Review of Taifun GT2 (Yeahsmo) from Vasily. Taifun gt-s Storm edition is a great serviced e-cigarette tank Here is an overview

  • 25.10.2020

We present to your attention an overview

We are all familiar with the first version of Taifun GT. We are not afraid to say that Typhoon GT is the most widespread and popular tank.

The main differences between the second version and the first:

The most important thing that immediately catches the eye is the presence of air supply regulation. The first version did not have it. Now you can adjust the fluid supply. Lovers of thick glycerin liquids should appreciate this. And another important difference is glass. Now it is pyrex and most importantly it has no thread. If in the first typhoon the tank was attached to the base by means of a thread on transparent plastic, then here the thread is on a metal one, how would it be better to call it ... a casing or something. But the glass itself has no thread. This is a very fat plus. the carving on the plastic is erased and, probably, any bather who has used the typhoon for a long time is faced with the need to buy a new flask.

Taifun GT2 package contents

The kit includes a standard screwdriver. A piece of silica thread. And two spirals. And the spirals are somehow incomprehensibly dark. A bit like burnt kanthal, but as for kanthal it is too hard. In general, this little bag can be safely thrown away, it would be better to put spare screws and origins there.

Specifications Taifun GT2

The diameter of the tank remains the same 23 mm. Below is the 510th connector with an adjustable pin. The airflow adjustment ring can be seen on the side. It has 2 slots through which you can see 5 holes each. By turning the ring, you can block these holes one by one until you achieve the ease you need to tighten. Having disassembled Taifun, on the base we see all the same beloved, very comfortable Typhoon stands. And the hole for blowing, which by the way has become larger than that of the first version of the typhoon.

The evaporation chamber has hardly changed. Except that now you can adjust the depth of the holes for the fluid supply. By the way, there is every reason to believe that oring thanks to which it became possible is unlikely to live long. But there is no additional one in the kit, which is very sad. Flask made of pyrex glass, volume 4 ml. which is not so much for this size. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the top of the cover, the airflow adjustment ring, the cover of the evaporation chamber and even the drip tip have corrugated rings, which makes the assembly and disassembly of the device more pleasant.

Standard drip tip, 510th. With two orings. Sits tight and looks cute.

To our taste, we did not feel any differences from the first typhoon. The Taifun GT v2 is just as steamed as its predecessor. As for the amount of steam, due to the ability to increase the air supply, if there is correct winding from the typhoon of the second version, a little more steam can be blown out, so those who need it should be satisfied.

Taifun GT2 on a Vamo V6 20 Watt battery mod

Cons and pros of Taifun GT2:

  • The diameter remained 23 mm. and this is, albeit a little, but more than the standard for tanks. Only 4 ml can be poured into the tank. liquids. It is not that small, but with such dimensions it could have been more.
  • Orientation reversibility on the cover of the evaporation chamber. During our operation, it has not yet been erased. But we are sure that it will not last long. So if possible, stock up on additional orings.

Everything with cons. Moving on to the pluses:

  • First of all, this is the famous Typhoon taste. The taste remains as good as the first version. And this is good.
  • Adjustability of everything that can be adjusted: adjustable pin, adjustable airflow, adjustable air supply. Fans of fine tuning should be satisfied with the pyrex glass without thread.
  • Ease of refueling. Like its predecessor, the second typhoon is very easy to refuel, and also gives you the ability to access the coil without draining the liquid.
  • The ease of installation of the spiral is also inherited from the first version.


The manufacturer managed to make an already good device even better. However, it is still not perfect, so after waiting for the second version, we can safely wait for the third.

The review of the serviceable Taifun GTII atomizer was prepared by the specialists of the online store website.

Taifun GT Bakomizer

The time-tested, very popular RTA Taifun GT, and in the common people just a tank. This tank is famous for its unpretentiousness, ease of adjustment and excellent taste. The presented Taifun GT tank is a copy of the original tank. The price for this bakomizer in our store is: 1854 p.

Taifun GT2 Tankomizer

Continuation of the development of the concept of the Taifun GT tank, or rather the next version of the TaifunGT2. It is based on the same principle of operation as in the first version, the changes affected the blowing of the spiral, the diameter of the blowing hole became much larger, the AFC (Traction Control) was also added, the traction is adjusted by turning the ring at the bottom of the tank deck. Outwardly, the flask has changed, although for some reason they changed the height of the steam line in the flask, for this reason the top cap from the first version does not fit, but all existing additional dopas from the first version will perfectly get along with the second. The presented Taifun GT2 tank is a copy of the original tank. The price for this bakomizer in our store is: 2023 rubles.

