How to make money with surfing. How to make money on surfing and autosurfing? Advantages and disadvantages of surfing

  • 01.11.2021

Earnings on surfing: surfing features + 5 advantages and disadvantages + 3 special programs for autosurfing + 5 popular services.

It can be difficult for a beginner to understand among the many ways to make money on the Internet. Which one deserves an investment of time and energy, and which one does not? Where to start? What kind of earnings will bring more income?

These and similar questions are asked by everyone who does not yet have certainty, but wishes for specific reasons.

These desires induce to start at least with something, to grab the first available lesson. But this approach is fundamentally wrong. Following it, you can get not earnings, but continuous disappointments and even incur losses (temporary, for sure!).

Therefore, the question of finding a job in the network must be taken seriously. It is necessary to study the old and new ways of earning money offered by the Internet, to find out the opinion of experienced people. Today our subject of discussion will be surfing.

This type of employment does not need proof of its superiority over other types of remote work. After all, hundreds of thousands of users were convinced of all its advantages from their own experience and to this day earn additional income with its help.

What is it - surfing earnings?

In turn, such actions also bring benefits to the web resource. They are regarded by robots as site activity. In the language of SEO specialists, there is cheating behavioral factors... Thanks to this, the resource becomes a more potentially profitable platform for advertising.

Therefore, the owners of new web resources are interested in attracting an audience by artificial means, promoting and popularizing their "brainchild", increasing traffic, raising positions in search engines and entering the TOP. They are willing to spend a lot of money to promote their site.

Of course, there are many options for honestly promoting resources. But also there are always people who promote sites using automatic intermediary resources.

The latter guarantee customers the provision of the required number of visitors, and performers - earnings on surfing.

There are two types of surfing:

  • regular or manual surfing;
  • automatic (autosurfing).

Regular surfing described above. Earnings in manual mode are several times higher than in autosurfing. Autosurfing involves visiting sites automatically without user intervention.

In the case of automatic surfing, the work process is as fast as possible and "not stressful" for the employee. Here the program does all the work for you, the pages open and close automatically, there is no need to confirm the viewing by entering a captcha or clicking on a picture.

While the programs perform the necessary manipulations for you, you go about your business, you may not be at the computer at all. We will talk more about automation programs later.

Since your intervention during autosurfing is not required, earnings are several times less than manual surfing. In addition, not all axles (intermediary sites) provide earnings by this method.

Some surfing projects warn that the use of special programs (autoclickers) is strictly prohibited and is accompanied by the zeroing of earnings, deleting the profile. Do not break this prohibition!

How to make money surfing / autosurfing: how it works

In general, making money on almost any service using surfing can be represented in 4 steps:
  1. Earning from visiting sites primarily implies registering for a surfing project that will provide you with tasks. This system provides you with a list of web surfing resources.
  2. You visit them one by one, follow the indicated links and stay on the pages for the allotted time (usually 15-30 seconds). In addition, additional actions may be required, such as watching a video, etc.
  3. As soon as the time required for the view to be counted has elapsed, a question window will pop up. Give an answer and you can start moving to another page or completing another task.
  4. Earnings are instantly credited to your account. Money can be withdrawn using the available electronic payment systems for this resource.

In addition to the standard surfing earnings, there are such options:

    Surfing with additional requirements, when you need to register for a certain service, enter data about yourself, fill out a profile. After that, you may also be asked about certain activity on the site.

    For example, move the scroll bar to the bottom of the page, as if you are really interested in its contents, click on the teaser.

    Surfing with the condition of submitting a report on the work done.

    There is nothing complicated here either, although the word "report" can scare off many. You just need to take a screenshot from the page of the visited site or the browser history as confirmation of the completion of the task. Then you place these pictures in the report (in a specially designated field) and send them to the customer.

    After he checks the result and approves it, the earnings are transferred to your wallet.

    It is worth noting that surfing with certain requirements is paid higher than other types. Here you can earn up to $ 1 per task!

    How Much Can You Make Surfing?

    The topic of earning money on surfing does not at all smell like "golden mountains". Quite the opposite: if we talk about the minimum monthly profit, it will be about 70 rubles. It all depends on the generosity of the advertiser, the degree of difficulty of surfing, the time you are willing to devote every day to this activity.

