RTS tender electronic trading platform instruction. Instructions for obtaining accreditation for the RTS tender. How to work on the RTS-tender electronic platform

  • 31.08.2021

You can get detailed information on registering a certificate on the ETP, as well as information on other sections and sites that are not presented in the instructions, from the support specialists of a particular ETP.


  1. On the main page of the ETP, without entering the Personal Account, click the "For Participants" section and the "Registration" button in the drop-down list.
  2. Click on the "Select" button opposite the item "Registration of a participant user (new electronic signature certificate)" and select one of the buttons on the right:
    - "Apply" - to add a new user.
    - "Bind certificate to registered user" - to renew the certificate of an existing user.
  3. In the form that appears, select a new certificate and click "Fill in the registration form".
  4. Fill in the form fields. If you add a new user, then the login must be different from the previously used one.
  5. Click Sign and Send.

After completing these steps, you can immediately enter the ETP using a new certificate.
ETP technical support.

USP Sberbank-AST (utp.sberbank-ast.ru)

  1. Log in to your ETP personal account using your login and password or a valid certificate that allows you to log in. If you do not remember your username and password, use the "Forgot your password?" on the login page to reset your password. If you do not remember the data, then use site instructions.
  2. Select the "Personal Account" section and the "Register of Representatives" button in the drop-down list.
  3. Click the "Change user certificate data" button for the desired user.
  4. In the required field, upload the public key file of the new certificate and click the "Sign and save" button.

For questions related to work on the site, filling out forms and documents, please contact ETP technical support.

EETP "Roseltorg"

Up-to-date instructions for adding a certificate to sections of Roseltorg are located at https://www.roseltorg.ru/faq/personal. Select the section you need and read the instruction "How to upload an electronic signature (ES)".

For questions related to work on the site, filling out forms and documents, please contact ETP technical support.

National electronic platform

1 way

  1. Log in to your personal account using your login-password, or using the old certificate, if it is still valid, or through the ESIA.
  2. Expand the "My Account" section and select "Download certificates", then specify the desired certificate.

2 way

  1. On the main page of the ETP, without entering the Personal Account, select the "Participants" section and click on the "Registration of Power of Attorney" button in the drop-down menu.
  2. Fill out the form in which you need to specify a new username and password.
  3. In the last field, select a new certificate and click on the "Submit" button.
  4. Within an hour, a letter will come to the mail, in it follow the link and specify a new login and password to enter.

After performing the actions indicated in the methods, it will be possible to immediately enter the ETP using a new certificate.
For questions related to work on the site, filling out forms and documents, please contact ETP technical support.


The order of actions of the Participants when working with users of the organization depends on whether the organization of the Participant is registered in the Unified Information System.

— The participant is registered in the EIS

After the registration of the Participant in the UIS, the actions to add users of the organization are performed by the Participant in the Personal Account of the UIS.

— The participant is accredited on the site, but not registered in the EIS

Actions to add a user are carried out on the Electronic Platform. To add an electronic signature to a Participant who is not registered in the EIS:

  1. Open the main page of the RTS tender and select the "44-FZ" section, then the "Participants" section;
  2. Click on the "Add User" section or go to the "Accreditation" section and click on the "Request to add a new user of the organization" link, which is located under the "Continue registration" button;
  3. The "Application for adding a user" form will open. In the "Certificates" field, click the "Select from list" button. Select your certificate and click OK. The data specified in the certificate will automatically fill in a number of fields in the "Application for adding a user" form;
  4. Fill in the required fields marked with "*";
  5. Click the "Submit" button and confirm the action with a certificate. An application for adding an electronic signature is approved automatically within 20-30 minutes.

For questions related to work on the site, filling out forms and documents, please contact ETP technical support.

Order of the Russian Federation "Tatarstan"

  1. On the main page of the ETP, without entering the Personal Account, click on the "Registration" section.
  2. Select the "Add New EDS" button.
  3. Click on the "Organization User" button, select a new certificate and an organization from the list.
  4. Fill out the form in which you need to specify a new login and password, and click on the "Submit for consideration" button.