Expromizer Bakomizer

Bacomizer Expromizer, popular in Germany, is tasty and spacious. The tank is based on the idea of ​​the world-famous Kaifun tank, which, in turn, was developed by our compatriot and is sold under the SvoeMesto brand. It is worth noting that the original Expromizer is also manufactured in China. The presented Expromizer tank is a copy of the original tank. The price for this bakomizer in our store is: 1940 p.


Nice drip, with bottom airflow of the spiral. The deck of the drip is made very thoroughly, and would be suitable for a good sub-boom, but this drip is not such, although with its help you can blow good clouds and still this drip wins more in taste than in the volume of vapor. The presented RDA N22 is a copy of the original q. The price for this RDA in our store is: 954 rubles.

Mechanical Mod Ela

A very fast mechanical telescope mod. Why fast? Usually, to adjust the height of the telescope, it is necessary to untwist or twist its parts, along the thread, then in this mechanical mode, you simply unscrew the retaining ring, choose the height you need and twist the retaining ring, the operation takes a matter of seconds. How it works can be seen here in this video... The presented Ela mechanical mod is a copy of the original tank. The price for this mechanical mod in our store is: 1971 p.

ICHIP 50W (YiHI SX300)

An excellent box with good electronics, by the eyes we can say that this is a modified Hana, based on the same case from the Hana mod, but inside there is an excellent original YiHi SX300 board delivering up to 50W of power. The board is controlled not by traditional pressing of buttons, but by means of the gyroscope built into the board. The price for this mod in our store is: 5560 p.

Updates for Taifun

Whatever your Taifun is like everyone else's, we brought a whole bunch of different flasks and special stages for Taifun GT :)

For members of this resource, there is an 8% discount for the vapenews promo code, and there is also an additional 2% discount if you pay for the order online.

Good day dear bathers!

Today I decided to make a slightly non-standard review of one of the most popular tanks. Let's call it battle of the clones or comparing two clones of the popular atomizer Taifun GT II.

In red shorts, more precisely in red o-rings, a clone from the company Hotcig... The company is quite well-known in the market due to the production of sufficiently high-quality clones of well-known vaping devices. In black o-rings, a clone of an unknown manufacturer, Noname, purchased from a well-known Chinese online store.

Classic tank atomizer review Taifun GT II will not, except for the base of the atomizer. She, by the way, is collapsible. Company Hotcig named this clone Taifun GT II-S... Let's start with the comparison.

  • Atomizer base Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig), component parts, comparison with Taifun GT II (Noname);
  • The upper part of the atomizer body Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig), comparison with Taifun GT II (Noname);
  • The middle part of the atomizer body Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig) and complete glasses, comparison with Taifun GT II (Noname);
  • Atomizer vaporization chamber Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig), comparison with Taifun GT II (Noname);
  • Atomizer winding Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig);
  • Impressions and conclusions.

Atomizer base Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig), components, comparison with Taifun GT II (Noname).

First, let's look at the components of the atomizer base. Taifun GT II-S from company Hotcig... As I wrote above, the base is completely collapsible. For myself, I have identified two main advantages of a collapsible base: serviceability and the convenience of use... A little more detail on the benefits.

Convenience of service. I really love to keep my vaping devices clean. Sometimes it gets to the point of insanity, but I believe that everything should be clean. And it works much better when the threads are in order and there is no dirt. In relation to the base Taifun GT II-S from company Hotcig, I can say the following: it understands almost completely and you can wash and clean it all.

The convenience of use. By ease of use, I mean the quality characteristics of the atomizer. All parts on threaded connections sit evenly, do not warp and leave no gaps. Nothing strives to fall apart (there were examples of poor-quality pressing of the upper part into the base of the base). The fluid is in its intended locations. As for the base Taifun GT II-S- here everything is so. Threaded connections are tightened and clamped precisely as intended by the manufacturer of the original device. The components of the base are not skewed, there is no need to modify anything, finish sawing or winding threads under the o-rings.

