If the laptop won't turn on. What if my laptop won't turn on? The laptop stopped turning on: reasons and actions. Instructions for removing RAM

  • 02.07.2020

Sometimes everyone, even experienced computer users, has a situation when it stops turning on, and the question immediately arises - what to do. The reasons for this are very different and there are many of them, so let's start to understand.

The laptop does not turn on - causes and solutions to the problem

The simplest thing that could happen to your electronic assistant is that its battery has completely run out. In this case, the laptop will not turn on without connecting the charger. But this cannot be called a problem - the solution is elementary, and there is no need to panic at all.

The first thing to do when the laptop has turned off and will not turn on is to check its connection to the network, whether the plug or outlet is coming off. And if the reason is not the end of the charge, we move on.

What to do if the laptop does not turn on completely, that is, when you turn it on by pressing the power button, the operation of the hard disk drive and the cooler is heard, but the download does not happen, that is, it hangs, most likely, there was a failure in the work of Bios. It needs to be reinstalled, and if you do not have the necessary skills for this, it is better to take the laptop to a service center.

If your laptop restarts and shuts down while you are using it, you may be concerned about it. However, this is most often due to overheating when the cooling system fails. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • the laptop is on a soft surface, for example, on a blanket, sofa, pillow;
  • the cooler and the rest of the inside of the laptop are dusty;
  • the cooler needs repair;
  • there is too much load on the processor and video card (for example, you were playing).

What if my laptop won't turn on at all? If there is absolutely no reaction to pressing the power button, most likely this is due to the power supply or the port for the charger. Most likely, physical damage or a voltage drop was the culprit.

If, when you press the start button, the lights do not light up and you cannot hear that the cooler has started, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. A burnt out power supply unit, a dead battery, its absence or breakdown. Moreover, if, when you press the power button, the battery charge indicator nevertheless blinks several times, this clearly indicates a dead battery and the lack of recharging.
  2. The lack of contact in the power connector either in the laptop itself or in the power supply.
  3. There is a problem with the power supply on the motherboard.
  4. Lack of Bios firmware or broken firmware.

What should I do if my laptop won't turn on the screen?

So, probably your laptop turns on and works, but you do not see it due to the fact that the monitor simply does not work. Take a closer look at it, you may see something on it, but due to the lack of backlighting, it appears completely dark. To turn on the backlight, you need to use hot keys, for example, Fn + F2 if you have Lenovo.

But the screen may not really work. A reliable way to check the culpability of the screen is by connecting the laptop to an external one via VGA-out. If a picture appears on it, then the problem is definitely in the laptop screen.

Oftentimes, a discrete graphics card may be the cause of the problem. If you like to play on a laptop, a poor cooling system, its dustiness and improper use of the computer can lead to overheating of the video card and its breakdown.

What should I do if my ASUS laptop won't turn on?

The cooling system is best suited for Asus notebooks. So they rarely suffer from overheating. Accordingly, if an Asus laptop does not turn on, this is hardly the reason. Most likely, the problem is related to nutrition.

In this article, we will try to answer the question of why the laptop does not turn on. If not one of the hardware processes was activated when using the power button, this is our case. In this position, the laptop does not have any signs of life: the screen does not respond, there are no sounds at startup, the cooler refuses to rotate, the indicators do not light up. In such circumstances, only the battery indicator can survive.

Laptop won't turn on? Power problems

The most obvious answer to the question of why the laptop does not turn on after shutdown lies in power outages. Switching on is not feasible if the cord is broken or the contacts on the power supply or the start button are damaged. The first thing that needs to be done to resolve the issue of why the laptop does not turn on after a reboot is to check whether the power supply is working and how reliable its contacts are.

Among other reasons, we note the following:

  • in bridges, south or north, a short circuit may occur;
  • the power supply in the laptop could break;
  • BIOS corruption.

If you are faced with one of the above problems, it is better to contact the specialists from the service center for its solution; self-repair in such a situation is often ineffective. It is not uncommon for a laptop to refuse to run on battery power and does not turn on because of it.

