ONETRAK is the first Russian fitness bracelet. ONETRAK - the first Russian fitness bracelet One track watch

  • 27.08.2020

I became interested in trackers a few months ago, but there are a great many of them, which I did not manage to study right away and put this idea aside. Each model had its pluses and minuses, prices from 1000r to 50.000. The spread is, of course, very serious.

Almost 3 years ago, when I got a samsung s4, I became interested in keeping some statistics. Especially the steps that my phone just counts, it's lazy to score calories, that's why I monitored the simplest thing - steps, I received awards from the application.

What is the difference between a phone and bracelets?

It would seem, with such a phone, why do you need a bracelet? You always want more ... heart rate sensors, heart rate sensors, and in general, the more, the more interesting it is))) Now measures steps, then running, bicycle! Moreover, he himself recognizes the activity, he remembers himself and in the evening you can enjoy your results! You can go to bed at night, and in the morning he will show you how you slept, and even gently wake up with vibration))) I have been using an alarm clock with vibro on my phone for many years, without sound! It is very convenient, not abrupt, smooth. I hate jumping up abruptly (((

So there are no other sensors in the phone, the phone is not always with me when I do fitness or on the simulator, you don’t know where to put your phone at all! But bracelets solve this very well!

About the tracker

This tracker was presented to me by my spouse who got it on the occasion. There was not much choice there, after a cursory glance I took this very simple model, which I did right as it turned out, but more on that below.

Here is a box that was completely sealed from all sides. When I pulled it out from the phone, I used the code, I expected a link to the program to open, but alas, I got to the main site onetrak. Advertising, comparison, etc. models, where is the application ??? I did not find it, I had to search the old way through Google play. I didn't like this moment.

Description and characteristics where you can see what he considers CALORIES! In fact, it turns out to be a hoax, it is this bracelet that does not allow you to track calories in the application. The bracelet is worth 2000r, but the banal calories that can be counted in any free application do not count! I saw bracelets for 1200r and then they consider it, but here is nonsense! Below you will understand why ...

The strap on the back of the hand, does not sit tightly, very quickly leaves such stripes, which for the first hours also itched ((I got used to it for 3 days, and still something gets in the way, clings, you can't attach your hand at night.

This bulging capsule is 2 cm in height, when dressing it clings, you put your hand in a dream, it is not convenient, you cannot stuff it under the pillow.

The strap is long, although there are sizes 24 it is like in the photo and 19 cm, but buy separately, the price is ridiculous 200-400r, but they are not sold everywhere, in the same sportsmaster they are not there, going for it somewhere is far from an option, with delivery - pay even as for 3 straps - also past (((The only option is to cut off the excess! But I decided to leave it as it is. As a result, it sits clumsily on the hand where the capsule is ((On the last fastener I have 2! fingers free on the sides from the top, but I wear one stepping back, so that I would not press the bottom too much, otherwise there are holes on the sides for 3 fingers, and the lower belt presses on my hand.Especially when you wash your hands and do it up, I don’t urinate. the bracelet was under the capsule, there is no point in diluting phlegm there.

This is how the capsule is removed from the bracelet. She sits there clearly, never fell out of there, this is a plus! It is also easy to insert, the soft material of the strap is silicone according to the manufacturer.

The capsule is on the back side, I will note the release date of 2014! Bought at the end of 2016! On the box there is generally the number of the 2015 release! Brrr, muddied up!

On the one hand, the contacts for charging are made of metal, they are yellow.

This is how the charging, yusb was included, costs about 400r separately and is on sale in the same place as the straps ...

Inner side. It was completely discharged from the box, it was charging for about 3 hours, it was enough for exactly 6 days. 1 day with a vibra reminder to drink water (5 times in general reminded), turned off for unnecessary. I used a smart alarm clock every day, vibration on my hand at a specified time via a smartphone, you can put it into sleep mode through the application, or through the capsule itself. Every day I connected it to reset statistics to the phone via bluetooth.

