What is better xbox or sony playstation. What to choose - PS4 or Xbox One. Field test - comparison of graphics in games

  • 07.03.2022

Microsoft sells several Xbox One consoles of various modifications. In 2013, the original Xbox One came out, and in 2016 it was replaced by the Xbox One S. In November 2017, Microsoft began selling another Xbox One, the Xbox One X. All of these consoles are united in the same family and support the same collection of games (even games from the Xbox 360 and the original Xbox). But there are a few significant differences between these three Xboxes that you need to be aware of before buying one or the other model.

Xbox One 2013< 20 000 рублей

Surely everyone knows about this console. The original Xbox One was released in November 2013 and its appearance resembles either a coffin or an old VCR, only with a hole for DVDs. All original Xbox Ones included Kinect, which made the console cost prohibitively expensive. Not only was the Xbox One slower than the PlayStation 4 Pro, it was also $100 more expensive. As a result, Sony overtook Microsoft in terms of sales.

Microsoft gathered leadership and decided that they needed to mobilize somehow. The solution was to drop the Kinect from the vast majority of Xbox One sets and lower the cost accordingly. Kinect was eventually discontinued altogether.

The original Xbox One didn't have the best reputation, not only because of its monstrous size, but also because of the large power supply that would sit like a brick next to your TV. Unfortunately, in 2013 (and throughout the previous years of Xbox One development), the developers could not fit the power supply in such a huge case.

The very first Xbox One from 2013 has already been discontinued, but you can still find this console for a relatively low cost in various stores (the official Microsoft Store no longer sells and is unlikely to sell the original Xbox One). If you're willing to sacrifice the size and inconvenience of a large external power supply for a lower cost, the Xbox One will still serve you well, as it continues to receive updates and support all modern games four years after its release. There aren't yet (and won't be within Generation One) games that work on the One S/X but don't work on the One 2013.

  • Can be found for a small price.
  • Supports and will continue to support all modern games without problems.
  • Big.
  • Large external power supply.
  • Cannot be installed vertically.

Xbox One S 2016 from 22,000 rubles

The Xbox One S is an improved version of the original Xbox One. The console is essentially the same (processor, graphics, RAM, and so on), but received a large number of external changes. The cost of the console has also dropped significantly. The Xbox One S is available in white and is 40% smaller than the Xbox One. In addition, the new model does not have a large power supply hated by many. Microsoft engineers have managed not only to reduce the body of the console by 40%, but also to put the power supply inside, which is definitely great.

Xbox One S also received a number of other ergonomic improvements that will positively affect your experience. For example, a USB-A port appeared on the front side of the console. This makes it easier to connect external drives or accessories. What's more, unlike the Xbox One, the One S can officially be mounted vertically. True, it is best to do this with a special stand, which is sold separately.

An important difference between Xbox One S and Xbox One is the lack of a proprietary port for Kinect. In other words, you you can't connect Kinect to Xbox One S without additional accessories. This decision was made in order to save space inside the already small console. At the time the Xbox One S was developed, Microsoft already knew that the Kinect as a gaming device was a dead idea. Therefore, to reduce the size of the Xbox One S, the developers abandoned the port. If you still want to connect Kinect to your Xbox One S (and Xbox One X too), you'll need to purchase a special adapter.

The Xbox One S also includes a redesigned controller. It has a few minor changes, like a textured rear fascia and a redesigned front fascia. A much more important change is the fact that the controller is now Bluetooth enabled, so it can be connected directly to a computer without the need for special adapters (see How to connect an Xbox One controller to a computer). However, it should be noted that you can use any Xbox One Gamepad with any Xbox one. The controller from the Xbox One 2013 connects to the new Xbox One X, and the included Xbox One X controller works absolutely fine with the old Xbox One 2013.

Under the hood of the Xbox One S, there are several important improvements. The console supports 4K output, but only for video, not for games. Support for HDR content has also appeared (the TV must be HDR10-compatible). And while the games don't run in 4K resolution (the console is too weak for that), they do support HDR, which the original Xbox One didn't.

