How to apply for participation in the auction for Sberbank ast. AST Sberbank: electronic platform How to find the desired auction for Sberbank ast

  • 31.08.2021

Government orders are considered to be no less effective measure to support business than subsidies or incentives. In addition, state and municipal customers are required by law to place from 10 to 20% of the annual volume of supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services with small businesses. The calculation is simple: small and medium-sized enterprises often specialize in a narrow range of products and can potentially offer interesting, high-quality products. But usually only large enterprises can afford to maintain a dedicated department for tracking interesting competitions and submitting applications for participation in them.

Few people know that in Moscow, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to undergo free training in the methodology for selecting tenders and the procedure for participating in tenders.

The state budgetary institution "Small Business of Moscow" in January 2013 opened the Unified State Order Center, which conducts such courses.

Placing a government order can be carried out in several ways: either by holding tenders (tenders or electronic auctions), or it can be a request for quotations, as well as purchase from a single supplier (performer, contractor). Quotations are requested only for lots that cost no more than 500 thousand rubles, and tenders are held in the case of "complex" purchases, which require an assessment not only by price, but also by many other criteria. Usually tenders are held for purchases in the defense industry, high technologies, and science.

Today, the main method for placing government orders is electronic auctions, their share is about 59% of the total mass of auctions. Electronic auctions are considered to be an effective anti-corruption tool. The meaning of the system lies in the anonymity of the participants, transparency of information and high competition. Bidding on electronic platforms eliminates bribes at the stage of placing and conducting bidding.

Let's consider the stages of participation in an open online auction.

1. Finding a suitable auction

Notification of any auction is published on the Official All-Russian website and posted on the official website at least 7 or 20 days prior to the deadline for filing applications for participation, depending on the initial maximum price. There are five federal electronic trading platforms in total:

  • State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for State Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Each site has a register of auctions and a search form. In addition, a consolidated list of all auctions can be found on the RF official information site for order placement. The search is carried out according to several criteria, which facilitate the procedure.

The Ministry of Economic Development is in charge of legal regulation of the state order; the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and in some cases, the Federal Service for Defense Orders, controls the placement of orders.

2. Obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS)

You can buy an EDS at any certification center that has received accreditation on the electronic platform where you are going to trade. The addresses of the sites of authorized certification centers can be found on the official website in the section "Information for customers and suppliers".

The procedure for obtaining an EDS takes 2-3 business days. The signature allows to assign a legal status to an electronic document and thus confirms the financial responsibility of the participants for the decisions they make in the course of the auction.

3. Accreditation on the trading floor

No company is allowed to participate in an electronic auction without accreditation on the trading floor. For each of the five sites, accreditation must be obtained separately.

The procedure itself is as follows. You need to go to the site's website, fill out an accreditation form and an application for opening an account, attach a number of documents (an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP for individual entrepreneurs), a constituent document, a power of attorney for the right to participate in tenders, a protocol or decision on the appointment of a head, certified by the seal of the organization, scan company details cards).
It is necessary to understand all the requirements of the site. In particular, to participate in the auction, you need to configure your browser in the correct way.

The site operator, within five days, considers the application and confirms the possibility of access to participation or refuses accreditation. Refusal must be accompanied by comments indicating the errors made. Sites do not set limits on the number of accreditation attempts. But each submitted application will be considered within five working days.

To participate in the auction, a personal account is created for each accredited supplier within the platform. The functionality of the personal account allows you to submit applications for participation in auctions, directly participate in them, submit requests for clarification of the auction documentation, and much more.

4. Transferring money to the account

The next required step is to transfer money to your account on the trading platform in order to ensure your participation in electronic trading. As a rule, if the auction is held among small businesses, this payment is 2% of the maximum initial order value, in all other cases - 5% of the maximum initial order value. After the end of the auction, this amount is unlocked and can be withdrawn from the account.

As soon as the money arrives at the account of the electronic trading platform, the supplier has the opportunity to send his application for participation in the auction.

5. Drawing up an application

Drawing up an application for participation in the auction is the most crucial stage. In order to properly draw up this document, you need to read the auction documentation very carefully. The application consists of two parts. The first part must be anonymous, it contains the participant's consent to the supply of the desired product (work, services) and a description of their characteristics. The second part contains information about the participant, documents confirming the participant's compliance with the requirements established in the auction documentation (various licenses and certificates).