This is the graph we see on the bracelet in the morning, the phone still has hour intervals in an hour and dashes. Perhaps this is precisely this and the alarm clock with vibra for me, the most interesting and useful thing turned out to be in it, pleased me. By the way, in 6 days I woke up as it should at the time indicated by me, although, just in case, I also set the usual control alarm clock on my phone, in case of a bug. Yes, the application indicates blue sleep, light, activity and percentage of sleep, that is, apparently how much good sleep was. But I can't call him smart, he wakes up at the time I indicated, and not in a phase that is more favorable.

Date, time, percentage of charge, and when connected to the phone, there is also a bluetooth icon. It is convenient to display information by tapping the capsule with your palm. To view other values ​​in a circle, press again, if there was no pressing, after 5 seconds the screen turns off and again in a circle ... If you do not hold much, a crib will appear with an arrow sign and a person - like sleep? Press and sleep mode turns on. The reverse is exactly the same. You can also click on the econka in the application and he himself will go to sleep. If this is not done, the dream itself will not determine and will continue to count the steps.

Pedometer. In his opinion, for brushing my teeth, I go through another +300 minimum steps. It happens that I actually walked 10 meters, but he did not count on the results. In the car, in the passenger seat, I did not count the steps, I checked.

Shows how many calories burned, depending on steps.

How many kilometers traveled, again counts from the steps.

Shows a certain time of activity, I did not really understand this parameter.

Shows how many goals have been achieved in steps, you can set in the application.

Everything, nothing else shows, in the attachment to this version only weight, height, goals. You can add the water you have drunk. There are calories, but the icon is not active, writes that for this version of the bracelet is not available ... In general, to be honest, everything is very poor! You can see BMI on the website in the lynom's office.

Of the glitches, I watched the loss of steps once a day, although I connect to the application every day, but he should keep the information for 7 days as promised. And the dream was short on January 3 at 23: 00-23: 30, so for some reason I wrote it down on the 4th ...

What are the differences between the models?

The models are life 01 (mine), life 05, life, sport. The cheapest costs from 2000tr, the sport now costs 4500, although earlier it cost 7500 and more! Until now, at the time of this writing, the Yandex market shows online stores where you can buy sports for 7500t.

But the saddest thing is that all these models have the same capsules! And the buns are only for the calories that I can count in the free application (there are a lot of them) and not only them, in general, everything that has been there for a long time and is available to everyone! Statistics are really stored without being connected in sports for up to 30 days. Compare the differences on their website and see for yourself. I hoped that the differences were significant and was upset at the beginning that they did not take a better model, and now I am very glad! Somehow, to put it mildly, it is not beautiful to sell the same thing with different prices. Our office is Russian, so why be surprised ... alas.

They have support, or rather visibility. All open access questions that they don't like are simply deleted! It is not very pleasant and low on their part!

And this is a screen in your personal account, you can buy the light version 01 and buy the application before upgrading, even to sports! After all, the capsules are all the same anyway.

I RECOMMEND ... or not ... I cannot answer this question, I wrote everything as it really is, I will leave the right to choose for you. I would choose if I myself, knowing everything that I wrote here, most likely would not have bought it. I plan as a temporary option for now, an alarm clock. I was able to understand what I needed from such a device, what it might not be convenient, what to look for. I have studied all 25 pages of devices on the Yandex market and I can safely say that for 2000tr there is something to take! There are models even with a heart rate monitor for that kind of money, they all count! calories, etc. With this model, in order to throw off the data through the bluetooth, it is sometimes necessary to open and close the application and the bluetooth itself every 6 times. You can get updates through it, which I did the first thing, everything went surprisingly well.

I also note the design - for children. They reminded me of my first watch, which they bought for me at the age of 7 to know the time while at school, but they were even more stylish than these, a set of straps of different colors, and of course more compact. In general, not stylish, at all ... Especially for women.

Happy choice everyone!

Now you can't do without smart gadgets. And this is the ONETRAK Sport smart bracelet. How to make the right choice and get the desired functions from the bracelet? Let's take a closer look at all the features of this bracelet. But initially we will study a kit that can please even the most scrupulous clients.

The basic equipment of the ONETRAK Sport smart bracelet consists of a core device, a hypoallergenic silicone strap (white) with a buckle and a USB charger.

The clasp of the bracelet is double metal, which makes it possible to better fix the bracelet itself. The bracelet does not stretch, does not get dirty, does not leave marks on the skin. The device is shock and moisture resistant.