After completing these steps, you can immediately log in with a new certificate.
For questions related to work on the site, filling out forms and documents, please contact ETP technical support.


1 way

  1. On the main page of the ETP, without entering the Personal Account, select the "Participants" section and the "Registration of Power of Attorney" button in the drop-down list.
  2. Fill out the form in which you need to specify a new login and password, select a new electronic signature and click on the "Submit" button.
  3. If the message “A user with this certificate is already registered” appears, then click on the “Continue” button.
  4. Fill out the form and select the "Sign and send" button
  5. A confirmation letter will be sent to the e-mail that was indicated in the application, you need to follow the link in it and enter your username and password. An application for adding an electronic signature is approved within an hour after confirmation of the mail.

2 way

  1. Enter the personal account of the ETP using your login and password or a valid certificate that allows you to enter. If you do not remember your username and password, use the "Password recovery" or "Remind password" button on the login page. If you do not remember the data for recovery, then use the instructions on the site.
  2. In the "My Account" section, click on the "Change electronic signature" button.
  3. Select a new electronic signature and click the "Sign and send" button.
  4. On the new page, check the box "I confirm the change of roles" and click the "Sign and send" button.

Check the settings of your personal computer for compliance with the system requirements of the electronic platform:

1. Processor frequency: 1 GHz.

2. The amount of RAM: 1 GB.

3. Free disk space: 1 GB.

4. Screen resolution: 1024x860 (vertical screen resolution must be at least 860).

6. Internet connection speed: 64 kbps and above.

7. Tools for creating documents: MS Office, WordPad.

8. Means of compression (packing) of files: RAR, ZIP, WINZIP.

9. CIPF tool: CryptoPro CSP version 3.6.6497.

2. Software setting

To work on the site, it is necessary to correctly configure the software (hereinafter referred to as the software)*.

* All of the following software works with Windows OS starting from XP sp3 and higher (server OS is not supported).

All software installation actions must be performed with Administrator rights.

Before starting work, you must:

1. Download and run the Program to set up the correct operation on the ETP, make sure that the program is installed in the user's directory.

2. Make sure that .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is installed (Download .Net Framework 3.5 SP1).*

3. Install the root certificates of the RTS-tender platform and the certification center that issued the electronic signature.

*Installation is not required if using the Windows 7 operating system.

While working with the electronic platform (hereinafter referred to as the ES), it is recommended to suspend the operation of anti-virus programs and firewalls (FireWall), disable security software.

3. Browser settings

Browser version: Internet Explorer 8.0 and higher*.

To view the current version of the browser, you need to launch it, select the "Help" - "About" tab in the menu.

To work correctly on the site, you must disable all non-standard browser add-ons:

1. Open an Internet Explorer window.

2. Select the tab "Tools" > "Manage add-ons" or "Add-ons"*.

3. Select add-ons related to Google, Mail, Rambler, Skype, Yandex, Yahoo, QIP, etc. and disable them.

4. Reload the browser.

*Depending on the version of Internet Explorer.

4. The order of participation in the auction

1. Make sure you have a stable Internet connection with the ES server.

2. By the time the auction starts, go to the "My Trades" section.

3. Find the desired auction by the notification number using the search filters.

4. Enter the auction room by opening the notice with a left click.

5. In the window that opens, click the "Price offer" button.

6. Set the desired value of the “Page Refresh” parameter (page refresh can also be done manually - the “F5” button on the keyboard or the “ ” button).

7. Enter a price quote. For the convenience of submitting a bid, a "slider" is provided in the range of the auction step, located under the "Price offer" field. When the arrow is pressed, the price offer is adjusted in the corresponding direction, the minimum price change when moving the "slider" = 0.005%.