There are two options for such a malfunction:

  • the built-in battery has stopped working;
  • a malfunction has occurred due to the battery on the motherboard.

If you are faced with the second variant of the problem, special equipment is required to solve it. If users are wondering why the laptop won't turn on, a black screen is the only thing they see. At the same time, the computer can make desperate attempts to earn money: the operation of the hardware elements is audible, the indicators and the cooler are triggered. However, nothing indicates that the hard drive is working.

Consider the main reasons for such a breakdown:
  • memory or processor problems;
  • failure in work ;
  • the north bridge is out of order.

If you are faced with the question of why the laptop does not turn on, a black screen may indicate a problem with the backlight lamp or matrix inverter. Symptoms of an impending breakdown can be detected in advance, including display flickering, uneven operation, as well as the occurrence of extraneous noise. Sometimes the machine makes an attempt to switch on, but it is interrupted almost immediately. In this case, the problem may lie in the BIOS initialization. Sometimes it may be necessary to replace the matrix.

BIOS initialization can be difficult for the following reasons:

Periodic shutdowns due to processor overheating;

Difficulty with a discharged battery and power supply;

Damaged BIOS.

To understand why the laptop turns on for a long time or does not turn on at all, you need to take a closer look at the process of getting into a working state. When power is supplied to the motherboard, a number of hardware elements are activated, as a result of which we see a running operating system in front of us.

The motherboard has a series of microcircuits that store instructions to enable the operating system to start working. Thus, the laptop may refuse to work precisely because of problems with the BIOS.

Black screen issues

Sometimes the laptop refuses to work during startup, although it is obvious that the operating system has already started. As a result, we can see the mouse pointer on a dark background or a freezing splash screen of the operating system. It is most likely that the south bridge or hard drive has failed in this situation. Separately, it should be said about the hard disk that it may not be connected, contain bad sectors or incorrect formatting.

Difficulties with the OS

The easiest way to get your laptop back on track is if it won't turn on due to a software glitch. This complexity is caused by operating system problems and viruses. You can try to cure the laptop with an anti-virus system, or erase all existing programs and reinstall the operating system.

Laptop won't turn on after Windows update

Separately, you should deal with the question of why after the laptop does not turn on. Such a failure rarely occurs, but any user should know what to do in such a situation. After installing the updates, we can see a black screen, in the center of the mouse cursor and nothing else. In some cases, it is enough to wait a little or restart the device and everything comes back to normal without additional intervention.

But this is not always the case. Installing updates may cause incompatibility. You can fix the problem by going to safe mode. From there we remove the video card driver and return to the usual work. If you unplug the network cable in some cases and it can help solve the problem. It should be remembered that with a large-scale upgrade, such as moving to a new operating system, the old one can be stored on the hard disk for a month, so that in the event of failures, you can always return to it.

If the laptop does not reach the start of the operating system, it is possible to roll back using the Windows disk. Rollback is also possible through safe mode, the main thing is to gain access to the system. In case of a failure caused by updates in the BIOS, we find the No-execute memory protect parameter and set it to Enabled. When all other options have failed, you should use a full reset.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • turn off the laptop;
  • turn off disks, flash drives and other devices;
  • remove the battery;
  • hold the power button for fifteen seconds;
  • connect the power supply without a battery;
  • turn on the laptop.

After the first successful start, the battery can be replaced.

Why laptop won't turn on after sleep mode

Now we will discuss why the laptop won't turn on after. The initial device settings are configured so that after a certain period of time, the computer will automatically activate the sleep mode. If you manually close the lid of a laptop, it will often go to sleep as well. However, in some cases, the laptop may not return to work after sleep mode.

Possible reasons for this problem:

  • broken motherboard;
  • drivers are not working correctly;
  • the battery is out of order;
  • battery low

In some laptop models, the power button is responsible for waking up from sleep mode. In such a case, using a keyboard or mouse is useless. If the computer continues to sleep while using the power button, additional steps are required. On your own, you can solve almost any problem due to which the laptop may refuse to wake up.