Technically Xbox One S a little stronger than Xbox One. Graphics are accelerated by about 7.1%, which was a must for 4K/HDR support. Microsoft also says games work on Xbox One S a little better than the first Xbox One. Independent tests have shown this to be true. But this fact should not be decisive, since games work the same way on Xbox One and Xbox One S in almost 99% of cases.

The Xbox One S is the choice for those who want an Xbox One but don't have a 4K TV and don't plan to get one. The console has recovered from many of the ills of the Xbox One 2013 and deservedly enjoys the console with the best value for money-features. The console will serve you for more than one year, so you can safely take it now or next year.

  • Small.
  • There is no external power supply.
  • Supports 4K video and HDR in games.
  • Inexpensive.
  • Convenient gamepad compatible with Windows 10 computers.
  • More comfortable in terms of ergonomics.
  • Can be installed vertically (requires purchase of separate stand).
  • No port for Kinect.

Xbox One X 2017 39 990 rubles

Microsoft launched the Xbox One X in November 2017 and the company calls it "the most powerful console in the world", which is actually true. It is significantly faster than the Xbox One / One S and even the PlayStation 4 Pro. Xbox One X is capable of delivering native 4K resolution not only in movies, but also in games, while maintaining a high frame rate per second.

The Xbox One X is expected to be more expensive than the Xbox One S/One. For a standard One X set in Russia, they ask for 39,990 rubles.

While the Xbox One X is a notable upgrade over previous One models, it's not the "next generation". One X is part of the One family, which means that all existing Xbox One games run on X. The only difference is that games support higher resolutions and higher frame rates per second. In addition, the user gets various graphic beauties, such as increased rendering distance, better detail, anti-aliasing, and so on. Moreover, the frame counter sags less often, and games load faster.

It's also important to note that the Xbox One X is even smaller than the Xbox One S, not to mention the Xbox One 2013. Like the Xbox One S, the 2017 model has an internal power supply, so no ugly bricks near the TV or outlet. The Xbox One X is only painted black and comes with a 1TB hard drive by default, as 4K games require a lot of storage. The Xbox One S and Xbox One start at 500 GB, but all of these consoles can manually increase the hard drive by replacing it or buying an external one.

The Xbox One X is technically supposed to support VR games, but Microsoft is in no rush to bring them to consoles just yet. If there is future support for VR on Xbox, users will get the best “experience” on Xbox One X. It is likely that VR will not be available on One S / One, but this is purely an assumption based on the fact that the graphics of the One S/One consoles are much weaker than the One X.

The Xbox One X is Microsoft's direct answer to the PlayStation 4 Pro. The Microsoft console is much more powerful, so games run better on it. That's just for this improvement you have to pay extra. The PS 4 Pro is $399 while the Xbox One X is $499. It is also important to understand here that not all games on the Xbox One X will run in 4K / 60 FPS. It all depends on how well developers optimize their games. Some games only support high resolution, and some games will only achieve high FPS. In other games, only visual improvements will be noticeable, such as the same increased draw distance or anti-aliasing. Before purchasing an Xbox One X, we advise you to check if the games you are interested in have received the appropriate improvements. At the time of writing this article at the end of November 2017, not all toys are already optimized, but every day more and more titles receive appropriate optimizations.

  • Very powerful and able to deliver 4K / 60 FPS in modern games.
  • Very small (smaller than One S).
  • There is no external power supply.
  • The basic package includes a 1 TB drive, not 500 GB.
  • All the pluses of the Xbox One S in stock.
  • Expensive.
  • No port for Kinect.

How to choose an Xbox One

If you're buying an Xbox One in early 2018, for example, you probably should have given up on the idea of ​​buying an original Xbox One by now (unless you're a collector or want to buy a monstrous-sized console for some reason). The small difference in price is not worth the disadvantages you have to put up with. Still, if the budget is as tight as possible, you can find refurbished or even new Xbox One 2013 for modest amounts of money.

Xbox One, Xbox One S and Xbox One X.