8. After selecting the required quote, click the "Submit Quote" button.

9. Pay attention to the value "Time until the end of the auction." If this setting is no longer updated automatically, make sure you are connected to the Internet.

10. If there are any problems when submitting quotations, restart your browser and repeat the process of connecting to the ES server.

Important information!

Page not updating during auction

If the automatic page refresh does not work during the auction, you must:

1. In the "Delete Browsing History" window, click the "Delete" button.

2. Disable Compatibility View in Internet Explorer (Tools > Compatibility View).

3. Check the relevance of plugins using the following link https://www.mozilla.org/en/plugincheck/. If the plugins are not up to date, they need to be updated.

If the previous steps have been completed but the page hasn't refreshed, you need to clear the SSL. For this:

3. Open the "Contents" tab.

4. Click the "Clear SSL" button.

If you completed the previous steps but the page didn't refresh, you need to clear your cookies. For this:

1. On the panel of the Internet Explorer browser, click the "Tools" button.

2. Go to the "Internet Options" section.

3. Open the General tab.

4. In the "Browsing history" section, click the "Delete" button.

Unable to submit a quotation

It is possible that an old version of Adobe Flash Player software and outdated versions of plug-ins are installed on the personal computer.


1. Update Adobe Flash Player.

2. Check the relevance of plugins using the link https://www.mozilla.org/en/plugincheck/. If the plugins are not up to date, they need to be updated.

If the steps you have taken do not allow you to start working in the normal mode, contact the RTS-tender technical support service by phone:

One of the most common platforms where Customers conduct bidding is the RTS tender. How to work on the RTS site, see examples from your personal account.


Before registering for the RTS tender, the electronic trading platform will require you to perform certain actions.

1. EDS. To work on the ETP RTS tender, the Customer must obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature from the Authorized Certification Center of the Federal Treasury. Such an EDS must be prepared by everyone who will have the right to act on behalf of the Customer.

2. Software. It is necessary to install the Crypto Pro program, a root certificate and an electronic signature. All this is intended to authorize and ensure the legal validity and confidentiality of electronic documents. The instructions posted on the RTS website will help you install the software. As a last resort, you can always call technical support.

When these steps are completed, you will be able to enter your personal account, provided that you are registered as a Customer in the EIS.


The trading platform RTS-tender consists of two parts: open and closed. The public part contains information that is available to any user. In order to see it, you just need to enter the ETP website. We will not dwell on it.

The closed part of the ETP - a personal account - becomes available to the Customer immediately after registration in the EIS. This happens automatically.

The Customer can enter the Personal Account either by means of an EDS, or by login and password. But you need to understand that when logging in with a login and password, the Customer will not be able to post or send the generated documents.

Personal Area

What can the Customer do in his personal account?

  • View your registration data;
  • View notifications from the ETP Operator and correspond with other parties to the procurement;
  • Deal with requests for clarification of documentation;
  • Work with electronic procedures;
  • Work with ETP protocol templates and your own templates;
  • Work with commissions;
  • Monitor the course of trading in real time;
  • Check the counterparty;
  • View statistics on procedures and generate reports;
  • Manage events with the built-in calendar.

The main sections of the LC can be seen in the following figure.

How to work on the RTS-tender electronic platform

The first section is procurement. The RTS-tender, as an electronic trading platform, of course, builds all its work around the purchases of Customers. Therefore, “purchases” is the main section that will open by default each time the Customer enters his personal account.

This section displays all the procedures that the Customer has placed at the moment. The view of this section can be adjusted to either a table view or a card view.

Here you can see all the basic information on purchases. In the first column there will be a triangle, the task of which is to remind you to perform some action. The penultimate column is the navigation column. It serves to quickly jump to the main information that is currently available: protocols, trades, contracts, history.

The display of information can be customized, and the list can be sorted according to different criteria.

Also in the "Purchases" section, the ability to add purchases to favorites is implemented. This functionality allows you to quickly search for purchases that are currently relevant for the Customer. To go to your favorite purchases, you need to click on the "star" in the menu ribbon.

