decide to install new RAM cards or connect an external hard drive. And after that Windows started crashing into BSoD;
  • Conflict of software, in particular, drivers;
  • BIOS crashes or bad firmware;
  • Overheat;
  • Updating Windows or individual services. Along with this, you can download a huge number of errors. Even licensed programs are not insured against them. If BSoD appears after a system update, just roll it back. And wait for the update to be fixed and optimized;
  • Contact between wires and internal equipment. For example, the cable got caught in the fan blades;
  • that damaged important files;

  • User actions. Someone tried to "overclock" the computer. Or deleted system data.

Error codes

To understand how to get rid of the problem, you need to look at the error codes. The Blue Screen of Death provides the information you need. But the list of such numbers is huge. Anything can break. And it is not clear what to do in this case. Here are the most common crashes:

  • "0x0000000X", where "X" ("X") are numbers from 1 to 5. Actual for Windows Server 2003 and Win XP with SP. Appears when installing some antiviruses. To fix everything, download the update "KB887742" from the Update Center or from the official Microsoft website;
  • "0x0000000A" and "0x0000000X", where "X" is equal to numbers from 6 to 9. The driver is damaged. Or there are incompatible software / hardware;
  • "0x0000000X", where "X" can be numbers from 13 to 19. The codes mean that there is no communication with the memory card. Or the connection to the hard drive, which contains the swap partition, is lost;
  • "0x0000001F" and "0x0000000X", where "X" are numbers from 20 to 23. An error occurred while reading / writing information. Appears on FAT file systems. The reason may be a hard disk breakdown or severe data fragmentation. A "blue screen of death" with this code also occurs due to incompatible antiviruses and firewalls;
  • "0x00000024". The same, but for the NTFS file system;
  • "0x0000000X", where "X" are numbers from 28 to 35. Problem with drivers or RAM;
  • "0x0000000B", "0x0000000C", "0x0000000D". Related to a crash in the Sound Blaster Live sound card software;
  • "0x00000051". Occurs when the system cannot read some registry entry. This happens when the system or hardware is damaged;
  • "0x00000057". There is something wrong with the network card;

Death screen example

  • "0x00000069". Incorrect system installation or incorrect configuration;
  • "0x00000073". Part of the registry is damaged. Or there is not enough free memory;
  • "0x0000007E". May appear when updating Windows. For some reason, the update caused a crash. To fix it, you need to roll back the system;
  • "0x0000008E". Damage to RAM. Or the RAM modules are incompatible with each other;
  • "0x000000FE". Critical failure in the USB controller;
  • "0x00000104". There is a problem with the video adapter driver or BIOS firmware;
  • "0x1000007E", "0x1000008E" or "0xC000009A". The Windows system kernel lacks resources for stable operation. Free up RAM and local memory;
  • "0x80070570". The system is not installed correctly. The problem may be in the installer itself;
  • "0xC0000135" and "0xC0000218". Important dynamic libraries are damaged or missing. BSoD indicates which particular object is not available;
  • "0xC0000221". Driver or library problem;
  • "0xDEADDEAD". The user himself initiated an emergency stop of the system.

The list is long enough. It has hundreds of different numbers. You can enter the error code into a search engine to find out more information. Or see it on the site "" (tab "BSoD: error description"). There are also instructions on what to do in each situation.

If the same failures occur with different objects (the codes are the same, but the file names are not), most likely the problem is not in the system, but in the hard drive. Back up important data as soon as possible. If they find themselves in a damaged sector, it will be difficult to restore them.

View code if system reboots

How to find out the crash number if the computer restarts when BSoD appears? And you just don't have time to read the message.

You can see the blue screen codes in the dumps. They are located in the Windows \ Minidump system directory. To open these files, you need the BlueScreenView program. Find it on the Internet, install and open it. It will scan the dumps and list them. Files that contain information about the crash will be marked in red.