Xbox One S looks better in everything. The console is newer, smaller and better in every way. This is the golden mean for owners of traditional HD / FullHD monitors and TVs. The console will still be capable of playing Xbox One X games, just with slightly worse graphics and lower resolutions. Paying the extra $200 for an Xbox One X is only necessary if you plan to upgrade to a 4K monitor or TV. No such plans? Then the Xbox One S is your choice before the next generation of Microsoft consoles comes out. Yes, Xbox One X games will work on Full HD TVs a little better, but this difference is hardly worth paying almost twice as much if you do not plan to buy yourself a 4K monitor or TV in the future.

Basically, that's all you need to know about the three Microsoft consoles. Now the choice is yours. When determining which console you need, consider your budget, the convenience of the console, and your monitor and TV. We are sure that you will be able to choose the best option for yourself, which will provide you with a lot of fun in modern or old games.

With the advent of winter, picnics in nature gave way to a game near the hearth. Therefore, it is not surprising that the demand for game consoles increases during the cold season. But, as you know, before you comfortably sit on the carpet in front of the TV with a joystick in your hands, potential console buyers need to decide which is better xbox or playstation. The choice is further complicated by the fact that at the moment both consoles are in the same price category. And therefore, giving preference to one or another game console, it is important to be aware of their advantages and disadvantages.


Unfortunately, neither the Xbox nor the Sony PlayStation can boast the same graphics quality as a modern computer. The images that both consoles give out are not bad and do not differ much from each other. Therefore, judging by this criterion, it is impossible to say for sure which is better xbox or ps. Although a potential buyer should be aware that the video systems of gaming devices are still different. For the Xbox 360, the video system was purposefully developed by ATI. This, of course, provides developers with huge opportunities, both in optimizing games and in using the video system itself. In turn, Sony uses an adapted video card from the PS.


An important criterion when choosing a console is the convenience and functionality of the joystick. There are some differences here that allow us to draw conclusions. The PlayStation 3 joystick shape resembles the shape of a computer counterpart, and the device itself is not inferior in convenience and functionality. The shape of the Xbox controller, unlike the PS, is more recognizable, with a unique design. The joystick is very comfortable, with naturally placed buttons. Both the Xbox controller and the PS 3 controller are equipped with a vibration function. 7 joysticks can be connected to the playstation at the same time, and unfortunately only 4 to the xbox.

The Xbox 360 gamepad has one huge drawback, which can be a very weighty argument when buying not in favor of the "box". The joystick is powered by two batteries (type AA). For convenience, you can purchase batteries, although they tend to discharge. The same cannot be said for the PlayStation controller. It has a built-in battery that is charged from the console itself using a USB cable. When fully charged, the device should work for about 30 hours. As you can see, if the characteristics of a joystick play an important role for someone, then already at this stage, a game lover will be able to decide which is better xbox or sony.

Access to network resources

The manufacturers of both consoles provide an opportunity for players to play online. The only difference is that PS 3 owners can do it for free, while those who prefer the Xbox 360 have to purchase an Xbox Live Gold account for about $5 a month.

Both consoles are equipped with their own internal virtual world. With playstation it is possible to diversify the appearance of the character and communicate with other heroes, you can also play many mini-games. "Box" does not provide such opportunities, with it you can only edit the avatar.

Game cost

The cost of licensed games is high, both for PS and Xbox. On average, the price of one game for consoles ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles. An alternative is the secondary market, where it is possible to purchase or exchange a toy for every taste.

Possibilities for hacking

For many gamers, this criterion may be the most important when choosing which is better xbox or ps3. The high price of licensed games stimulates the development of pirated production of games for consoles. Beyond this criterion, the Xbox is far ahead of the PlayStation. There are two ways to hack an Xbox, such as flashing a drive or installing FreeBoot. After the firmware on the Xbox, you can play a huge number of games recorded on a disc. FreeBoot, on the other hand, is a special chip that is installed on the console's motherboard. The FreeBoot installation method makes it possible to play using external storage media, most often using a flash drive. The cost of the drive firmware is absolutely justified, if we take it in comparison with the price of one licensed game - only 1500 rubles. You can install FreeBoot for 2500 - 3000 rubles.