Let's move on to examining the main parts of the base Taifun GT II-S from Hotcig, which are presented in the photo below.

Components from left to right: upper part of the atomizer base, spacer, insulating gasket, main part of the base, connector screw, airflow adjustment ring.

In the upper part of the base of the atomizer there are two stands (one of them is removable) and the channel of the blowing hole, which bifurcates at the bottom of the base. The hole of the removable stand is insulated. Immediately I want to draw your attention to the quality of the threads and processing of all parts of the atomizer - it is at its best. There is not a single hint of burrs or chips.

Everything is done with high quality, in the assembly nothing dangles, does not tilt and stands confidently in its place.

The spacer is attached to the top of the base using one of the screws in the rack.

It is isolated from the body and the upper part of the base of the atomizer on both sides.

Assembled, two parts stand exactly, without distortions relative to each other.

Atomizer base base. All the same ten air vents, five on each side. I really liked the quality of the carvings and the quality of the engraving.

The upper part, together with the sleeve, is fastened with a threaded connection inside. There is a thick o-ring for sealing.

At the bottom of the base of the base is an insulating pad.

Initially, the connector screw "sits" in the insulating sleeve. The delivery set includes an o-ring for classic lovers.

Base assembly.

The airflow adjustment rings are practically the same, except for one point - the depth of the groove for the o-ring. In version Taifun GT II-S from Hotcig the groove is deeper. Due to this, the ring fits more tightly.

In the Noname version, the groove is noticeably shallower.

Photos of bases in comparison.

Atomizer upper body Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig), comparison with Taifun GT II (Noname).

Let's finish examining the base, let's move on to the top.

Differences in workmanship are visible to the naked eye. The protrusion for installing the O-ring is practically absent in the Noname version. In version Taifun GT II-S from Hotcig everything is exactly in the size of the o-ring.

The quality of workmanship and carvings of two copies.

The middle body of the Taifun GT II-S atomizer (Hotcig) and complete glasses, comparison with the Taifun GT II (Noname).

One of the notable characteristics of a clone from Hotcig is the quality of the connections. Metal is bonded to metal, and o-rings are located in the chamfers or grooves. Below I will explain in more detail what I mean.

If the version Taifun GT II-S from Hotcig the o-ring is put on the top, then in the version Taifun GT II (Noname) the o-ring simply lies on the glass. Below in the photo is the tightening torque of the o-ring on the Noname version. It is from this mark that the "clamping" of the o-ring begins, while in the version from Hotcig the o-ring is inside the glass.

One more point concerning the o-rings - the groove in the lower part is made deeper and the o-ring lies more tightly in it.

Complete glass version Taifun GT II-S from Hotcig thinner than glass Taifun GT II (Noname) and more in diameter. Due to the correct size of the glass, it becomes as flat as possible, without distortions. As a result, the gap between the glass and the walls is minimal. What can not be said about Taifun GT II (Noname).

The connection to the base is carried out according to the principle "metal to metal, o-ring inside" due to the chamfer in the base. The quality of processing here let down a little - traces of the beating of the turning tool are visible.

The quality of the external surfaces is much better in the version from Hotcig.

Atomizer vapor chamber Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig), comparison with Taifun GT II (Noname).

The evaporation chambers of the two clones are practically the same, with the exception of the holes in the version from Hotcig... They are deeper and better here too. Due to this, the camera fits better on the top of the base and sits more confidently.

Let's finish with the description of the main parts of the atomizers, let's move on to the winding.

Winding the Taifun GT II-S (Hotcig) atomizer.

After using this atomizer for quite a long time, I found my Zen on it. I am a lover of relatively low Ohm, both on the tanks and on the RDAs. We will wind a pigtail of three strands of Kanthal A1 wire with a diameter of 0.25, on a mandrel 2.4 mm, on Koh Gen Doh cotton wool.

A six-turn winding gives 0.58 ohms of resistance.

We fill a strip of cotton wool and cut off the excess. Thanks to the well-fitting glass size, the inner distance from the dome to the evaporation chamber is greater, so it is possible to fit longer tails of cotton wool. This will help evaporate the tank to near dryness.

Impressions and conclusions.