The charger is very convenient, as it is made in the form of a flash drive, which can be charged even from a laptop. Charging time is about 2 hours. Without recharging, it can work up to 7-8 days.

The ONETRAK smart bracelet is equipped with a touchscreen display that shows basic information about your activity.

How to sync?

To start working with the bracelet, you need to synchronize it with your account on your smartphone or laptop by creating your profile. The application is free, in Russian. More information about your personal account and registration at the link

After registration, fill in all the fields. This is necessary in order to display data on the bracelet screen, and so that the memory of our goals remains for a long time.

After downloading the program to your phone and synchronizing it with your fitness bracelet, you can begin to get acquainted with all the possible functions. The program is available in the Android Market and AppStore. The application has the following features:

· Biometric readings of the body (weight, height, age);

• sleep phases;

· Counting steps and distance covered;

· Calculation of consumed and burned calories;

· Smart alarm clock;

· Goals and norms;

· Statistics;

· Water consumption.

Let's take a closer look at all the functions.

Counting steps.

It's no secret that walking marathons are more popular now. This sport is great for cardio. Moreover, walking about 2-3 kilometers a day, we also develop all muscle groups in the legs, which is very convenient if there is no way to work out in the gym.

You just need to set a goal for the number of steps per day and monitor its implementation. Here the ONENRAK Sport fitness bracelet will help us very well. On his display, you can display the number of steps traveled and mileage, the percentage of completion of the task. Goal setting for many will be the incentive to achieve it, rather than sitting on the couch.

Nutrition. Count calories.

To be in good shape you need to eat a healthy diet. In this application, you can easily calculate the number of calories per day.

So that the fitness bracelet can calculate the required calorie balance for the day, it takes information from these cafes and restaurants in Russia. You just need to choose a product from a huge database and write down the number of grams eaten. The developers spent a lot of time to put everything together.

Calculating the need or excess food, you can see how much you will need to actively engage in walking (sports) in order to burn the calories eaten.

If you do not eat in restaurants, cafes, then here we select individual products in the application. There is a breakdown for different stores. Therefore, you can definitely count all the calories you ate.

The ONETRAK app has a database of 16 million dishes and products, which shows the calorie content of each product and how many nutrients it contains.

At first, it may seem that this is difficult, since it is not yet clear in which section the required product is located. But when you get to grips with the app, you can quickly and easily record what you ate and how much. There is a very convenient product search.

Calories are calculated based on your body mass index. You specified your parameters when you created your profile. Everything here is recorded in the food diary, which is divided into breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner.

After choosing a dish, a detailed calculation appears not only of calories, but also a detailed amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. This will help you control your diet more closely. I have not seen this in any smart fitness bracelet.

Water balance.

Everyone knows that we need to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. Precisely water. Tea and coffee are not included in this case.

By calculating the balance of water, we can improve the metabolism in our body and establish its correct work.

Getting the most out of your food and exercise requires good sleep. But for each person, the sleep time is different. In the application, you can see how well you slept and set a smart alarm clock that will not annoy you with another loud melody. The smart alarm clock selects the optimal wake-up time based on the sleep phase analysis. You can also analyze the amount and quality of sleep per week or month. Draw conclusions and somewhere to adjust your daily routine to improve sleep.

Setting goals inONETRAK?

To begin to actively engage in physical activity or eat right, you need to set a goal for yourself and gradually move towards it. Then track the percentage of completion by setting tasks for a short period of time.

Agree, it's very convenient. This will not give you the opportunity to stop exercising or get lost on the correct diet. You will be able to count, watch and analyze everything, starting from the first day.


This function allows you to see in percentage or on a diagram how effectively you are maintaining your daily routine, whether you are moving away from your goal.

Also, here you can collect complete statistics on all activity indicators for the month in the context of days. You can analyze what you need more. And you can adjust your daily routine in the right direction to stick to your goals.

Fitness bracelet for athletes or amateurs.

The Russian national badminton team used ONETRAK Sport. This type of bracelet is also suitable for sports fans who cannot live without active movement. It is also needed by tourists, "extremists".


Having such a useful device, we will be able to track our activity around the clock, track the number of kilometers traveled per day, calculate the benefits of our diet for our body, increase or decrease the load during training.