The "Trading Sessions" section displays the trades expected today and those that have already begun.

The "Requests" section is divided into subsections - "For clarification of documentation" and "For clarification of results", in each of which the corresponding requests will be displayed.

The "Calendar" section displays all procurement events and an indication of the need to perform a specific action.

Events in the calendar are highlighted in different colors:

  • green - the validity period has begun;
  • yellow - less than a day until the end of the term;
  • red - expired.

The "Notifications" section displays all notifications that are sent by the Site Operator when the Customer performs actions.

Section "About the counterparty": when you go to the section "About the counterparty", the page "Service for providing information about the counterparty" opens.

This is an interesting feature of RTS tender. The electronic trading platform for the TIN of the counterparty allows you to compile a report about it. The report will include:

  • company registration data;
  • legal and financial status of the organization;
  • list of owners and shares of participation;
  • information about involvement in extremist activity or terrorism;
  • data on bankruptcy and the presence of management disqualifications;
  • list of existing litigation and enforcement proceedings;
  • statistics of the company's participation in state and/or municipal contracts;
  • information about belonging to the RNP;
  • other data.

The Calculate NMC section - the NMC justification service was developed to assist Customers, authorized bodies, authorized institutions in determining and justifying the NMCC when making purchases in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ.

Well, and one more section "My organization". It can be accessed by clicking on the name of the organization in the upper right corner. The page that opens displays information about the organization and options for the Customer's Personal Account.

You need to understand that the RTS tender is an electronic trading platform. Sberbank-AST, GPB and others are all ETPs. And according to the rules of Law No. 44-FZ, accreditation for them occurs through the UIS. Therefore, all the specified information about the organization is integrated into all ETPs from the EIS. ETP is not able to double-check them.

An interesting tool in the "My Organization" section is located in the "Protocol Templates" tab. The customer can create and add his own protocol templates to the system. They can then be used in the formation of the corresponding protocol. By default, “own” templates are loaded in the system - “system” ones. These templates are developed by the platform and cannot be edited or deleted. You can replace them with your own.

There are also instructions for working with templates. Moreover, protocol templates can be prepared for the Customer and RTS-tender specialists. To do this, an appropriate request should be sent to the ETP email address, which should contain information about the fields that should be included in the template.

In the same section there is a subsection "Register of commissions". It contains all information about the commissions of the Customer. This information will be used when publishing protocols.

Information about commissions comes from the EIS. In the event that for some reason information about the commission was not integrated with the EIS, the possibility of creating a commission was implemented on the RTS-tender site.

Each of the sections contains functions for editing and customization, as well as filters for finding the necessary information and displaying it.

Yulia Romanova, Head of the Department for Work with Customers, EP "RTS-tender"

Julia tells how to work on the site to customers and participants, using the example of an electronic competition. Customers will see how to create a notice, review and evaluate the first and second parts of applications, and summarize the results of the purchase. Participants will learn how to send requests for clarification of the provisions of the documentation, submit an application and final proposals.

Trading platform

As already noted, the main function of any trading platform is to implement the Customer's auctions.

After the publication of the procedure in the EIS, the information is automatically sent to the ETP chosen by the Customer. In the personal account the Customer can see it.

After the deadline for submitting applications - for each procedure according to its own algorithm - the operator sends applications to the Customer. The customer reviews them and forms a protocol.

The protocols section can be accessed from the "Purchases" section by clicking on the link "Consider applications" in the first column or the link of the relevant protocol in the last navigation column.

Contract cards are formed in a similar way.

The convenience of the RTS-tender is that everything in it is convenient and intuitive.

Is it possible to conduct purchases under both Law No. 44-FZ and Law No. 223-FZ? RTS-Tender is an electronic trading platform and, of course, allows you to do this. But here you need to understand that the Customer's LC is different according to different laws.