    You can increase your earnings if you use a few tips when surfing:

  1. The possibility of increasing earnings exists through increasing the rating. Do tasks honestly and often, then income will grow.
  2. You also don't have to limit yourself to making money solely from one surfing project. Next, we will review the top services - register at least for all combined! Create accounts in several services and combine work. Will not interfere with surfing and other activities.
  3. On the same ones, the majority simultaneously perform paid tasks, read letters and surf.

However, surfing earnings, in any case, cannot be counted on as the main source of income. You will still not have enough earned money. But as a part-time job it can be regarded quite well.

Even if the money is small, you must admit that even they will not be superfluous, given that you practically do not strain yourself.

Is it worth surfing: the pros and cons of earning money

Like any kind of remote work on the Internet, making money from surfing has its positive and negative aspects.

Pay attention to them, as they will help you decide - to earn in this way or to prefer another way of earning to surfing.

Pros of surfing

  1. To start making money, you just need to devote only 10 minutes. for registration. The results of your activities can be seen immediately. This is important for beginners who want to immediately be convinced of the effectiveness of this method of earning money.
  2. There is no need for special education to master surfing. Due to the fact that the principle of work is simple and clear, such earnings are available to everyone.
  3. Earning money from surfing is a home-based job, which does not oblige you to schedule, get up early and other inconveniences that are inherent in regular employment.
  4. Earnings are transferred to the account in the shortest possible time. If surfing does not provide for the delivery of a report, you will not need to wait for the results of the customer's verification.
  5. A huge number of advertisers. Thanks to the large number of projects on the Internet that specialize in surfing, your choice is unlimited. If something does not suit you, you can easily start surfing on other active advertising systems.

The negative sides of surfing

    Small amount of earnings.

    It is unreasonable for customers to pay high remuneration for such simple work.

  1. Probability security threats computer system.
  2. Monotone.

    Earning money by hand surfing may soon bore you. Routineness and monotony of actions tire and discourage the desire to continue further.

    An abundance of scammers.

    There are dishonest axle boxes on the Internet. If you do not first make sure that they are reliable, you will not receive your minimum wage.

    The presence of competition.

    Sometimes performers are left without orders, as demand sometimes exceeds supply. Despite the plethora of bucks, you may be left without surfing sites.

How to make money on autosurfing - 3 special programs

Some buxes, which provide the opportunity to earn money by surfing, themselves offer to download special programs and install them on a computer to carry out the process in automatic mode.

It would be silly if you ignore this offer. Thanks to them, you will only have to watch how the earnings on the account increase. Of course, it will be scanty. But you practically do nothing for this!

In addition, autoclickers allow you to open more pages than you can manually surf. You only need to leave the PC turned on and the program open.

The most popular autosurf programs are:

# 1. AutoBrowser - a program for making money on autosurfing

AutoBrowser is a universal software for regular and automatic surfing, reading letters, clicks. The program does everything on its own, but it still cannot do without your intervention. You will need to select the required number after the expiration of the time indicated on the timer, click on it (enter captcha).

Based on AutoBrowser, you can work with 3-5 axles at the same time. The interface is simple and minimalist. The software makes it possible to register directly from the autobrowser on the sponsor's resource.

AutoBrowser provides a large number of surfing sites, does not interfere with the Internet (i.e. no freeze occurs). All performed actions, balance and other statistics are displayed on the screen, instructions are attached.

# 2. SocPublic Agent - surfing autoclicker

An easy-to-use program designed for automatic and manual surfing by a project Standard functions include notification with a signal about the appearance of new letters, paid tasks, messages in internal mail.

SocPublic Agent is set to autorun. The user only needs to confirm the viewing of the web page with a mouse click. The program is free.

№3. [email protected]- a tool for making money on autosurfing

A similar stand-alone tool for making money created by the site From the moment you install it on your computer, it will check for available surfing pages. At startup, you must enter your username and password, set the update interval.

Having set the necessary settings, be calm: as soon as new tasks appear, the program will notify about it.