Accessories and additional equipment

Both consoles have the ability to connect a large number of very expensive accessories. For example, a special Kineckt device has been developed for the “box”, which allows the player himself to perform the functions of a joystick. For PS 3 is also available such an accessory called the PlayStation Move.

A significant advantage of Sony can be called the ability of the console to work with additional non-branded equipment. If the gamepad from the console suddenly breaks, it can always be replaced with any other. For Xbox, such a replacement is not available, since the device only works with branded accessories.

Drawing conclusions

Advantages of Xbox360:

  • High quality graphics provided by a specially designed video system.
  • Signature design and excellent joystick functionality, with a natural button layout.
  • Access to games on the network.
  • Ease of hacking and the possibility of using pirated media.

Disadvantages of Xbox360:

  • The operation of the gamepad depends on batteries or accumulators, which are not included in the set-top box.
  • Access to online games is possible with Gold-status in Xbox Live.
  • Few network resources, no web browser.
  • High price for licensed games and accessories.

Advantages of Sony PlayStation 3:

  • The graphics quality is almost as good as the Xbox360.
  • Ability to charge the joystick from the console. The gamepad is comfortable and functional.
  • Ability to connect non-branded accessories, such as joysticks.
  • Free access to online games.
  • A large number of network resources.
  • Ability to play Blu-ray discs.

Disadvantages of Sony PlayStation 3:

  • Very high price for licensed games and accessories.
  • There is no possibility for hacking and using pirated media.
  • A small number of games.
  • Installing content on the hard drive takes a long time.

As you can see, both consoles have their advantages. Now, after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of game consoles, having knowledge about the features of consoles, it will not be difficult to decide which is better than xbox or sony.

PS and Xbox are as bitter rivals as Marvel and DC, Pepsi and Coca-Cola and Barcelona and Real Madrid. But, if you decide to transfer from your favorite PC to the console, you still have to make a choice. To understand which is better - Xbox or Sony PlayStation - you need to understand their technical characteristics.

Sony PlayStation or Xbox

Powerful PS4 hardware and software components allow the console to handle demanding games and render a beautiful 4K picture in Rise of the Tomb Raider or Nioh

Sony PlayStation is a game console from a Japanese company. The first version of the console was released back in 1994, the last one - in 2013. A year ago, the developers introduced an improved modification of the PS4 to PlayStation 4 Pro users. The main advantage of the set-top box is the combination of a good hardware stuffing with a powerful software part.

The forte of the Xbox is the touchless Kinect game controller. With it, you can control the set-top box using gestures or verbal commands. It first appeared on the 360 ​​in 2009.

The latest version of the Xbox One X console was introduced by Microsoft in November 2017.

Table: comparison of the characteristics of set-top boxes

Parameters for comparison Xbox One X PlayStation 4 Pro
CPU8-core CPU from AMD (2.3 GHz)8-core AMD Jaguar (2.1 GHz)
RAM12 GB (GDDR5, bandwidth - 326 Gb / s)8 GB (GDDR5, 218 Gb/s bandwidth) + 1 GB DDR3
GraphicsAMD Radeon graphics with 40 compute units (1172 MHz)AMD Radeon graphics with 32 compute units (911 MHz)
Wi-Fi moduleThere isThere is
Overall performance rating6 flops4.2 flops
GamepadJoystick Xbox + KinectDualShock 4 + PlayStation VR Virtual Reality Headset
Games and contentLess exclusive than PS4, but lower prices. Games are downloaded through Xbox Game Pass. Public xCloud cloud streaming is planned to be launched.Lots of exclusive games, some of them are quite expensive. Own streaming service PlayStation Now.
Price in Russia (rub.)32 000 29 000
power usage245 watts310 watts
Weight3.81 kg3.3 kg
release date20172016
ManufacturerMicrosoft (USA)Sony (Japan)

How to choose

The controller from the Xbox is more massive and stands out with the asymmetric placement of the sticks, while the PS4 gamepad rather resembles the classic, familiar DualShock

For the confrontation between the two brands to be fair, you need to compare the best that they have. And these are, without a doubt, the top modifications of the latest generation of game consoles.