BlueScreenView program window

How to fix the error

Equipment broke down

If the equipment breaks down, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fix it at home. But sometimes it is enough to turn it off and on again. Let's say it became clear from the error codes that there is no access to RAM. Here's what to do:

  • Turn off the power to the computer. Do not just press the "Off" button, but unplug the plug from the socket;
  • Open the lid of the system unit;
  • Find RAM boards there;

  • Pull them carefully out of the slot. It is necessary to pull back the latch that holds them;
  • Insert them back;
  • Turn on your computer and check if everything works.

The same can be done with a hard drive, and with a video adapter, and with a sound card. But if you are unfamiliar with the internal structure of a computer, it is better to entrust it to professionals. Do not take out all the details from the system unit one by one.

If it does not help, then the equipment has become unusable. It needs to be changed.

Disconnecting external devices

Very often BSoD appears when hard drives or other external devices are connected to the computer. How to fix the Blue Screen of Death in this case? Disable equipment. Try inserting it into a different port. See how it appears in Device Manager. Check for an exclamation mark next to the model name. Update your drivers.

Perhaps it's not the computer, but the port controller. If it is faulty, it must be disabled.

Problems with the file system or hard drive

Run a check and repair of the system disk. For this:

  • Click on it with the right mouse button;
  • Item "Properties";

Go to "Properties"

  • Service tab;
  • Check button;

Click on "Check"

  • Check all the boxes. In particular, the option "Recover bad sectors" is needed;

We put a tick next to "Recover damaged sectors"

  • Start button;
  • The service will warn you that it will start checking the next time the system is started;
  • Reboot your computer;
  • It will start rebuilding the disk. This can take a long time. Do not interrupt the process.

Software glitch

Here's how to remove the "Blue Screen of Death" if the problem is in the system itself or the programs installed on it:

  • Remove everything you installed just before the crash;
  • If it doesn't help, make a backup;
  • Go to Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools;
  • Press " ";

  • In the window that opens, check the "Select a restore point" item;
  • If necessary, check the box "Show all restore points";
  • They show the time when the backup was made, and what happened at the same time (installation, removal, update);

Recovery points

  • Select a suitable point and confirm;
  • Do not turn off your computer until recovery is complete.

The system will rollback. It will return to the state it was in before the errors occurred.

Other options

  • Scan the system with a good antivirus;
  • Clean the debris from the hard drive. Delete unnecessary files. But don't touch the system data. You can use the built-in Windows services (Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup) or install programs for this: for example, CCleaner;

CCleaner program

  • It makes sense to fix registry errors. But don't do it manually. Use Registry Fix, Registry Boot and the like;
  • If you have an installation disk with the system, try reinstalling it or repairing damaged files;
  • Update all drivers. Download the latest updates.

If Blue Screen Appears at Startup

If the "Blue Screen of Death" appears immediately after turning on the computer, you will not get into the system. And it will be difficult to fix something. Therefore, you need to start the PC from a boot disk or drive. If you don't have one, use the Windows installation CD. A free program from DrWeb - "Live Disk" is also suitable. It can be downloaded from

  1. When starting the PC (at the very first "frame"), a key will be indicated, which must be pressed to open the settings ("PRESS TO ENTER SETUP"). Typically F1, F2, F5, or Del;
  2. Click on it. BIOS options will open. In them, all control is tied to the keyboard;
  3. Go to the "Boot" tab;
  4. Item "Boot Device Priority";
  5. There will be a loading order. Put in the first place the device from which you plan to download data (disk or drive);
  6. Open the "Save" section, select the "Save and reset" option;
  7. Now the computer will start from external media (don't forget to insert it);
  8. If it is a bootable disk or CD with Win distributions, try reinstalling them;
  9. Live Disk also has tools for reanimating the system;
  10. After recovery, change the boot order again to boot from the hard drive.

This will work if the problem is due to a software glitch. But will not help with equipment breakdown

It is necessary to take care of the system and the computer, even if there are no problems. Check the disk regularly for errors, remove unnecessary garbage from it, clean the registry. Don't try to improve your PC's performance if you don't know how to do it. If you follow the precautions and monitor the state of the system, the Blue Screen of Death is unlikely to bother you.

Some of the glitches you can handle yourself. But if BSoD appeared due to hardware breakdown, it would have to be changed.

