What is a xmp in bios. How to enable XMP profile of RAM. Enable the XMP profile

  • 02.07.2020

Reviews of new memory modules appear on our site quite regularly. This time we will test high-speed dual-channel DDR3 memory kits with a total capacity of 16 GB. A distinctive feature of all these kits is the presence of Intel XMP (Extreme Memory Profiles) profiles, which can be used on motherboards for Intel processors with support for XMP profiles.

Instead of a preface to this review, I would like to make a few remarks about modern DDR3 memory.

As you know, almost all manufacturers of memory modules offer a very wide range of products targeted at different categories of users. This is both ordinary memory, and gaming, and memory for overclockers. Recall that there are not so many manufacturers of memory chips themselves: the industry leaders are such companies as Samsung, Micron and Hynix. It is clear that the choice of module manufacturers is not so great. So where does such a wide range of products come from?

Of course, all these different memory series are pure marketing. Memory modules belonging to different series can have exactly the same characteristics (and even the same memory chips) and differ only in the color of the heatsink. By the way, the heatsinks on the memory modules themselves are purely decorative and, by and large, a meaningless thing. Well, memory chips do not heat up so much that they need cooling using radiators! Let's not be unfounded and confirm what has been said with facts.

In order to demonstrate the pointlessness of heatsinks on memory modules, we used a pyrometer, which allows us to remotely determine temperature changes. Once we used a DDR3-2400 memory module with a heatsink, and another time without. The supply voltage was 1.65 V (standard supply voltage is 1.5 V). To load the memory, we used the Stress System Memory stress test in the AIDA64 utility. The results of our measurement are as follows. When the memory is working with a heatsink, the temperature of the heatsink increases by 7-8 °C in the memory loading mode compared to the temperature in the idle mode. When a memory module is operating without a heatsink, the temperature of the memory chips increases by 15-16 °C in the memory loading mode compared to the temperature in the idle mode. It would seem that a difference of 7 ° C is not so small. But the thing is that the absolute temperature of memory chips in the mode of their stress loading is only 45-46 °C, which is absolutely uncritical for a microcircuit.

Of course, you can try to overclock the memory even more by applying a higher voltage and increasing the frequency. But even if the memory starts at this higher frequency, in terms of heating, this will not give a significant increase. So, once again, we note that modern memory modules do not need heatsinks.

In general, heatsinks on modern memory modules not only perform the function of a heat sink, but rather allow manufacturers to simply expand their product range. I painted the heatsink black - here's a new line of memory for overclockers; I installed pink heatsinks and got a new line of memory for girls... In addition to the possibility of obtaining different memory lines, heatsinks are also a sign that we are talking about high-speed memory modules that operate at an increased frequency that is not specified in the JEDEC specification.

Recall that, according to the JEDEC standard, the maximum (effective) frequency of DDR3 memory is 1333 MHz with timings of 9-9-9 and a supply voltage of 1.5 V. Naturally, any modern DDR3 memory will operate at a frequency of 1333 MHz at 1.5 V , however, all memory manufacturers also produce faster modules (DDR3-1600/1866/2133/2400/2600), guaranteeing their stable operation in this overclocking mode. Memory operation at increased frequencies can be implemented both through an XMP profile, in which the frequency, supply voltage and timings are specified, and by setting all of the above parameters in manual mode (if the board's BIOS does not support XMP profiles). However, do not forget that the ability of the memory to operate at a higher speed than that provided by the JEDEC specification depends not only on the module, but also on the memory controller integrated into the processor. For the new 4th generation Intel Core processors (codenamed Haswell), the memory controller only officially supports DDR3-1600 memory. Naturally, he is able to support faster memory, but without any guarantees (as you're lucky). As practice shows, most Haswell processors can easily support DDR3-1866/2133/2400/2600 memory.

Increasing the memory frequency, as a rule, requires changing other parameters - timings, the supply voltage of the memory modules themselves, and the supply voltage of the memory controller. The memory supply voltage, of course, does not affect the system performance in any way, but an increase in timings with a simultaneous increase in clock frequency can lead to DDR3-2133 memory with lower timings being more productive than DDR3-2400 memory with higher timings. Therefore, it is far from always worth chasing higher clock frequencies.