We will also be able to understand how healthy we sleep or how well we will wake up from a smart alarm clock.

Since the gadget tends not to get wet, having visited the bathroom or shower, you will forget about bad emotions in comparison with other devices.

ONETRAK is very useful for those who are involved in active sports or looking after their own health. It's easy to use. In literally 15-20 minutes, you can fully understand all the sections. You will not get confused as the interface is very competently created. You can monitor the activity of your body not only during the day, when we are active, but also at night.

Choosing ONETRAK Sport for ourselves, we get a smart gadget at a reasonable price.

Since we have touched on the topic of smart gadgets and wearable devices, fitness bracelets cannot be ignored. This direction is now actively developing, the market is fiercely competitive, and there are indeed a lot of interesting offers. But how not to be mistaken when choosing a fitness bracelet and not be disappointed in the purchase? We have prepared a series of reviews and will start with ONETRAK Sport. Its announcement took place at the beginning of this year, sales have already started. By the way, this is a Russian development, it is fully adapted to our realities. At the time of testing, its average cost, according to the Yandex.Market service, was 7,500 rubles.

It should be noted right away that there are two versions of this bracelet: Life and Sport. There are not many differences here, but among those that exist, these are functionality and filling. ONETRAK Sport is the oldest model in the line, it provides maximum possibilities. According to the official website, this bracelet has been extensively tested by professional athletes, from athletes to coaches. Nevertheless, it will also be interesting for ordinary users, who think a little about their health.

Video review ONETRAK Sport


ONETRAK Sport comes in a compact package with high-quality printing. On one of the facets, attention is focused on the homeland of this bracelet - "Made in Russia". It is worth paying attention to compatibility with mobile devices: iOS 7+ and Android 4.3+. Detailed specifications are shown on the reverse side.

Inside, the bracelet is fixed in a plastic blister, which protects it from damage during transportation. The package includes a silicone bracelet, main unit, charger, and detailed instructions. The gadget comes with a 3-year warranty.


Charging ONETRAK Sport is implemented in the form of a compact flash drive with the ability to connect to any USB connector. For charging, the installation of the main module is required; later, during charging, an indication is displayed on the display. The full cycle takes about 2 hours.

The connection to the docking station is carried out through the contact group on the side face. When worn, this area is inside the silicone bracelet.

The bracelet itself is made of white silicone. On the hand, it looks neat, quite soft and comfortable. No discomfort with constant wear. The light weight also contributes here, a total of 23 grams.

The position is fixed using two metal legs. During the entire testing period, there were no cases of spontaneous stretching.

The main filling is assembled in a removable unit, the front of which is almost entirely occupied by a 0.91-inch OLED display.

Interaction with the screen is realized using touch control, but the sensitivity area is limited to only one of the corners. From experience, it is more convenient to control the position of the index finger of the other hand along the screen.

The screen displays information on date, steps, calories, distance, time and other data. Switching is done by tapping.

ONETRAK Sport is protected from water, dust, dirt and accidental drops. In the event of damage within the warranty period, a free replacement is promised.

In general, the fitness bracelet makes a good impression, both in terms of appearance and quality of workmanship.


Despite the fact that the internal memory of the device stores information for 30 days of operation, for full operation, you will need to download the application to your smartphone. In our case, we checked the work with the Google Android operating system.

When you first launch the application, you are prompted to create an account, in the future your data will be stored in it, if you change your smartphone, they will not be lost. After authorization, you need to enter data by name, weight, height and general activity.

It remains only to carry out the first synchronization, it is not difficult, you just need to turn ONETRAK Sport on with a long click. The choice of the bracelet is confirmed by vibration. In the future, the application remembers the connection and activates it every time it starts. Data uploading should be carried out at least once a month; when connecting, data collection takes place in the time interval from the last connection.

Russian origin is a guarantee of full localization, all interface elements have been translated. This, by the way, is a big problem for many solutions currently available on the market.

The main information collected by the bracelet itself is activity. The steps and phases of sleep are counted. The user enters some of the data on his own, so you need to independently control the calories consumed. But there is help here in the form of a selection of popular dishes offered in our restaurants.