After the expiration of the deadline for submitting applications, the customer forms a protocol for considering the first parts of the applications, and the site operator is obliged to inform the supplier within the established time frame whether he is admitted to the auction.

Auction process

When participating in an e-auction, pay attention to the following main points: the time remaining until the end of the auction and the step of the auction. The step of the auction is strictly defined by law - half a percent of the initial maximum order value. Each time the participant is given 10 minutes to think about whether to come up with a proposal to reduce the price.

A participant in an open auction is not entitled to submit a contract price proposal equal to or greater than the proposals submitted by the auction participants earlier, as well as a contract price proposal equal to zero. The Bidder also cannot submit a bid for a contract price lower than the current minimum bid for a contract price reduced by an auction step.

Bidding is considered completed if no one has made a better offer within 10 minutes after the lowest bid has been submitted.

Within a few minutes, the system automatically generates a protocol with the results of trades, where the best rates are indicated. All participants are hidden under numbers.

Only after the auction the second parts of the bids will be transferred to the customers, from which they will find out which companies are hidden under which numbers. Based on the results of consideration of the second parts of the applications, the winner is identified, to whom the state contract is sent. It must be signed electronically on time.

It is also necessary to provide the security of the contract. Its size is determined by 94-FZ and is up to 30% of the initial maximum contract price. This amount can be transferred to a temporary account of the customer or presented in the form of a bank guarantee.

The electronic platform of Sberbank is one of 8 that have the right to conduct electronic trading for state and municipal purposes in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 26, 2009 N 428.

Sberbank-AST- one of the most important electronic platforms, because is the leader in the number of lots placed and the number of contracts concluded according to data for 2018.

The Sberbank platform has a fairly broad functionality. In addition to holding state auctions under 44-FZ, purchases under 223-FZ are also carried out on this ETP. In this case, any state corporation can obtain a personal ETP from Sberbank-AST and conduct a purchase to receive goods, works or services required by the organization. Such auctions must be held in accordance with the rules of the law.

Accreditation for Sberbank-AST

An important question for each procurement participant is how to get accredited for Sberbank-AST.

From January 1, 2019, for participation in purchases under 44-FZ, it is not possible to be accredited separately at the site. Now the algorithm for obtaining accreditation at federal sites is different: first, the supplier needs to register in a unified information system, and accreditation at state sites is automatically assigned to him after confirmation of registration in the EIS.

The data that the participant fills in when registering in the EIS is quite enough to apply for participation in the procurement after receiving accreditation for Sberbank-AST. But the personal account of the ETP has more fields for filling out information about the participant, so if you wish, you can also fill them in.

Automatic accreditation at the Sberbank-AST site must be completed within 1 business day after successful registration in the EIS.

Because the unified information system does not notify the user about the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as about the result of registration (successfully or not), then for verification you can use the register of accredited organizations and the unified register of participants.

Important: in order to register in the EIS, the user (head of the organization) must first authenticate in the ESIA (portal of State services). If the supplier does not have registration on this portal, then first you need to register with the ESIA.

List of documents required for registration:

  1. SNILS (for State services);
  2. passport data (including for State services);
  3. phone, mail, postal address;
  4. the amount of the maximum (large) transaction;
  5. Timezone;
  6. charter;
  7. decision / protocol on the approval of a major transaction.

Ensuring participation in Sberbank-AST

To make a security for participation in trading on this site, you can use a tender loan. We offer favorable financing terms and transfer the collateral directly to your special account.

You can find out more about lending on the site on this page.

Benefits of Sberbank-AST

One of the main advantages of an ETP is to minimize the risk of corruption during procurement. But besides this, Sberbank has its own indisputable advantages, because in addition to state and commercial trading, the following procedures are carried out on this site:

    purchases directly for the needs of Sberbank of Russia;

    sale of property of bankrupt enterprises;

    tenders for privatization and rent;

    showcase of direct deliveries;

    sale of non-core assets and collateral;

    has a database that unites rental and sale of commercial real estate throughout Russia.

How to work at Sberbank-AST

Or you can study the PDF file with the Instruction for filing a pending order Sberbank AST

Official website of the ETP Sberbank-AST

Russian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use electronic trading to conclude transactions.

Such contests are a way to select a supplier, customer, buyer on specialized sites called electronic marketplaces.

What it is?

All government organizations are obliged to find suppliers through auctions, conclude contracts only with those organizations whose products fully comply with quality standards.

