Windows 10 is being installed. How to prepare for installing the OS from a USB flash drive

  • 02.07.2020

Hey! In this article, I will tell you in detail how to install Windows 10 on a computer or laptop - the most popular operating system at the moment. By the way, if you are installing Windows 10 using the grandfather method, i.e. via CD-ROM, then this instruction will also work for you.

If you have already installed a licensed version of the OS, then when you restart Windows 10, you will not have to enter the key. Broken versions of Windows can also be installed as described below. Read about creation in this article.

How to create a bootable flash drive

At the first stage, we will create bootable flash drive, in fact, with which we will install Windows 10 on a computer. If you use exclusively a licensed version of the OS, then to create a bootable drive, you should use the special utility Windows 10 Installation ..., which can be downloaded from the official website Microsoft. I will not describe in detail the process of creating a bootable USB flash drive with this tool, because. All information is available on the developer's website. The only thing to note is that with this method, the latest version of Windows 10 will be loaded onto the flash drive.

Most PC users use broken versions of Windows. There are several ways to create an installation disk for them. I will describe only one, in my opinion, the most optimal and fastest - using the program Rufus. In this utility, you need to select in the Device section the item Create boot disk, then find the line ISO-image in the list. By clicking on the disk icon, select the path to our Windows 10 image, and click on Start. Everything, after the download of files is completed, the bootable USB flash drive will be ready.

Preparatory stage

Before you start installing Windows 10 on a computer from a USB flash drive, take care of the safety of important data and files. All information on the system disk will be deleted after installing the new operating system. The same disk stores data from the Desktop. So transfer all important files to another drive, copy them to, or to an external drive.

The last preparatory step is to install the flash drive as first boot disk. For this purpose, insert the flash drive into the USB port and restart the computer. Next you need to log in BIOS or UEFI. To do this, press the Del or F2 button during the very beginning of the OS boot. In the list of presented devices, select the flash drive first. After that, save the changes and exit.

The same can be done from Boot Menu . This is a special menu, which is also called during the boot of the operating system.

When Windows 10 starts to boot from the flash drive, you will see an inscription in front of you asking you to press any key to start the installation. Follow this recommendation.

Guide to installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive

  • After pressing any key, the following screen will appear in front of you. Here you can set your preferred language, keyboard layout and time format.
  • Click Next, we get to a new window, where there are two buttons: Install and System Restore. In this article, we are only talking about installing Windows 10, although restoring the OS may be preferable in some cases.
  • On the next tab, you will be prompted to activate the product. If you have an activation key, enter it in the appropriate field. If not, just click on the link I don't have a product key.
  • This installation step will not be displayed in cases where the installation was performed with a key. If you did not use the key, you will have to select the Windows edition. If you had a product license, then select the version that was on the computer before.
  • The next item is a license agreement that you are selling your soul to the devil (just kidding, of course, but the essence of what is written is about this). Put a tick next to I accept the license terms and click on Next.
  • The next step is to select the Windows installation type. When you select Updates, all files of the old Windows will be saved to the folder Windows.old. We will not consider this procedure in this article. We want to install Windows 10 from scratch. Therefore, we click on the link Selective.
  • Once in a new window, we will need to select the disk partition on which the files will be unpacked and Windows will be further installed. The name of the disks is not signed here, and their number is usually greater than the number of disks in Explorer. You can find out your system disk (disk C) by volume. In this example, this is Section 4. Click on it and click on the Format button below to clear its contents. After formatting is complete, click on this partition again and click on the Next button to continue installing Windows 10.
  • The following window will open showing the process of installing the operating system on your computer.
  • You won't need to take any action for a while. You can go for tea or a snack. The computer may restart several times during the download process, or even freeze. There is no need to be afraid of a black or blue screen - these are quite normal things when installing Windows.
  • After the files are downloaded, the system will automatically search for Internet connections, and if it finds one, it will offer to connect.
  • The next step is to configure the main OS parameters. Here you need to select the region,
  • ...keyboard layout,
  • …additional layouts that can be skipped.
  • If the computer was connected to the Internet, you can use 2 options for setting up the OS - for organizations or for personal use. For a home PC, choose the second option.
  • Next you need Sign in to your Microsoft account, or create a new entry if it didn't exist. Again, this step is only available when connected to the internet. Depending on your version of Windows 10, you may need to ask a security question and answer if you forget your account password.
  • The system will prompt you to use Pin for access - decide for yourself whether you need it.
  • If there is an internet connection, in the next step you will be able to set up the work Windows cloud storage.
  • The last stage of settings - installation privacy settings. Everything is clear here - each item is described in detail. Installation from a Windows 10 flash drive
  • Next, the system will prompt you to install the standard applications necessary for comfortable work on Windows.
  • And after all this torment, you will finally see the long-awaited Windows 10 desktop.

After installing Windows 10

When Windows 10 is successfully installed on your computer, you should proceed to install all the necessary drivers. Smart Windows can automatically download most drivers if the computer is connected to the Internet. However, for the correct operation of all devices, it is recommended to install firewood in the following way:

  • On laptops, drivers are installed from manufacturer's official website. For each model, you can find a set of drivers on the site.
  • Drivers for a personal computer are downloaded from motherboard site.
  • Depending on the model of the video card, firewood is downloaded from the site AMD or NVIDIA.

