What do you need to register for public procurement. Public procurement for beginners: rules for conducting and participation. Quick way, basic steps

  • 31.08.2021

Hello, dear readers of the online school “ABC of tenders”! In this article, we want to consider the issue related to the registration of procurement participants (suppliers) in a single information system (abbreviated UIS). Until recently, only organizations placing orders (Customers) were registered on the official website zakupki.gov.ru. However, in December 2017, Federal Law No. 504-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Contract System in the Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services for State and Municipal Needs” was adopted. According to this law, from January 1, 2019, procurement participants will also have to undergo mandatory registration on the EIS website. But let's talk about everything in order.

Why will participants need to register on the website of the unified information system?

Until 07/01/2018, within the framework of 44-FZ, only one single procedure was carried out in electronic form - an auction in electronic form. Electronic auctions were held on 6 specially selected electronic trading platforms (abbreviated as ETP). And in order to be able to take part in these auctions, the participant had to pass accreditation on electronic platforms. And since Customers are not limited in any way in choosing sites for holding electronic auctions, suppliers had to pass accreditation at all 6 sites in order not to miss the opportunity to take part in the purchase they need.

Since July 1, 2018, Customers have received the right to conduct electronically not only auctions, but also tenders, requests for proposals, as well as requests for quotations. All these purchases are also carried out at previously approved ETPs, plus 3 more new ETPs have been added to these sites.

But starting from January 1, 2019, Customers are required to conduct all purchases exclusively in electronic form. In this regard, the Unified Register of Procurement Participants appeared on the EIS website, which will include information about each supplier. The maintenance of this register is assigned to the Federal Treasury. Until 2019, such registers of accredited procurement participants were maintained by ETP operators separately at each site.

From January 1, 2019, registration of procurement participants in the unified information system has become a prerequisite for being able to participate in all electronic procurement conducted under 44-FZ.

Thus, the supplier must first be registered in the EIS, and then the operators of electronic sites, no later than the working day following the day of registration of the supplier in the unified information system, accredit such a participant on the electronic site. This accreditation is carried out through the information interaction of the electronic platform with the EIS.

By registering on the website zakupki.gov.ru, you will automatically be accredited on all electronic platforms. For suppliers, this is a definite plus, since there is no need to spend time on accreditation at each of the sites. At the same time, the accreditation period remained the same - 3 years. And not earlier than 6 months before the end of the registration of the participant in the EIS, he has the right to register for a new period.

It is worth noting that when there are 4 months left before the end of the registration of the supplier in the EIS, he will receive a corresponding notification from the site about the need to renew the registration for a new period. If the participant does not take care of the renewal of his registration in advance, then 3 months before the end of the registration period, he will lose the opportunity to apply for participation in electronic procedures. Therefore, it is very important to re-register on the EIS website on time.

The procedure and terms for registering a procurement participant on the EIS website + a list of required documents

According to Part 1 of Art. 24.2 44-FZ registration of procurement participants in a unified information system is carried out in electronic form on the basis of information and documents in the manner and terms determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 No. 1752 “On the procedure for registering procurement participants in a unified information system in the field of procurement goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs and maintain a unified register of procurement participants and amend the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2018 N 656”.

The nuances of registering suppliers in the EIS

Below we have given a list of important nuances regarding the registration of procurement participants on the zakupki.gov.ru website:

  1. Registration is carried out electronically;
  2. There is no registration fee;
  3. Information about the participant and his documents are entered in the unified register of procurement participants (abbreviated as ERUZ);
  4. Registration is carried out for a period of 3 years, this procedure can be repeated no earlier than 6 months before the end of registration;
  5. If less than 3 months remain until the end of registration on the EIS website, the participant cannot apply for participation in electronic procedures;
  6. When registering, it is not allowed to demand from the participant information and documents that are not provided for by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  7. The EIS does not allow the registration of offshore companies;
  8. When accredited to the ETP, the site operator is not entitled to require additional information and documents from the participant;
  9. A procurement participant who has been registered on the EIS website has the right to participate in all procurements conducted on electronic platforms within the framework of 44-FZ;
  10. Procurement participants accredited at the sites, but not registered with the EIS, will be able to submit applications only until December 31, 2019.
  11. A qualified electronic signature is required for registration in the EIS.