It is also possible to carry out individual "specific" purchases through the RTS tender. The electronic trading platform allows you to make small purchases, purchases under RF PP No. 615, purchases for Russian Railways. Moreover, an electronic store of purchases of a small volume can be formed both for an individual entity and for an individual Customer (for example, for Tomsk State University or Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering).

In the article, we briefly described the general principles of how to work on the RTS tender site. In any case, even if work on the ETP raises some questions, for example: “How to register for an RTS tender,” the electronic trading platform contains an exhaustive list of all the necessary instructions.

Attached files

  • Instructions for the participant according to 44-FZ.zip
  • Instructions for the customer according to 44-FZ.zip
  • Participant's instructions for 223-FZ.zip
  • Instructions for customers on 223-FZ.zip

As a supplier, you will need an EDS for bidding, a set of documents, as well as setting up a computer and browser to work on the site.

The RTS-tender considers the application for accreditation as a supplier. In case of a positive decision, the site includes a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual in the register of suppliers and opens access to participate in electronic trading.

Terms of accreditation at the RTS-tender site

As in other federal venues, accreditation for the RTS tender must be completed within 5 working days. In case of failure of the site, you need to re-fill the forms and submit documents. The number of attempts is not limited.

The deadline for consideration of documents is reset each time. The accreditation period for the RTS tender is 3 years. If a refusal is received, its reasons are indicated with reference to the violated norm 44-FZ or the rules of the site.

In practice, the supplier spends an average of 2 weeks for accreditation.

Accelerated accreditation for the RTS tender

If less than 5 working days remain before the auction, then accelerated accreditation for the RTS tender will be required.

Urgent accreditation for the RTS tender takes from 1 hour to 1 day. It will not be possible to pass it on its own or get it through the platform. Here you need the help of a professional company.

Accelerated accreditation for the RTS tender is carried out according to a special procedure, including a preliminary check of documents, so there is no risk of site failure. The service is provided remotely throughout Russia.

Guaranteed accreditation for the RTS tender paves the way for participation and victory in the auction.

Documents for accreditation for the RTS tender

The list of documents for registration for the RTS tender is the same as for 5 other sites, because established by law in 44-FZ. However, the requirements for files vary from site to site.

Required documents

  • Extract from the register of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs not older than 6 months (all pages). It is allowed to use electronic extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP, but only certified by an enhanced qualified EDS of the tax authority
  • Charter of the organization or passport for individual entrepreneurs and individuals (all pages)
  • Documents confirming the authority to accredit the EDS owner on behalf of the procurement participant (decision, order, power of attorney)
  • Documents confirming the authority to act on behalf of the procurement participant on the electronic trading platform (similar to the previous paragraph)
  • The decision of the company to approve a major transaction (only for legal entities) indicating the maximum amount of the transaction

Document file requirements

  • The maximum file size is 5 MB.
  • Resolution of at least 75-100 dpi, set in the settings of the scanning device or graphics program
  • It is recommended to put the scanned pages of the document into one Word file
  • Valid file formats
    • Document formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .xps
    • Graphic files: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png
    • Archive formats: .rar, .zip
  • The number of files to upload is unlimited

Be extremely attentive to the design, scanning, attaching and signing of EDS documents. Most suppliers do not pass accreditation on the site the first time.

Any mistake will result in a refusal, loss of time and a new countdown. Documents must be signed and stamped, arranged in a consistent order, properly oriented and legible. .

If you attach pages upside down with dark stripes from the printer and blurry letters from the scanner, the result will be appropriate and well deserved.

After sending the application, its editing is not allowed until it is considered by the electronic platform. Don't forget to verify your email addresses.

Instructions for accreditation for the RTS tender

On the main page of the RTS-tender website, select the 44-FZ item in the menu, the Participants section, then Accreditation.

The registration page will open, listing the technical requirements. Click the link to launch Computer Setup. Registration for the RTS tender is required not through popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox or Opera, but through Internet Explorer not earlier than version 11.