It is also recommended that before downloading all the necessary programs, create system recovery image. For these purposes, standard OS tools are available, or you can use third-party software. Thanks to this, further reinstallations of Windows 10 will be much faster.

You may need to reinstall Windows 10 via BIOS from a flash drive if boot errors occur or the operating system does not work properly. There are many reasons why you might want to reinstall the OS. Your computer may be infected with a virus, or may be clogged to the point where it runs slowly. If you do not have problems related not to the hardware, then you will return the PC to a working state.

Warning: You will need to back up all your documents, music, photos, videos, and settings. And also reinstall all your apps if you do a clean reinstall. This is when you completely format your hard drive and start from scratch.

You can also reinstall the system "on top" of existing versions. This is usually referred to as an "upgrade". This is a less appropriate way to fix any problems preventing the OS from loading, but you won't lose any files or apps. Nevertheless, it is worth saving everything that you may need.

Four steps you need to take:

  • Create a bootable USB drive.
  • Changing the BIOS boot order.
  • Installation.
  • Setting.

Create a bootable flash drive

To create an installation disk, you need a USB drive with at least 8 GB. All existing data on it will be deleted and will no longer be available after that.

Go to the following link and run the downloaded file. After the initialization is completed, the following screen will appear:

  • Check the "Create installation media" option and click "Next"
  • You will then need to set up your language, architecture, and edition.

You will need to determine which media to use. Check the Flash Drive option and click Next. If you have not yet connected the USB, you must do so. Enable the Refresh Disk List option. Select the flash drive on which you want to install the system and click "Next".

Windows will now load. The files are automatically installed on your Flash. This may take up to two hours, depending on your internet connection speed. Do not turn off your computer during this process, as this may cause errors.

Setting the boot order

You will need to restart your PC and enter the BIOS. In the menu, open the Boot section and in the Boot priority item, select the USB flash drive first.


Now everything is ready for the procedure. The following steps will help you decide which parameters you should note during the operation. Please note that the reinstallation may take up to one hour.

When you successfully boot from your USB, you will see a logo and then a screen where you need to select your language. Just follow the instructions and make sure you've entered the correct section.

As soon as the installation starts, you will see a logo and a large circular progress indicator. Follow the progress of the installation. The process restarts the computer several times and may ask you to remove the DVD or Flash Drive.

Here you can find prices for installing Windows.

In some situations, users may need information on how to install Windows from a flash drive through the BIOS. Today, the issue is relevant due to several reasons, including the need for an emergency reinstallation of the Windows software package. It may happen that the distribution kit will be written to the most common USB drive, and not to a disk, because the use of such a source of information storage is convenient. It is worth noting that many modern laptops are simply not equipped with a DVD drive, which has allowed manufacturers to create ultra-thin devices. In this case, reinstalling the version of Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10 necessary for operation is possible only from a flash drive or an external hard drive connected via USB. Those who have installed the software package know that this process is not complicated, but it requires certain knowledge and skills from the user, without which it will not be possible to start the process. The installation of the incoming version of Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10 begins with entering the BIOS, the parameters of which you need to be able to figure out. It should be noted that through BIOS from a USB flash drive, you can not only install the software package, but also carry out a deep scan of the system for malware, which in some cases allows you to establish the correct operation of Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10 on a user computer or laptop.

When there is no way to use a DVD drive, a flash drive comes to the rescue

Preparing for installation

If you purchased a laptop with a pre-installed licensed Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 software package, then you should remember that it is called the factory distribution. We recommend that you prepare in advance for the situation when you need to reinstall the operating system and useful programs from the manufacturer. In this case, the distribution is written to a DVD-R disc, flash drive or external hard drive. In the last two cases, it will be necessary to configure certain parameters in the BIOS.

Installing an unfamiliar version of Windows XP, 7, 8.1 or 10 is very similar to installing a factory distribution. The main task of the user is to start the process, and then the system automatically installs the software package on a computer or laptop. We recommend that you carefully choose the installation files, because on the Internet you can find a huge number of pirated versions of software systems that do not work correctly after installation.

There are sequential instructions that describe the process of writing an operating system image to a USB flash drive, which will be used to install Windows on a computer or laptop. The successful result will depend on the quality of the image and the correctness of the algorithm.

So, reinstalling the operating system from a USB drive includes the following steps:

  1. Write installation files to a USB drive.
  2. Transferring all the files you need in the future from drive C to protect them from deletion.
  3. Inserting a flash drive into a USB port.
  4. Launching the BIOS and changing options in the menu. You need to search for information on how to enter BIOS on a specific computer or laptop.
  5. Starting the installation of the operating system.

Before starting the BIOS, all users must understand that the flash drive must already be connected to a working USB connector on a laptop or computer. It is worth noting that the BIOS can be launched by a combination of different keys, for example, pressing Del, Esc, F12, F10 multiple times. This action is always performed at the time of device boot. The input method depends on the BIOS manufacturer and on the computer model. Users should be prepared for the fact that the mouse will not work in this mode. All control in the BIOS is performed through keystrokes. However, no one has any problems with this. The main task after entering such a menu is to start automatic installation from a USB flash drive. After the Windows installation starts, no user intervention is required.