Transition period

At the end of today's article, we propose to consider how accreditation is carried out at the sites and registration in the EIS during the transition period. So…

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, the procedure for accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms for participation in electronic procedures remains the same (part 49 of article 112 of 44-FZ).

From January 1, 2019, accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms is carried out after the registration of such participants in the EIS in accordance with Art. 24.2 of 44-FZ (part 48 of article 112 of 44-FZ).

From January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 inclusive, procurement participants previously accredited on electronic platforms are required to register with the EIS in order to participate in electronic procedures (part 47 of article 112 of 44-FZ).

Until December 31, 2019, inclusive, filing applications for participation in electronic procedures and participation in such procedures are carried out, among other things, by persons who were accredited before January 1, 2019 on an electronic platform, whose information and documents are included in the register of participants in an electronic auction that received accreditation on an electronic platform. site. At the same time, they will not need to register in the EIS (part 50 of article 112 of 44-FZ).

The old procedure for accrediting participants on electronic platforms ceased to be valid from January 1, 2019.

That's all for today. If you have any questions, you can ask them below in the comments to this article. We will be happy to answer them.

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Recently started working with the state order? How to register on the website zakupki.gov.ru? What is an electronic digital signature and how to get it? What are the computer and software requirements? What is the functionality of the site zakupki.gov.ru? You will find answers to these questions in the step-by-step instructions for working with the zakupki.gov.ru website.

Registration on the website zakupki.gov.ru
Only after registering on zakupki.gov.ru can you use all the possibilities of the resource and get access to the closed part of the system, to perform operations.

To create an account on the site, you need a certificate to work on it and special software. Please note that an electronic signature is required.

To obtain a certificate for public procurement, you need to come to the Federal Treasury, submit information about the organization, and then pick up a certificate for registration. It is under this certificate that you will enter the site.

As far as software is concerned, the first thing to do is to make sure that your computer meets all the requirements.

Computer and software requirements

  • Processor frequency - at least 1.3 GHz;
  • RAM - not less than a gigabyte;
  • Internet speed - more than 256 kbps;
  • Browser versions: Internet Explorer (version 10.0 and above), Opera (version 26 and above), Mozilla FireFox (version 40 and above), Google Chrome (version 44 and above) and Apple Safari (version 8 and above);
  • Installed software - CryptoPro CSP.

How to make an electronic signature.
An electronic digital signature is encrypted information by which an individual or legal entity is identified. This signature cannot be forged. To get it, collect a package of documents:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a copy of an extract from the USRIP;
  • passport and its copy,
  • SNILS.

With the documents you need to contact any MFC in your region. Or this can be done in the "obtaining a digital signature certificate" section on the public services website. After completing the procedure, you will receive a public key: a certificate and a private key for signing documents.

Software installation.

  • We turn on the TLS protocol in the browser (“Tools” (Tools) - “Internet options” (Internet options) - “Advanced” - click the button with independent fixation opposite the item “TLS 1.0” (Use TLS 1.0);
  • Install the necessary certificates. You can download them in the training materials on the public procurement website;
  • We add the Goszakupki.ru website to the list of trusted nodes ("Service" - "Internet Options" - "Security" - "Trusted nodes" - "Nodes". Uncheck the box "All nodes require verification of https servers" and in the column "Add to zone node" enter: http://zakupki.gov.ru/ and https://zakupki.gov.ru/) ;
  • Install CryptoPro CSP software (download from the official site);
  • Install the signature generation component - Sign.cab (it is on the EIS website in the "Files for setting up a workplace");
  • Setting up readers
  • Install the CryptoPro certificate.