Carefully fill in all the fields of the questionnaire, come up with a username, password and code word. We recommend that you specify 2 different email addresses for notifications from the site and for inclusion in the register of suppliers. Registered e-mail is public, it may receive unwanted messages in the future.

After sending the application, confirm the email address in the letter from the site by clicking the link. It remains to be patient and wait 5 days until the RTS-tender considers the documents and an example of a decision on admitting or refusing to accredit the company.

In order not to risk and accurately obtain accreditation for the RTS tender, contact the specialists.

Site sections ETP RTS-Tender

On the RTS-tender website, there are several closed sections available only after logging in:

My organization- this section allows you to edit the company's data and make changes in a timely manner (if any) to provide up-to-date information (in case of data changes after accreditation).

My applications- in this section, the user can submit and withdraw applications, as well as this section provides access to information on already submitted applications.

My trades- this section has the functionality of submitting applications in the process of participating in the auction.

My contracts- in this section, you can perform actions with contracts: receive contracts, as well as sign them.

My score- this section contains information about the participant's account, which allows you to track the transfer of funds to secure applications.

Feedback - this section provides communication with the site operator;

There are also a number of sections available without logging in:

EDS- this section contains a list of CAs whose certificates are accepted at the RTS-Tender.

Auction Search- provides the ability to search for notices of auctions.

Member Credits- in this section you can view information about the possibility of obtaining loans to secure the application.

Instructions- instructions for working on the RTS-tender

Software- here you can download the RTS-Tender client program, through which you can also submit an application.

Editing organization details

In order to make changes to the information about your organization, you need to go to the "My Organization" section using the EDS certificate. In the editing mode, all fields will be available for editing except for the TIN, it is also possible to attach documents and add new users.

Adding new documents

In accordance with the law, the participant is obliged to independently maintain the relevance of the information specified during accreditation, respectively, in case of changes in such documents, the participant is obliged to exclude invalid documents and upload new ones. To exclude unnecessary documents, go to the "document history" section and click the "Mark inactive" button next to the one you need.

In order to add a new document, you need to go to the "Changes" section, specify the document type, select the document using the "Browse" button and click "Add Document", after which you need to save the changes and send the document to the operator.

Organization users

Organization users can be viewed in the Authorized Users Registry section. In this section, you can revoke and restore user powers of attorney and add new ones. When registering a new user, you must specify his authority, as well as his EDS. You can also register a new user without a digital signature, but in this case, this user will not be able to perform legally significant actions. Applications for registration of a new user are displayed in the section "Application for registration of users".

Account Management

Section "My Account" is used to view information about the status of a virtual account. Here you can view the availability of the organization's funds to support applications. This section also contains information about various documents (applications for returns, invoices and reconciliation reports). This section has the functions of replenishment and withdrawal of funds, by creating a request (buttons "Create an account replenishment form", "Create a withdrawal request"), you can view these requests in the "Documents" section. You can view more detailed information on payments in the "Transactions" section.


To search for auctions, there is a section "Search for auctions", this section is available both after logging in to the system and before that, but the functions are limited, if you have not logged in to the system by digital signature, then the functions of submitting applications and requests will not be available to you clarification.

Auctions are divided into several categories depending on what stage it is currently at. You can submit bids only for those auctions that are in the "Planned" tab and if the deadline for submitting bids has not expired. For detailed information on an auction, double-click on it with the mouse.

Request for clarification of documents

If you do not quite understand or cannot understand the provisions of the documentation of any auction, then you can use another function of the RTS platform - “Request for clarification”. This function is also available in the "Search for tenders" section, for this you need to open the auction you are interested in and click the "Request for clarification" button, fill in the appropriate fields, attach the document file and send the request by clicking the "Submit" button, in the same way you can send request and clarification of the results of the auction.