The algorithm for the receipt of web resources on the autoclicker differs from ordinary surfing. Pages to visit will arrive within an hour.

What services provide surfing earnings: 5 demanded buks

If you, after analyzing the information above, decided to earn money by surfing, you can start practicing. We have collected for you the five most popular and reliable services.

# 1. Buks is deservedly called the leader among such projects. The reliability of the system is confirmed by regular payments. To date, the total amount of payments exceeds 100 million rubles.

There are many earning opportunities and a huge number of surfing assignments. The interface of the site is not only pleasant, but also understandable.

You can find resources to visit in the left corner of the navigation menu. The section is called "Surfing Sites".

When you click on it, a list of advertising web resources pops up. First, you need to click on an empty area near the text.

Then an inscription will appear where you will be asked to view the customer's website.

By clicking on the specified link, you will find yourself on the advertiser's page. The countdown of the time spent on the site will begin.

Once the timer has finished counting down, solve a simple math problem and enter the correct answer.

At this stage, a window will pop up informing you that earnings are credited to your account.

# 2. Buks, which started its activity in 2009. It is suitable for surfing and autosurfing. Sites are viewed using a special program that can be downloaded from the resource, or through a browser.

So, when making money on surfing, bonus balls can fall out. If you collect them, experience is accumulated, which affects the rank. In turn, the rise in rank has a positive effect on the payment of tasks, gives its own privileges. The referral system is three-level.

No. 3. an active advertising system that provides earnings on manual surfing, clicks, tasks, likes, comments, registration. Minimum salary - 0.01 rubles.

Payments are made in dollars to QIWI, PayPal, Yandex, Payeer, etc. Bux provides users with a large amount of work. Subject to increased activity, project participants receive partner and referral interest (60%).

The service has a three-level system of referrals and achievements, and holds contests. There is a forum for communication, technical support is responsive.

No. 4. considered one of the first Russian services. The system has developed its own program for autosurfing. Earnings are credited to the WebMoney wallet.

The payment for surfing is a monetary unit - credits. They are listed on an internal exchange or sold to the system in exchange for electronic ones. Viewing is given from 30 seconds. up to 15 min. Bonuses from earning referrals are 5%.

In addition to the standard types of surfing, the project can offer Task-, PopUp-surfing (more about them - on the resource itself).

The multifunctional axle box has a competent support service. New users are accompanied by a "guide", which contains a lot of information on your questions.

Do you want to earn money from surfing?

A detailed guide will help you on the example of a site.

No. 5. a popular service with a large assortment of auxiliary tools to make money easier. He does not limit the performers by the number of tasks, time.

Users earn depending on the intensity of their work. For autosurfing, proprietary software is provided. For manual surfing, credits are credited to the user's balance. They are sold to the system or put up for sale on the exchange. Moreover, the second option is more profitable, since the price increases by 2-3 times.

For winning the competition, surfers receive worthy prizes. During its existence, the system has paid over $ 199 thousand.

In conclusion: surfing- an excellent opportunity for those who wish to have additional income without making any special efforts. The profit will not be big, so you shouldn't dwell on this method.

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Good day, friends!

This article will be interesting, first of all, for those people who have been working for a long time and making money on surfing, clicks, viewing ads, etc.

Perhaps this is the easiest way to make money on the Internet, but also quite dreary in terms of wages. As you can imagine, making a lot with surfing is unrealistic.

Probably, many newcomers who decided to make money on the Internet, at first played this way of making money. I am also no exception and I will tell you the truth that at first

steps trying to earn something from surfing.

Therefore, I can give some advice for those who nevertheless decided to continue making money in this niche.

How to get income from surfing?

First of all, you need to register on special services that provide the opportunity to earn money by completing certain tasks, watching ads, entering captcha, etc.

Serving Sites:

  • - the most popular books, where you can find a lot of work and tasks to complete;
  • - analogue of the wmmail box, slightly fewer tasks, earnings are formed in rubles;
  • - buks, on which you can surf both manually and automatically using the program;
  • - analogue of seosprint bookbox in terms of interface and functionality;
  • - also has a lot of work to do.