After you have prepared the computer, register on the portal. To do this, go to your personal account, select the federal law you are interested in, for example, 44, click "Login" in the upper window and then "Register". You will need to enter all the data in the organization card and select one of the proposed logins. You will log in with the username and password you have chosen.

Site features zakupki.gov.ru
The portal has various registries, regulations, educational materials, useful links, public procurement news, interesting statistics, forecasts, etc.

Users can perform the following operations:

  • Enter data on the signed contract, participants in the order, deadlines for applications, tender documentation, changes, etc.;
  • Form and place orders in various ways;
  • Form protocols, attach documentation to the order card, conclude related contracts online;
  • Form and place plans and schedules;
  • Receive comprehensive information about counterparties, which will allow you to adequately assess their capabilities;
  • See the information in the Complaints section about unscrupulous companies;
  • Monitor purchases;
  • Select orders using the search. You can search by the subject of the contract, its price, by organization, by place of delivery, and even by attached files. I have an opportunity simple and advanced search;
  • Set up notifications about orders of interest or other information, significantly saving your search time.

Please note that it is impossible to sign a government contract on the public procurement website.

The state, in order to systematize and prevent corruption, has created a single portal on which all public procurements are placed, and where all potential contractors are invited to take part in tenders.

In Russia, not all government purchases are required to be played on the site of the same name, secret purchases of the armed forces can be carried out in the format of a single supplier and are not required to be published. The basic law for public procurement is 44 FZ "On the contract system".

There are several options for tenders for public procurement, let's understand them.


Open competition

To date, the most common method of tendering for public procurement is an open tender. Based on the name, its essence is immediately clear, therefore, almost anyone can submit documents for this competition, and information about this competition is sent to various channels, primarily to the public procurement website.

Despite such a great popularity of this tender, it is very bureaucratic, the minimum time for holding this tender rarely becomes less than 1 month. An open tender can be held not only directly by the customer, but also by another person on his behalf.

In this competition, in its documentation, the subject, selection criteria, and procedure of the competition are described in detail. Also, this competition has a feature if only one application is submitted for it, then they will be considered invalid, since the tender involves the participation of at least two persons competing with each other for the right to perform this competition.

The procedure for conducting open tenders themselves, despite all its bureaucratic and lengthy nature, is extremely simple, participants submit their proposals and prices in envelopes, at open tenders the tender commission opens these envelopes and selects the most advantageous offer. Further, an agreement is formed with him, and a contract is concluded.

If the organization refuses to perform the tender or it is impossible to agree between the parties, it is possible to conclude a contract with the person who took second place in the open tender.

Closed Competition

The procedural aspects of a closed competition are similar to those of an open one. But the entire closed tender has a significant difference - it lies in the fact that only those persons whom the customer himself invited to participate in the tender can take part in the closed tender. Since the competition is closed, the results of it are also not published.


Open auction

This auction is held via the Internet and, accordingly, is published on the public procurement portal, in the media, as well as on the official Internet portal of the customer conducting an open auction.

Notices of this auction in the listed sources must be published 20 days before the auction itself.

In some cases, the law allows for the possibility of holding this open auction with the publication of information about it 7 days before it is held.

An open auction resembles trading at an auction, only if the price usually goes up, then in this case the winner is declared the person who ultimately offered the lowest price for the order.

During an open auction, participants make bids, first the first bid is made, after each round, participants can make one bid, but by a certain percentage less than the previous one (as a rule, this percentage is 0.5, that is, each subsequent person who wants to lower the bid must reduce the price by at least one two-hundredth).

The auction is considered completed when no one has placed a bid by the end of the round. To participate in an open auction, you must provide your bid for this purpose, as a rule, each participant contributes 3 percent of the original order price.

Closed auction

Auctions as well as competitions are open and closed. Only the difference between them is colossal, the only similarity is perhaps the names open and closed. The essence of open auctions lies in the fact that each bidder sees the bids made by his opponents, and in closed auctions, the essence is the other way around, that participants do not see the bids made.