After that, the system will display a message about sending the request:

Filing an application

To apply for an auction, you need to enter the "My Applications" section using an electronic digital signature and click "Apply", then find the lot you are interested in, go to it and click "Apply". Next, you need to fill in all the fields and attach the necessary documents (required by the auction documentation). If the product you offer is different, but at the same time is an analogue of the one required in this lot, you must fill in the equivalence parameters, attach documents confirming the equivalence and indicate the brand of the product. When submitting an application for an auction, the virtual account is checked for sufficient funds to ensure this application, if there are not enough funds, the system will automatically reject such an application. The submitted application can be withdrawn at any time (before the end of the auction period). Information about your applications, as well as about past auctions, can be viewed by clicking on the "Information about auctions" button.

Saved but not sent applications, as well as rejected applications have the status "Formation", such applications can be edited, documents attached to them, and then you can submit such an application by clicking "Sign and send".

Note: A rejected application, or a saved one, can be resubmitted only after editing; when submitting an unedited application, the system will generate an error.

It is possible to withdraw an application if it does not have the status of “Auction in progress” and if it does not take one of the first three places, while the funds that are the collateral for the withdrawn application are automatically unblocked.

Section "My trades"

The "My auctions" section contains information on all auctions for which applications were submitted, as well as on the results of consideration of the first parts. Information about such auctions in this section appears automatically, at the time of the start of online trading. In order to enter the auction room, you must double-click on the desired auction.

This section displays the following information:

Current contract price

Last price offer submitted by you

The best offer so far

Total number of quotes

The total time of the auction, as well as the time it ends.

The numbers of participants in this auction, the offers submitted by them, as well as the time when such an offer was submitted.

The proposal is submitted through the appropriate window and the button "Submit proposal" is pressed. In order for the new information to be displayed in your browser, you need to refresh the page. Here you can also view the statistics of price proposals submitted by other participants.

Contract signing

Information about contracts can be found in the "My contracts" section. This section contains all draft contracts of the participant (signed contracts, contracts in the process of signing, as well as those contracts that were refused for one reason or another). Detailed information can be viewed by opening the contract you are interested in, there you can also sign a contract, or draw up a protocol of disagreements. When creating a protocol of disagreements, you must specify the reason for the rejection and attach the document file.


The "Feedback" section contains information about all notifications of the operator, as well as automatic messages from a participant in the RTS system.

EDS replacement and user registration

An electronic digital signature can be registered on the RTS ETP in two ways.

The first way is when you changed the EDS to a new one and you need to register (replace) it, while the user remains the same.

Note: In order to enter your personal account, you will need the login and password from the previous certificate.

The second way - when you want to register a new user and, accordingly, a new EDS, for this you need to send a request to add a new user.

Replacement of digital signature

The first step to replace the EDS is to export it from the browser Explorer, for this, in the browser, go to the tabs "Service" - "Internet Options" - "Contents" and click "Certificates", then select the desired certificate and click "Export". Next, select a location to save the certificate, you can specify an arbitrary name for the certificate, and click "save"

Step 2: Assign a certificate to an organization user

The second step is to assign a certificate, for this you need to log in using the login and password from the previous EDS. Next, you need to go to the "Registry of authorized users of the participant" section and click "Edit", in the window that appears, select the "Certificate" section and through "Browse" specify the path to the new certificate and click "Open" - "Set certificate". Now your certificate has been successfully replaced and you can log in with an EDS certificate.

New User Registration.

In order to register a new user, go to the "Suppliers" - "Registration" section and click "Submit a request to add a new organization user". Next, you need to select a certificate and click "Submit", specify the type of registration and click "Continue". Next, in the registration window that appears, you must fill in all the fields, attach a document confirming the authority (on appointment to a position, or a power of attorney to carry out actions from your organization) and click "Sign and send". Done - application submitted.

Important: After you have sent a request to add a new user, you need to write an e-mail with a request to add a user indicating his TIN and full name, or call tel: 8 -800-500-7-500