Key combinations vary by BIOS manufacturer

Changing BIOS settings and starting installation

Immediately after entering the BIOS, you need to find a tab called Boot. Often the desired section is called one word. Different BIOS versions have a different interface, but the Boot tab is usually present in all firmwares. After entering the tab, you should select the Hard Disk Drives item, where the device recognition order will be presented.

Users should understand that in order to start automatic loading of the operating system, it is necessary that the USB flash drive be listed in the first place in the BIOS. Opposite the “1 st Boot Device” parameter, a device must be installed that has the word “usb” in its name. Swapping devices in places is carried out using the keys Enter and Up, Down, Left, Right.

After all the changes have been installed, you need to save them. To do this, use the F10 button. There are many hints in the BIOS that help a beginner navigate. Then it remains only to restart the computer or laptop, after which the process will start automatically.

Installing Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 from a flash drive via BIOS will solve the troubleshooting problem if the device does not have a DVD drive. In addition, flash drives are a reliable source of information storage. Usually, when installing a software package from a USB flash drive, there are no failures or difficulties.

Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive via BIOS

Before we begin to figure out how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive via BIOS, let me make a few remarks: If you have already bought a computer with Windows 10 preinstalled, then you can skip this material with a clear conscience. In this article you will not find anything interesting if you already have the system installed.

If you already have Windows 7, you can upgrade to Windows 10 using the standard system update mechanism - just enable the Windows 10 Update service.

Installing Windows 10 via a USB flash drive may be necessary only if you bought a new computer without an operating system and separately bought a Windows 10 installation disk. Installing "tens" is almost the same as "seven", but, as always, there is one moment.

As a rule, licensed Windows 10 comes on a DVD. But some modern computers no longer have a DVD drive. Examples of such computers are compact PCs designed for media centers, ultrabooks and netbooks. These are all compact devices, and there is simply no room in their case for a bulky DVD drive. What to do? You need to somehow put Windows 10 on a USB flash drive, boot from it and install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive.

Create a bootable flash drive

Creating a bootable USB flash drive can be done in many ways (for details, How to create a bootable windows 10 USB flash drive). The first one is to use the standard tool from Microsoft - Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool, which can be downloaded at:

Using this tool is quite simple. Run it, choose which edition of Windows 10 you will install. The tool also allows you to select the bitness of the installed Windows. If your computer has less than 4 GB of RAM, then you do not need to torment it with a 64-bit assembly.

When the program asks where to put the Windows distribution, select the USB flash drive. At the end of the program, you will have a ready-made bootable media (namely, a USB flash drive).

Installing Windows 10 via flash drive in BIOS

In order to install Windows 10 from a flash drive via BIOS, enter the BIOS SETUP of your computer and select boot from a flash drive (depending on the type of media from which you will install Windows 10). On stationary computers, the DEL key is usually used to enter the BIOS SETUP. Laptops may have other keys and even key combinations. The F2 key is used quite often. Some BIOSes display a prompt similar to this:

Press to enter SETUP

Everything is clear here. You need to press the F2 key, and you will be taken to SETUP. Some display a graphic screensaver without any invitations. These are more difficult, as you need to refer to the documentation to find out how to enter the BIOS SETUP. See article: How to put boot from a USB flash drive into BIOS

After booting from, you will be taken to the language selection menu. As a rule, the Russian language will be selected immediately, and you will just need to click Next. If you have ever installed previous versions of Windows (versions 7 and 8), then this window will seem painfully familiar to you.

After that, you will see a window with a single Install button. To be honest, I always wondered why it is needed and why not immediately go to the window with the license terms?

After you accept the license terms, you will have to choose the installation type. Since we are installing the system on a new computer, we need to select Custom: install Windows only.

Right after that, you need to select the drive on which you install Windows 10. Why haven't we discussed system requirements before? Yes, because the "ten" can be installed on any modern and not very computer. If you're interested, you can install Windows 10 in a virtual machine with a single-core processor and one gigabyte of RAM. Why virtual? Yes, because it is very difficult to find a real machine with 1 GB of “RAM” in 2016, and I wanted to check the minimum system requirements declared by Microsoft. The system worked fine. Of course, to the best of your ability. But, I think, with "iron" you will be fine.

The only thing that the “ten” is demanding (however, like the “eight”) is free disk space. The minimum (according to Microsoft) is 20 GB for the 64-bit version and 16 GB for the 32-bit version. But Microsoft lies a little. The 64-bit assembly literally grew to 25 GB in a matter of hours after installation. But with the 32-bit one, everything is much nicer - it took 6 GB right after installation and update. Only 6 GB. It is clear that in the process of work it will grow, but I think the declared 16 GB correspond to reality.

The installation process of the system will begin, after which it will be rebooted. Depending on the performance of the hard disk, this process may take from several minutes to several tens of minutes. On SSD drives, installation takes a matter of minutes.

After reboot

After rebooting (which will be completely automatic), you will have to contemplate for a while a black screen with the Windows 10 logo and the words Preparing. After that, the installer will prompt you to set some parameters. All the parameters that it will offer to set by clicking the Settings button can be changed after installation, so I suggest not to waste time setting them and click the Use standard settings button.