As for the effect of memory speed characteristics on system performance as a whole, everything here is very ambiguous. In general, custom applications that would receive tangible performance gain (task execution speed) from an increase in memory frequency simply does not exist. That is, the fact that you double the memory frequency does not mean that there are applications in which the speed of task execution will also double. In some applications, such an increase in the clock frequency will not affect the speed at all, while in others the increase in speed will be, but very modest. This increase in the clock frequency in the processor in many (but also not in all) applications leads to an adequate increase in the speed of task execution, but with memory everything is a little different. However, we have already talked about this more than once. Let's make a reservation that such reasoning is valid provided that the memory operates in [at least] dual-channel mode, but in modern systems this condition is almost always satisfied. And even single-channel memory (such options can be found in some laptops) will not give a twofold acceleration with a doubling of the operating frequency. On the other hand, even if in some applications the performance gain from using faster memory is 5-7%, then why not? Especially when you consider that the difference in cost between conventional (DDR3-1333) and high-speed memory of the same size is not so great.

Next, we will consider several dual-channel sets of modern high-speed DDR3 memory with a total capacity of 16 GB. These are sets of two or four memory models: if the set consists of four modules, it was installed in the test system, two modules per channel, but in the case of two modules, one module per channel. So, let's start with a more detailed acquaintance with the participants of our testing.

Kingston HyperX Predator KHX24C11T2K2/8X

Kingston HyperX Predator KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory belongs to Kingston HyperX Predator series overclocker gaming memory. You can read the following warning to users regarding this memory series: “Users may experience severe motion sickness and/or complete loss of orientation due to the extremely high speeds achieved with HyperX Predator modules. They are not intended for children, weak-minded people, people who are in no hurry, and for all those who can be content with little. The memory modules are up to 2666MHz, have a new heatsink for improved heat dissipation, support Intel XMP, are compatible with all major motherboard manufacturers, and feature legendary Kingston reliability. We would even recommend using a helmet."

This is, of course, a joke, but it clearly characterizes the audience for which these memory modules are oriented.

HyperX Predator KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory is a set of two DDR3-2400 modules with a total capacity of 8 GB. Let's make a reservation right away that we used two sets of HyperX Predator KHX24C11T2K2 / 8X memory so that the total amount was 16 GB.

These memory modules are marked KHX24C11T2K2/8X. Recall that the following markings are used for Kingston HyperX memory modules. The first three letters - KHX - indicate that this is Kingston HyperX memory. The next two digits determine the memory clock speed. In our case, this is 24, which corresponds to a clock frequency of 2400 MHz. Next, the CAS Latency value is set. Here C11 indicates that the CAS Latency is 11 clocks. The next two characters (in our case T2) define the type of memory within the Kingston HyperX series. The following indicates the number of memory modules in the kit. So, K2 corresponds to two memory modules. A slash indicates the total amount of memory for the kit in gigabytes, and the presence of the letter X indicates memory compatibility with Intel XMP profiles (eXtreme Memory Profiles).

Thus, the KHX24C11T2K2/8X marking means that we are talking about a set of two DDR3 Kingston HyperX Predator memory modules with a clock frequency of 2400 MHz and a CAS Latency value of 11 cycles. The total amount of memory is 8 GB, in addition, the memory is compatible with Intel XMP profiles.

According to the specification, KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory modules support operation at 1333 MHz at 1.5 V supply voltage and 9-9-9 timings (JEDEC specification), as well as two XMP profiles. The first profile corresponds to a clock frequency of 2400 MHz, and the second - to a frequency of 2133 MHz. For the first XMP profile, the supply voltage is 1.65V and the timings are 11-13-13. For the second XMP profile, the supply voltage is 1.60 V, and the timings are 11-12-11.

It remains to add that the KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory modules have proprietary heatsinks for efficient heat dissipation, and the height of the memory module with a heatsink is 53.9 mm, and its thickness is 7.24 mm.

On our test bench (see below), the Kingston HyperX Predator DDR3-2400 KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory started up without problems when using the XMP profile at 2400 MHz (timings 11-13-13). The frequency of 2600 MHz, with unchanged timings, turned out to be beyond the capacity of the Kingston HyperX Predator DDR3-2400 KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory modules. However, they are not required to work at such a frequency.

Below are the test results of the Kingston HyperX Predator DDR3-2400 KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory module kit at 1333 MHz (9-9-9-24) and 2400 MHz (11-13-13-30) in the AIDA64 program. Let us remind you once again that during testing we used two sets of Kingston HyperX Predator DDR3-2400 KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory.