In fact, there are a lot of sites for making money surfing the Internet. It is these 5 sites that have been working for a long time and have established themselves as bona fide services that pay their users the money they earn.

You have to understand that making really big money on surfing is impossible in any way. For such work, advertisers pay just a penny. Sometimes, even after working on the axle boxes for several hours, you can only earn a few tens of rubles.

But still, there are a few secrets that will allow you to increase your surfing income, even if it is small.

Earnings - Internet surfing: how to increase income?

  1. Take on difficult tasks to complete. Let it be a waste of your time, but the income will already be more. On some axle boxes, there are assignments ranging from $ 1 to $ 10;
  2. Sign up on several bucs. You should not work with just one axle box, make a list of reliable axle boxes and go to them every day, do similar tasks, view advertisements, websites, etc.
  3. Use autosurfing. Some buks provide the ability to install automatic programs that themselves will surf the sites of advertisers. Here the payment will be lower, but you will not need to waste time on completing tasks. The only negative is the high probability of getting viruses on your computer;
  4. Work with multiple accounts. This can be done by changing the IP address. There are many ways to change your IP address, including using your browser. At the same time, you still need to additionally have several wallets to pay money.
  5. Get referrals. Perhaps this is the most guaranteed option to increase your surfing earnings. A small percentage will be deducted from the earnings of your referrals, and this is already passive income.

How to correctly and quickly recruit referrals, see the article:

  • Referrals are free. How to attract a lot of referrals?

My opinion on making money surfing.

  1. If you want to have a really normal income, then choose another way of earning yourself, for example, earnings on affiliate programs as the easiest and easiest way to make money on the Internet;
  2. If you nevertheless decide to continue earning pennies and want to increase them, then use the referral recruitment technique to increase income. Believe me, without them, making a lot of surfing is unrealistic.

Therefore, you can increase your surfing income, but I think it will be a thankless task, and most importantly, a waste of time.

I wish you success! Earn money!

SEOSPRINT is the best buks 2014 - 2016. More than 1.5 million people are registered. The largest number work on clicks here! The currency on the site is rubles. The minimum wage for withdrawal is 2 rubles (WMR).

On a day on SEOSPRINT, you can easily, pay regularly, fast, instant withdrawal to Yandex money, qiwi, webmoney wallets.

Available types of earnings: SEOSPRINT
Surfing- sites are almost endless, new sites appear very often.
Reading emails- more than 10 - 20 letters per day viewed.
Passing tests- from 5 to 10 tests per day.
Paid tasks- tasks on the site more than 500 - 1000.

The best sites for making money on clicks on the Internet, surfing sites for money, earn 500 rubles a day, in 10 - 30 minutes, right now, without investment and deception.

The whole truth about making money on clicks is that without invitations and active referrals, it is impossible to earn more than 50 - 100 rubles a day.

If you want to really earn 200 - 500 rubles for 1 - 2 - 3 hours of work per day, pay attention to the best freelance exchanges for beginners:

How to make a student on the Internet without investments 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years old?
There are many options, methods, and sites on the Internet where teenagers, boys and girls can make money without investment and deception.
Top list of proven ways to make money:

  • Earnings on clicks
  • Earnings on captcha input
  • Earnings on the browser
  • Earnings on likes in social networks
  • Earnings on games
  • Earnings from watching videos
  • Earning money writing articles, reviews and comments

one of the best sites for making money on the Internet on clicks, surfing, watching ads, and completing assignments. Works since 2007, former WMPUBLIC.
They pay here in rubles. Fast, instant withdrawal to WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI (qiwi), Payeer and Perfect Money, minimum wage from 1 kopeck. On site pay for registration of referrals 2 rubles, 1 ruble to the balance for withdrawal and 1 ruble to the advertising balance.

Available on the SOCPUBLIC website 4 types of earnings: Surfing sites, Letters, Visits and Tasks... The main type of income is paid tasks. There are more than 2 thousand of them here, there is plenty to choose from. The site also has good career growth, a multi-level (3 levels) affiliate program, bonuses for activity and constant contests.

