Friends fast promotion. How to wind up friends on VKontakte. The best job exchanges Vkontakte

  • 01.11.2021

Cheating on Vkontakte friends has recently become more and more popular. Some people start an account on a social network for the first time, someone wants to promote a bot for one purpose or another, others just want to feel popular.

Wrap-up services



Bosslike 66311 +
Likest 2329 +
Fastfreelikes 404619 +
TurboLiker 269895 +
Vktarget 3781 +
Likes.FM 54192
Like4u 87114 +
Vkrutilka 1649 +
Vkmix 302468 +
Social gainer 328382 +
Vkstorm 70776 +
Olike 100 102 +
Ad-social ? ?
YooLike 49532 +

Today, there are several ways to make many friends:

- become a popular person;

- add friends to everyone in a row;

- wind up VKontakte friends for free.

The most correct and desirable option is the first one. We must strive to ensure that people are interested in visiting your page, because you are an interesting person, you have an entertaining hobby, you are a professional in your field, you write interesting posts, and so on. The second option is not welcomed by the administration of the social network, but it allows you to recruit the audience you need, and most importantly, an active and real one. In this case, it is possible to be blocked, and with repeated sanctions, the blocking can reach several weeks or for a longer time. The third and easiest way is to ask for help on sites for cheating friends in VK for free online. Here everything happens automatically, you earn points or put real money into your account, create a task to add to friends and that's it. Unfortunately, such friends in most cases are bots and only create an appearance, but many of them just need it. Also, the sanctions of the Contact are not excluded, which sometimes can even lead to the loss of an account.

Now you know how to wind up Vkontakte friends and you can proceed to choosing a suitable site. To date, it is difficult to even count the services that allow you to wind up Vkontakte friends for free, and every month new sites appear on the Internet. In the section for boosting likes, we have collected the most popular resources with a description of their features and principles of work.

When making a choice between a particular service, one should be guided by the following selection principles:

  • Number of participants. The speed of cheating friends depends on how many active users are on the site. There are times when on unpopular sites it takes days to get a few dozen people up.
  • What percentage of participants who added to you as friends will turn into dogs. It is always worth remembering that cheating methods are negatively perceived by the Vkontakte administration, and social robots. the networks are constantly looking for those who are engaged in such a promotion and block them.
  • Price for a friend. You can make friends on the sites by earning points, completing tasks or replenishing the balance by paying money. You need to pay attention to how much it will cost you 1 friend in terms of rubles or the amount of time spent.
  • An important factor is the efficiency of the support service. If you have any problems, you can always contact the site administration for help, which, unfortunately, often ignores such moments.
  • Targeting. The ability to select an audience based on age and place of residence.
  • Site functionality. If you want to start cheating VKontakte friends for free online without registration, this does not mean that you will stop only at this. You may want to promote on another social network or start winding up likes, followers in groups or comments, etc.

Cheating friends in VK is possible both without registration, and with registration using email. Without registration, you enter the site using your social account. networks, in this case you allow access to your page. Another option involves registration through your mailbox, and then you link your page on the social network to your personal account.

If you do not want to provide your data to such a resource, it is worth looking quick order form. Some sites provide an opportunity to place an order for adding to friends, without registering and linking an account to the service. In this case, you will have to pay money immediately.

View the most popular services for boosting likes, friends, comments and Vkontakte subscribers.

Quick ways to add friends:

  1. exchanges for cheating friends and subscribers;

  2. buying friends (well, yes, and here friends are sold)

  3. adding friends using programs;

  4. adding friends from groups or from sites

Cheating exchanges are different. The essence of exchanges is that you can make money on your actions on social networks or provide income to others on your PR.

Making money on the exchange is not as easy as it seems at the beginning, there is a very high probability that your account will be blocked, especially in VK and mail - they are simply paranoid. Those. for professional earnings you will need a lot of accounts and they are the easiest to buy, because as a rule, all social networks link accounts to a phone number. A whole line of semi-partisan exchanges selling accounts, I will not list them very quickly, they die. Search to help you - search - " akov exchange vkontakte"Or buy an account in ...

Another important point is the restrictions on actions in social networks. Each of your actions is counted, different networks have their own algorithms for detecting PR pros.

For example, Vkontakte restrictions:

  • The largest number of friends on one account is 10,000, taking into account the submitted applications.
  • Maximum friend requests up to 50 per day.
  • Friends in private lists up to 24.
  • For the birthday button to appear, you need to recruit 10 friends.
  • No more than 20 messages per day to non-friends
  • 5000 maximum number of communities to join or subscribe
  • 40 friends daily threshold for inviting friends to a group
  • There must be 50 participants in the group for the statistics button to appear
  • 500 marks for 1 day "I like it"
  • You can edit the post on the wall within 24 hours

Social networks hide all their algorithms for detecting bots and fake records, but believe me, there are very competent and professional guys there. Anyone who thinks differently in a constant blacklist.