Next, Windows 10 will try to get critical updates from the Microsoft website, but this is only if the computer is immediately connected to the Internet, for example, a local network connection is used (to the provider or to the router), all other types of connection require preliminary configuration.

Who owns the computer?

Who owns your computer - you personally or your organization? Select the appropriate option when Windows asks you about it. If you accidentally select that the computer belongs to the organization, and in fact it does not (there will be no Active Directory deployed on the network), then you will see a message that the logon is not possible. It's okay, just click the Skip button.

Create a user account

The next step in the installation is to create a user account. Windows 10, unlike Windows 8, does not prompt you to create a Microsoft account during installation. This is understandable: there is not always a connection to the Internet at the stage of system installation, and users are more willing to use regular local accounts. Later, if you want to use certain features of the system, you will be prompted to create a Microsoft account.

So, enter a username and provide a password. You can not specify a password - in this case, the login will be without a password. However, the presence of even the simplest password significantly increases security when encrypting data using standard system tools. Therefore, if you plan to work with data on your computer that you want to encrypt using EFS, be sure to set a password.

There is very little left

After creating the user, the system will prompt you to wait a bit while it sets up the applications. After setting up applications, the system will prompt you to choose whether you want to allow other computers and devices on this network to discover your PC. If there are other computers on your network, select Yes, if there are no other computers and you do not plan to work on the local network, then select No.

Actually, that's all. You will see the desktop from the new version of Windows. Do not switch: the next article will look at the new features of the "dozens".

Video - Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive

Updated: 19.06.2017 12:35

How to install Windows 10 from a flash drive through BIOS? – Instruction

In order to understand how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive, you need to understand one important point: the installation process consists of three stages, namely, creating bootable media, setting up BIOS and using the drive for its intended purpose.

We will analyze all these three stages step by step and in great detail so that no one has any questions and everyone can safely install Windows 10 on a laptop or PC. Go!

Step #1. Create a bootable flash drive

As such media, not only a removable drive, that is, a flash drive, but also a regular DVD or even a CD can be used. But this type of information storage has long been a relic of the past and it is much more convenient to take a USB drive.

The easiest way to create a bootable drive is with the official utility from Microsoft, which can be downloaded from the official website. It's called the Media Creation Tool, although it's not that important. When you do, launch it and follow these simple steps:

  • After starting, you will have to wait a little while the program prepares for further actions. When it completes, you will see the license agreement. If you wish, you can read it, but in any case, you need to click on the "Accept" button.

Rice. No. 1. Media Creation Tool License Agreement

  • In the next step, check the box next to "Create installation media for another computer" and click "Next".

Rice. No. 2. Options in the Media Creation Tool

  • Next, check the box "USB flash drive" and click "Next" again.

Rice. No. 3. Image creation options in the Media Creation Tool

  • If you want to create an image of exactly the same operating system that is already used on your computer, you do not need to change anything in the next window, but simply click "Next". If you want to write a different version of the OS to the USB flash drive, uncheck the "Use the recommended settings for this computer" checkbox and change the "Release" and "Architecture" parameters. After that, again, click Next.

Rice. No. 4. Language, architecture and edition selection window in Media Creation Tool

  • Then it remains to check all the previously entered parameters and click on the "Record" button. Wait until the program finishes its work. Usually this process does not take very long.

It is worth saying that this utility freezes very rarely, so if it seems to you that everything has stopped and nothing is happening, it is better not to interrupt the recording process. Instead, just wait a little longer.

Of course, if all this has been going on for several hours, then something is wrong, but this is highly unlikely. In any case, you will receive a fully functional boot drive with Windows 10 installation files.

You can also create it using the very famous and simple UltraISO program. How to do this is described in our article on updating the OS on a laptop.

Now you need to make sure that the computer boots from it. This is done through the BIOS.

Step #2. BIOS setup

Before the installation itself begins, it is important to configure the computer to boot from a USB flash drive. Depending on the BIOS/UEFI version, this procedure will look different.

To initially get into the BIOS, you need to press a certain key during boot, most often Delete or F2. Usually, on the boot screen, in addition to other inscriptions, it is also written which button should be pressed.

How it might look is shown in Figure 5.

Rice. No. 5. Specifying a Button to Boot the BIOS on the Boot Screen

  • AMI BIOS. In this case, use the "Up", "Down", "Right", "Left" and "Enter" keys to go to the "Boot" tab at the top. Next, go to the "Hard Disk Drives" section and click on "1st Drive". There, put the flash drive in the first place - you can recognize it by its name. Do the same in the "Boot device priority" section, only there the desired item will be called "1st boot device". Press "Esc" to exit and restart your computer if it doesn't happen automatically.

Rice. No. 6. Setting the flash drive to the first place to boot in the AMI BIOS

  • AWARD or Phoenix BIOS. Go to the "Advanced BIOS Features" section and find the "First Boot Device" item there. Press "Enter" on it and in the window that appears, select the option "USB-HDD" or "USB-Flash". Press "Esc" to exit.

Rice. No. 7. Installing a flash drive in the first place to boot into AWARD or Phoenix BIOS

  • h3O BIOS. Everything here is almost the same as in the AMI BIOS. First you need to go to the "Boot" tab, but then you should click on the "External Device Boot" item and select the "Enabled" option. Then, in the "Boot Priority" section, put "External Device" in first place. This is done using the F5 and F6 buttons. Again, exit this menu with the "Esc" button.