Impeccably the best mailer, pays consistently. Affiliate program for 5 levels of referrals, no need to increase the rating. The most profitable site in terms of time / money ratio. The currency on the site is the dollar (WMZ), pays using WebMoney, Yandex Money, Payeer and a mobile phone.

Available types of earnings: WMMAIL
Surfing- there are not many sites here, payment is $ 0.0009 or 0.027 rubles
Letters- according to the principle of the same surfing, there are more than 30 - 50 of them every day. In 15 sec. - $ 0.0015 or RUB 0.045 even SEOSPRINT doesn't pay like that.
Tasks- tasks on the site about 4000. There are plenty to choose from!
Games- You can play games for money. Available games: tic-tac-toe, sapper, duel. The site acts as an intermediary, so no divorce! With a smart approach to games, you can make good money !!!

To register on this site, you need a wallet in the WebMoney payment system. Registration in webmoney is the first thing to do for those who want to make money on the Internet !!!

Immediately after registration, there will be few letters, the next day there will be more.

SEO-FAST- this buks is one of the leaders. The site has great prospects in terms of development, pays for webmoney, Yandex money, qiwi, no divorce, proven books.
The site has many opportunities for advertisers!
The site gives 200 free surfing views and +1% to the amount entered into the advertising account !!!

Available types of earnings: SEO-FAST
Surfing- daily more than 100 - 200 links per view.
Reading emails- letters on view from 10 per day.
Tasks- tasks on the site more than 400 - 500 for every taste.
Fair- the ability to buy and sell referrals on the exchange.
Referrer contests- a certain bonus for activity.
Admin contests- a good incentive to work.

PROFITCENTER- old and proven site, has been working for 4 years. The only competitor, in terms of the amount of work, is for SEOSPRINT. The site is impressive with its stability.
There is a lot of work here.
Withdraw money instantly to webmoney. You can always make great money.

Available types of earnings: PROFITCENTER
Surfing- daily more than 100 - 500 links per view.
Reading emails- there are a lot of letters on view - more than 20 per day.
Tasks- there are a lot of tasks on the site, as well as on other sites

WEB-IP- a good old man, has been working steadily since 2006. The site allows you to withdraw up to 1000 rubles. You can make several payments per day. Payment in rubles.
A site for making money on the Internet that is worth your attention!

Available types of earnings: WEB-IP
Clicks- daily about 20 links per view.
Surfing- there is manual and automatic
Tasks- there are a lot of tasks on the site and different topics.
Game "DUEL"- a game for money, the ability to upgrade your fighter.

FASTPROM- Young, but very promising, similar to SEOSPRINT. Plus of the site - 200 free surf views and free surf job advertisements(500 views while surfing every 3 days) The currency on the site is rubles, it pays regularly.

Available types of earnings: FASTPROM
Surfing- daily more than 20 links per view.
Reading emails- letters on view about 5 per day.
Passing tests- from 10 tests.
Tasks- there are a lot of tasks on the site, for each task completion, the site pays 0.2 rubles.

The twin brother is an analogue of SEOSPRINT, however, there is less work, only tasks, but the payment is in dollars (WMZ), the minimum payment is $ 0.10.

Available types of earnings: VIP-PROM (VIP promotion)
Surfing, reading letters, passing tests, tasks... Not a lot of work, but the stability and reliability of the site is impressive.

WMU IN UA is the best Ukrainian bookbox, a young but promising site. It is actively developing, almost every day the number of tasks increases. This is the most serious project that pays in UAH honestly.

Available types of earnings: WMU IN UA
Surfing- there are more than 5 links consistently every day.
Reading emails- there are not many letters, but there are.
Passing tests- tests do not appear here very often, but they do appear.
Tasks- in fact, there are a lot of tasks on the site and their number is increasing every day.

Kuban-Bux- the site is really for making money on clicks. Pay in Russian rubles. The site has been operating since 2010, 25 kopecks are paid for registration, there are many positive differences from other axle boxes.

Available types of earnings: Kuban-Bux
Bonus- once a day, a bonus is issued to the webmoney wallet.
Administration contests- there are daily contests in which it is beneficial to participate.
Browse Sites- pay for viewing advertising sites.
Surfing for KBEP- the same viewing of advertising sites, only for the rating. It can be exchanged for money or paid for the services of the site.
Reading emails- reading advertising letters for money. There are 5-10 of them per day.
Tasks- the main type of earnings, there are many tasks.