Account liquidity:

The more friends you have and the fewer groups you have, the more expensive the accounting is. An example is simple, you decided to make money by joining groups (the daily limit is 50 groups, but in fact up to 30 is better) you have 25-40 friends go to the exchange and, for you there are only 3 tasks for 3 kopecks. The advertiser is not a fool, he puts the threshold on the number of your friends, and if you have less than the threshold, you simply will not see the task. The minimum threshold for making money on exchanges is 100 friends. Therefore, it is better to save a pumped account, not to launch it on unverified exchanges. And the cost of tasks increases sharply for pumped accounts.

And don't forget to change passwords more often, I have had cases of account withdrawal after the close of the exchange. The exchange died and finally sold user data.

1) Exchanges of subscribers and tasks:

After going through more than 15-20 exchanges, I will focus on a few, their essence is basically the same: to pull money or your time out of you (which is much worse). The functionality differs significantly, reliable verified exchanges, as a rule, do not write about themselves in a superlative degree. The more difficult it is to understand the capabilities and limitations of the exchange at the beginning, the easier it is to make money on it later. And so we went:


Birazha offers to place a task or earn money in the following networks:

Exchange limits:
1. Limitation on the number of tasks in VK sections, per day per user - 20 (in other social networks 100 per day, VK invitations - 40 per day)
2. Restriction on the number of performers, per 1 task - set by the advertiser from 30 to 300 people per day.
3. Restriction on IP - 3 performers with the same IP for 1 task per day, in the click section 1 IP - 1 task per day.
4. Restriction on activity: no more than 5 posts / reposts Outside the exchange per day. No more than 10% of entries outside the exchange of the total number of entries.
5. Restriction on placement: it is forbidden to place tasks in parallel on other exchanges, the filter automatically pauses such tasks. Allowed +150 people per day outside the exchange.
6. Inactive for more than 3 months, the profile is completely deleted from the system, without the possibility of recovery.
7. Binding of questionnaires - according to VK it is allowed to change the binding once every 3 days. On other social media. networks - once a day.

Some points of the rules are simply touching ...


- many tasks


- if you are a customer, then this is a waste of money

The main direction of the exchange is Vkontakte. The old exchange will do for a start. Just what you need to add friends to VKontakte is paid, in the sense that you will earn a little on this and will be able to promote your group at the expense of these funds.


Birazha offers to place a task or earn money in the following networks:

In fact, any task can be done, on any network or website. The main thing is to clearly, step by step describe the algorithm of actions and check the implementation. There are freeloaders here as well. The actual cost of a PR job is from 2 rubles - cheaper jobs will simply freeze.

example task

What they write about liked:
Liked a real scam, the first divorces start with customers. Commission for the customer is 20%. Further steeper - you do the task, but it does not appear in the performers' feed for a long time, when it appears, it will already be at such a bottom that no one will ever see it.The main thing here is not only to fill your account on the social network with selling advertising, but also to maintain its humanity. Those. post other posts, not advertising. If there are only advertising links on the page, then you can get it over the head.

You cannot trust the flattering reviews of such exchanges, it is clear that they are praising themselves, my opinion is that there may be problems with the withdrawal of money, but all my new PR projects start here, a very flexible system of tasks and promotion is inexpensive.

2) Buying subscribers

There are a lot of services and sites offering to buy subscribers and friends, in my subjective opinion - a waste of money. The cost of a subscriber varies from 30 kopecks to 9 rubles, depending on the service. Even if we discard the fact + that scammers have accumulated in this niche and you will find a reliable service, as a result, out of 1000 purchased friends or group members, 30-60% are bots that do not buy anything and in a week will turn into dogs (this is how blocked users are called in contact) , another 20-30% are youngsters and evil urks (those in prisons, they have a lot of time there), i.e. the cost for a live and really useful account soars 5-6 times.

3) Adding friends using programs:

There are also many options here, but as a rule, free programs are made to steal your credentials. Therefore, I will not focus on free programs for adding friends and boosting subscribers. I'll tell you about two programs I have tested.