Rice. No. 8. Setting the flash drive to the first place to boot in h3O BIOS

If you are already using UEFI and not BIOS, then everything is much simpler.

In this case, the procedure is to go to the "Boot Sequense" or "BIOS Features" section and then "Boot Options". After that, you can simply drag the USB flash drive to the first boot location with the mouse cursor. It also happens that the desired menu item is called “Download Queue” or something like that.

Rice. No. 9. Options for installing removable media in first place to boot into UEFI

Although users of Windows 8 and younger with UEFI do not even need to go to the system menu. Here it is enough to do the following:

  • using the search, find the "Update and Recovery" window;
  • go to the "Recovery" tab on the left;
  • click on the "Restart now" button;

Rice. No. 10. Update and Recovery Menu and Restart Now Button

  • then click on the "Use device" button;
  • Select your flash drive from the list that appears.

Rice. No. 11. Selecting an action and a list of devices available for download

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. If something is not working for you, it is better to refer to the instructions for the computer or to the Microsoft help page. But most of the options available today, we have listed above.

Step #3. Direct installation

Actually, now you need to use the created boot drive to install Windows 10. If you did it in the way described in step # 1, then the installation process will look like this:

  • After the computer boots up, a window will appear in which you need to select the language you will use, the time format and the input method, that is, the keyboard layout. If you used the Russian language before, all these parameters will be set to Russia by default. All this can be changed by simply clicking on the appropriate item. When the options are specified, click "Next".

Rice. No. 12. The window for choosing the language, time format and layout during installation

  • On the next screen, just click the "Install" button. She is the only one there and it is impossible to confuse her with something else.
  • Next, a window for entering the product license key will appear. If you have it, enter it and click "Next". And if not, click on the inscription "I do not have a product key." You will still be redirected to the next Windows installation screen.

Important! If you created an image of your system, enter the key for it. This is also true for cases when you install the OS on another computer.

Rice. No. 13. License key entry window

  • If you have entered the key, the operating system version will be determined automatically. And if you clicked on the option in which you do not have a product key, you will have to choose it yourself. Of course, it is advisable to choose the same version that is already used on the computer, but you can also click on another one. At the end, click "Next".

Rice. No. 14. Selecting the version of the operating system to install

  • Next, you will have to agree to the license agreement. If there is a desire, it can even be read, although very few people around the world do this. In any case, check the box next to "I accept the license terms" at the bottom and click "Next".

Rice. No. 15. Windows license

  • If you just want to update an existing system and keep all files and settings, in the next window click on the first option, that is, "Update: install Windows with preservation ...". But if you want to remove everything and install a completely clean OS on your computer without files and settings (which, by the way, may have caused any breakdowns on your computer), choose the second option - “Custom: Windows installation only ...”. If you wish, by the way, you can read more about these options. To do this, click on the inscription "Help in making a decision" a little lower.

Rice. No. 16. System installation options

  • One of the operations that is performed during a custom installation is partitioning the hard drive. How this procedure goes and what its principles are, you can read in our article on partitioning disks (method No. 3). Perform all the steps provided in the custom installation and click "Next".
  • Then you can simply watch the installation progress step by step. Typically, the necessary files are copied first, then they are prepared for installation, and finally the components and updates are installed. Here you just have to wait.

Rice. No. 17. Installation process step by step

  • Actually, this installation is completed. But you still need to perform the initial setup of the system. As part of this step, you will again choose your location, keyboard layout, create a Microsoft account, or simply log in if you already have one. You can also optionally set a login code, connect cloud storage and set privacy.

Tip: After installation, check all drivers. The easiest way to do this is to use the DriverPack Solution program. It allows you to not only check, but also update drivers, if necessary.

This completes the entire installation process and you can freely use Windows 10.

The process of installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive: highlights

Not so long ago, the latest Windows 10 operating system was presented. Installation on a computer or laptop that has a DVD drive does not raise any questions. With netbooks, things are more complicated. Let's look at the options for installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive to such devices. Here we must understand that there are simply no other ways.

The easiest way to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive over an existing system

Actually, you don't have to go far to install a new OS. It installs without any problems or additional steps, as it was with Windows 7 and 8, from a regular USB drive.

In the simplest version, a program for installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive called Media Creation Tool is used. In this case, the new operating system is installed on top of the old one (updating to a more recent version). It is enough just to run the program to start the process of downloading the distribution kit with subsequent installation, where the Upgrade item is selected in the installation parameters, which allows you to save absolutely all previously set system settings.

How to install Windows 10 from a flash drive with the removal of the old system

Another thing is when the old OS needs to be removed completely. If anyone does not know, this is achieved by formatting the partition into which the installation will be performed. Only here you need to keep in mind that initially in the “top ten” it is supposed to be possible to roll back (return to the old OS to the state that preceded the installation of Windows 10).

As is already clear, after formatting the hard drive or hard disk partition, this possibility will be completely excluded. So first think about which option is preferable.