Roughly 80% of “online workers” who chose to make money from home simply by surfing the Internet rather than in an office or factory started out as surfers. Some of them later gained a baggage of experience and knowledge and developed into entrepreneurs who own and own services.
Earning money from watching videos and online pages is available even to beginners, which is why it is so popular among students, schoolchildren and housewives. We can safely say that this is the lightest of the common ones today.

Of course, the surfer does not profit from watching all the videos, but only active advertising systems (ATS) located on the sites. They are also often called systems of active promotion, and among the people - axle boxes.

Initially, these were advertising services where sites could exchange visitors without receiving any payment for this. But then things started to change, with paid emails and entire pay-per-click sites.

It is curious that in Russia the ATS is the most diverse and developed. Their foreign counterparts are nowhere near as popular.

Types of surfing

Surfing can be:

  1. Manual(regular surfing). After viewing the page or video, you will need to confirm your action by entering a code or answering a question.
  2. Automatic, or autosurfing... In this case, you do not need to enter the code or answer the question, do not perform any special tasks. All surfing takes place offline, through specially designed applications and browser extensions.

Autosurfing sites for money is the simplest source that requires only a computer and uninterrupted access to the network.

How to start making money by watching ads without investments and risks

From a novice surfer, only free time and Internet access are required. Surfing (especially watching videos) "eats up" large volumes of traffic, so it will be cheaper to switch to an unlimited Internet tariff. No cash investment or special skills are required. If a site requires a preliminary payment for registration or admission to assignments, be sure that you are scammers.

Surfing is an additional income, it should not interfere with your main job or study.

In addition to Internet access, you will need email and an electronic wallet. The most popular Webmoney service among beginners is supported almost everywhere, it is reliable in matters of Internet payments, but a certain percentage is charged for many actions.

To get started, you need to register on the axle box (CAP). A side job limited to one service will not bring tangible profit, so it is more profitable to register for several at once. It is optimal to select approximately 5-10 resources (the amount depends on the available free time), the most profitable and convenient.

Particular attention should be paid to the withdrawal of earned funds from the system:

  • What currency is the payment made in;
  • What e-wallets can be withdrawn to;
  • Are there any restrictions regarding the minimum withdrawal amount.

At the end of the publication, we have prepared a selection of the most ambitious, reliable and proven sites.

Use all the offers of the selected resource. And even if the purpose of your registration with Buks was to watch short videos, do not ignore the opportunity to take tests, install an autosurf program, or subscribe to emails with promotional links. We will talk in more detail about the capabilities of ATS further.

Common ways

But there are differences that make it possible to distinguish some species into groups:

  1. Earnings on viewing sites... The easiest, but also the most unprofitable way. It takes a certain amount of time to view a certain page (on average 20 seconds). Experienced users recommend registering in parallel at several sites and giving this earnings 3 hours a day. It is possible to withdraw about 120 rubles a day in this way - not much, but enough to cover some household expenses.
  2. Earnings on watching videos... All that is required is to register on a special site, a box, select a video, turn on playback and at the end enter the code from the picture (as confirmation of the task). You don't need to remember the essence of the video, so you can safely open several videos in adjacent tabs. For each such view, a few kopecks are charged, but over time, the income increases.
  3. Earning money by watching short videos on YouTube. Have you ever visited YouTube? 98% of users have looked at this hosting, and more than once. Then the fact becomes interesting: who and why can pay for this? We answer: of course, it is not YouTube itself that pays, but the owners of certain videos (or channels). They:
  • They want to increase the number of views in this way (and, for example, surprise acquaintances with this, or attract advertisers);
  • Attracting an advertiser to the site, on the link of which viewers click after viewing;
  • They distribute their video “to the people”, through surfers and their friends.

Viewing one video is estimated at an average of 3 rubles. In addition, customers sometimes offer to increase the payment for subscribing, rating a video, or writing a comment.