The main screen is divided into several zones, they display information on activity for the current day. Number of steps taken, duration of sleep, distance in kilometers, calories burned. Of interest is the general balance at the end of the day, it is worth starting from these data when correcting your activity and nutrition. All past days are stored in the application's memory, switching with a side swipe.

When you click on each of the zones, detailed statistics are displayed in the form of graphs. Here the changes are analyzed by weeks and months. It is very convenient and understandable.

Calories are entered using the food selection menu, it takes time to get used to the location of the desired items. There is data from Burker King, Shokoladnitsa, McDonald's and others.

Everything that has been eaten should ideally be burned. But it is quite possible to use it without taking into account calories, collecting data only on activity.

You need to charge ONETRAK Sport once a week, taking into account the presence of a built-in screen, an excellent result.

Results for ONETRAK Sport

ONETRAK Sport is an example of a perfectly realized fitness bracelet. Russian developers have managed to create a product that can compete with eminent brands. This gadget will be interesting for those who are not indifferent to the state of their health, as well as athletes and fitness lovers. A well-developed application for processing the received data is proposed. The pluses include: accurate accounting of activity, long battery life, protection from moisture and dust, informative display, light weight and no problems with spontaneous opening of the strap.

ONETRAK Sport receives the well-deserved award "Gold ..

Comments and opinions on ONETRAK Sport

2015-10-20 08:56:34 Guest:

2015-09-11 08:39:37 Veronika Talova:

2015-09-10 12:01:22 Guest:

2015-09-09 23:58:40 Guest:

Acer has released the Predator XN3 monitor. ...

Probably everyone has heard about fitness bracelets, and many have already tried more than one version of these useful gadgets. If you have not yet appreciated the motivating power of these simple and convenient gadgets, it's time to do it: the first similar gadget from Russian engineers, programmers and designers has entered the market.

One year without internet, one month without synchronization

So, ONETRAK is a white hypoallergenic silicone bracelet with 0.9 ”OLED display. It is shockproof and waterproof, which will especially appeal to those who prefer extreme sports.

The lithium-ion battery is fully charged via USB in two hours, and lasts for a long time - up to a week in standby mode. This is possible due to the ultra-efficient power consumption mode BLE 4.0, and in hiking trips or during extreme sports in the wild, it will become an indispensable feature.

Another plus in the trekking box and a long stay in the bosom of nature: the ONETRAK bracelet is very, how to say, independent. To monitor your activity, you do not need to connect to the Internet for a whole year - on the display of your bracelet you can see the activity time, the number of kilometers traveled and the number of steps, calories and other information.

When you get to your smartphone, you can transfer information via Bluetooth, view statistics, set new goals for the next day, and set an alarm for tomorrow. But even without synchronization, the bracelet retains data for a period of 15 to 30 days, depending on the model.

Of course, it is unlikely that you will be in an area without the Internet for a whole year, but if such a situation occurs, all statistics will be in a smartphone, in an application for iOS or Android. The Internet is only needed if you want to free up space on your smartphone - upload statistics to the cloud or transfer data to another device.

What is tracking the ONETRAK bracelet

With the help of the bracelet, you will learn a list of parameters necessary for a healthy lifestyle, including not only the number of steps, kilometers and activity time, but also the number of calories, the amount and quality of sleep. Each point needs to be told in more detail.

Activity, steps and goals

The ONETRAK bracelet counts the number of steps, the distance traveled and the time of movement. Based on this (and also from your personal parameters) the number of calories burned is calculated.

On the display, you can see several parameters by switching them by pressing a button: the total number of steps taken, the distance traveled in kilometers, the activity time and the percentage of daily steps achieved.

Regarding the last point: in the application you can set goals for yourself, and ONETRAK will tell you how much is left until completion. Reasonably set goals will be great motivation, and hints and reminders, as it were, from your personal trainer will help even more.

If your goal is 10 thousand steps a day, you are unlikely to stop at 5 thousand (or rather, 50%), because it is much more pleasant to realize that you have fulfilled your goal and won against yourself.

Healthy food at home and in restaurants

Even the most rigorous workouts will not help you stay fit and healthy if you eat twice as much after being active. The ONETRAK application will not allow you to do this, because in it you will keep your food diary, calculating the number of calories consumed.