Applications for participation are submitted with an envelope in which the price for which the participant is ready to complete the order is stated, after opening all the envelopes, the lowest price is determined, whoever offered this price automatically becomes the winner of the closed auction.

Notices for this auction are also published in the media, on the official website of the customer twenty days before the auction itself. It should also be noted that this form of order is especially popular in carrying out orders related to state secrets, which are formally closed.

The customer also checks the access to state secrets of organizations that have applied for the tender. Since this auction is held in a closed form, as you understand, the possibility of an excessive price reduction is less possible than with an open auction, and this declares the possibility of holding this state tender.

Electronic auction

An open auction is the most modern of modern auctions, the procedure for its conduct is regulated by 94 Federal Laws. It is held on electronic platforms accredited by the government of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Economic Development.

All notices about this competition are published on the public procurement website, as well as directly on the site itself, on which the electronic auction is held.

To date, all open auctions must be held in electronic format, that is, they are allowed to be held documentarily, but the form is not defined, and later the legislator determined that open auctions can only be held in electronic form.

Until the end of the auction, it is known who participates in their draw only directly to the site moderator, which reduces corruption risks.

How to register on the website zakupki.gov.ru?

Step by step registration instructions:

  1. Before registration, receive a certified electronic signature, upon receipt, ask whether to accept this signature for public procurement. Before registering for public procurement, you need to register for public services. We register for public procurement, first insert the electronic key into the computer, then go to the site, on the main page, make a personal account, then a new window will open and click.
  2. To start working with the site, in the window that opens, click "Legal entities", select "Via a crypto provider", then click "Login", fill in all the registration data of the organization, attach the necessary constituent documents, then click on the register button and click continue.
  3. Congratulations, you are registered. Now, with each participation in the auction in electronic form, you will need to use an electronic signature, and you will also need it when registering on the electronic sites themselves, on which site the tender is carried out, you can find out in the notice on public procurement.

Reading time: 9 min

According to, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 N1752, from 2019 procurement participants must register in a single information system along with the customer, otherwise they will not be able to submit applications.

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Why do participants (suppliers) need to register on the website of the unified information system?

From the moment of adoption until 2018, only customers needed to register on the official website of public procurement zakupki.gov.ru. But in December 2017, FZ-504 “On Amendments to FZ-44” was adopted. According to this law, from January 2019, procurement participants (, contractors) will also need to be registered.

Until July 2018, they were only available in electronic form, today customers can conduct electronic requests and. Since 2019, all procurements have been transferred to electronic form, which is designed to ensure their greater transparency.

Procurement in electronic format is carried out at approved sites, their list is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since since January 2019 everything has switched to electronic format, the Unified Register of Procurement Participants has appeared in the EIS, which contains information about the supplier. The Federal Treasury will be responsible for its formation and maintenance.

As a result, registration in the EIS is a mandatory procedure for all, without it there is no possibility to participate in the auction.

The supplier will initially be registered in the EIS, and the accreditation of the participant on the electronic site is carried out automatically through information exchange.

Thanks to registration in the EIS, the supplier will be automatically accredited at all sites. At the same time, the period of validity of its accreditation will remain the same - 3 years. Not earlier than six months before the end of the accreditation, you will need to register for a new period.

When there are 4 months left before the end of registration, you will receive a notification with a request to renew it for a new period. If the participant does not re-register, then three months before the expiration of its validity, he will be deprived of the opportunity to participate in the auction.

How to register in the EIS according to 44-FZ

According to Art. 24.2 44-FZ (entered into force on January 1, 2019), registration of participants in the EIS and their accreditation will be carried out electronically on the basis of information and submitted documents within the time limits determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Information about procurement participants who are registered in the EIS is transferred to a single. The unified register of participants is a list of registered entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities that can participate in public procurement. Such a register will be maintained from January 2019 by the Treasury, and the list will be posted on the website of the Unified Information System. It is supposed to be placed in the public domain, and anyone can get acquainted with it free of charge.