Creating an image

Now let's look at how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive with the condition of completely removing the existing OS. Needless to say, you need to download the installation distribution or disk image. If the distribution is not downloaded as an image, it will have to be created.

To do this, you can use any utilities that can work with disk images. Then it needs to be written to a USB drive. For example, in the UltraISO program, the desired file is first opened, after which the boot menu is used, where the command for recording the hard disk image is selected (in this case, our flash drive is selected in the window that appears). A warning will appear stating that all data from the media will be deleted. We agree and start the recording process.

Please note: if the USB-HDD recording mode is not enabled by default, it is highly recommended to enable it.

BIOS settings

The problem of how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive is not limited to creating a bootable USB drive. In order for the computer system to respond to such a boot device, it must be set first in the boot priority in the BIOS settings.

The BIOS is accessed using the Del, F2, F12 keys, etc. (it all depends on the brand of the device model and the manufacturer of the BIOS). Here you need to find settings like Boot Device Priority and specify a flash drive as the main boot device. Such actions can be performed only if the flash drive was inserted into the appropriate port even before turning on the computer, laptop or netbook. Otherwise, the device will not be detected, and it simply will not be in the list of available devices.

Installation process and initial setup

So, the boot from the USB-drive has happened, and the installation process has begun. The first step is to specify the language to use, the time and currency format, and the keyboard layout or input method. Next, we agree with the license, after which in the new window we select the item not Upgrade, but Custom and activate the installation process.

It remains to wait 10-15 minutes (again, depending on the device model), and at the end of the installation, reboot the system (if it is not done automatically), go back to the BIOS settings and install the hard drive in the boot priority as the first device.

Now let's look at the initial loading of the operating system. Here you need to select the settings item (Settings), and then go either to the quick settings (Express Settings), if you do not need to change the default settings, or use their change (Customize), if you need to customize the basic configuration for yourself. As practice shows, it is better not to change anything.

However, you can play with the settings and rearrange them in terms of driver updates, privacy on the Internet, the provision or prohibition of the tracking system of the current location or personal data in some other applications, immediately create a Microsoft account account and a backup method for restoring it, for example via e-mail or mobile phone, check the created account, provide the ability to save photos or other documents in the Microsoft One Drive cloud storage, etc. However, all this is done solely at the request of the user himself.

Upon completion of all settings, the installation can be considered complete. The system is ready for use.


Finally, it remains to add that the process of installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive is not so complicated. It looks much simpler than the installation of the same "seven". Sometimes, however, an error may occur when installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive. This is most often due to incorrect BIOS settings, damage to the USB drive itself, lack of free space on the hard drive, or incorrect entries in the system registry. As practice shows, an error can appear mainly when updating an existing OS to version 10. In most cases, when installing, so to speak, from scratch, this happens extremely rarely.

How does a clean installation of Windows 10 from a flash drive through BIOS work on the example of a budget laptop

Friends, hello everyone! In this article, I want to show you how to clean install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive through BIOS in practice. This whole thing will take place on a living example of a Lenovo budget laptop. After all, if you remember, then in the last article a special boot drive was already prepared.

Therefore, now the whole process will be shown from beginning to end, so that even novice users will not have any questions. And we must immediately say that there is nothing abstruse in this matter, you just need to do it with your own hands once and all fears will go away on their own.

And yet, at the very beginning, I want to apologize for the poor quality of some of the photos, because the whole operation took place late at night and the standard flash of the camera coped with the task assigned to it so-so. And now, let's get started.

At the first step, you need to go to BIOS to install the initial boot from a pre-prepared USB flash drive. How to do this, I described in great detail in this publication. In our case, the correct parameters are as follows.

Before exiting, do not forget to press the key combination to save the changes. The next step is to indicate your regional preferences. In general, no comments, just look at the picture below.

In the next window, we are waiting for "Windows Activation". Therefore, if you have a license key, you can enter it. If it is not there or some pirated activator will be used in the future, click the item "I do not have a product key".

Now you will need to specify the version and bit depth of the operating system to be installed. Personally, I recommend the most complete, that is, select the "Windows 10 Pro" item.

After that, you should accept several license agreements of the following form.

And here comes one of the key moments. Now you need to select the installation type. Since we want to carry out a clean installation, then, accordingly, we select the second item, which is called "Custom: only install Windows."

It is important to understand that in this case all information from the system drive C will be deleted, since in the future we will have a full format. But only after that you can be sure that the system has become a really virgin-clean partition.

This is followed by the second key episode. Here you should specify the logical partition of the disk on which the installation will be performed. Of course, logically, this would be the aforementioned section C, but how to correctly determine it in the installer?

If you look at the screenshot above, it becomes clear that we have a computer hard drive that has never been used, since it is not even properly labeled. Therefore, using the "Delete - Create - Format" buttons we bring it to the desired form. Like this.

Please note that "Disk 0 Partition 4" will be the system drive C in our case, but "Disk 0 Partition 5" is the logical one, which is needed to store music, videos and other nonsense.

Therefore, if your hard drive has already been used before, then there may be several such additional partitions. Therefore, do not try to format them, otherwise you will lose all data.

Let's once again consolidate this common truth: it is necessary to format only the partition on which Windows 10 will be installed cleanly. You can, of course, additionally "fix", but this is done if the process is fully understood, so that later it would not be a shame for the lost information .