  1. Films and serials. While this is still a new type of income from watching videos, and much is not known about it. The employer discloses the details personally to the contractor, so the details have not yet leaked to the masses. Presumably, this is how the audience counter winds up.
  2. Autosurfing... As the name suggests, here almost everything happens automatically, without human intervention. With the help of autosurfing, the indicators on the counter of site visitors increase, but the customer will not attract real customers in this way. The payment also corresponds to the simplicity of the work - they usually pay with surfers not with money, but with impressions, which can be sent to promote their site or resell.
  3. Viewing pictures. The portal works according to this principle. After registering on it, you can select a category and start viewing images. The minimum time that you need to spend on viewing has not been set; several images can be viewed at once in adjacent tabs. Payment is transferred to an electronic wallet.
  4. View news... Promotion of a specific site by viewing indirect advertising. You do not need to go to the site itself, you only need to read information from it.

How much can you make surfing

The surfer's earnings depend only on the time allotted to him for work. The average income is 300-1000 rubles per day, and this is subject to "part-time employment", when surfing acts as an additional income in your free time. With a "full day" of 9-10 hours, it is possible to get even more.

Income consists of completing various tasks: from following links to watching movies. At first, you should not rely on high-paying orders. Surfers (especially beginners) take quantity, not quality.

Additional profits for the surfer can be brought by referrals - people attracted to the project. These can be your acquaintances, or completely strangers who have registered on the buksa by clicking on your unique referral link. Some surfers go on a hunt for referrals by posting advertisements with veiled referral links on blogs and social networks.

The surfer receives part of the profit from the work of each person he brings, but this does not in any way affect the income of the referral himself. If you bring about fifty referrals with you, then you can easily receive passive income from their work.

Referrals can not only be invited, but also bought on special exchanges that are available in some ATS.

Advantages and disadvantages of surfing



No investment required

Relatively low income

No special knowledge and skills required

Monotony of work, lack of variety (not suitable for everyone)

You can work in a convenient place and at a convenient time

Gives the experience of online work, the use of Internet wallets, forms an idea about the device

Low (the direction is considered relatively young)

Many services provide for "career growth", when over time you get access to more expensive tasks

Remember that surfing is just a launching pad for those who are serious about making a profit through online work. You can accumulate enough experience and knowledge on the boxes to move on, move on to a higher-paying job. Because, alas, it will not be possible to fill your e-wallet with surfing. In practice, it is possible to save up the maximum to pay for the services of a cellular operator and for a movie ticket.

Where can you make money on internet surfing

So, we figured out the concept of Internet surfing, revealed some of its secrets, revealed strengths and weaknesses. If after our article you decided to personally test earnings by watching ads, then for you we have prepared a list of the most popular sites for these purposes.

There are many CAPs, but they all differ in the proposed tasks, the level and method of payment, and other nuances. Our list includes only proven services that are guaranteed to pay for jobs.

Service Distinctive features Minimum withdrawal amount and supported payment systems

The number of levels of the referral system

The leader among the axle boxes. Many diverse tasks, with a cost from a few kopecks to hundreds of rubles 10 rubles (Webmoney, Qiwi, Payeep, Payza, Yandex.Money)
The second most popular site, very user-friendly and reliable No restrictions (Webmoney, PerfectMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi)
Additionally, not so long ago, a copywriter exchange was opened 50 cents (WebMoney)
One of the pioneers who paid for clicks ten years ago 10 cents (Yandex.Money, Payer, mobile phone bill)

5 (from 1% to 10% of their earnings)

Payments in dollars, the device resembles seosprint 10 cents (WebMoney, Payza, Yandex.Money, PerfectMoney)
Tasks are updated every hour, there is a referral exchange. 5 rubles
Rating system (the higher the rating, the more expensive the task) No restrictions (WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money)
Hand-surfing and convenient autosurfing with a simple app 10 cents (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, mobile phone)
A relatively new resource that is actively developing 1 kopeck (Various e-wallets and even a mobile phone bill)
You can instantly learn about new links for viewing and messages in the browser if you install the extension Payment in dollars (Paypal, Payza)
Reliable resource with very simple registration No restrictions (WebMoney, PerfectMoney, Yandex.Money, Paeer)
There is a convenient chat for communicating about work and not only 5 rubles (WebMoney, PerfectMoney, Yandex.Money, Alfa-Bank, Qiwi)
A young site with an impeccable reputation so far 2 rubles (WebMoney)
The project is only 6 years old, but it already provides a rich selection of tasks, it has its own internal chat 1 kopeck (WebMoney, Payeer, Perfect Money, Yandex.Money)

The Internet today is our life. We visit a lot of sites, watch videos, rate "Like", "Dislike". And we don’t think that for someone it’s earnings, he gets real money.