Kingston HyperX Beast KHX21C11T3K2/16X

Kingston HyperX Beast KHX21C11T3K2/16X memory belongs to Kingston series overclocker gaming memory.

A distinctive feature of this series of memory modules is that they use black printed circuit boards and a black aluminum heatsink.

The manufacturer's website notes that this design was made at the request of HyperX fans "for the aggressive improvement of any enthusiast systems." It’s not very clear what is meant (apparently, these are translation features), but “at the request of HyperX fans” is just like in the USSR, when prices were raised at the request of workers.

Again, according to the manufacturer's website, the HyperX Beast series memory modules are designed to work with third-generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and AMD processors.

Actually, there is only one comment here - this information is already outdated, and the memory modules of this series are perfectly compatible with fourth-generation Intel Core processors.

We also add that the HyperX Beast series memory modules are available in dual-channel and quad-channel kits with capacities from 8 to 64 GB and frequencies up to 2400 MHz. The modules in this series come with a lifetime warranty.

The Kingston HyperX Beast KHX21C11T3K2/16X is a dual-channel dual memory kit with a total capacity of 16 GB (2 × 8 GB). As follows from the marking KHX21C11T3K2 / 16X, the modules of this memory can operate at a clock frequency of 2133 MHz, and the CAS Latency value is 11 cycles.

According to , Kingston HyperX Beast KHX21C11T3K2 / 16X memory modules support operation at a frequency of 1333 MHz at a supply voltage of 1.5 V and timings of 9-9-9 (JEDEC specification), as well as two XMP profiles. The first profile corresponds to a clock frequency of 2133 MHz, and the second - to a frequency of 1600 MHz. For the first XMP profile, the supply voltage is 1.60V and the timings are 11-12-11. For the second XMP profile, the supply voltage is 1.5 V, and the timings are 9-9-9.

On our test bench, the Kingston HyperX Beast KHX21C11T3K2/16X memory started up without problems when using the XMP profile at 2133 MHz (timings 11-12-11-30).

In addition, as it turned out, the Kingston HyperX Beast KHX21C11T3K2 / 16X memory kit works without problems at a frequency of 2400 MHz, moreover, at the same timings as at a frequency of 2133 MHz.

Geil Evo Veloce Frost White GEW316GB2400C11ADC

Geil Evo Veloce Frost White Dual Channel Memory Kit GEW316GB2400C11ADC belongs to the series announced by the company in 2012. Memory kits in this series are equipped with Maximum Thermal Conduction & Dissipation cooling radiators in red or white. Memory modules with white heatsinks are called Frost White, and those with red heatsinks are called Hot-rod Red.

In general, it must be said that Geil's product range is simply a huge number of different series of DDR3 memory, and each series has several options for memory modules. Why such a huge range of products is needed is not very clear. After all, it is obvious that if we discard all the marketing "nonsense", then it turns out that the memory modules hiding behind different-colored heatsinks and belonging to different series are essentially the same thing.

For example, dual-channel DDR3-2400 memory kits belonging to the Geil Evo Veloce Frost White, Geil Evo Veloce Hot-rod Red and Evo Leggera series differ, in fact, only in the color of the radiator and marketing positioning. In each of these series there are sets of memory modules with the same timings and the same size. And, most likely, the memory chips themselves in these modules are the same. However, let's return to the review of the Geil Evo Veloce Frost White GEW316GB2400C11ADC dual-channel memory module kit.

So, we are talking about a set of two DDR3-2400 memory modules with a total capacity of 16 GB (2 × 8 GB). The memory modules are equipped with white heatsinks, that is, they belong to the Frost White series. In general, it should be noted that the memory heatsinks, although they have their own brand name, do not look impressive, let's say. The thickness of the plates from which the radiator is made is only 1 mm. The height of the memory module with heatsink is 47mm and the thickness is 16.8mm.

According to information, at a frequency of 2400 MHz, Geil Evo Veloce Frost White GEW316GB2400C11ADC memory modules can operate with timings of 11-12-12-30 at a supply voltage of 1.65 V.

Moreover, this mode of operation of memory modules is provided when the Intel XMP profile is activated and is guaranteed by the manufacturer only on motherboards with Intel X79 and Intel Z77 chipsets, as indicated by the corresponding sticker on the package of memory modules.

Guaranteed compatibility with Intel X79 and Intel Z77 chipsets is explained by the fact that motherboards based on these chipsets support Intel XMP memory profiles. Naturally, today XMP profiles are supported by a large number of chipsets (in particular, Intel 8-series chipsets), so you can guarantee that this memory will work with the XMP profile on motherboards with the Intel Z87 chipset.