An exception is the failure of the motherboard. If it is out of order, you have to contact the service center for help. One of the most common reasons for not returning from sleep is battery depletion. If the battery is critically low and the laptop goes into sleep mode, plugging in the charger can bring it back to life.

The laptop will work again when the battery has reached a certain level. If the battery is charged and hibernation does not want to go away, restart the computer. To do this, hold Power for five seconds. If the problem is caused by a glitch that occurred while the laptop was trying to wake up, a restart will fix the situation. Residual charge can also cause problems waking up from sleep mode.

The algorithm for resetting it is already familiar to us: we disconnect the laptop from the power supply, take out the battery, hold the Power button for half a minute. After a short time, we return the battery to its place and turn on the laptop.


The BIOS and hardware elements cause the laptop to fail if a variety of sounds are heard when trying to start, including those that were not there before. When the computer makes an attempt to start, but at a certain stage of the system boot, it fails, the problem lies in the hard disk or the loss of part of the system files. The matrix inverter and the backlight lamp are two elements of the laptop that fail which hello to the fact that we will not see the operating system loading on the screen, even if it happens. Failed parts will have to be changed and the operating system reinstalled. If you find the exact reason for the failure of a laptop, it can be brought back to life with minimal loss.

Laptop stopped turning on after less than a year? Or didn't it work at all? Then this article will be useful to you. It describes what you can take on your own in such an unpleasant situation, and when you need to turn to professionals and get qualified help.
There are two types of laptop problems: software and hardware. Software breakdowns are resolved on the spot. These include operating system problems, failures in BIOS settings, etc. Hardware problems are those when manual repair is required, that is, physical intervention in the device.
First you need to define your problem. If the laptop stops turning on, it's safe to say that the problem is hardware. And if it turns on, but upon reaching the boot Windows hangs, reboots, then either some software or hardware problem is possible. The rest of the article will describe step-by-step diagnostics of existing problems, and you can exclude problems that do not apply to your case. Having diagnosed the malfunction as accurately as possible, you will already carry out half of the repair.

Laptop won't start

Most of these problems are related to power supply. First of all, you need to check the voltage in the outlet by connecting the power supply to the laptop. Power adapters usually have a light bulb that confirms its functionality. On a laptop, such a light signals that the battery is charging or plugged into the network.

Most often, the power supply is broken, or it is defective (in this case, you need to try a similar one, which is working), the wires are deformed, the contacts in the connectors are worn out. After evaluating all possible breakdowns, we can conclude when exactly the power disappears.

To avoid problems with the power connector, you need to insert the plug into the laptop first, and then the power cord into the outlet. Thus, at the moment of connecting the plug, it is possible to exclude a short-term appearance of a spark.

If all the indicators are on, and the laptop does not turn on, then most likely the power supply has nothing to do with it. It is necessary to try to remove the battery, and then plug the laptop into the network, but without it. Then, after 10 minutes, replace the battery. After disconnecting external devices, constantly try to turn on the laptop, if it works, then return the devices one by one to their place. In this way, the cause of the malfunction can be determined.
If the warranty period for your laptop has not yet expired, and it does not turn on, you need to contact the nearest warranty service center as soon as possible.
This is, perhaps, all that you can do yourself without disassembling the laptop, if it does not turn on at all. More serious reasons for this breakdown can be: a failed or burned-out motherboard, a broken power controller, a BIOS firmware failure, an open circuit inside the contact device, and others.

The screen does not show or does not work, but the noise of the laptop fans is heard

The laptop itself may turn on, but the monitor may not work. Take a good look at it, perhaps the backlight is not working properly. Find and press the hotkeys to enable it. On most Lenovo models, for example, the keyboard shortcut " Fn + F2».
The surest way to test your screen is to connect an external monitor to the laptop's VGA output. If the image appears, then for sure.

For fans of computer games, a discrete video card often fails. It overheats, which quickly breaks down. The main causes of breakdown are: poor cooling system, misuse, dustiness and dirtiness.