Atomizer impressions Taifun GT II-S from company Hotcig purely positive. Little things do their job. Connection of parts, quality of threads, quality of processing, the ability to disassemble and rinse the base of the atomizer completely. The clone is very high quality. My opinion is to overpay the extra $ 7-9 for the device is definitely st O it. For this small surcharge, you get a well-made atomizer with spare glass included and a full set of additional o-rings.

Taifun GT II-S from company Hotcig was purchased from store

Delicious couple to you, colleagues!

2015 | raznoglaz1y

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This review focuses on the Taifun GT-s tank with the STORM logo.

Fashion is a changeable thing and it does not bypass soaring. Recently, vaping has stepped forward significantly and trends are constantly changing, but some things remain classics. This tank belongs to such classics.

Tank specifications:
Height 84.4 mm
Width 23mm
Liquid volume 5 ml
Groove width 2.5 mm
Duct diameter 3mm
Weight 97 g

The price of the tank is not the lowest for a clone, but it is worth it. The complete set of the tank is excellent, starting app. in parts

And ending with as many as three flasks !!!

The flasks bear the Storm emblem with a heart and wings, and the distinctive part of this tank is the red o-rings. For some, red may be a minus, but I'm fine with that.
The flask, which consists of half of plastic and half of metal, unwinds, which is a big plus in case of damage to its plastic component, since it can be easily removed and replaced, which saves you money when buying it. I mean, in some versions of the clone of this tank, half flasks did not unwind and if they were damaged, you had to buy it entirely!

As for the machine processing of metal parts and threads, everything is at a height - smoothly, without burrs and nibbling

Why is this model named gt-S? here the fact is that its construct has undergone some changes, and the most important of them are:

1. The grooves of the cotton wool in the bell have become noticeably wider - 2.5 mm versus 1.6 mm in the predecessor, which has a very positive effect on the efficiency of the tank.

2. Now you can adjust the air supply! This is great, because before that you had to pervert with the diameter of the duct tube and select the air supply suitable for yourself, which was extremely inconvenient! Now everything is regulated by turning the ring on the bottom of the tank. Hole options are available - 2mm 1.8mm 1.5mm and 1mm from loose enough to very tight.

The adjustment ring has a ribbed surface and does not slip in the hands, and its tightness is provided by a small o-ring located directly above the air holes.

With all the advantages of this tank, it is worth noting one disadvantage - the o-ring, which should hold the tank bell (in the photo, the top one)

Slightly weak and unscrewing the base from the bulb can slide out of its place, which is terribly infuriating and causes a storm of emotions !!! So it's better to wind 1-2 turns of a regular thread under it and the problem will be solved!
By the way, the tank can be refueled in two ways - from above, by unscrewing the drip-tip platform (this will hold about 2 ml of liquid, not so much, but outside the house it is very quick and convenient). and from the bottom, unscrewing the base from the flask (this will hold about 5 ml when using a transparent or half flask and about 4.5 ml when using a metal flask). The trick of the metal flask is that its inner part is slightly narrower than the parts that are ground down for the threads, and this somewhat reduces the effective space inside the flask. This is not overly critical, since I do not use it at all - it is not convenient to control the liquid level in the tank !!!
Another tip - in order to avoid wear of the threads in the plastic insert of the half-flask, screw it with the metal part on the part of the tank that you often unscrew when refueling. If you fill it from above, then to the drip tip with metal, and to the base with plastic. And vice versa - if you fill the tank to the maximum from the bottom, then to the base with metal, and to the drip-tip with plastic. Fluid control will not be affected by this and threads will last longer.

- Excellent equipment
- Excellent workmanship
- The tank is easy to use. Many people write that serviced tanks are not suitable for beginners - people, you have to get used to each tank and understand its design !!! I have dealt with the service staff before and I also had problems with Taifun leaks. But after a couple of days I realized what was the matter and everything fell into place.
- They are ideal for the transition from Ego format to serviced tanks. The spiral mounts are also very handy for placing the winding!
- Perfectly conveys taste. The tank is delicious and brings the taste of the liquid to the fore. I compared it to Kaifun 4 and Kaifun tastes a little in the background, slightly distant.
- Weak o-ring under the dome, which is treated with 1-2 loops of thread under the o-ring.
- I am very pleased with the acquisition, which is what I wish for you!

The top tip for this tank is to raise the bell to the correct height above the base.

And the air duct at the top of the tank (reference point is the bottom small o-ring)

Should dive into the top of the dome

Thank you for your attention =)