What does the letter s in the avatar mean? The value of avatars in psychology

  • 11.11.2021

By the avatar, you can find out some traits of a person's character - both your own and the person you are interested in.

This is not about complete testing of a person by his avatar, this test does not claim to be 100% scientific.

Rather, it highlights some of the more pronounced personality traits.

"What Ava will tell you about - find out about a person by their avatar":


Here are the 16 most common types of avatars (there are many more combinations of them), choose one of them that is most suitable for the person you are interested in.

First of all, be guided by the verbal description, and only then by the picture, it is given as an example.

Stimulus material.

1. There is no avatar.

2. Your own photo.

3. Animals.

4. The hero of the cartoon, anime, games.

5. Celebrities, politicians.

6. Superman, hero.

7. Pretty woman, seductress.

8. Unusual, shocking.

9. Angry, aggressive.

10. Exclusive.

11. Frequently replaceable.

13. With humor - an inscription.

14. Abstract.

15. Nature.

16. Material objects.

The key to the test, interpretation.

1. Usually there is no avatar for newcomers or those who are not going to communicate here, who think that they have looked here, perhaps for the first and last time.

If the avatar is completely absent for a long time in this network, this indicates the secrecy of feelings. Such people constantly decide how to present themselves and whether to present at all.

2. If the avatar has his own photo, then this characterizes the owner as a realistic and open person, with his own position and unwillingness to hide. You should also take into account in what position the photo was taken, what gestures are present, what feelings and emotions are reflected on the face.

In general, a photo of a real face is a sign of honesty, an offer of friendship, and even a sign of romance. The peculiarities of people with such an avatar include their complete confidence in their righteousness, their confidence in the correctness of their way of life and thoughts. As straight people, they are the least likely to pretend and tend to say what they think.

3. Animals are one of the most popular types of avatars. Each animal has a certain set of qualities in the human mind. For a cat it is independence, for a dog - loyalty, honesty, for a snake - intelligence, for a fox - cunning, for a lion - strength, etc.

Usually these qualities are considered to be the main ones by people hiding behind such pictures. It is not necessary that they have these qualities in reality. This is primarily their opinion of themselves.

4. Cartoon characters are a "promising" avatar. The difference between a promising avatar and, say, an avatar with an animal is that from an avatar with an animal you can guess what kind of quality a person considers the most important right now.

While the perspective avatar shows what qualities the avatar owner would like to have in the future, he wants to be similar in character to the ava hero. He kind of develops the qualities of a cartoon hero right in the virtual space in order to have common character traits with the avatar hero.

In all other respects, the same applies to cartoon avatars that was said about avatars with animals.

Therefore, one should not expect absolutely truthful stories from a person hiding under the guise of Bunny the rabbit, but "Leopold the cat" can be completely trusted. "Cheburashkas" and "Crocodiles Genes" are looking for friends, and the one who has the old woman Shapoklyak as an avatar is ready to play a little naughty on social networks. Aladdin's Gene wants to be strong and benevolent.

Traditional cartoon avatars are often chosen by teenagers. For adults, Japanese anime characters or a type of Japanese anime are more typical. In adults, cartoon avatars do not always depict the hero of some real cartoon. More often it is just an anime-style image, but it is useless to look for a cartoon with such a character. These avatars serve to psychologically enhance the attractiveness or mystery of the owner of the avatar.

5. The owner of a celebrity avatar, unless it features a politician, declares his passions, passions and hobbies. The hidden message she carries is: “I am very modern, I am aware of what is happening in the world of music (or sports, cinema, glamor, etc.).

I like this topic, I love this hero and will be happy to communicate with people who are like me in this. The rest, please do not worry. "

Avatars depicting famous politicians speak of the apolitical nature of their owner and a special sense of humor. Celebrity fashion is changing. Along with fashion, the number of avatars also changes. Celebrities of the past (Lenin, Che Guevara, Einstein, Chaplin, Pushkin, etc.) are used to express personality traits or social problems that are associated with a celebrity's image (sensuality, intelligence, power, corruption, rebellion, etc.) ).

6. Many people have conscious or unconscious fantasies of omnipotence. Who wouldn't want to be strong and invulnerable? Often behind an avatar depicting a "power" hero (Batman, Spider-Man, Bruce Lee, Nico, Superman, all sorts of ancient gods, knights, bodybuilders, etc.) is a male teenager. The display of "power" on the avatar is evidence of a subconscious concern about insecurity.