When using the laptop, do not cover the ventilation holes (do not keep it on your stomach, on a soft sofa, on your knees, etc.). Cooling pads must be used. If a laptop is not designated as a gaming laptop by the manufacturer, then it is not recommended to play games that require large resources on it for a long time. Don't forget to keep track of the temperature of your graphics card.

So, if the problem is in the video card, then turn it off using the switch that is on some models and get it out. A laptop without a video card can work, you cannot just play games with high demands.

More serious reasons are also possible: a problem in a burned-out motherboard, an inoperative state of the memory or processor, broken BIOS firmware, etc.

Turns on, then shows a splash screen, perhaps writes something, and then hangs

It is possible that the initial splash screen or information about the laptop appears, and then absolutely nothing happens. A beep is heard or an error message is displayed on the monitor. The reason for the breakdown is most likely in the BIOS settings. You just need to log in and reset all settings to default.
In different versions, this item is located in different places, but has approximately the same name " Load BIOS Defaults", where " defaults" keyword. Then exit, having previously saved all the settings (" Save Settings and Exit»).
If the system reports an error, and further download is possible, then you just need to click on the button required in the message. For example, it can be written “ Press F1 to continue"(Press F1 to continue downloading). This usually happens if the battery on the motherboard sits down (not to be confused with the general battery), the time settings and Bios settings fail. Such damage must be repaired at a service center.

Eliminating such breakdowns is the only thing that you can do yourself, since the problems can be much more serious. For example, a hard disk malfunction or a breakdown of RAM.
With some experience, it is possible to diagnose problems directly with the hard drive by listening to the laptop. When turned on, the working disk spins the engine, reading the information for a few seconds, crackling. If problems arise, the engine may try to start several times unsuccessfully, or you can hear a cyclic rattling of the heads, which make attempts to read information from the plates, and the image freezes on the monitor.
Some models have direct access to RAM. If you suspect that the problem is with them, you can try to remove them and gently clean the contacts. If this procedure does not bring the expected result, then try rearranging the memory modules to a different slot. And if there are several of them, then leaving one bar at a time, try to start the laptop.

Reboots, laptop shuts down

Even before trying to boot Windows, the laptop can endlessly reboot. This is a serious hardware problem, one of the possible causes is overheating of the south bridge and its short circuit. This is mainly due to breakdown USB(it is necessary to remember what were inserted into such connectors).
Another reason for shutting down or restarting your laptop is CPU overheating... This usually happens if the cooler is clogged with dust or the heatsink is not tight. But this phenomenon is mainly accompanied by high fan speeds and occurs very rarely. In this case, it is possible to restart the laptop and turn it off at any time.
In case of insufficient power, possibly its complete absence, the device, when turned on, due to a dead battery, can quickly go out.

A message appears on the monitor - it is not possible to start from the boot device

Various messages may appear, for example, "Error loading operating system" or similar. First of all, remove the disk from the drive and remove all flash drives from the connectors, then restart the machine. If this procedure is unsuccessful, then the problem is in the hard disk (the problem is in the hardware or software).
The hardware problem will be helped by the service center, but first you need to make sure that the problem is in the disk. The easiest and easiest way is to reinstall Windows yourself. If it helps, then the problem is software.

Windows starts and starts loading, but everything is bad enough ...

Windows starts up as usual, but then the laptop randomly reboots, errors appear on a blue or black screen. In such a situation, there may be again a hardware problem, various network failures.
The easiest and surest way to check is to reinstall Windows. A simplified check option is to try to start with a bootable USB flash drive or disk with Windows. If the laptop also behaves badly, then you probably need to carry it to the repair.

Let's summarize

What should you do if the laptop suddenly won't turn on? Think initially and try to remember what happened before and how it was used. If you played on it for a long time, then most likely the video card and other parts on the motherboard overheated. Then the help of an experienced specialist is needed.
If you tried to install any programs on the laptop, rebooted it and the operating system did not load, then errors with Windows are possible here.
The main and main problems of diagnostics and their independent solution are described in this article. Finally, I would advise you not to disassemble the laptop without the necessary experience and not to make rash conclusions right away.