From the specs comparison table, it's clear that the Xbox One X is slightly more powerful than the PlayStation 4 Pro. It has more RAM and more impressive graphics capabilities. But the PS4 has more exclusive games to offer than any other console could ever dream of.

If you are an experienced gamer and follow the latest in the gaming industry, you should stop by the Sony PlayStation. Yes, it loses to a competitor in terms of performance, but this is offset by an incredible amount of content. But if you're a Microsoft fan and looking for a powerful and modern device with a wide range of additional features, your choice is Xbox One X.

The question of which console to choose - Xbox or PlayStation - has been facing gamers for more than a year. On the other hand, the situation in the console market is constantly changing, so there is no single answer to this question once and for all. Today Gamebox will give five main arguments in favor of each of the options (of course, we will talk about the current generation, that is, the Xbox One and PS4 family), and you just have to choose the most suitable one for you. Looking ahead, let's say right away, the choice is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance.

The main strengths of the PS4


The games that Sony releases exclusively for its console are one of the biggest arguments in favor of buying a PS4 or PS4 Pro. This does not mean that the console no longer has pluses. No, both variants of the current generation of Sony consoles are well-executed, stable, and Sony has taken care of a fairly good service. But still, exclusives are the strongest side of the Japanese. Especially when you consider their quantity and quality.

PlayStation Now

Another strength of Sony is its advances in cloud gaming. The company has been dedicated to this technology for years, and right now you can play some games through the cloud using the PlayStation Now service. It is difficult to call this solution ideal yet, but this is an uptrend, and in the next few years, such services may become a new standard in the industry. It's nice to be among the first to try this technology.


Sony consoles are generally quite technologically advanced. In any case, the company is trying to follow all the current trends and give gamers the opportunity to touch the future today. Virtual reality, like cloud gaming, is a technology far from perfect. Plus, there are still few major titles for the Sony virtual reality helmet. But the Japanese intend to continue working in this direction, and VR has a huge potential.

Frequent updates to special versions

We have gradually reached very minor arguments. However, you will agree that appearance sometimes matters. Especially for gamers who are fond of collecting, or at least once every few years they allow themselves a special edition of a game or some kind of device. Well, if in the previous generation, the Xbox was considered the most important fashionista in the console segment, now this title rightfully belongs to PS4. Every year, Sony releases several special versions of its consoles, and there is something for aesthetes and collectors to pay attention to.

PS4 Pro price

The final selling point for the PS4 family is the price of the PS4 Pro, a more powerful version of Sony's current-generation console. In Russian retail, the cost of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X (an analogue of Microsoft's PS4 Pro, which we'll talk about later) do not differ very much, but PS4 Pro is still cheaper. This is logical, because it is worse in terms of performance, but it can still be a great option for those who want to save a little, but get an almost top-end solution in the console segment, and even with the ability to connect PSVR.

The main strengths of the Xbox

backward compatibility

If Sony's main strength is exclusives, then the strength of the current generation of Xbox consoles is backwards compatibility. If you have an Xbox 360 game disc, you can simply insert it into your Xbox One disc drive and enjoy the gameplay. With a digital copy it's even easier - it will show up in your library and you can download and run it at any time. Conveniently, the latest additions to Xbox Game Pass give you the ability to play new titles (like Forza games) for as little as $10 a month per subscription.


Another advantage of Xbox is cross-platform. This means that you can not only play multiplayer games with owners of other consoles (but not Sony), but also get access to your accounts, wherever they are created. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but Microsoft's position on this issue is unambiguous - there will be a cross-platform. In other words, if in this or that case it does not work, you should know that it is a technical feature or a bug, and not an ideological approach.


