4x3 permission. Screen resolution. Permissions of modern TV models

  • 11.05.2021

In the century of high technologies, the market is replete with different kind of computer peripherals. And buying once again the monitor for your personal computer, a person sets a reasonable question about what kind of magnitude and model screen he wants. This certainly depends, first of all, for what purpose it is purchased, and after that, one or another model is selected. In any case, the first thing that wants to see the owner of a new equipment is a high-quality picture. And this directly affects the screen resolution.

What screen resolution is better

Resolution - This is the size of the image monitor display displayed on the screen (measured in pixels). The more pixels, the more clear and better picture.

To date, Full HD is the most popular (1920x1080). In general, for any manufactured monitor, there are its recommended characteristics. For example, for monitors of 17-19 inches by the manufacturer, the manufacturer is advised to install 1280x1024. It is with such a value that the monitor will work well. And if we consider a 15 inch option, then the standard resolution will be 1024x768. It is worth noting that this parameter can be changed independently and adjust to itself, but remember, if you use the resolution less than the regular, then the picture will have a muddy effect, which will clearly bring inconvenience and discomfort. Much also depends on the diagonal of the monitor than it is more, that respectively there will be the value of the screen resolution.

So, a unambiguous answer to the question of what permission should have the perfect monitor. First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand why it is purchased, and after that, to delve into the characteristics of the choice of optimal permission. These include: the magnitude of the diagonal of the screen, its format, the type of the built-in matrix, as well as the number of hertz (this parameter applies to the CRT displays). In addition to these factors, permission can affect both the on-based operating system work PCs.

T. ipaim Matrix

Today in the production used in monitors. And for each kind of activity, a different type of model is suitable.

  • TN-matrix (twisted nematic). Cheapness and speed - its main advantages. Mainly equipment with such a matrix is \u200b\u200baccessible to any person who preferring to play computer games. Of the minuses it is worth noting the poor quality of the color transfer and the minimum viewing angle.
  • IPS (in-Plane Switching). The manufacturer of such matrices is the Japanese company "Hitachi". Since the previous type of matrix was distinguished by poor color transfer, the company first made focus on this factor. The color on the equipment with such a matrix is \u200b\u200bvery decent, bright and rich. Regarding the angle of review, the developers also worked for fame. And if you compare with the previous model, then the corner has become much more. Of the minuses, a great time of the pixel response (60 ms) can be distinguished.
  • S-IPS (Super). After some time, devices with such matrices appeared, the main feature of which was reduced several times compared with the previous type, response time (16 ms).
  • VA (Vertical AlignMetn) is a certain compromise solution between the two previous types of matrices. To compare, there is much better color rendition and almost instant response time. But as for the transfer of halftone, it is worse than the predecessors, plus it is not the best viewing angle.

Summing up I want to say that the choice depends on how you are going to use the equipment. For games and applications, the main factor will be the response speed, and for work related to the design - excellent color reproduction.

Optimal distance to the monitor

Many users often do not pay attention to the distance between them and the monitor, and in vain, because it can directly affect vision. There is a special formula, with which the distance from the eye to the monitor is determined ( display diagonal is multiplied by 1 or 1.5). Or you can rely on an old way, which suggests that the distance from the eye to the display should measure the elongated hand.

Now separately discern permission for specific monitors.

Monitors 17 "

Standard permission for monitors such a diagonal is 1024x768 pixels. But on widescreen models of monitors, the picture with the standard 1024x768 looks to mildly badly. Therefore, you can safely resort to the 1920x1080 Full HD value (if it is supported by the device). And it can be found in the "Screen Resolution" menu and filming the resolution slider to the maximum value. If the image is clear, this format is supported.

For ELT models, a regular resolution is 1280x1024. It is not recommended to set independently higher, the image will become muddy. In general, such monitors are used little and slowly go into the past.

Monitors 19 "

As for widescreen 19-inch monitors, it will take a resolution equal to 1920x1080 for comfortable work. It does not need to be afraid to spoil your eyesight, even sitting at the monitor with such a resolution of a day.

If we consider the 19 "Monitor of the CRT, then here the value will differ and equal to 1600x1200 pixels. In addition, his picture will deliver discomfort, so it is better to leave the standard one.

Monitors 22 "

Such models are available with different standard resolution values: Full HD, 2K. Therefore, here you can experiment with its settings. Sometimes it happens that there should be 2K on a specific monitor according to the standard, but in fact it is better a picture of themselves in Full HD permission. In general, the configuration is individual and depends only on user preferences.