If your laptop refuses to turn on, then there may be several reasons. But first you need to decide on the concept "does not turn on." If, when you press (or hold down the power button) while the charger is connected, the laptop does not start, that is, you cannot hear the fan turn on, the screen remains black, then this means that the laptop does not turn on. In other cases, for example, when the screen remains black and you hear the noise of a working fan, your laptop has turned on, but there are other problems with displaying images, etc. We'll look at both options.

The laptop does not turn on and shows no signs of life

Let's say that the laptop does not respond in any way when it is turned on. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? First you need to make sure that the power supply system is working properly. Usually, there is a charge indicator LED at the point where the charger is connected. If the indicator is on, then the power is most likely supplied to the device normally. If you do not have a power indicator or it does not light up, then you need to make sure that the charger is working properly, for example, by connecting it to another laptop or by measuring the voltage at the plug being connected. In the latter case, you will need a special device - a multimeter, which you must be able to use. Of course, the best option is to connect a guaranteed working "charger" tested on other computers.

After excluding the charger from the list of possible causes of malfunction, you should check the battery. Often, due to its malfunction, the laptop does not turn on even when the power source is connected. Remove the laptop battery, press and hold the power button for one minute. In this case, the charger should not be connected to the laptop. Without inserting the battery, connect the charger to the laptop and try to turn on the laptop. If it does not start, then the power module on the motherboard may be faulty or there is a short circuit in the power circuit and even incorrect BIOS firmware of the motherboard. It is almost impossible to diagnose and eliminate such malfunctions without special equipment, therefore, in this case, there is a direct road to a laptop repair service center.

Another likely reason that the laptop won't turn on is a malfunction of the power button itself. Its contact group or the lead-in loop may become unusable. On many laptop models, the button is also highlighted when pressed. Therefore, if the power indicator of the laptop is on and the battery is definitely working, and the button does not respond in any way to pressing, then the matter may be in it. In this case, you will have to contact the workshop.

The laptop turns on - the screen is black

If your laptop nevertheless turns on, but the screen remains black, then this indicates a malfunction in the computer hardware. Moreover, such a malfunction does not occur instantly, of course, if you did not drop the laptop or subject it to strong mechanical stress. Failure of a backlight lamp or matrix inverter is usually accompanied by screen flickering, as well as uneven backlighting. These signs already indicate that the display may stop working soon.

Other reasons may be the failure of the RAM, as an option, the incorrect installation of the memory strip into the slot. The RAM must be tested using a special program, for example, Memtest86 +. Incorrect operation of the processor or north bridge, errors in the BIOS firmware - these are the reasons why a laptop can start with a black screen. Also pay attention to the CapsLock and NumLock indicators, they often start blinking in a certain way, indicating a particular hardware problem in your laptop. You can decode such signals on the device manufacturer's website.

If at the initial stage of loading, some information is displayed on the screen, but then the display goes blank, then the problem is probably related to the inability to initialize the BIOS. This malfunction is caused by the components of the laptop, in particular, the chip of the south bridge, the processor (in this case, reboots occur some time after the laptop is turned on). Power outages can also affect BIOS performance, especially when the battery is dead. If the issue of overheating can be solved by replacing the cooler, then it is better to entrust the search and elimination of problems with the BIOS firmware and other hardware faults to a specialized service center.

Another symptom that the user may encounter is the laptop freezing after turning on. In this case, the computer does not respond to keystrokes on the keyboard. Such cases are often encountered when there are problems with the hard disk or with the operating system itself. To diagnose the hard drive, you need to perform a special test, for example, with the HDDScan program. Testing will check the integrity of the hard disk sectors. It is also necessary to check the correctness of its connection. The failed south bridge may also be the culprit.

Software problems

This kind of problem can be attributed to the category "laptop does not turn on" with a stretch, since, in fact, the computer starts up, but questions arise about the installed software. This is a separate big topic. But still, let's briefly go over the possible symptoms and solutions to problems.

