How to send a laptop to another city

  • 15.02.2022

One agency that was in the business of buying and shipping prizes to winners of several major competitions told a very interesting story.
The customer provided us with a list of prizes and addresses of the winners of the contests.
Our task was to purchase the necessary prizes and send them to the winners by the EMC-express service with the declared value.

Along with not very expensive prizes, the list included several iPhones, iPads, laptops, cameras, TVs, mountain bikes.
All prizes were purchased and sent to the winners. All parcels reached and were received by the addressees. Except one.
On December 16, a Sony VAIO VPC-EA1S1R laptop was sent from Moscow to Nizhny Tagil,
purchased by our Agent in the VAIO salon for 36 thousand rubles. The parcel was sent with a declared value of 36 thousand rubles.
On December 25, the EMC courier delivered the parcel to the recipient.
In the box, instead of a laptop, there was a book and several stones.
To our call to EMC, with a request to explain how to act in this situation, the operator replied: “How can you prove that there was no laptop there?”, clearly making it clear that there are no ends now, and the recipient of the parcel is the last one. The only thing he offered to do was to write a statement at the post office.
On December 27, 2010, we filed an application addressed to the director of EMC Russian Post for compensation for a laptop stolen from a parcel. Photo and video materials were attached to the application, which unambiguously confirmed the fact of the theft of the attachment from the parcel. The application was accepted and registered on January 13, 2011.
Today, having phoned the employee who worked with our claim, we found out that our application was considered by the commission, and a decision was made to refuse to pay compensation.
To our reasonable question - "on what basis?" - the following response was received: "we received a response from the post office of Nizhny Tagil, which delivered the parcel, that the parcel was handed over to the recipient in full safety, and in accordance with the instructions."
From a further conversation with an employee of the department, we understood one simple thing: in any case, the recipient of the parcel will NEVER be able to prove the fact of theft if he signed and accepted the shipment.
Attention! A practical recommendation received from an employee informally: do not accept a package from a courier if you do not want to get into a similar situation. Refuse to receive and receive the parcel at the post office, opening it in the presence of postal employees and witnesses.
In case of detection of loss from the parcel, draw up an act and demand to register it. Only in this case you will have a chance to receive compensation.

Every active Internet user necessarily uses e-mail, because it is very convenient, fast and simple. In order to send e-mail, you need a mailbox from your Internet service provider (provider) or a registered box on one of the popular free mail services - mail, mail and gmail. How to start a mailbox is discussed in the article "". Accordingly, you need a computer and Internet access.

How to send email, consider the example of the mail service "". The algorithm for sending an email in other services is similar and differs only in the user interface.

Using e-mail, you can send not only text, but also files (audio and video, photos, text documents)

How to email a photo or document

The email that is sent from (photos, documents, etc.) is called an email with an attachment. To send mail with an attachment, do the following:

If you downloaded the wrong file by mistake, you can delete it by clicking on the link " Delete”, located below the icon of the downloaded file.

A computer, like any other object, can be safely and efficiently mailed. First, you'll want to properly package your computer to protect its valuable internal and external components. Ideally, the original manufacturer's packaging should be reused and enclosed in a new outer box suitable for shipping. After proper packaging, you need to contact the parcel or postal service to order and schedule the appropriate shipping method. Read the following article to learn how to ship a computer.



1. Properly pack your computer and accessories to avoid damage during transit

Disconnect computer cables, accessories, and peripherals. This includes a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Make sure all cables are organized, untied and closed in a small bag or box.

  • Wrap your computer and peripherals in a suitable air-cell cushioning material. Make sure all parts are covered with 3 to 4 inches (7 to 10 cm) plastic bubble wrap. Wrap each computer accessory individually for maximum protection.
  • Pack the packaged computer tower in a strong carton box. Choose a box that is slightly larger than a computer to eliminate large areas of open space. Place the computer in an upright position and fill any remaining space with an extra pillow. You want to ensure a snug fit so that the computer fits snugly and doesn't move around during shipping.
  • Pack your computer monitor and accessories in the same way you would for a computer tower, using appropriately sized boxes.
  • Place the packed boxes of computers in one large outer carton. You will again need to make sure that all boxes fit snugly to prevent shifting during transport. Fill all open spaces with cushioning, foam or loose fill to ensure a snug fit.
  • Close and seal the outer carton tightly with packing tape. Use at least 3 strips of pressure sensitive tape to ensure a tight seal.

2. Choose a local or international postal service

  • You can find information for most major online carriers, including their shipping methods, pricing, and exclusions.

3. Create and attach an appropriate shipping label

  • You usually need to include your shipping preferences, payment method, and origin and destination addresses on the label.

4. Deliver your package to the parcel service

The rigging specialist of the Vectorgruz company (Obninsk) shares with our readers the basic rules for transporting goods.

How to move your computer safely

To protect your printer, personal computer, important files, and peripherals when you move, it's best to back up your data. Discs containing important information should be stored in a safe and durable container. You must remove all floppy disks and discs from your computer before shipping.

If your computer has a device for parking a hard drive (usually old-style gadgets are equipped with such functions), then park it.

Before disconnecting from electricity, the computer must be turned off. After that, carefully and carefully disconnect all power wires from the electricity network. It is worth writing down which cables were connected to which devices. It is best to record this data on paper and attach it with tape to the cables themselves. When packing cables, it is necessary to avoid pressing, sharp bends and compression so that the equipment does not lose quality.

When packing the monitor, be extremely careful to prevent damage. Before you put the device in your travel bag for printing, you must remove the cartridges, turn off the print head, as well as laser ribbons or cartridges. The device cables must be disconnected, signed as described earlier. Work of this kind must be done very carefully and accurately, without haste and sudden movements. Otherwise, the probability of accidental breakdowns is high.

Safely package your computer for shipping

So that the monitor, computer, printer is not damaged during the move, you should:

  • protect them as much as possible from damage, physical concussions. The ideal option is to use the original packaging with hard cardboard or foam;
  • if the original packaging is lost, use a box of the right size with styrofoam or special bubble wrap for the most effective insulation;
  • especially carefully and carefully pack the monitor to avoid scratches and more serious damage to its screen;
  • the computer and the system desktop unit should be transported exclusively in the “standing” or “on its side” position, so that the so-called motherboard is at the bottom, in no case upside down. If the information is unknown where the motherboard is located and in what position it is, it is very important to carefully study the instruction manual for the equipment, this information must be indicated there. It is best to choose the original packaging for packing the system unit during transportation. But if it is already gone, then you should choose the right size box and use suitable insulation so that the equipment is not damaged in any way.
  • When transporting printers and other peripheral equipment, it is best to use the original, original packaging to package these devices. In the event that, as is often the case, such packaging is not available, you just need to find and adapt for transportation a box of a suitable volume, as well as insulation materials that are shock-resistant and increase the shock-absorbing properties.

If you carefully follow the above recommendations for transporting a computer, as well as equipment used with it, you can be sure that all the things you transport will arrive safe and sound at your destination. In fact, there is nothing complicated in these recommendations, but they are very valuable and, at the same time, simple.