This activity is regulated by two normative documents:

  • Federal Law No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs." It is used by the majority of enterprises financed from the budget: schools, administrations, clinics, etc.
  • Federal Law No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities." It is used by large corporations and enterprises in which the state's share is more than 50%.

Auctions under 44-FZ are held at 5 federal venues. Trades under 223-FZ can be carried out on a much larger number of sites, there are more than 10. The organization can participate in tenders on any number of sites.

There are three types of trades:

  1. Open auction... In this case, the participants submit proposals at a price, and the contract will be concluded with the one whose option is optimal for the buyer.
  2. Up Auction... In this case, the participant who submitted the offer at the highest price is selected. Most often, this type of bidding is used when selling or renting property.
  3. Auction for a fall... The buyer announces the parameters of the goods, as well as the highest starting price. The order is given to the company that offers the lowest cost. The type is used when purchasing goods or services by budget enterprises.

Why participate in them?

Bidding is the only possible way to sell products to budgetary institutions. Having received a state order, the organization provides itself with a stable guaranteed income for a long time... It is for this reason that many individual entrepreneurs and recently opened small businesses actively participate in the auction.

Since government customers of all levels are legally obliged to buy most of the products, works and services at open auctions, it is most profitable to participate in auctions on federal electronic trading platforms.

The law also provides for the sale of assets of bankrupt enterprises. By participating in such auctions, you can purchase property at a low price.

Not only legal entities, but also individuals can buy tangible assets that were owned by insolvent firms. The most popular sites for such transactions are Sberbank-AST and the Russian Auction House.

ETP has a number of advantages over other methods of concluding transactions:

  • maximum concentration of buyers and sellers on a small number of sites;
  • anonymity at the first stage, which ensures the integrity of the transaction and the absence of corruption;
  • available information about the order for all auction participants;
  • the time for preparing documents is reduced.
  • transactions on trading floors are protected by a digital signature certificate;
  • interaction between the seller and the buyer is carried out without intermediaries;
  • the opportunity to receive a state order for a large volume of products;
  • the contract can be concluded with any counterparty throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for participation

To participate in such auctions, you need:

  • Get EDS... An electronic signature certificate is required to certify applications, proposals, contracts and other documents. To get it, you need to contact an accredited Certification Center, fill out an application and provide all the necessary official papers. After receiving the electronic signature, you need to install a special program on your computer to work with the certificate.
  • Get accredited on the ETP... On the site of the selected site, you need to fill out a form and an application for opening an account, provide documents:
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP for a period of up to six months;
    • full details of the organization;
    • Enterprise charter;
    • document on the appointment of the head;
    • power of attorney to participate in the auction.

    Confirmation of accreditation will be received within five days. With an electronic signature, the service is free.

  • Top up a special account... Only those organizations that have funds on the ETP are allowed to participate in the auction. They are needed to secure the application, to confirm the intentions of the firm. If there is no finance on the account, the system will automatically reject the documents.
    These preliminary procedures will take about 7 days in total.
  • Apply... To participate in public procurement auctions, you must comply with all the requirements for the design of the proposal. The application consists of two parts, each of which may be available for review by the customer at different times. The entire document is uploaded to the ETP.
    • The first part contains complete information about the offered goods and services. It is considered 3-5 days, after which the organization is allowed to participate in the auction.
    • The second part contains the details of the supplier, it is analyzed within 4-6 days after the end of the auction. On its basis, a decision is made to conclude a deal.

    The winner in the auction is the one who proposes the best price for the customer. State-owned enterprises can only create lower auctions, that is, they have the right to enter into a contract only with the bidder who offers the lowest price. In addition, the offered goods, works, services must fully comply with the requirements specified in the competition.

  • To sign a contract... The company that won the competition is obliged to sign the contract. The winner must provide a bank guarantee in the amount of 30% of the original auction price before entering into a transaction. The draft contract is certified by an electronic signature, first by the contractor, and then by the customer.