If the reason lies in the area of ​​software, then the first thing to try is to start the operating system in safe mode. Usually, to do this, before starting to boot Windows, you need to press F8 and select the boot option from the list provided. Click "Safe Mode". If in this mode the laptop starts up normally and no freezes occur, then you should check the computer for viruses. Also, if you installed any software before the problems appeared, especially drivers, then they must be removed.

If, after all the manipulations in the normal boot mode, freezes or reboots still occur, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the operating system files. To do this, you need to install a disc with the original OS image into the drive and execute the SFC / SCANNOW command in the command line. According to the results of the scan, damaged system files will be automatically restored.

The radical and most recent solution to problems with the operating system will be a complete reinstallation. Do not forget to back up important files stored on the system drive when doing this.

Typically, most laptop hardware problems are best diagnosed and fixed at a service center. But experienced users are quite capable of dealing with software errors.

Laptop manufacturers take into account the fact that the devices they supply are high-tech and the likelihood of failures in their work is quite high. That is why almost all notebooks are equipped with simple diagnostic tools to quickly find and diagnose problems. Moreover, in most cases, the user can restore the device to work on his own. The hardest part is to establish the original cause of the failure. How to determine why the laptop does not turn on and what can be done in this situation?

The laptop does not turn on - we find out the reasons

Many modern laptops are equipped with basic I / O (except for Chromebooks, which use a less functional "bootloader"). This is the so-called BIOS, some models use an add-on over it - UEFI (in fact, the same BIOS, but with a more convenient and colorful menu). What it is? This is a small firmware that is embedded into the motherboard. Its main purpose is to scan all devices connected to the board and diagnose them.

In most cases, the user can restore the device to work by himself.

What happens when the user presses the power key? A startup signal is given in the BIOS. That, in turn, scans all connected equipment (determines the brand and type of processor, the amount of installed RAM, the video adapter model, the model of the north and south bridges, tests the display, the presence of a network interface, keyboard, mouse, touchpad, etc.) ... If the BIOS does not find any errors, it searches for a bootloader on the hard disk and, if found, transfers control of the device to it. Then Windows starts (or another installed OS - Linux, MacOS, Android, BSD, etc.).

From the above, we can conclude:

  • if at startup the user sees the manufacturer's logo, and then the OS starts loading, then the BIOS performed diagnostics and did not find any faults with the installed hardware;
  • if the OS does not start loading, but at the same time a service message is displayed on the display, then this indicates either the absence or damage of the hard disk, or that the diagnostics have not been completed - one of the components is not working correctly;
  • if there is no reaction to pressing the power button, the BIOS does not receive a startup signal, which indicates a malfunction with the power system.

All of this allows you to determine the type of problem due to which the laptop does not start. They are conventionally divided into:

  1. Software (system). When the error is caused by a software glitch and the hardware is working properly.
  2. Hardware. When the error is caused by a malfunction of any equipment connected to the motherboard.

It is with the definition of the type of error that you should start diagnosing the breakdown in order to understand why the laptop does not turn on. The simplest rule is:

  • if there is a reaction to pressing the power button and the fan noise is heard, this is more likely a software failure;
  • if there is no reaction to pressing the button at all (including the glow of the LED indicators), this is most likely a hardware error.

The user can cope with almost all software errors on his own without contacting the service center. With the hardware, the situation is somewhat more complicated, and it is far from always possible to do without the help of a qualified specialist.

Diagnostics and elimination of software errors

The first step is to clarify that the BIOS is also a kind of operating system, although its functionality is rather small. And failures in the operation of this OS also often occur, therefore, its operation should be diagnosed. Other common software errors may include:

  • damage to the OS bootloader;
  • damage to system files or OS kernel;
  • Failure of software hardware drivers (most often graphics drivers fail).

BIOS problems

As a rule, in such cases, the laptop starts up and issues a service message about problems. In some cases, the image does not appear at all. The easiest way to rule out a BIOS problem is to reset it to factory defaults. To do this, you need to find a CR2032 battery on the motherboard and remove it for a few seconds (then be sure to put it back). This turns off the power to the volatile CMOS memory, where it is stored outside the BIOS settings. In most laptop models, this battery is located directly under the bottom cover or under the keyboard - the information should be clarified in the service documentation (or just watch a video on disassembling a certain laptop model). If resetting the BIOS settings did not fix the startup problem, then you should check the operation of the hard disk and OS.