If an adult chooses such an avatar, then this is a sign that he has low self-esteem. In life, he is vulnerable and sensitive. Can become a true friend.

It often happens that it is difficult to distinguish a power avatar from an "evil" avatar (see below). These are usually images of some kind of evil spirit, a werewolf or an evil alien. In this case, everything that has been said about power avatars and will be said about "evil" avatars must be added together.

7. The fully nude avatar of a beautiful seductress is rare. Most often, these avatars demonstrate some kind of erotic parts of the female body. These can be both fragments of photographs of a naked body, and photographs of half-naked women, or fully dressed women, but in such poses that at the same time they can see something.

Where there is a high likelihood of recognition combined with too much frankness, other people's photos found somewhere on the Internet are often used. But where there is not too much frankness or there is no high probability that the owner of the avatar will be recognized in real life, their own photos may well be used there.

Behind such avs are women who are actively looking for new virtual acquaintances with men. They are easy-going and pleasant to talk to, not annoying, love compliments. At the same time, it cannot be said that they lack intimacy or that the quality of what exists does not suit them. In fact, they often have husbands or partners, that is, they have a personal life. But also for them, a brightly emotionally colored personal life is important. And for this, women sometimes just need virtual conversations on this topic.

Sometimes you can find a "virtual transsexual" behind such an avatar, especially if the avatar depicts a very frank completely naked lady. By the way, such an avatar is a rather rare case, since this is just not typical for women. Many ladies consider such an avatar to be simply vulgar.

8. Shocking avatars are used to recognize users who like to surprise, or even frighten others and provoke other people.

These avatars are the most popular among teenagers. For them, this extreme behavior is a way to express their independence and individuality.

9. "Evil" pictures on their avatars are usually placed by people who strive for loneliness. They are sensitive and easily vulnerable people. Owners of "evil" avatars often have aggressive fantasies or a guilt complex.

Sometimes it happens that such an avatar is not used all the time, but is kept in reserve and is “put on” according to the mood, in moments of bad mood, to be precise.

One must be extremely careful with such people. They can be easily hurt and hurt by something. You may not even notice that you have greatly offended the person, and he himself will not tell you about it directly.

Some people may use "evil" or aggressive avatars as a way (knowingly or unknowingly) to alienate or "delay" communication with others. This may indicate some anxiety about intimacy, or that the person is in some kind of vulnerable position.

As a form of self-expression, "evil" avatars allow people to safely, and even creatively, express the dark side of their personality.

10. The owner of an exclusive non-standard, self-made avatar is an independent person who knows his own worth.

His avatar is often very unusual in appearance, although sometimes quite simple ones are found. An avatar for him is something like his brand or trade mark. Under no circumstances steal exclusive avatars from users - you will get in trouble, the owner of such an avatars will try at least.

The owners of exclusive avatars love to argue and at the same time stubbornly defend their point of view to the last. You should not drag out discussions with them in the comments. In general, they are easy to communicate, smart, stubborn. Touchy, but quick-witted. Most exclusive avatar owners have a creative streak.

11. Regular users don't change avatars as often. And, as a rule, they do not jump abruptly from one type to another. Usually, when changing an avatar, users tend to maintain some kind of continuity, so that some features of the old avatar can be guessed or found in the new avatar.

The very frequent change of avatars, every day and several times a day, especially if the avatars change to a completely different type, speaks of instability, an increased need for fresh impressions. Such people may well be travelers, artists, artists.

12. Avatars with the image of eyes (a) are chosen by people who have a sober outlook on life, who allow themselves to always defend their point of view. The two eyes on the avatar indicate an increased attention to oneself. The owner of such an avatar seeks to attract attention. And also, possibly, means increased attention to the environment. If the eyes are not looking at you, somewhere to the side, then the author focuses on a rich inner world to which he will be ready to admit after the initiation of compliance.

13. Sometimes on the avatar there is just some kind of inscription, such as a motto, a proverb, aphorism, a famous saying, or just something like a self-designation of oneself (apparently, when a nickname is not enough).

These sayings are usually philosophical or political, often with humor. But sometimes it's just something personal, often with humor too.

Such avatars are often used by users who have something to say to the world, but who do not want here to engage in frank propaganda of their views and theories.

14. Abstract avatars are more often found in the form of beautiful geometric shapes with some idea of ​​symmetry.

Such avatars are preferred by true conceptual thinkers with a penchant for visual artistic endeavors. It is not for nothing that such avatars are most often found in categories related to science.