I-Macros browser extension

Free, competent and very useful thing! Together with the multi-browser () it helps a lot in routine operations. The possibilities are great, you just need to figure it out. You can use it as extensions for browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

There are a lot of manuals and examples on the net how to use and configure imacros, the main thing is to understand the general principles.

program for automating actions in social networks BroBot

A program that allows you to set up several independent accounts in social networks and adds and invites friends and groups automatically. One of the interesting features of this program is the ability to connect Artificial Intelligence to it. Those. she will be able to communicate for you with a dozen friends at the same time in different social networks and under different nicknames. () Primitive questions and answers are already laid down in it, in order to give it character, you will have to tinker. The free version is fully functional, but supports 1 account in any social. networks. Opportunities look at site.

If you are interested in purchasing the program my link for buying Brobot. It seems like bonuses have accumulated there, maybe you will get a discount.

3) Adding members from groups or from sites

  • I will add everybody
  • how to wind up friends in VK
  • how to add many friends
  • how to quickly add friends

Fill in any in the search bar and you will find many groups and publics in which you can add friends by publishing your ad "add everyone"

The disadvantage of such free adding as a friend is the speed with which your ad slides down, they don't even have time to read it.

and then you will be aware of new articles and will be glad of your ideas.

As you already know, within the VKontakte social network, you can make friends with other users. These people will appear in your list of the same name, and you will receive some functions that are only available to friends. They, in turn, too.

Quite a large number of users ask the question, how to wind up friends in VK? Now I will show you how you can do this.

What is it for

Some users believe that the more friends, the better.

Another option is when you are promoting a product, service or brand through social networks. In this case, the more friends you have, the wider audience is available for advertising campaigns. Such people very often have to resort to cheating friends in order to speed up the process.

Sending invitations to increase the number of friends

Let's start with the simplest option. How does the process of "friendship" take place within the framework of VK? One person sends a friend request to another. He, in turn, confirms or rejects it. If confirmed, these two people are now friends on VKontakte.

A simple conclusion follows from this. To increase the number of your friends, you need to send out a large number of relevant offers.

This is done very simply. Go to the page to the selected user, and under his profile photo, click the button "Add as Friend".

Keep in mind that you have a limit - no more than 40 invitations per day (see).

It is worth choosing people who are associated with you. Perhaps you have one city of residence. Or the school where you studied. Not all users willingly add everyone as a friend. Therefore, to increase this probability, you need to have a reason.

How to wind up friends on VK using groups

Vkontakte has a large number of groups where users provide mutual assistance to each other. I suggest you use them to cheat friends on VK.

We go to the section "My groups". Click on the link.

And in the search bar we write "Add to friends".

All of these groups are needed to help make friends. Choose any. I opened the first one on the list.

There are two ways further. You can send an application yourself to those who want to wind up friends. Everything here is mutual - if you send a request to a person, then he will definitely accept it. This will increase the number of your friends.

Look on the group wall - here every minute people are posting requests for addition.

You just have to go to the user's page and send him a request.

But remember - you have a limit of 40 applications. When the daily limit is reached, you can proceed to the second step. Start posting requests for addition yourself.

People who enter this group will see your comment and send you a request to add them as friends. You will only have to confirm the application.

If you want to wind up a large number of friends in VK, you need to periodically publish such requests to the maximum number of groups.

We use services to cheat friends on VK

I will show you two services through which you can cheat friends.


Here you will see a large number of promotion offers. Among them, and an increase in the number of VKontakte friends. This feature is available for free. You just need to click on the button in the menu "Add yourself friends for free".

A pop-up window will open with a user page. Add him as a friend in the usual way - and in a couple of seconds he will accept the request. Agree, a pretty simple way.

Repeat this action as many times as necessary.

You can also order paid promotion. To do this, fund your account.

Here you will need to indicate the number of friends that you want to wind up. And put a link on your page. Then we press the button “I agree with the rules. To order".

This is already a paid service. But the quality will also be better. Fewer friends to retire.


Here you will see the entire price list. Choose the tariff plan that suits you.

Hello everyone. Despite the fact that I also provide audit and website support services, sometimes there is not enough time to manage several projects, so I try to put this work in good hands.

The topic of today's article is again social networks. Still our beloved Vkontakte. Today I will tell you about one very interesting way how to cheat friends and Vkontakte for free.

Many will ask themselves the question, why do we really need subscribers and friends who are not friends at all and it is generally not clear who they are. The point is that the number of subscribers affects the popularity of your page.

Those. this is one of the main criteria for ranking your page in the internal search of Vkontakte. Therefore, cheating subscribers and friends will be needed by those who want to reach the top of users in search, at least in their region or city. Depends on the population of the city and the part of it that is registered on Vkontakte.