However, we remind you that Intel XMP profiles are not supported on motherboards with AMD chipsets, and to run this memory in overclocked mode, you must set the frequency, voltage, and timings manually.

Note that the Geil Evo Veloce Frost White series of dual-channel DDR3-2400 memory also includes 8 and 16 GB memory kits with timings 9-11-10-28 (GEW38GB2400C9DC / GEW316GB2400C9DC), 10-11-11-30 (GEW38GB2400C10DC / GEW316GB2400C10DC) , 10-12-12-30 (GEW38GB2400C10ADC/GEW316GB2400C10ADC), 11-11-11-30 (GEW38GB2400C11DC/GEW316GB2400C11DC). So the GEW316GB2400C11ADC memory kit has the least aggressive timings in the DDR3-2400 Geil Evo Veloce Frost White line, that is, it is the youngest model in the series.

On our test bench, the Geil Evo Veloce Frost White GEW316GB2400C11ADC memory booted up without problems when using the XMP profile at 2400 MHz.

The frequency of 2600 MHz, with unchanged timings, turned out to be beyond the reach of these memory modules. However, increasing the main timings by one step makes it easy to run this memory at a frequency of 2600 MHz.

Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M2A1866C9

Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M2A1866C9 is a dual channel DDR3-1866 memory module kit with a total capacity of 16GB (2×8GB).

This memory kit also belongs to the Corsair Vengeance series, aimed at overclockers.

Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M2A1866C9 dual-channel memory kit modules are practically identical to Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R quad-channel memory kit modules in aluminum heatsink design. The only difference is the color of the radiator. In this case, it's black.

Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M2A1866C9 memory modules support 1866 MHz with 9-10-9-27 timings and 1.5 V supply voltage.

Naturally, this mode of operation corresponds to the XMP profile. Well, in the standard operating mode, the memory operates in DDR-1333 mode with timings 9-9-9-24.

On our testbed, the Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M2A1866C9 booted up without any problems using the XMP profile at 1866 MHz.

However, as it turned out, the frequency of 1866 MHz is not the limit for this memory and it can be easily overclocked to a frequency of 2000 MHz with the same timings as for the frequency of 1866 MHz.

Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R

Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R is a kit of four DDR3-2133 memory modules with a total capacity of 16GB (4×4GB).

This memory kit belongs to the Corsair Vengeance series aimed at overclockers. Corsair Vengeance series memory modules use memory chips specially selected for high performance potential.

The modules of this kit are equipped with heatsinks, which not only provide heat dissipation, but also serve as an element of aggressive design, which is great for gaming computers. The heatsink on the memory module consists of two aluminum plates (one plate on each side of the module) 1 mm thick, which are painted burgundy and have stickers indicating the series and characteristics of the module. The height of the memory modules, including the heatsink, is 53 mm, and the width is 17 mm.

Note that the Corsair Vengeance series includes one-, two-, three- and four-channel memory kits with a capacity of 4 to 16 GB, which differ in timings, colors, and even the shape of the radiator.

Set Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R, as already noted, consists of four memory modules of 4 GB each. Accordingly, this kit can be used in two-channel or four-channel memory modes.

Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R memory modules support 2133MHz with 11-11-11-27 timings and 1.5V supply voltage.

Naturally, this mode of operation corresponds to the XMP profile. Well, in the standard operating mode, the memory operates in DDR3-1333 mode with timings 9-9-9-24.

True, according to the results of a diagnostic test in the AIDA64 utility, it turned out that slightly different timings are registered in the XMP profile of this memory: not 11-11-11-27, but 11-11-11-30. The difference, of course, is not significant, but it is.

On our test bench, the Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R memory started up without problems when using the XMP profile at a frequency of 2133 MHz with timings of 11-11-11-30.

Moreover, it turned out that with the same timings, this memory starts up without problems at a frequency of 2200 MHz.

Corsair Vengeance Pro CMY16GX3M4A2400C10R

The Corsair Vengeance Pro CMY16GX3M4A2400C10R is a dual channel DDR3-2400 memory kit with a total capacity of 16GB (2×8GB).

This memory kit belongs to the Corsair Vengeance Pro series, aimed at overclockers. Corsair Vengeance Pro series memory kits are specifically designed for 3rd and 4th generation Intel Core processors.