    • Interaction mechanism: site owner, intermediary, surfer
    • Advantages and disadvantages of making money on surfing and autosurfing
    • Tips to Increase Surfing Income
    • Where can you make money surfing?
    • Conclusion

Interaction mechanism: site owner, intermediary, surfer

How much do you earn from site views?

Benefit from our site visits have their owners, for them each new Internet visitor increases the interest of advertisers, thereby increasing their earnings.

For the sake of raising the ratings of their projects (this brings a good income), many owners are ready to spend money. Internet intermediaries - active advertising systems - come to their aid. They provide an opportunity for some - to quickly get the required number of site visitors, and for others - additional income.

The main activity of intermediaries is to make money from surfing (browsing the web for a fee).

The mechanism for making money is as follows: you register, get a list of those sites that you need to visit, follow the links, staying on each page from 20 seconds to one minute, for this you will be credited with money.

In addition, it is often suggested to perform some tasks on the pages of Internet sites (put "likes", click on a banner, watch a video). It is called earnings on clicks, it is an integral part of the web surfing.

Advantages and disadvantages of making money on surfing and autosurfing

Making money surfing the web has positive aspects:

  • you can start working and earn the first kopecks immediately after registration. Surfing is suitable for beginners who are eager to see the results of their work;
  • a large selection of employers. The Internet is filled with active advertising systems, you can register in one you like, and then change the service if something does not suit you.

Surfing has quite significant disadvantages:

  • very low salary. On average, surfing is paid from 5 to 8 kopecks per view of 1 page;
  • fraud. In many cases, even the scanty money earned through the Internet by honest labor may simply not be paid. When choosing a service, carefully read the reviews and evaluate the conditions offered to you;
  • a sufficiently high security threat for a computer, going from site to site, you can bring on the computer malicious programs that fill the Internet.

Many active advertising systems offer to download and install a program to automate surfing (autosurfing program), be sure to use this. You will save a lot of time that can be usefully spent and earn on clicks, because Internet bots, as a rule, cannot complete tasks, they can only visit the page.

In many cases, you will have to manually enter the captcha, but the work process will be faster compared to manual surfing.

Is it possible to earn 100 rubles per day on clicks?

Earning from surfing leaves much to be desired, income can vary in a fairly narrow range, but its size depends only on you.

  • register in active advertising systems that set the smallest amount for withdrawing money. If the salary for the job is low, it is very important to get paid as soon as possible. If the service offers a high payment, as well as a large minimum withdrawal amount, then most likely you will be left with nothing;
  • register in several systems of active advertising. It is not serious to receive money from one service - an intermediary, especially for autosurfing. Use several services at the same time - this means that income will increase several times;
  • change the IP address. If the service does not prohibit such manipulations, then the same task can be performed several times, which will increase income;
  • Take care of the safety of your computer, constantly install the latest version of antivirus software, thereby reducing the risk of malware being introduced.

Where can you make money surfing?

There are many active advertising systems on the Internet that offer income from surfing. Here is some of them:

  • IPGold... A large number of opportunities to make money on clicks, as well as manual surfing. The minimum amount for withdrawing money is 10 rubles;
  • JetSwar offers to use the program for autosurfing, but payment for the work is made in the form of loans, which must be sold on a special exchange;
  • VipIP... Surfing and autosurfing. The minimum withdrawal amount is 10 cents.

Watch the video - Easy way to make moneyon the internet at autosurfing:


Making money surfing or autosurfing is great for newbies on the Internet, but if you want make serious money on the internet, look for something else to match your income. Good luck!