The procedure for registering suppliers in the EIS after the beginning of 2019 will generally involve the following steps:

  1. The supplier goes through the registration procedure in the EIS electronic.
  2. EIS transmits information to electronic trading platforms.
  3. Marketplace operators will need to accredit the participant no later than the next business day.
  4. Registration will last three years.

Charging fees for registration in the EIS and accreditation on the electronic site is not allowed. But from July 2018, according to Government Decree No. 564 of 2018, electronic platforms will be able to charge fees for participation in the electronic procedure. The maximum fee is set at 1% of (but not more than 5 thousand rubles). When concluding a contract for SMP, the maximum fee cannot exceed 1% of the NMTsK (no more than 2 thousand rubles).

Participants who have previously been accredited on electronic platforms can also register in the unified information system from January to December 2019. The possibility of such registration will be provided until the end of 2019.

Also in FZ-44, according to the new paragraph 13 of Art. 4, the concept of "independent registrar" will appear. It is created for the purpose and registration of actions and inaction of participants in a single information system. Its tasks include:

  1. Monitoring the availability of the unified information system of the site and storage of such information.
  2. Recording (including real-time video recording) of inactivity or actions of participants in the area of ​​procurement.
  3. Storage of such information about the actions or omissions of participants contract system, including information about electronic ones, which are formed by the participants of the contract system and signed by them using an EDS.

List of required documents

The list of required documents for registration in the EIS is similar to that required for accreditation on the electronic trading platform. In particular, the supplier will need:

  1. Charter of a legal entity or IP passport.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for, which has a limited validity period (no more than six months before applying for registration).
  3. Documents confirming the authority of the head(for example, an extract from the charter or an order for his appointment).
  4. Documents that confirm the status of the owner(if the signature is not for the head).
  5. Documents confirming the right to register in the EIS(power of attorney from the head of the legal entity or entrepreneur).
  6. Major Deal Approval Decision indicating the maximum transaction amount.

Registration procedure: step by step instructions

Registration in the Unified Information System must be carried out by all organizations that plan to participate in the system of state and municipal procurement. The general procedure for registration in the EIS is as follows:

  1. issuance of an electronic digital signature of a qualified (enhanced) type(allows not only to work in the EIS by posting procurement plans and schedules, but also to carry out work on signing the posted protocols of conducted electronic trading procedures, as well as electronic forms of contracts). It is necessary in order to carry out all legal actions in the EIS. Simultaneously with the registration of the EDS, information is entered into the Consolidated Register of Participants in Public Procurement. The presence of a participant in public procurement procedures in such a register makes it possible to carry out activities for conducting various trading procedures. Instructions for obtaining and installing an EDS on ;
  2. registration of an authorized representative companies on the site "Gosuslugi".
  3. direct registration in the EIS within a personal account. It is carried out in several stages and is carried out directly on the site zakupki.gov.ru.

The actual registration looks like this:

  • in the upper right corner of the EIS information portal, you should select the option to enter your personal account(in the proposed menu, you must refer to the tab of your personal account according to 44-FZ);
  • personal account is issued to the head of the organization(since the primary work is carried out only with its qualified digital signature). The exceptions are cases when the authority to sign a particular contract is vested in a special employee of the organization, to whom they are granted on the basis of a specially drawn up power of attorney;
  • when you first enter your personal account, the functionality of the site will prompt you to fill in the necessary information about the organization (filling in all sections should occur only on the basis of the official data contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the organization's statutory documents);
  • registration of the head of the organization or a specially authorized person occurs as the administrator of the organization in the EIS only after filling in all the necessary information about the organization;
  • the final stage is the verification of the issued digital signature certificate, for which you will need to sign a special registration form with her.

The final login data (login and password) will be sent to the administrator at the email address specified during registration.