First, the app determines the number of calories you need per day, depending on your physical data and goals. And then you fill it with your daily menu, and ONETRAK shows the balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure.

An important point: to monitor food in the application, the menu of Russian cafes and restaurants is used, what is sold and served here. So you do not have to search for the eaten meals for a long time, and even more so, enter the number of calories manually - everything is quickly and easily calculated in the application.

Thus, you always know what you need to eat in order not to exceed the limit, and if you do, how much you need to exercise so that the food you eat does not turn into excess fat. In other words, no remorse over a bun - you just see how much you have to walk or run to make up for your mistake.

Healthy sleep is the foundation of everything

We have already written many times how important sleep is not only for brain function and productivity, but also for maintaining good physical shape. With the ONETRAK bracelet, you can track this parameter as well: the gadget takes into account how many hours you slept and how well.

And since the ONETRAK bracelet shows not only all your data, but also the time with the current date, you can set an alarm on it, and in the morning the bracelet will wake you up with vibration on your hand, without any stress from loud sounds.

ONETRAK for athletes and amateurs

Two types of bracelets have been developed under the ONETRAK brand. The SPORT model for professional athletes (a batch of such bracelets has been helping the athletes of the Russian Olympic badminton team since September 2014) and the LIFE model - for amateurs who want to maintain physical activity and health, and of course, get in excellent physical shape.

The LIFE bracelets have a basic set of functions, work without synchronization with the application can last up to 15 days, and work without recharging - up to six days.

If you are not involved in professional or extreme sports, but buy a bracelet for motivation, increased activity and a great figure, LIFE features will be more than enough, and this model is cheaper.

As for the flagship model SPORT, it is suitable for tourists, extreme lovers and those who cannot imagine their life without sports.

There is a full range of functions in applications, the built-in memory is enough for a month, and the battery is charged for eight days.

In general, this version of ONETRAK has higher performance: faster processor, more accurate sensors, increased protection against mechanical stress and moisture. With such a bracelet, it is not scary to go to conquer the peaks, arrange a test of your capabilities in the wild, or disappear in training every day.

By the way, despite the supposed harsh conditions of use, the warranty period for SPORT bracelets is three years, as opposed to one year for LIFE. Although the difference in cost is not very big: SPORT is only 600 rubles more expensive than LIFE. You can read more about the differences between bracelets on the website

Only four months before summer - it's time to start a new life

In general, the ONETRAK bracelet, any version of it, will become an excellent motivator both for “starting a new life” with activity and healthy nutrition, and for higher performance in sports.

It's hard to imagine that you bought a gadget for 6-7 thousand rubles, and then just put it on the shelf or ignored its reminders and advice. Of course, the bracelet will not shock you, forcing you to get up and go for a run, but you can cope with it yourself: a moral kick for not fulfilling a goal or exceeding the calorie norm will act better than a discharge.

As for the ONETRAK bracelet itself, it attracts several factors at once:

  • long-term work without synchronization, internet and recharging;
  • comprehensive monitoring of all aspects of a healthy lifestyle;
  • focus on the Russian consumer, from the interface and language to the menu of cafes and restaurants.

There is still enough time before summer to have time to create your ideal figure, but health will delight you regardless of the season.

Multifunctionality. Definition. Friendly interface. Good technical support


Until there is nothing to complain about


I don’t know how indispensable it can be for sports, but it’s useful for nutritional control. Well, first of all, the app - the grocery catalog - allows you to determine the calorie content and nutritional value of sixteen miles of products. In addition, it calculates BMI and, of course, calculates calories burned and burned. In short, it is convenient to keep food under control with it. My Trak (webcam) is not only a useful thing, but also a pleasant one. Not only your performance can be observed and compared for no one knows how long, but also your friends-partners. That is, the tracker not only controls, but also connects. The only difficulty arose with the smart alarm clock - it turned out to be smarter than me, but then the support was connected, we managed it together. So I will also praise the alarm clock. There is nothing to scold for now. Didn't like the hot shower. Sweaty, but dry and works. She does not react to a regular shower, she is not afraid of rain. I did not put it under the car, I did not throw it off the skyscraper, as they show on YouTube, but in everyday life I am neat. So I won't say anything about strength.