You can clearly see this instruction in the following video:

How to increase your chances

More and more entrepreneurs are starting to participate in the auction. To increase the chances of getting an order, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Offer a real price... Do not underestimate the cost of the proposal excessively. There are cases when organizations that received state. the order for the performance of work, could not meet the developed estimate due to unforeseen circumstances and working conditions. Since the company is obliged to fulfill its obligations under the contract, unnecessary expenses can cause serious financial damage to it. You should adhere to the tactics of setting prices as close as possible to market prices.
  • Participate in different auctions... Submit all eligible orders for businesses of all sizes and industries. Ignore only contests with incorrect conditions, for example, if the starting price is too low. Government agencies cannot change the budget amount after the contract is signed.
  • Follow the opening of new trades... Information about auctions can be obtained in two ways:
    • from the distribution of electronic platforms, defining the profile of the company;
    • use the services of firms that specialize in monitoring the ETP.
  • Do not hurry... It doesn't matter if the application is submitted immediately after the opening of the auction or a few hours before the end of the auction. Carefully check the compliance of the application with the customer's requirements, prepare all the necessary documents. Check with the organizer for details of technical issues and product parameters. A neat, clear offer will grab the buyer’s attention and leave a good impression of the company.
  • Follow the legislation in your industry... Additions to regulations sometimes lead to changes in customer requirements. The organization must anticipate new opportunities in advance and adapt to the corresponding needs.

Not everyone who has received an EDS certificate and trading platform accreditation understands the auction procedure. The system of work on the site is rather complicated.

The Sberbank AST system is considered a popular platform for holding auctions and tenders, allowing individuals and legal entities to participate in public procurement. If the user knows how the auction for Sberbank AST is going, he will be able to take part in it and, subject to winning, fulfill the state order.

Features of the

This site was launched by the leading financial institution of the Russian Federation - Sberbank in 2009. It performs an intermediary function between customers, which are, as a rule, various government agencies and performers. The latter can be both individual entrepreneurs and individuals / legal entities.

Understanding how to participate in the auction for "Sberbank AST", it is necessary to consider a number of features of such an event. As a rule, it follows the established algorithm and includes several stages:

  1. The customer places an order on the official public procurement portal.
  2. The event will be held on condition that the proposed products fall under the established list.
  3. Contractors place an order using the Sberbank AST electronic platform.
  4. Electronic auctions are held confidentially.
  5. The winner of the competition is the contractor who offered the lowest price for the placed order.
  6. The person who placed the order is obliged to enter into an agreement on the same terms as presented in the order and cannot change them.

Participation is offered on an anonymous basis, and the timing may vary and depend on the amount of the proposed contract. If the amount of the agreement exceeds 3 million rubles, applications are submitted within 7 days, and if not - 15 days.

ETP Sberbank AST website

EDS registration, passing of accreditation

Finding out how to participate in trading on Sberbank AST, it is advisable to note that for this, the candidate needs to issue an electronic digital signature, as well as successfully complete verification on the selected site. This will allow you to fully participate, win the auction and receive the desired order.

To undergo accreditation, a candidate must receive a special EDS of a certain type. Other types of signatures will not work with this site. In order to obtain a signature, the user must provide the following documents:

  • copies of the certificate of registration, as well as documentation confirming the fact of tax registration of a legal entity;
  • copies of documentation confirming the appointment of a manager or a power of attorney of an authorized employee in whose name the signature is made;
  • a copy of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, the future owner of the EDS;
  • confirmation of consent to the rules for processing user data.

This package of documents seems to be the most extensive and relevant for legal entities. Individuals and individual entrepreneurs will need a smaller set of papers to obtain an EDS. After the EDS has been received, the entrepreneur must register, which will make the electronic auction available for his participation.


Despite the fact that Federal Law No. 44 clearly regulates the procedure for passing accreditation, each electronic platform uses its own algorithm. According to the current rules, no more than 5 days are allocated for consideration of the application, which allows you to quickly participate. The procedure for passing accreditation is as follows:

  1. Insert the token with EDS into the USB connector and open the "Participants" category located on the official site of the site.
  2. Select the section "Registration" and determine the type of user - individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  3. Click "Submit Application" and upload the required electronic documents.
  4. Specify a username and a strong password that will be used for authorization.

After the documents have been reviewed and the application approved, the user will be able to successfully register their account and start participating.

Preparation, provision and filing of an application

To successfully participate in the auction, the candidate must submit an electronic application. It consists of 2 parts, each of which must comply with the current service rules. The first part consists of consent to the rules for processing the provided information, as well as technical documentation.

The second part provides for the indication of basic information about the organization, individual entrepreneur or individual who plans to take part in the auction. These include TIN, licenses, personal data, declarations and SROs, as well as other papers. Both parts of the documents will need to be uploaded at the same time, while each of the uploaded papers must contain an electronic signature.