The memory modules of this series use aluminum heatsinks of various colors. The height of the memory modules, including the heatsink, is 46 mm, and the width is 17.5 mm.

The Corsair Vengeance Pro series includes kits consisting of two or four memory modules with a total capacity of 8 to 32 GB and a frequency of 1600 to 2400 MHz.

The Corsair Vengeance Pro CMY16GX3M4A2400C10R memory kit, as already noted, consists of two memory modules of 8 GB each. These memory modules are equipped with black aluminum heatsinks with a decorative burgundy insert. On one side of the heatsink there is a sticker with information about the memory series (Vengeance Pro), and on the other side there is a sticker with information about the characteristics of the memory module (frequency, timings, supply voltage).

Corsair Vengeance Pro CMY16GX3M4A2400C10R memory modules support 2400 MHz with 10-12-12-31 timings and 1.65 V supply voltage.

Naturally, this mode of operation corresponds to the XMP profile. Well, in the standard operating mode, the memory operates in DDR-1333 mode with timings 9-9-9-24.

As it turned out during testing, everything turned out to be quite difficult with Corsair Vengeance Pro CMY16GX3M4A2400C10R modules.

The fact is that the declared XMP profile for a frequency of 2400 MHz is missing. Instead, there is an XMP profile for a frequency of 1866 MHz with timings of 9-10-9-27. But even when this profile is activated in the BIOS, the memory operates at a frequency of 1800 MHz, not 1866 MHz.

However, if you manually set the memory frequency, voltage and timings in the BIOS (2400 MHz, 1.65 V, 10-12-12-31), then the memory will work as it should.


So, in total, six sets of memory took part in our testing, each of which was tested in two operating modes:

  • Corsair Vengeance Pro
    • Corsair CMY16GX3M2A2400C10R @1800 MHz 9-10-9-27
    • Corsair CMY16GX3M2A2400C10R @2400MHz 10-12-12-31
  • Corsair Vengeance (DDR3-1866)
    • Corsair CMZ16GX3M2A1866C9 @1866MHz 9-10-9-27
    • Corsair CMZ16GX3M2A1866C9 @2000 MHz 9-10-9-27
  • Corsair Vengeance (DDR3-2133)
    • Corsair CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R @2133MHz 11-11-11-30
    • Corsair CMZ16GX3M4X2133C11R @2200 MHz 11-11-11-30
  • Geil Evo Veloce
    • Geil GEW316GB2400C11ADC @2400 MHz 11-12-12-30
    • Geil GEW316GB2400C11ADC @2600 MHz 12-13-13-32
  • Kingston HyperX Beast
    • Kingston KHX21C11T3K2/16X @2133MHz 11-12-11-30
    • Kingston KHX21C11T3K2/16X @2400 MHz 11-12-11-30
  • Kingston HyperX Predator
    • Kingston KHX24C11T2K2/8X @1333MHz 9-9-9-24
    • Kingston KHX24C11T2K2/8X @2400 MHz 11-13-13-30

For testing, we used a stand with the following configuration:

  • processor - Intel Core i7-4770K;
  • motherboard - ASRock Z87 OC Formula;
  • chipset - Intel Z87;
  • drive - Intel SSD 520 Series (240 GB);
  • operating system - Windows 8 (64-bit).

Perhaps the most non-trivial task when testing memory is to find those applications and tasks in which you can really see the difference in performance for memory with different frequencies.

Naturally, we used the AIDA64 synthetic test, which allows us to determine the speed of reading, writing and copying data, as well as memory latency. The results of this synthetic test are shown below.

As a basis, we took Kingston HyperX KHX24C11T2K2/8X memory in 1333 MHz mode with 9-9-9-24 timings, which complies with the JEDEC specification.

As you can see, here you can quite see the difference between DDR3-1333 memory and memory with a higher clock speed.

However, this is a synthetic test. And now let's see what happens in tests based on real applications.

As we have already said, not all applications are "sensitive" to memory speed - more precisely, for most applications, DDR3-1333 bandwidth is enough, and further increase in memory frequency becomes pointless. However, we were able to find a number of test tasks based on real applications, in which we can fix the difference in system performance when using memory modules with different frequencies.

As a result, we selected the following set of applications for testing:

  • MediaCoder x64;
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC;
  • Adobe After Effects CC;
  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Adobe Audition CC
  • Photodex ProShow Gold 5.0.3276;
  • WinRAR 5.0.