It is necessary to find a CR2032 battery on the motherboard and remove it for a few seconds

Graphics Accelerator Driver Issues

The video adapter driver is responsible for its correct operation in the environment of the installed operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.). In case of malfunctions in its operation, the image on the display may simply not be displayed (or it will disappear at the stage of loading the OS). How to check if the driver is working? There are two options:

  • connect an external monitor;
  • run the OS in "Safe Mode".

An external monitor must be connected via a VGA, HDMI or DVI output, depending on the specifications of the laptop. The connection must be carried out with the monitor and laptop turned off, otherwise both the display and the graphics adapter can be damaged.

Press the F8 key and select "Safe Mode"

If connecting an external monitor did not bring any result (that is, the image did not appear on it), then you should try to start the OS in "Safe Mode". For this:

  • when turning on the laptop, press the F8 key;
  • after a list of boot options appears, select "Safe Mode".

If we are talking about a laptop with Linux installed, then it must be started with the "nomodeset" parameter (enter this line in the GRUB parameters by pressing the "E" key).

As a rule, when booting in "Safe Mode", the driver built into the OS is used, so the monitor resolution, as well as its color palette, will be "default".

If the OS was loaded successfully in Safe Mode, you will need to manually remove the installed video adapter driver and install a compatible one (by downloading it from the manufacturer's website or taking it from the disk that comes with the laptop).

If, when trying to start, an error is displayed about the absence of a bootloader, then this indicates a damaged entry in the MBR or GPT directory of the hard disk, where information about the installed OS and a short algorithm for starting system files are stored. Most often this happens due to the trivial wear and tear of the hard drive or damage to system files when the laptop is turned off improperly (when the battery was removed during operation or the power adapter was disconnected).

How do I fix the problem? The first step is to try to restore the bootloader with the built-in OS tools. But this will require a Windows installation disc or flash drive. So, to restore the bootloader you will need:

  • at the stage of starting the laptop, press the F11 key (in some models - F12, F2, Tab);
  • from the list of devices that appears, select a disk or flash drive with Windows Installer;
  • wait for the installation menu to appear and select "System Restore".

After that, the installer will try to independently detect the malfunction with the OS installed on the hard disk and fix it. If the MBR or GPT is trivially damaged, it helps. If, after automatic diagnostics, a notification appears that the program was unable to restore Windows boot, then this indicates damage not only to the bootloader, but also to the system files, the kernel and the Windows partition. In such cases, only reinstalling the operating system will help.

To solve the problem, you will need an installation disc or flash drive with Windows

It is also worth noting that an error about the absence of an OS (Operation System not found) may indicate that not a hard disk was selected as the main boot device, but, for example, a floppy drive or a USB flash drive inserted into the USB port. To fix this error you will need:

  • at the stage of starting the laptop, press the F11 key (to access the boot menu);
  • select a hard disk as the device for loading (as a rule, this line should contain the designation HDD, SATA or ST).

If the laptop has 2 hard drives (in many "gaming" laptops, both an SSD drive and a traditional HDD are installed at the same time), then you should boot from each of them one by one.

Reinstalling the system

This is the most radical, but at the same time, the most reliable way to eliminate software errors in the operating system. You should use it if the bootloader cannot be restored. You will need either an installation disc or a Windows flash drive for this. You can download a trial version of Windows (with a 30-day trial) on the official Microsoft website https://support.microsoft.com/windows. The ISO images of the installation discs will be offered there. You should download a suitable one, and then:

  • or burn the image to DVD. Any program for burning discs such as Ashampoo Burning Studio, Nero, Ultra ISO and the like will do;
  • or write the image to a flash drive. You will need a flash drive with a size of 8 gigabytes or more. The easiest tool to use is Rufus. Although it is not recommended by Microsoft, it can itself determine the type of operating system being written, and it also allows you to choose the type of disk partitioning - MBR or GPT. You can download it on the official website https://rufus.akeo.ie. The Russian version of the utility is also available.