The blue screen of death or BSOD (The blue screen of death) is always a very alarming symptom of computer problems. This screen appears when Windows detects a critical error that the system cannot fix on its own. As a result, a restart of the computer is requested, and very often this leads to the loss of all unsaved changes.

The Blue Screen of Death is the worst error a computer user can face. Unlike application crashes, a BSOD crash disrupts the entire system. Usually blue screen of death appears as a result of low-level software glitches or problems with computer hardware components.

Reasons for BSOD

Usually blue screens of death are caused by a malfunctioning computer hardware or drivers. Normal applications shouldn't throw BSODs. In the event of a crash, third-party programs do not cause a malfunction of the operating system. The most common causes of BSODs are hardware glitches or problems with Windows kernel-level software. There are crashes associated with antivirus updates.

A blue screen usually appears when Windows encounters a “STOP error”. This critical crash causes the Windows system to stop working. In this case, all that remains is to forcibly shut down the computer and restart it. This procedure can result in the loss of unsaved data because applications have virtually no chance of saving changes. In an ideal scenario, programs should regularly save progress so that BSODs or other errors do not result in data loss.

When the blue screen of death appears, Windows automatically creates and saves a “minidump” memory dump file to disk, which contains information about the critical failure. Users can view the information in the dumps - it can help identify the cause of the BSOD crash.

By default, Windows automatically restarts your computer when the blue screen of death appears. If your computer restarts for no apparent reason, then it may be due to a blue screen.

If you want to see detailed information when a blue screen appears, you should disable automatic restart in the Windows control panel.

  1. Click on the “My Computer” icon.
  2. Right-click and select Properties.
  3. From the left navigation menu, select the “Advanced System Settings” option.
  4. Go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Startup and Recovery" section click the "Options" button.
  5. In the "System Failure" section, uncheck the "Perform automatic reboot" option.

BlueScreenView provides an easy way to view BSOD information. The program automatically scans all memory dump files and displays crash data.

Similar information can be viewed using the built-in classic "Event Viewer" application. However, in this case, BSOD messages will be displayed in the same list with application crashes and other system log messages.

For developers or advanced users, the powerful WinDbg dump debugger from Microsoft is more suitable.

Search and elimination of vulnerabilities

On Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows, BSOD information is also displayed in the Activity Center. If you encounter a BSOD error, you can open the Action Center and check the available solutions. Windows will analyze BSOD and other types of errors on your computer and provide recommendations on how to fix the problem.

You can often get more information about the blue screen error by looking for a specific error message — for example, “Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal”. The new BSOD screens on Windows systems are themselves prompting users to search the Internet for detailed information on possible problems.

  • Use the System Restore Wizard. If your system recently started to experience crashes with BSOD, use System Restore to return your system to a previous stable state. If it helps, then the problem was probably caused by software bugs.
  • Check your system for malware. Threats that go deep into the Windows kernel can cause system stability problems. Scan your computer for malware to make sure the system crash isn't caused by insidious malware.
  • Install driver updates. An incorrectly installed or faulty driver can lead to crashes. Download and install the latest drivers for computer components from the manufacturer's official website - this may help to cope with BSOD.
  • Boot in Safe Mode. If your computer keeps crashing with BSOD, then try to boot into Safe Mode. In Safe Mode, Windows only loads the most basic drivers. If the blue screen of death appears due to the installed driver, then there will be no critical error in safe mode, and you can fix the problem.
  • Run hardware diagnostics. Blue screens can be caused by faulty hardware. Try to test the memory for errors and check the temperature of individual elements of the PC to make sure that it does not overheat.
  • Reinstall Windows. A clean installation of the system is drastic, but it will get rid of possible problems with installed programs. If after reinstalling the system, BSOD errors continue, it is most likely hardware related.

Even a perfectly working computer in rare cases may experience crashes with BSOD for no apparent reason - due to errors in drivers, installed applications or hardware components.

If you very rarely encounter a BSOD (say, every two years), then there is no cause for concern. If errors with BSOD pop up regularly, then you need to look for the cause and fix the problem.

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