Filing an application

After that, the applicant needs to secure the application properly. According to the rules of the service, the collateral is 0.5% -5% of the contract amount, which the contractor credits to his personal account, available after passing the accreditation. If he refuses the order after winning the tender, the funds will go to the customer. However, if it is accepted for execution, the security will be returned to the performer's accounts within 5 days.

The final stage of preparation for the auction is the filing of an application for the selected order. A similar action will help you perform the following instruction:

  1. Find the required trades in the system using their number in the register.
  2. Fill out the application form using the interface of your personal account.
  3. Upload documents.
  4. Sign all loaded papers, as well as the submitted application.

After completing the submission of the application, the contractor will receive a special serial number assigned automatically.

Consideration and participation in the auction

Studying how to play and win in competitions for the right to fulfill government orders, it should be noted that the consideration of the submitted applications is carried out in 7 days. After this period, the commission makes a decision on the admission / non-admission of participants. At this stage, the names of the companies are completely classified, which ensures an impartial review.

Then a protocol is published on the floor, containing the numbers of participants admitted to trading. Considering how electronic auctions take place, it should be mentioned that they are held, as a rule, on the third day after the publication of the list of participants.

The main stages of the conduct:

  1. The auction session opens.
  2. Participants submit their proposals, the price increment ranges from 0.5% to 5%. Delivery time is limited and is 10 minutes.
  3. Time limits are updated after each bet.
  4. The winner of the auction is selected, and other participants make out-of-competition bids in order to take 2nd place. This will allow them to qualify for the execution of the order in the event that the winner abandons it or his application is rejected.

All applications are considered within 3 days, after which the competition protocol is published. Once the winner is selected, he can proceed to concluding an agreement with the customer.


Security, signing a contract

If a company, individual entrepreneur or individual managed to participate in the tender and win the right to fulfill the order, he will need to provide financial security for the future contract or a bank guarantee. This allows customers to be sure that the contractor will responsibly fulfill his obligations.

As a rule, the size of the bank guarantee is about 30% of the total contract price. If its value during the auction fell by more than a quarter, special measures will be taken and the amount of the required collateral will be increased by one and a half times.

Electronic bidding Is the process of choosing a supplier through the functionality of an electronic trading platform. ETP are divided into state and commercial.

Differences between state and commercial ET

At state sites, procedures for selecting suppliers for state institutions (federal, municipal, budgetary) are carried out through an electronic auction.

If a state institution intends to purchase works, goods or services, there is 44-FZ, which regulates the actions of the state customer when choosing a supplier.

The customer can use one of the ways to determine:

  • purchase from a single supplier;
  • request for quotes;
  • electronic auction;
  • contest;
  • request for proposals;

When the customer chooses to conduct an electronic auction, the procedure will take place at one of the state sites: Sberbank-Ast, RTS-tender, MICEX, EETP.

It must be remembered that not all government customers work in accordance with 44-FZ. There are a number of institutions that belong to the subjects of natural monopolies: unitary enterprises, which belong to organizations operating under 223-FZ.

These organizations develop their own Procurement Regulations and, at their discretion, carry out procedures on commercial or government resources. They also have the right to use resources for participants under 223-FZ. Examples of such sites are: USP Sberbank-AST, OTS-tender, TP Fabrkant.

Commercial sites contain information about requests from commercial organizations and for parastatal companies (operating under 223-FZ). There are several thousand commercial sites.

The main differences between the state site and the commercial one:

  1. To take part in the auction, state sites oblige organizations to identify themselves by means of an Electronic Signature. A number of commercial sites do not have such a requirement. To take part, it is enough to register, indicating the TIN and contact information.
  2. At the state site, you need to undergo accreditation. This process can take several hours or days. The commercial site can send confirmation within half an hour.
  3. Participation in the procurement at the state site is free. On the commercial site, you need to pay according to the established tariffs.
  4. Participants in the state order at the state site are guided by the principle: "Low price will ensure victory." Parastatal customers or commercial organizations at commercial sites may consider company reviews, contracts, positive history, and other indications that will affect the final protocol.

Types of electronic trading

According to the qualifications of the participants, procurement procedures are divided into open and closed:

  • With the help of closed a selection of prequalified vendors is made for admission to participation. This is the purchase of goods, works, services that constitute a state secret (printing certificates, securities, fulfilling orders of the defense industry, etc.).
  • In open Suppliers accredited on the ETP can take part in the procedures.