In the application mediacoder x64 3:35 HD video is transcoded to another format with a lower resolution. The original video is recorded in H.264 format and has the following characteristics:

  • size - 1.05 GB;
  • container - MKV;
  • resolution - 1920×1080;
  • frame rate - 25 fps;
  • video bitrate - 42.1 Mbps;
  • audio bitrate - 128 Kbps;
  • number of audio channels - 2;
  • sampling frequency - 44.1 kHz.

The parameters of the resulting video file are as follows:

  • size - 258 MB;
  • container - MP4;
  • video codec - MPEG4 AVC (H.264);
  • resolution - 1280×720;
  • frame rate - 29.97 fps;
  • video bitrate - 10000 Kbps;
  • audio codec - AAC;
  • audio bitrate - 128 Kbps;
  • number of channels - 2;

The result of this test is the conversion time.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC a movie is created from ten video clips with a total capacity of 1.48 GB. Video clips (MOV container) shot with Canon EOS Mark II 5D at 1920×1080 resolution and 25 fps frame rate. Transition effects are created between all video clips, after which the workspace is rendered and the video file with the preset is exported Apple iPad 2, 3, 4, Mini; iPhone 4S, 5; Apple TV3 - 1080p25. The length of the finished movie is 4:25 and the volume is 163 MB.

  • container - MP4;
  • resolution - 1920×1080;
  • video codec - MPEG4 AVC (H.264);
  • video bitrate - 5 Mbps;
  • frame rate - 25 fps;
  • audio codec - AAC;
  • audiobitrate - 160 Kbps;

The result of this test is the total time for rendering and exporting the movie.

In a test using an application Adobe After Effects CC a 30-second video clip (MOV container) of 164 MB in size, shot with a Canon EOS Mark II 5D camera at a resolution of 1920 × 1080 and a frame rate of 25 fps, is processed, followed by uncompressed rendering (AVI container) using the built-in renderer.

Processing consists in adjusting the white balance, applying the Cartoon filter and applying 3D titles with various effects (explosion, blur, etc.)

The output file parameters are as follows:

  • resolution - 1920×1080;
  • video codec - no (uncompressed video);
  • container - AVI;
  • video bitrate - 1492 Mbps;
  • frame rate - 30 fps.
  • audio codec - PCM;
  • audio bitrate - 1536 Kbps;
  • number of channels - 2 (stereo);
  • sampling frequency - 48 kHz.

The size of the output video file is 5.21 GB. The result of this test is the video rendering time.

Photodex ProShow Gold 5.0.3276 measures the speed at which a 1920×1080 resolution HD movie (slideshow) (MPEG-2 format, 59.94 fps) is created from 24 digital photos taken with an EOS Canon Mark II 5D camera and converted to TIFF format. Each photo is 60.1MB in size. In addition, music is superimposed on the film. The movie itself is created using the Photodex ProShow Wizard. Various transition effects are applied between individual slides, and some of the slides are animated.

The result of the test is the total time for creating a slideshow project, including the time for loading photos and music and applying special effects, as well as the time for exporting the project to a movie.

In the application test Adobe Photoshop CC batch processing of 24 photos taken with the EOS Canon Mark II 5D camera in RAW format (each photo size is 25 MB). With each photo that opens in 8-bit format, the following actions are performed in sequence:

  • color depth changes from 8 to 16 bits per channel;
  • superimposed adaptive sharpening filter Smart Sharpen;
  • a filter is applied to eliminate hand shake when shooting Shake Reduction;
  • the Reduce Noise filter is applied;
  • lens distortion correction filter Lens Correction is superimposed;
  • color depth changes from 16 to 8 bits per channel;
  • the photo is saved in TIFF format.

The result of this test is the batch processing time for all photos.

In the application test Adobe Audition CC a six-channel (5.1) FLAC (lossless compressed) audio file is initially processed and then converted to MP3 format. Processing the source file is to apply the filter adaptive noise reduction (Adaptive Noise Reduction). The result of the test is the total time of processing and converting the audio file. The original test audio file is 1.65 GB in size. The parameters of the resulting MP3 file are as follows:

  • bitrate - 128 Kbps;
  • sampling frequency - 48 kHz.

In a test using an app application WinRAR 5.0 (64-bit version) archives an album of 24 digital photos in TIFF format (the size of each photo is 60.1 MB). The WinRAR 5.0 archiver uses the RAR5 format, the Best compression method (maximum compression), and a dictionary size of 32 MB when compressing data.