15. Avatar depicting natural landscapes (mountains, waterfalls, space, etc.), natural phenomena (fire, lightning, explosion, splashes, etc.), flowers, butterflies, etc. Images of architectural structures also belong to the same type of avatars. But not cars or accessories. In such an avatar, the background is more important than the details.

The person hiding behind such a picture is prone to thinking outside the box. He does not like to talk or even just talk about himself. He generally loathes specific topics. But he is always ready to speculate about the world order. Politics, philosophy, science, economics, psychology, these are his favorite topics, where he likes to theorize.

He is sensitive, loves nature, does not tolerate parties and familiarity. Romantic. Respects someone else's opinion and seeks to understand it. But he will not stubbornly defend his point of view. This does not mean that he will change his point of view to the point of view of his opponent. Just seeing that nothing can convince a person, he will get out of the dispute. Such people are fairly conformist, and therefore the least conflicting.

16. An inanimate object reflects the inner essence of a person, his values, inclinations and goals. Inanimate objects (for example, office equipment, weapons, equipment for work, books, musical instruments, cars) are a kind of visual slogan of a person who will tell about him in the language of symbols. When evaluating such things, one must proceed from the first associations that arose when they were seen. For example, if the picture shows a house, then it can be associated with stability, reliability, family.

For men, very often these are photographs of cars, much less often revolvers, fountain pens and watches. For women, the set of stylish accessories on avatars is much more diverse. It can be jewelry, cosmetics, handbags, wallets, cars, watches, dishes, expensive coffee packaging, interior items (chandeliers, fireplaces, sofas, etc.), etc. Often women show off stylish things on themselves (or someone else).

These lifestyle symbols describe some important aspects of a person's life. As a rule, it is either a job or a hobby or a personal habit. And sometimes dreams. For example, a man can place a photo of a Land Cruiser on his avatar, not because he drives it, but because he really wants to have such a car.

In the most general case, stylish and material avatars serve as a way to attract like-minded people.

0 With the development of the World Wide Web, more and more users begin to communicate on forums and social networks. However, not everything goes smoothly, some visitors to sites and chats cannot understand the meaning of some words, for example Dreamtim, Dislike, Donat, etc. Therefore, they are helped by two great assistants, the almighty Yashka, and the foreign Google in which " young padawans"They googling furiously and sometimes even fap on interesting pictures. In this article we will talk about such a term as Avatar, which causes confusion among many users. What does Avatar mean? This word has several more synonyms, Ava, Userpik, Avatar. It is used on portals, chats and blogs. It can be either a simple two-dimensional image, graphic animation, or a three-dimensional object. The latter is a very sophisticated Avatar and is mostly found in online games.

Avatar(avatar) is an image that can be called the "face" of a user on a forum or website. Since your interlocutor is not able to see your emotions, then as much information about your personality should be encrypted in the Avatar

As a rule, Avatar is created with only one purpose to decorate your personal profile. Not a single page on social networks can do without an Avatar, and even more so on dating sites, where it is customary to add your real photo.

Sometimes the Avatar carries features that emphasize or reflect the sphere of activity, hobby or addiction of a particular person. An ideal Avatar together with a "nickname" should give other people a detailed impression of the user's inner spiritual world. When communicating on the Internet, most people do not want to reveal the secret of their identity, they try to embellish or even completely hide their appearance, try to look much more attractive than in real life. This is especially noticeable in young people who, during puberty, are very shy about their appearance, and they have a pronounced desire to get away from reality.

Usually Avatar, it's simple picture with meaning however, some citizens use their own photo. The choice of Avatars is limited only by the rules of a specific resource, for pictures from the "Adults Only" series.

It should be understood that you will not be able to upload a photo of a couple of megabytes in size as an avatar, on sites and forums it goes limitation by the number of pixels, for example 64x64 pixels or 100x100.

First the term Avatar was used in the 1985 computer toy " Ultima". In general, only four parts were created, the first" Ultima"was released in 1981. Although, who is interested in this now?

Nowadays, creating an Avatar is not difficult, there are sites on which you can quickly make a very high-quality image online. Avatar provides a great opportunity to temporarily impersonate another person, for example, you can introduce yourself as an individual of the opposite sex to watch how different will flirt with you

Our virtual image, along with the image in real life, actively influences career success. The Internet career ladder starts with filling out a profile. What does the avatar chosen by you mean? This is a question to ask yourself before communicating information about yourself to the public that can become a stumbling block on the path to success.