There are not as few weighty arguments in favor of the Xbox as it seemed at first glance, right? Another pleasant surprise for Russian gamers is the price of Xbox One consoles in Russia. The usual "box" will cost you 2-3 thousand rubles cheaper than the analogue from Sony. And Xbox One X can be bought for less than 30 thousand rubles, if you search well. It is noteworthy that Sony's competitor in the face of PS4 Pro will be only 1-2 thousand rubles cheaper.

The most powerful console in the world

Now let's take a closer look at why the price difference between Xbox One X and PS4 Pro should make you so happy. The main difference between Xbox One X is pumped graphics. If the first Xbox One had a video subsystem with 12 computing modules operating at 911 MHz, then the Xbox One X modules already have 40b and their frequency has grown to 1172 MHz. At the same time, the processor with 8 Jaguar processing cores was slightly overclocked - from 1.75 to 2.3 GHz. There is also more RAM - 12 GB (so far a record for video set-top boxes) versus 8, while the memory is now high-speed, not DDR3, but GDDR5. The bandwidth of the memory bus was also a record 326 GB/s for the console market so far. If the performance of the video subsystem of the first Xbox One was approximately 1.4 teraflops, the original PlayStation 4 had 1.8, and the PlayStation 4 Pro had 4.2, then the Xbox One X raised the bar to 6 teraflops.

Single ecosystem from PC to Windows

The last argument will appeal to those who are going to buy a console in addition to a PC. And especially for those who actively use their computer, including for games. With the latest global update to its Windows operating system, Microsoft has made sure that gamers feel comfortable, and therefore closely intertwined the Xbox and Windows 10 ecosystems. A special Xbox partition is literally built into Windows, through which you access both the library and to saves, and all your services and subscriptions will also be active here. In addition, branded controllers from Xbox will work great with Windows, because we are talking about native compatibility.

Electronics manufacturers, as a rule, with each model update strive to make their products as elegant and compact as possible. However, when developing the Xbox One game console, this trend was completely ignored. The new device is significantly larger than its predecessor, about 6 cm longer and 1 cm taller and wider than the Xbox 360. In addition, the design of the Xbox One is designed to be placed only in a horizontal position.


The Xbox One game console is equipped with an 8-core processor, 8 GB of RAM, a 500 GB hard drive and a Blu-ray drive. Such a powerful "stuffing" allows you to bring the world of computer games to a new level due to more realistic graphics.


In terms of appearance, the Xbox One gamepad is not much different from its predecessor. There are only three main notable changes. Firstly, the deflection between the end horizontal keys has been leveled out thanks to an insert made of glossy plastic. Secondly, the recess for the batteries is now completely recessed into the case and no longer protrudes. Thirdly, the "cross" got rid of rounded shapes and began to work much more accurately. Other changes in the form of slightly beveled handles and slightly mixed control buttons are not so noticeable, but they cope with the task very successfully - the joystick lies in the hand like a glove.

In addition, the Xbox One controller is now officially compatible with Windows, so you can connect it to your computer if you want.


The camera of the Xbox One game console has also grown significantly in size. The new Kinest is now better suited for smaller spaces, thanks to its wider viewing angle of 70 degrees vertically and 60 degrees horizontally (versus 57 and 43 degrees for the Xbox 360). Now, outside of games, you can do without a gamepad at all - almost all operations with the console can be performed using gestures and voice commands. The high-resolution camera perfectly recognizes people's faces even in the dark. Kinest's ability to detect heart rate deserves special attention, which is especially useful in conjunction with the Xbox Fitness sports app.

Linking foreign devices

The new generation game console from Microsoft can be tied to any third-party device (PC, or). In practice, it looks like this: by introducing Xbox One to any application (browser, YouTube, social networks, etc.), all saves will be reflected on another device.


Despite some shortcomings, we can safely say that the new Xbox One is certainly a success and largely surpasses its predecessor (the Xbox 360 game console) in terms of technical parameters and social capabilities. The only drawback compared to the previous model is the higher cost of the console, so if you have just started to join the world of video games, and also do not want to spend money on games and overpay for better graphics, then it is better to opt for the Xbox 360.