Error at the time of IP registration

The nuances of registering suppliers in the EIS

The following nuances of registering suppliers in the EIS can be cited:

  1. Registration takes place electronically. without charge.
  2. Information about the participant and the documents submitted by him will be entered in a single register.
  3. Registration is for three years, this procedure is repeated no more than six months before the end of registration.
  4. If up to three months remain until the end of registration, the participant is not entitled to about participation in new purchases.
  5. When registering, it is unacceptable to request information and documentation not provided by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  6. Registration of offshore companies in the EIS is not allowed.
  7. The list of documents for registration is prescribed in the Government Decree and additional information is not allowed.
  8. Procurement participants who have been registered in the EIS will be able to participate in all held on electronic platforms.
  9. Procurement participants who have been accredited but not registered with the EIS will be able to submit applications until the end of 2019. New procurement participants and those who have three months left until the end of accreditation at the site will not be able to submit applications.

EDS and requirements for it

To register in the EIS, a participant will need a qualified electronic signature. Today, an unqualified signature is not used for bidding.

The signature must be obtained from a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. An enhanced digital signature is created using special encryption programs that ensure the safety and immutability of information.

With the help of an enhanced signature, the authority of the signatory is confirmed. It is used not only during registration, but also in the process of working with procurement. EDS allows you to sign documents placed in the EIS.

The EDS certificate contains such data as the full name of the owner, the name and details of the organization, the number of the EDS certificate, the details of the certification center and a unique key that allows you to verify the authenticity of the signature (on the website of the State Services).

Transition period

The new procedure for admitting participants to the EIS involves a transitional period during which the following stages are planned:

  1. July 2018 to January 2019 accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms for bidding remains the same (according to part 49 of article 112 of 44-FZ).
  2. From January 2019 participants on electronic platforms are accredited only after their registration in the EIS.
  3. Accreditation of participants on the ETP should be made after their registration in the EIS in accordance with Art. 24.2 44-FZ (part 48 of article 112 44-FZ).
  4. January to December 2019 accredited participants on electronic platforms to participate in electronic procedures must be registered in the EIS (under Part 47 of Article 112 of 44-FZ).
  5. Until December 31, 2019 submission of applications for participation in the auction is carried out by persons accredited earlier on January 1, 2019 on the electronic platform. They will not need registration in the EIS within these time frames under Part 50 of Art. 112 FZ-44. Except for those who have three months left until the end of accreditation on the site.
  6. From January 1, 2020 registration in the EIS will become mandatory for everyone.

Thus, in 2018, public procurement participants did not have to register in the EIS. Such a requirement for them has become legally effective since January 2019, from that moment the old procedure for accreditation in the contract procurement system ceases to be valid. Up to this point, participants had to be accredited on each of the 6 electronic trading platforms. From 2019, they will be automatically accredited based on the results of registration in the EIS. Registration will take place electronically according to a similar algorithm with accreditation at the ETP. In order to register, a person must issue an enhanced qualified electronic signature without fail.

Registration of a new certificate on the Public Procurement Portal.

Log in to your personal account using the old certificate or login and password.

If you have forgotten your password, see the explanation at the end of the document.

In the window “User registration data” in the upper right corner, click the link “Register digital signature certificate”

In the window that opens, under the line “Specify a file with new certificates”, click the link “Browse ...”

In the "Select a file to upload" window, select the path to the new certificate file.

When the path to the new certificate file is selected, click the “Upload” link.

In the window that opens “user registration data”, if you entered with a certificate, then click the register button, if you entered with a password, then enter the password in the “Password” line and repeat the password again in the “Password Confirmation” line and click the register button

Upon successful registration of the certificate, a message is displayed.

Password recovery on the Public Procurement Portal.

If you have forgotten your password, then you need to click on the “Forgot Password” link in the “My Account” login menu

In the window that opens, you must enter the user login and answer the security question “Enter the result of the operation ..” and click the “Send password” button.

If the picture is not visible or the result of the security question is not recognized due to a failure, press the ”F5” key on the keyboard to refresh the window.

After the operation is completed, you will receive an email with a temporary password and a link to enter the site to the e-mail specified during user registration on the site.