And now let's touch on the items "Disk 0 Partition 1 -2 -3" in more detail. As you can see in the picture above, they take from 16 to 450 MB. So, these are service hidden partitions that are automatically created by Windows 10. They are needed to store system files and backups. Of course, we do not take them into account and, in general, do not touch them.

As a result, after all the above manipulations, the process of copying files should start. I will say right away that it will be necessary to be patient here, since it will not be possible to quickly skip this stage.

Upon completion, the PC should reboot and the configuration of various services will begin. First, you will be prompted to select your country of residence, language, and keyboard layout.

Then all available Wi-Fi networks will be detected. If you wish, you can immediately set up a connection. In general, it's very cool when the system immediately uses the laptop's network adapters. In the future, this will greatly facilitate the installation of drivers from the Internet.

If for some reason you want to postpone this operation until later, select the "Skip for now" option. In the next step, the installer will ask you to enter an arbitrary account name and password. By the way, the latter can not even be specified, just leave the line empty.

After that, you will need to wait a bit, then the system will again go to reboot. But this is the last time. And here it is, so much desired desktop. This means that we have succeeded!

Therefore, now we can safely say that a clean installation of Windows 10 from a USB flash drive through BIOS was successful. What is left to do now? Of course, you need to update all device drivers, because some of them may not be in the installer. I strongly recommend this method.

Then it remains only to install the necessary programs. Which ones and in what quantity you will think for yourself, but I will tell you about an interesting way to do it online in the next publication. So stay tuned for blog updates. And in conclusion, let's watch an interesting video.

It is not necessary to install windows 10 on a computer or laptop hp, asus, acer, sony, lenovo, samsung, toshiba from a USB flash drive or disk through the BIOS.

It is possible through an update. In the second option, you do not need to enter the BIOS, it is simpler and does not differ in efficiency.

Whom he is interested in - there you will find a detailed description. If you want to install through the BIOS - read on. The first thing you need is to enter it.

ATTENTION: there is no one option to enter the BIOS - find out how to do it for everyone.

Now one more thing. You may not even need to enter the BIOS. Just insert the disk or flash drive from which you intend to install windows 10 and press Esc / F8 / F10 / F11 or F12 when you turn it on.

You can also see an inscription in the form of the names of the keys and their combinations at the bottom when starting a computer or laptop.

Remember only the keys, restart the PC and immediately when you turn it on, constantly press them until you see windows with a boot selection.

If a disk is installed, then you should see a DVD drive, if a flash drive, then the name of the flash drive.

One more thing, before installing Windows 10 through BIOS, be sure to turn on your computer or laptop and see how many GB are on the C drive if you have several partitions.

This is necessary because you will not see the names of the partition, it is “C” or “D”, but only how many GB they have.

If the above did not give a result, then below you will learn how to do all this on different types of BIOS.

How to install windows 10 from a disk or flash drive through AMI bios

To start installing Windows 10 in the AMI BIOS, after logging in, go to the “Boot” tab. The mouse will not work, only the arrow keys (bottom right).

After the transition, click on the line: "Boot Device Priority" and click on "Enter".

Then you will see that the first line "1st Boot Device" is highlighted in white - press Enter. You can navigate there using the up/down arrow keys.

If you need to install from a disk, then select CD-ROM, if from a USB flash drive, then if it is inserted, it should be displayed.

It's not in the picture right now because I don't have it installed. You should have a line USB-HDD" or "Removable Devices.

When you decide what to install from, then select the disk or flash drive with the up / down arrow keys and press Enter.

Now save the changes with the F10 key and accept the message by clicking on the Enter button. If something goes wrong, you can always take a step back with the Esc key.

How to install windows 10 from a disk or flash drive through the bios Award Phoenix

In the Award Phoenix bios, control is also done with the arrow buttons. To configure to install Windows 10, click on the line: "Advanced bios Feature" and click on: "First Boot Devices".

Here, depending on the installation method, select CD-ROM if from a disk or USB if via a flash drive.

How to install windows 10 from disk or flash drive via UEFI bios

The UEFI bios is more advanced, it even has a Russian language (maybe not everyone has it, I have it.)

If you have it in Russian (you can change the language on the first tab), then after logging in, go to the "download" tab.

Then, in the boot priority section, click on the line "boot option # 1" and assign a disk or flash drive as a boot device. If you are installing from a disc, select the drive.

If from a flash drive - select Removable Devices / USB and move the selected device to the top of the list. To save, press F10 and confirm Enter.

NOTE: Very often, after changing the BIOS settings, windows 10 is not installed from a disk or flash drive.

Then immediately after logging in, try pressing either any key or the Esc button. Of course, undescribed problems may arise, then a question in the comments describing the problem will help. Good luck.

Since its release, Windows 10 Technical Preview has been generating interest among users. Many people want to experience the new operating system first hand, which should be a "work on the mistakes" made in previous versions.

Then the question arises about its installation. Is it different from previous versions? In this article, we will look at the process of installing an OS from a USB flash drive, which is not at all complicated.