The result of the test is the archiving time.

When testing memory, all tests were run three times, between each run the computer was rebooted.

Test results

Well, now let's turn to the test results. As before, we took the Kingston KHX24C11T2K2 / 8X memory in 1333 MHz mode with timings 9-9-9-24 as a basis.

So, let's start with a video transcoding test using the MediaCoder x64 application. As you can see, this task is not very sensitive to memory performance. The worst result (112.4 s for DDR3-1333 memory) differs from the best one (109.1 s for DDR3-2400 memory) by only 3%. Well, there is practically no difference in test execution speed between DDR3-1866 and DDR3-2400 memory.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC is a bit more memory sensitive, with a 6.5% difference between worst and best in our test. Well, that's already something.

But in the test based on the Adobe After Effects CC application, the difference between the worst and the best result again does not exceed 3%.

Photodex ProShow Gold is slightly more sensitive to memory speed, with a 6% difference between worst and best in our test.

Adobe Photoshop CC was even more sensitive to memory speed. Here we finally saw something that can really be called a difference: 11% between the best and worst result. However, the worst here, of course, is the DDR3-1333 memory indicator, and if we take DDR3-1800 as the base indicator, then the difference, alas, is reduced to 5%.

We present the test results based on the Adobe Audition CC application from our methodology not so much to demonstrate the advantages of high-speed memory, but to demonstrate the absence of these advantages in many, many applications. In our test based on this application, the difference between the worst and the best results is only 2%, that is, there is practically no difference at all.

But the data compression test based on the WinRAR 5.0 application is very sensitive to the speed of the memory. The Photoshop record is not reached here, but the difference between the worst and the best result is quite decent 9.5%, which is very good.


Actually, the conclusions that can be drawn from our testing are quite predictable. High-speed memory doesn't make much sense today, and DDR3-1333 memory is enough for most consumer applications. The maximum performance gain that can be obtained by using high-speed DDR3-2400 or DDR3-2600 memory instead of standard DDR3-1333 memory can barely exceed 10%, and tasks that reveal such an advantage of high-speed memory still need to be looked for.

As for the various bizarre heatsinks on high-speed memory modules, which, according to marketers, can improve the efficiency of heat dissipation, this is nothing more than a fiction. Modern memory with a frequency of 2400 and even 2600 MHz at a supply voltage increased to 1.65 V does not need heatsinks at all, which was confirmed by the numbers in the preface to this review.

Now about the cost. On average, a set of high-speed DDR3-2400 memory with a capacity of 16 GB costs about 7-8 thousand rubles (you can find more expensive - it all depends on the brand, model and conscience of the seller). A set of DDR3-1333 memory of the same volume (and the same brand) will cost about 5-6 thousand rubles.

If we are talking about a top-end high-performance PC based on a processor, for example, an Intel Core i7-4770K and a motherboard based on the Intel Z87 chipset, then even a few percent of the additional performance due to the use of high-speed memory may not be superfluous, and then it makes no sense to save on memory, especially since the difference in cost between high-speed memory and standard memory is quite small (against the cost of such a computer as a whole, of course). If we are talking about an ordinary inexpensive or office PC, then there is no point in high-speed memory at all.

As for the question of choosing a specific manufacturer (Kingston, Corsair, Geil, Samsung, etc.), we recall once again that all memory modules use chips manufactured by Samsung, Micron and Hynix. And by and large, it does not matter who exactly is the manufacturer of the memory module. Perhaps this is the last thing you should pay attention to.

And there I mentioned the phrase "XMP RAM profile". Today I will reveal the meaning of this definition and explain a few points.

Let's say you have a RAM module that works with timings 9-9-9-27 . The letter with the number C9 in the description of the module just proves this. If you look at the characteristics of the module on the Internet, you can see exactly the same numbers - 9-9-9-27.

If you install such a bar in your computer and run the CPU-Z program, and then go to the tab "Memory", then it is possible that there will be timings 11-11-11-28

And if you go to the tab "SPD", then timings will be indicated there, as written in the characteristics of the module, that is, 9-9-9-27.

So, how to make RAM work at those timings that are indicated in the specifications?

For this, there is a so-called XMP profile, which we will talk about now.

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How to enable XMP profile?

If you still don’t know what timings and XMP profile (eXtreme Memory Profiles) are, I’ll explain now.

Timings- this is the time that RAM spends on data processing, the smaller the timings, the faster the RAM works.