Reinstalling the OS will help solve many software problems.
  • after pressing the power button, press the F11 key;
  • select the required drive from the list that appears;
  • following the instructions of the installer - install the operating system (select "Install", not "Update").

If the user has a license code for the edition of Windows being installed, it can be entered at the installation stage.

Laptop hardware breakdown

With hardware breakdowns, everything is somewhat more complicated. Most of them cannot be eliminated at home, and one cannot do without the advice of a qualified specialist. Therefore, it is worth considering only the most commonplace breakdowns, due to which the laptop may not start, and at the same time, the user can fix them on his own.

There is no power

In this case, when you press the power button, there will be no reaction at all from the device. The indicators will not light up, and the fans will not start either. There are several reasons for this:

  • not installed, missing or damaged battery;
  • not connected, power supply is faulty;
  • the contacts of the start button are physically damaged.

To eliminate these malfunctions, you should:

  1. Check if the battery is securely inserted (you should simply disconnect it, wipe the contacts with alcohol, install it back after drying). If possible, check the voltage at the battery terminals. Otherwise, it must be replaced; for this, contact an official service center.
  2. Check the power supply. Most of them have an LED indicator for operation. You should check if the plug is inserted into the outlet, the connector is in the power supply itself, the connector is in the laptop's power connector. If there is a suspicion of a unit malfunction (it does not heat up, there is a burning smell from it), then it should be replaced.

To check the contacts of the physical button, you will need to disassemble the case and "ring" it with a multimeter for breaks.

Malfunction of the video card

Quite a common problem on those laptops that are actively used for games. The main symptom is the absence of an image on the display, the appearance of graphic artifacts, the video card gives an error in the device manager (as a rule, error code 43). Elimination of the malfunction is possible by the following methods:

  • replacing the graphics adapter (if it is connected via the MXM port on the motherboard);
  • soldering a working GPU chip.

In any case, you will have to contact the service center. Unfortunately, the cost of such a repair is about 50 - 75% of the cost of a new laptop, so in most cases it is impractical. Another thing is when it comes to a device under warranty.

Hard drive failure

In this case, the hard disk is either not displayed in the boot devices, or an error is displayed on it when trying to install the OS (due to the presence of bad sectors). The first step is to remove the hard drive and wipe its contacts with alcohol - quite often the device is not recognized precisely because of the presence of oxides on them. If no reaction follows, then you should replace the hard drive with a compatible one (in most cases it is SATA 2.5 inches).

Why does my laptop keep shutting down and restarting?

The most common reasons for this are:

  • malfunction of RAM;
  • overheating of the motherboard (processor, graphics accelerator, north and / or south bridges, multicontroller);
  • malfunction of the power supply or battery (the current emitted by it sags in voltage or its current strength is insufficient for normal operation of the laptop).

RAM diagnostics is carried out using the Memtest program. If no errors are detected in this case, and a malfunction of the battery or power supply is excluded, then, most likely, the reason is overheating. To eliminate it, you must:

  • clean the cooling system from dust;
  • replace thermal grease on the processor, graphics chip, north and south bridges, multicontroller (depending on the laptop configuration);
  • replace all thermal pads installed in the laptop (they are usually installed on memory chips integrated into the motherboard or graphics adapter);
  • lubricate the cooler with silicone oil.

And to check the current temperature regime of laptop components, you can use the AIDA64 program (https://www.aida64.com/downloads - here is a demo version, limited in time). Typically, the normal operating temperature for all notebooks under load is between 45 and 80 degrees. If it is higher, then to protect against failure, the device simply shuts down in emergency mode. This is why the laptop either shuts down or reboots.

Video: how to identify faults if the laptop does not turn on

In total, there are many reasons why a laptop may not start. The most common ones are discussed above. If it was not possible to fix the malfunction on his own or the user simply does not want to do this, you should contact the official service centers. You can get acquainted with their list either in the warranty card for the laptop, or on the manufacturer's website.