System requirements

First of all, you should pay attention to the system requirements of the new OS:

  • processor with a clock speed of 1GHz or higher;
  • 1 GB of RAM (or 2 GB if using the 64-bit version);
  • at least 16 GB of free hard disk space;
  • graphics card that supports Microsoft DirectX 9;
  • Internet connection to create a Microsoft account.

You will also need a 4 GB flash drive for installation (or 8 GB for the 64-bit version).

Create a boot drive

Before you start creating a bootable USB flash drive, you will need an operating system image that can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website. The process of writing it is not much different from previous versions of the OS.

You can use several methods for this:

  • recording using the UltraISO program;
  • command line;
  • Rufus programs.

Video: Windows 10 from a flash drive

All three options, which have their pros and cons, will be discussed below.


One of the most common ways to create a bootable USB flash drive is to use UltraISO. This program has proven itself for such purposes, is reliable and easy to use.

To start the process you need:

Note! During the recording process, all data will be deleted from the flash drive.

Command line

Another way to write is to use the command line. Its advantage is that no additional programs are required - only an image of the operating system.

If you are using Windows 7, then to gain access to the command line, you must:

  • go to "Start", then "All Programs" and "Accessories";
  • in this folder, find "Command Prompt" and by clicking on it with the right mouse button, select "Run as administrator".

Now, using the window that appears, you can proceed to the direct process:

  • alternately enter two commands: diskpart and list disk;
  • go to the "Computer" menu and pay attention to what number the flash drive is under (for example, F);
  • then enter the following commands: select disk F (where F is the drive letter), clean, create partition primary, format fs=fat32 quick, active, assign, list volume, exit.

Important! During this process, all data from the flash drive will be deleted. Commands must be entered without commas and in turn.

Now that the flash drive is ready, you need to copy the OS files to it. To do this, you can use any program for mounting images (Daemon Tools, UltraISO). Just right-click on the disk image and select "Mount", after which we copy its contents to the USB flash drive.

You can also use an archiver program for this purpose (7Zip, WinRAR):

  • right-click on the ISO file;
  • select the option "Extract files";
  • in the window that appears, specify the path to the flash drive;
  • Confirm the choice by clicking "OK".

After the unpacking is complete, the image will be ready for installation.


To transfer image files to a USB flash drive, you can also use the specialized program Rufus. It's a freeware utility that serves just that purpose.

Working with it is also quite simple:

  1. download and install the program;
  2. run it and insert a USB flash drive into the port;
  3. Rufus will automatically detect its presence, but in case of an error, we specify the path to it manually;
  4. check the box next to the option "Create a bootable disk using", then click on the small hard drive icon located next to it;
  5. specify the path to the saved image of the operating system;
  6. press "Start" to start the process.

Photo: Rufus menu and settings

It will take about 20-30 minutes. Wait for the “DONE” program message, after which you can close it and remove the USB flash drive.

Note! During installation, a window with the contents of the drive may open - just leave it in this state until the program ends.

Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive via BIOS

When the flash drive is ready, proceed to the direct installation. The first step is to set up the BIOS.

BIOS setup

Working with the basic I / O system may seem confusing, but in fact, it is enough to follow simple steps:

  • insert the USB flash drive with the OS into the USB port and reboot the system;
  • during the start, hold down the Delete key (maybe F2, F3, F8, F10 and other options depending on the manufacturer);
  • after loading the menu, go to the "Boot" tab and select "Boot Device Priority";
  • in this priority list, set the USB flash drive to the first place so that the download starts from it;
  • to save changes and exit, press "Enter" and F10.

Photo: installing a flash drive in the priority list


After rebooting the system, the installation of Windows 10 from the USB flash drive will begin:

Important! During installation, the computer may restart several times - this is a normal process. It is necessary to wait for its complete completion.

OS setup

The Wi-Fi network selection screen that appears may indicate the completion of the installation. Here you can set the default network to which the PC will connect after startup, or skip this step. Next, the system will offer a few more settings - choosing the frequency of updates, sending reports and other information.

Here the user has two options:

  • select "Customize" and configure yourself what kind of data to send;
  • use the option and set the recommended default settings.

When using the "Use express settings" option, you automatically agree to send anonymous statistics to developers, including a list of applications installed on the PC and all reports of problems that occur.

To progress further, you will need a Microsoft account. Those who already have it can simply enter their data, the rest will have to go through a simple registration. The Microsoft account is the same for all devices running on the Windows platform.

You will also be asked to set up OneDrive cloud storage, where the user's documents, photos and videos can be located. After that, the installation and initial configuration process can be considered officially completed.

The next step in setting up a fresh operating system is to find and install drivers. Without some of them, there may be problems displaying graphics on a PC, various errors, and even the inability to connect to the Internet.

Note! It is better to take care of the availability of the necessary drivers in advance by downloading them from official sites. The driver for the network card is especially important, because without it the new system will not be able to access the network, which means downloading other necessary programs.

You can check which drivers are missing in the system as follows:

  • go to "Device Manager" ("My Computer", then "Hardware");
  • pay attention to undefined devices (with exclamation marks).

Elements designated as such do not work correctly, or are not defined at all. After finding them, you can download and install the necessary drivers.

We hope this article helped you install and set up Windows 10 Technical Preview. Now, together with millions of other users, you can not only test some features of the new operating system, but also participate in its improvement by sending error statics to developers and making your suggestions.