At present, lower auctions (reductions) are being held on state ETPs. Participants in the auction reduce the Maximum Contract Price step by step. The winner is the one who named the best offer.

The functionality of commercial sites and resources for participants on 223-ФЗ allows you to select a supplier in several ways:

  • electronic auction (reduction);
  • request for quotations in electronic form;
  • request for proposals in electronic form;
  • request for quotations in electronic form;

Commercial and parastatal sites also distinguish between open and closed procedures.

Participation in closed procedures is by invitation. As a rule, suppliers who have contracts with the Customer or are accredited for participation receive admission.

What is being sold and where is it being held?

The subject of the procurement procedure can be goods, works and services to ensure the normal smooth functioning of a state institution:

  • software;
  • medicines;
  • assessment of working conditions;
  • education;
  • supply of medicines;
  • providing schoolchildren with food, etc .;

Electronic auctions are held on electronic trading platforms.

For the state order:

  • Sberbank-Ast;
  • RTS tender;
  • OSET Order RF;

To participate in the procurement of commercial and parastatal structures, information about the venue must be specified:

  • on the official website;
  • on the corporate website of the customer;
  • using systems that collect information about ongoing procedures;

Receiving timely information about the upcoming procedure eliminates the risk of missing an interesting purchase or finding a new distribution channel. Companies using special systems participate in procurement better.

How to get involved?

Companies that suddenly catch fire to take part in auctions are often doomed to disappointment. An auction is a common way to select a supplier; information about the ongoing purchase is known to all participants in the state order.

Please note that the number of participants in the auction is not limited. Therefore, your price may not be the best.

Look at the website for summarizing protocols and procurement documentation for the previous quarter. You need to immediately understand the degree of competitiveness when participating.


Take the training, at least in the webinar mode, on how to participate in the auction. Pay attention to what the lecturer says about filling out the application. Use available sources: video channels, websites, thematic forums where you can ask questions. It is best to take a course for aspiring tenderologists.

Registration and accreditation at the site

Study the requirements established by the ETP and get accredited. It is better to be accredited at all major sites at once. Please note, accreditation can take up to 5 business days.

For accreditation, you need to fill out an application and attach statutory documents, decisions, declarations. When the procedure is completed, you will be given access to participate.


To take part in the auction, you will need to block funds on the site when submitting an application. The blocking amount is up to 1% of the initial contract price. After the auction is held and the results are summed up, this amount is refunded.

For the execution of the contract, it is necessary to make a security. The amount of up to 30% of the contract price is blocked on the Customer's account and returned to the Supplier after the conditions of the contract are fulfilled. In the spring of 2015, the Government issued a decree approving cases where securing a contract is not mandatory and is a right, not an obligation, of the Customer.

It should be noted that most government contracts do not contain conditions for advance payments, so all financial costs will be borne by the supplier for the entire period of fulfillment of obligations.

It is best to take care of opening a credit line for tenders in advance or plan your participation carefully and not suffer financial losses. Pay attention to the obligations - improper performance can lead to the RNP.

Electronic signature

Electronic signature Is an analogue of your handwritten signature. After you have decided on which sites you will take part, issue an electronic signature. Please note that there are several options for signing, it is cheaper to participate only on state electronic platforms. For a start-up company, it is better to take this option.

Search for information

Information about the planned procedures at the first stage can be obtained from the mailing list issued on the ETP, as well as from the site Choose the purchase you are interested in, study the documentation.

When you gain momentum, gain experience, you can attract special programs and portals to participate in procurement.

The standard application consists of two parts: in the first part, the supplier declares his consent to participate in the procurement, indicating the subject of the procurement, which he is ready to provide for the needs of the institution.

In the second part, the supplier attaches a list of documents established by the auction documentation, confirming legal capacity.

The submitted applications are certified by electronic signature and considered by the commission. After consideration by the commission of the first parts of the application, a decision is made on the admission or rejection of the participant.

The second (qualifying part) is considered by the commission after the auction and a decision is made on the conformity or rejection of the second part of the application. The winner is the company that has drawn up the documentation in accordance with the requirements of the documentation and provided the best price offer.

Participation in the auction

At the appointed time, the participants, authorized and admitted following the results of the consideration of the first parts of the applications, begin to make a price offer. The standard auction step is 0.5-5%. The duration of the auction is determined by the number of steps taken by the participants. After each step, the time increases by 10 minutes. After the price has not changed for 10 minutes, the auction proceeds to the second stage, where participants can improve their price offer.