In Internet slang, the word avatar comes from Hindu mythology, where it symbolizes the earthly incarnation of God. Since 1985, the avatar has appeared in computer games, then moved to forums, social networks and became an integral part of our profiles on other Internet resources. Scientists believe that an avatar (avatar, ava, avik) is the key to understanding the socio-psychological properties of a person: temperament, character, emotional state, lifestyle. So that our virtual image does not become a stumbling block on the path to success, let's figure out what these or those images symbolize and how they position us.

Own photo on the avatar characterizes a person who is open and inclined to communicate. However, such people are prone to narcissism. This can manifest itself in ordinary narcissism, selfishness, indifference to the interests and problems of other people. It is possible that a person declares to us his elitism and exclusivity. If you decide to set your own photo, then use the advice of a photography specialist.

Famous and successful people on the profile picture. This image is used by ambitious people who consider themselves underestimated in society. Depending on the profession of the hero of the avatar, its owner informs the world that he is aware of the latest events, for example, in music, sports, politics or cinema.

Erotic photos on the profile picture are chosen by girls inclined to romantic adventures. As a rule, they are pleasant to talk to, they gladly accept compliments. Most often, in real life, the owners of such avatars show excessive attachment to the object of attention. Pictures of girls on the profile picture are sometimes chosen by men. This speaks of the playful mood of the owner of the avatar. It is likely that such an image is hiding a real or potential homosexual.

Positive heroes of cartoons, films, computer games on the avatar. Basically, such pictures are used by adolescents who project onto themselves the best qualities of their characters. Such avatars for forums are chosen by impressionable adults, idealizing the perception of reality, nostalgic for childhood.

Negative characters on the avatar. As a rule, such avatars are placed in the profile by embittered and lonely people with a vulnerable soul and complexes. In virtual communication, such people show aggression. In real life, they are cowardly.

Cool avatars characterize people who are open and sociable. They have a positive view of the world and have a great sense of humor. A picture or an inscription can be selected as an image.

The animal on the avatar is the most common image. It symbolizes the natural qualities of a particular animal. For example, an owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, in some countries it is a symbol of death and occult forces. A person who chooses an owl as an avatar considers himself well-read and educated. A permanent avatar speaks of a person's loneliness, a temporary avatar means sadness. The dog on the avatar characterizes a friendly open person, a cat - independent and freedom-loving.

The landscapes on the avatar use romantic natures, inclined to philosophy and knowledge of universal wisdom. Beautiful avatars with a suburban nature are preferred by people who are not inclined to advertise their personal lives. They also try not to take part in the discussion of specific pragmatic topics. Avatars with urban landscapes are chosen by dynamic people interested in modern technologies.

Avatars along with the Internet have firmly entered our life. Avatar creation has become a whole web design and info business industry. If you have to fill out a new profile, find out what the avatar means - the image you have chosen. On the Internet you can find a huge number of dictionaries, books, encyclopedias of symbols. It should also be borne in mind that the avatar reflects not only our current state, but also visualizes our dream, the idea of ​​our future. By the way, we have already written about the symbols of good luck. Make sure the selected symbol matches your personal image. There are no trifles on the way to success!

According to psychologists, cartoon characters reflect the emotional state of the user, and images of animals emphasize the traits of his character.

In the age of the development of the Internet and social networks, the avatar has become a virtual face for those who like to chat on the Web. Who can not only be found on the Internet - some prefer to put their photo on their avatar, while others appear in the form of a cartoon hero or one of the many celebrities. An avatar can tell a lot about the character of the person who chose it for posting on his page on the social network.

An avatar is an image that a person presents for everyone to see. For social networks, people choose images that show as much of their merits as possible, tell about their personal qualities. It is natural for a person to use some images and pictures to show his state, inner experiences, - said Vera Bekreeva, practicing psychologist, art therapy specialist.

private photos

Many users do not consider it necessary to hide their faces behind various pictures. A person with a photo on his avatar, of course, can rightfully be considered the owner of such a quality as openness. But this is not the only quality that photography can tell.

Often not one, but several people are watching from an avatar, however, some social networks, for example, Odnoklassniki, do not welcome the use of such avatars. In the friend feed, you can often see photos of users with their soulmates.

Replacing your own photo

Not all users like to use their own photos as avatars. Fortunately, in such cases, the same Internet saves, in the vastness of which you can find many pictures.

Pictures can indicate two things. Firstly, the owner of such an avatar is not who he claims to be, demonstrates the qualities that he would like to have. Secondly, with the help of a picture, a person can emphasize one of his character traits, which, perhaps, people do not notice, - she shared psychologist.