Cheat friends and Vkontakte subscribers

The simplest method and I discovered it for myself recently, used it and saw the results. To say that there are no downsides is impossible. But let's look at the pros first:

  • way to cheat friends for free
  • pages are mostly live
  • promotion is effective, they are added to you of their own free will

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of this method, which, in principle, can be avoided:

  • some pages are still fakes and they are banned
  • too many banned followers and friends is not good
  • some delete you, and you become a subscriber

The method is as follows. Vkontakte has special groups that anyone can join and leave a note on the wall. These groups are called "Add to Friends". By typing such a query in the search, you will see that there are many such groups:

What should be done? First, create a beautiful picture, add it as a friend with the inscription, I will not leave it as a subscriber. Or find it on the Internet for the corresponding request. Then publish this picture for a couple of minutes in a row to the group. Each time you have to enter a captcha. Therefore, no one will ban you for spam. Then in a few minutes people will start adding to you. Whom to add and whom to leave in subscribers is up to you.

Cheating VK friends is a unique service that allows you to get a huge number of friends or subscribers on the VKontakte social network in a few clicks. This page contains the most popular services that offer the service “cheat friends on VKontakte for free”! All project tools will be available to you immediately after registration! Please note that paid cheat for VK friends is available in another section of the site!

Find out how to wind up friends in VKontakte quickly and without programs! This can be done very quickly if you use this service. To work, you need to register and enter the site under your social network account.

Make friends VK online it is possible on many sites, but this service covers a huge audience, which quickly completes all the tasks. You can receive applications for your page around the clock without stopping. 24 hours, 7 days a week.

If you do not know where you can wind up VK friends, then this project will come to your aid! After registering on the service, in your personal account you can create a task to attract new friends on the social network for free!

In the opinion of many, free promotion of friends on VK cannot be of high quality - this is a wrong opinion! On this service, you can choose your own friends from a certain city, set the age and indicate the gender. No bots!

If you want to get VK friends, then go through a simple authorization on this project and create a new task! Resource users will execute it, and you will receive the required number of friend requests on your personal page.

After a simple registration, you can get many VK friends. To get started, you need to complete several tasks of other users of the system. This site for cheating VK friends shows excellent results in a short time!

Cheating friends in VKontakte is available to all authorized users. You can enter the site using your social network account. You can add a new task to the service and get friends in the "Create a campaign" section

The minimum number of friends you can order for your profile is 5 people. Free VKontakte friends will be added gradually. During the day, you can add several hundred new VK friends to any account.

Who needs cheating on VKontakte friends?

  • Only famous people can receive many friend requests, but what if you are not a star yet ?! Right! Making friends on VKontakte is the best way to make new acquaintances and gather an audience around you that will be interested in you!
  • Adding friends to VK will help increase the total number of potential customers for your business. To successfully promote your own products or services, you need to look for a thematic audience that will be interested in your product. On many free services, it is possible to set criteria for users who will send you friend requests. Take advantage of these settings and you will only get an interested audience!
  • If you want to promote your own group on a social network using the invite function, then you can wind up friends in VK to increase the list of invitees. Remember that invitations are not the only way to get participants, you can always through similar services.

How to wind up friends on VKontakte

To get started, select any service you like and go through a simple registration or authorization, which is necessary to identify you as a real user. Cheat friends on Vkontakte is available for free immediately after entering the project, but you can start it only when you receive the virtual currency of the service to your account. Perform various tasks of the project participants and in a few minutes you will be able to wind up friends in VK on your page. For a more effective result, you can use several free services at once, which will quickly bring you closer to the desired result. Each project has a different audience, which means that after activating the service of cheating friends in VK on one site and receiving several hundred friends, switch to another service in order to constantly receive new applications in large quantities.

Now you know how to wind up friends in VK for free, but this is not the end of sharing useful information with you. There are many interesting things to follow!

Is cheating friends in VK safe?

All services that are presented above have been successfully working on the Web for several years. During this period, it was not noticed that the administration of the social network applied any sanctions to the pages that used the service "cheat VK friends". There is no reason to block a user if someone follows them. You can be popular in your area or have a popular Youtube channel, which will generate a significant traffic flow. The administration may not be aware of such moments, so they do not react in any way to the cheating of VKontakte friends.

But as elsewhere, this service has some nuances that you just need to know about. Performing many tasks of other users, some accounts, adding you as friends, just turn into dogs. Pages freeze for a certain period of time. Do not rush to delete such users, as the page will be defrosted pretty soon and you will see who has added to you.

Free cheating friends in VK will allow you to very quickly replenish the list of friends. Sometimes VKontakte algorithms calculate suspicious pages in your friends list and can automatically delete them. There is no need to worry that someone from the site administration is interested in your page - this is an automatic process that will not transfer harm to your page. After all the write-offs, you can continue to use the sites to cheat on VKontakte friends, there will be no bans on this!