XMP Profile- these are advanced module capabilities, these capabilities include frequencies, timings and voltage. All this information is located on the module itself. When the computer boots, the BIOS sets optimized frequencies, timings, which are in the XMP profile, however, it must support this technology.

Basically, modern motherboards support this technology and you can configure it through the BIOS, because, usually, it is not enabled by default. If the XMP profile is not enabled, then the motherboard will set the frequency, timing and voltage as standard, in accordance with the factory settings.

And now let's try to enable the XMP profile through the BIOS. As an example, an ASUS motherboard is taken.

So, let's say we have a memory module the same as described at the beginning of the article.

And find the tab.

Immediately after the release of any new processor platform, whether it be AMD or Intel, some problems are found in it. The new AMD Ryzen processors are no exception. Among other things, they still "do not know how" to work with RAM modules with a high clock speed, and also have problems with memory overclocking. For example, the frequency of 2666 MHz obeyed our browser, and already at 2933 MHz, things did not go beyond POST.


We hope 3200 MHz is not the limit.


MSI decided to please the users of its Socket AM4 motherboards and introduced a technology called A-XMP for them. This technology not only makes Ryzen processors generally better compatible with various memory modules, but also allows them to work with DDR4 "fast" memory kits.

The new technology will be supported by all MSI Socket AM4 motherboards with BIOS updates that MSI promises to release soon. It is reported that A-XMP technology automatically sets the optimal settings, thereby providing the best performance and stability. Let's hope that soon other manufacturers will follow MSI's example, or AMD itself will "make friends" of its processors with high-performance memory sets.

Each bar of RAM has its own timing - this is the time for which the RAM reads information. The smaller it is, the faster data processing is performed and the PC runs faster. However, if you are not satisfied with the speed of the RAM, you can use the XMP profile technology.

An XMP profile is a set of information about module accessibility. If you use it, the speed of the device will increase significantly.

Enable the XMP profile

Most modern motherboards can enable the XMP profile in the BIOS settings automatically. However, if the profile is not enabled, then the motherboard sets the standard timing. Therefore, it is worth setting up the XMP profile yourself.

Load the CPU-Z program and go to the "Memory" tab. Here is the timing.

Then go to the "SPD" tab. The last column shows the actual timing, which is different from the one that can be indicated on the RAM bar.

Select this option and set "XMP". Then press "F10" to save the changes. Now the timing will be lower.

hello admin tell me How to enable XMP profile of RAM? I have an Intel Core i7-3770 processor installed in the system unit, I bought the appropriate Kingston HyperX KHX1600C9 D3 / 4GX memory for it, as I understood from the letter with the number "C9" means timings 9-9-9-27.

Also, on all sites where they sell exactly such memory, the characteristics indicate such numbers 9-9-9-27,

But here's what's interesting, after installing the RAM in the computer, I launch the CPU-Z program, go to the Memory tab and it shows completely different timings 11-11-11-28,

But there is also an SPD tab that shows the factory specifications of the memory and shows that the bar can work with faster timings 9-9-9-27?

How can I make the RAM sticks work with the timings that are indicated in its characteristics? The internets say what to include in XMP memory profile in BIOS, but how to do it?

Hello friends! For you to understand everything, in a nutshell I will explain what timings are and what XMP is - eXtreme Memory Profiles ("extreme memory profiles").

Timings ( signal time delay) or the time that RAM spends processing information, the smaller they are, the faster the RAM works.

An XMP profile is a set of data about the extended and non-standard capabilities of a particular RAM module ( frequencies, timings, voltages), this information is located on the RAM bar itself in a special microcircuit! At the initial stage of computer boot The motherboard BIOS reads this information and the RAM runs at optimized frequencies and timings. located in the profileXMP, of course, is needed for this support for XMP technology by the motherboard.

Almost all new motherboards are able to use the profile XMP using BIOS settings (it is not enabled by default). If the XMP profile is not enabled, then the motherboard sets the standard frequencies, timings and voltages in accordance with its factory specifications.

Let's use the XMP memory profile in the BIOS of the ASUS motherboard together with you

I have the same processor and the same RAM on my working computer as our reader.

We enter the BIOS and go to the tab AI Tweaker

Here we need an option AI Overclock Tuner, we have it in Auto so the XMP profile is not enabled, click on Auto with the left mouse and select in the menu that appears X.M.P.

As you can see, we managed to use the X.M.P profile and the RAM will now work with higher timings.