Cartoon characters

Even adults do not forget cartoon heroes and often use their images as their own avatars.

Cartoon characters are always images of something light, positive, and funny. There are very strong associations with heroes. When we use a cartoon character as an avatar, most often we associate ourselves with the emotion that this character conveys. Such avatars convey the character of a person poorly, but the state in which he is now is reflected very brightly, - noted Vera Bekreeva.

Negative heroes

By the way, users choose as avatars not only images of positive characters, but also villains. According to the psychologist, the choice of such a hero does not necessarily indicate negative traits of a person's character. Such an image can act as a security method.

It is quite possible that the person whose profile picture is of the villain is himself very calm and sympathetic. But there are times when the scale outweighs and a person gets tired of being positive in everything. With the help of the image of a negative character, one can say that now it is better not to touch a person. Such a picture warns others, - said Vera Petrovna.

Our smaller brothers

Any animal has its characteristic qualities, charisma. An animal on an avatar can emphasize a person's character traits. People identify with this or that animal. For example, a man with a bear on his avatar seeks to emphasize that he, like this animal, has strength, - explained psychologist.

Are you posing as Julia Roberts or Konstantin Khabensky ?! The psychologist says you just want to be like them.

Notable personalities

It is popular for both women and men to use photographs of famous people as avatars. For girls in such cases, the whole image of a celebrity is important - clothes, makeup, facial expressions, but guys often prefer photographs that only show a person's face.

Women, as a rule, demonstrate with the help of a "star" avatar what they would like to be like. Most often, this is how girls realize their desire to match the image of a celebrity. It happens that it is not always possible to take a picture of herself in the same way, and a photo of a star is a way out, - she shared Vera Petrovna... - Men are more likely to choose portraits of stars. As a rule, men with such avatars identify themselves with a famous person, express respect for him, for his achievements.

DIY avatar

And without the help of a specialist, it is clear that the image that the person made himself characterizes the user of the social network as a creative person. People who show their creations using avatars have different goals.

Men, with the help of author's avatars, brag about the results of their activities - the representatives of the strong half of humanity have a need for this. A woman, on the other hand, likes the very process of creativity, and she expects that they will try to ask her about how she made this or that little thing, - noted Vera Bekreeva.

Irregular avatars

Most likely, the one who often changes avatars spends a lot of time on the Web and constantly communicates, and when we are in the process of communication, we are not always the same. Every day a person is different, and pictures help show this on the web. For users, changing the avatar is almost the same as changing clothes in everyday life. In addition, changing avatars allows you to attract attention, - said psychologist.

Those who change their avatar infrequently, according to the psychologist, simply use social networks as a source of information. A photo for such users is just an identifier, with which it is easy to recognize it on the Internet.

Don't label people as secretive if they don't have an avatar on social media.

Secretive people

There are also users on the Internet who do not upload avatars to their accounts on social networks at all. The psychologist advises against immediately labeling such users as a secretive person. Perhaps, such users, again, simply receive information via the Internet and do not see any reason to share their personal photos with the public.

Likewise, you should not prejudice the people who are hiding behind the images of various heroes and celebrities.

The user may have certain complexes, and the person is just comfortable communicating without showing their photos. But do not forget that if the interlocutor does not like the image, then an imprint may remain and the attitude will automatically be transferred to the person who is behind the picture, - noted Vera Petrovna.

Everything that you do is no coincidence, even the choice of a small picture - an avatar - tells something about you. If you want to diagnose someone's character by ava, carefully study the userpic and select several parameters. If it has several

Famous people, actors, "stars", public figures, politicians

The image of "stars" of show business, sports, etc. on the avatar indicates that it is important for the user to be aware of what is happening in the world. Thus, he makes it clear that he has certain interests (for example, old black and white cinema or "Formula 1"). This is an offer to unite by interests and communicate on specific topics.
If the avatar depicts a politician, this indicates that its owner has a sense of humor and is ironic about politics, even, probably, apolitical.

User's real photo

It is possible to interpret a photo placed on an avatar for a long time and thoroughly. It is also important how clearly the user's face is visible, and in what position he is located, and what emotions his eyes and lips express. However, in general, the choice of one's own real photo as ava suggests that the person hiding behind the picture is not afraid to show himself, has a sober view of life and has a very firm position that he is ready to defend. It may also be important for such a person to accept him for who he is. These are people who are direct and honest, ready to look openly in the eyes, confident in the correctness of their life path (even if only at this stage of life).
If a person has one car park, especially an embellished one (for example, specially processed in a graphic editor), is replaced by a similar one, this speaks of the fear of rejection and the desire to receive admiration from others.

Representatives of the animal world

An animal is almost the most common avatar. You can judge which qualities are important to the user by which animal he placed on the ava. Every animal in the public consciousness is endowed with a bright trait, and the owner of the avatar seeks to demonstrate this trait as his own. He is not necessarily cunning, like a fox, or affectionate, like a cat, but the trait that he puts on an avatar suggests that it is this quality that the owner of a userpic considers to be the main thing today.

Cartoon characters or computer games

The qualities and traits that cartoon or computer characters demonstrate are the traits that the user wants to have. Emphasizing them, he sends a message to the virtual space that he is trying to develop these very qualities in himself. Perhaps he doesn't have them yet, but he really wants to have them.
In addition, the choice of an unknown cartoon or anime character may indicate that the owner of the avatar wants to appear mysterious and enigmatic.

Hero, superman, ancient god, knight and other characters broadcasting extraordinary power

The choice of such an avatar speaks of the desire of its owner to control his life and the world around him and to be strong. Most often, behind this avatar is a male person, often a teenager. The choice of such an avatar suggests that its owner does not feel safe, but is very sensitive and hurts painfully about indifference and resentment.
The avatar can demonstrate a negative character (for example, a demon), then in conjunction with this description, read description No. 9 about aggression and anger.

Seduction, passion

The avatar, which depicts various attractive parts of the female body (or the entire body), indicates that its owner is actively looking for a partner. Perhaps, even having a husband or a constant lover, such a woman does not receive vivid emotions and therefore is ready to realize her fantasies in the virtual space. Such a woman loves compliments very much and will always accept them with joy and gratitude.

Shocking and definitely attention-grabbing (this also includes moving ones)

Avatars that cannot fail to attract attention (shocking content, maybe even pornographic, movement or excessive, eye-catching brightness) belong to adolescents or those who internally remained in adolescence. Shocking is a typical adolescent's way of getting attention and expressing himself as a person.

Broadcasting aggression and anger

Aggression and anger on the avatar indicate that their owner is vulnerable and seeks to close and alienate most people. This is a cry about loneliness and incomprehensibility by others. These people can often fantasize about socially forbidden things (violence), but at the same time be tormented by guilt for these fantasies.

Unique, often handmade

A person who uses a self-created picture, a personal logo, or something that he has seriously worked on as an avatar (for example, processed a reproduction of a painting so that it becomes unique) is an independent person who appreciates his peculiarity and knows that he is worth a lot. If you "borrow" an avatar from him, he will be very angry and offended and can express this in a very harsh form, demanding to return the stolen goods.
These are big debaters who will gladly get involved in a skirmish and will defend their views to the victorious.

Avatar changes frequently, plots can be different

If the avatars often (more often than once every couple of months) change to similar ones, this indicates a person's desire to receive a variety of impressions and his existing (although perhaps hidden) ability to receive it. If the plots and types of avatars change all the time, they talk about a not very stable nervous system and about the search for something that will bring pleasure, satisfaction and meaning to life.


Owners of avatars with large eyes (or two) really look at life. In addition, these are people who want attention to themselves and know how to be attentive to others. The eye (eyes) means that the soul is more important to the owner of the avatar than the material.

Funny, humorous - with text

The avatars on which the text is placed (a philosophical saying, a quote, a direct message to other people) are chosen by people who need to say something to the world, but who, for some reason, decide not to do it directly, but as if they are being removed from the message. However, it comes from them.


Abstract images, most often with elements of symmetry, are chosen by people of science, thinkers, often with a powerful creative streak.

Nature besides animals and architecture

A person who selects landscapes, elements of nature, natural phenomena, as well as images of cities and architectural monuments for their avatar, usually differs in a not very standard way of thinking. This person is creative and bright. However, he may very much dislike conducting conversations about himself and delving into his own psychology. At the same time, he can spend hours conducting abstract conversations about art, literature, psychology, philosophy, religion and politics.
This is a non-conflict person who is prone to meditative pastime and knows how to be happy alone with himself.

Status things, luxury goods

The items on the avatar are symbols. They say what you associate them with. Men often choose cars (existing ones or those they dream about), and women - accessories, jewelry, elements of an ideal home. These symbols reflect what is important to a person. For example, a woman's lipstick or high-heeled shoes indicate that it is extremely important for her to be feminine. And a weapon or a tie in men suggests that the owner of an avatar needs to feel strong, influential and able to protect.