Monitors 23 "

This is an option of monitors that are harder to install in the workplace or house due to their size. What permission will be comfortable for working on 23-inch monitors? Values \u200b\u200bmay vary (Full HD, 2K or 4K). At the same time, the standard provides 2K format. In the case of 4K, it is worth understanding that not all operating systems and applications are adapted to this permission, so there may be problems with it. Often to use 4K Be sure to install a special driver.

Monitors starting with a 23-inch value belong to the category of dangerous for sight, so when improper operation and incorrectly exhibited resolution, they can harm you.

Monitors 30 "

Such monitors are rarely found from the usual user, but here the gamers, professionals in one area or another - this is pretty frequent unit. The price of such models is usually rather big. In 30 inches models, you can safely set 4K permission, despite the fact that the monitor supports it. To set 1920x1080 (Full HD) on this display is not recommended, because it looks like it will look very bad.

On some "thirty" 2k will also be perfectly displayed a picture. In general, it all depends on the specifics of the manufacturer. All information about what permission will be better for a particular device is usually provided in the manual for it. Such monitors are often used by designers, as well as in the gaming industry.

First, a little about the theory. The screen resolution can be different, depending on the device you use. Some users mistakenly believe that the screen size and monitor screen resolution is the same. For example, the screen size and its maximum resolution is 1600 x 1200, and the user can set the resolution, for example, 800 x 600. Naturally, the image on the screen will be formed by the principle that the user itself is installed. As a result, it turns out that the size of the screen and its permission is a bit different concepts. In order to achieve an ideal picture, you need to set the maximum resolution that supports your monitor and then the image will be as high as possible.

What are the screen resolutions?

Today there is a huge number of monitors and the same number of permits. It should be noted that all these devices have a different aspect ratio, for example: 4: 3, 5: 4, 16: 9, 16:10 and many others. Widescreen devices, the aspect ratio of which are 21: 9. To use such devices today is simply not intelligible, as they are best suited to view movies taken according to the Cinemascope standard. This is directly due to the fact that if you install another permission on such a monitor, for example, FullHD (1920 x 1080p), then wide black stripes will remain at the edges of the monitor.

As for directly permission to monitors, they are divided into each other, as can be guessing, by the aspect ratio. The following are allocated: for aspect ratio 4: 3 -1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 1920x1440, 2048x1536. For the aspect ratio of 16: 9: 1366x768, 1600x900, 1920x1080, 2048x1152, 2560x1440, 3840x2160. For aspect ratio 16:10: 1280x800, 1440x900, 1600x1024, 1680x1050, 1920x1200, 2560x1600, 3840x2400. The most popular today are permits: 1920x1080, 1280x1024, 1366x768.

It is worth noting that the greater the screen resolution, the better the image itself, but at the same time it can be very small and some owners of such devices will have to change it to a smaller one to see anything on the monitor. As a result, of course, everyone can see immediately before buying a device in a store, which image will be on it, and whether it is suitable for him.

Today, devices for reading e-books are gaining great popularity. Instead of a huge number of books, you just have only one of their analogue, on the memory card of which can fit from hundred and more works. When choosing such a device, it is worth paying attention to the screen size "readers".


The "reader" is called the gadget used to view electronic copies of books. It is believed that the screen size affects the convenience of reading any document or work. Too large sizes make a similar device or, which is not entirely convenient. Small sizes give it miniature, but the font of the viewed text is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary for an alternative.

When choosing a device for reading e-books, pay attention to the value of the geometric size of the screen. Different models can meet one screen size, but different resolving ability. The greater the resolution, the more objects or words can fit on one page. It is recommended to pay attention to the models whose screens exceeds 5 ", and the resolution is at least 320? 460. Such a standard is designed for a comfortable one paragraph to the whole, which consists of 4-6 small offers (strings).

It is worth noting that some models allow you to change the displayed font, which significantly affects the placement of a large number of rows on the portable device screen. In the store, you can immediately try this function and the font, which will compress the text as much as possible.

Also, do not forget about the convenient options of the gadget, for example, the automatic screen rotation. Today, almost each is supplied with this feature, ranging from the camera and ending with portable devices.

The presence of electronic ink technology (E-INK) will reduce the stress on the fundus. When viewing the document, you will notice that the mapping is maximally reduced to the printed sheet. Another important advantage of this option is to reduce power consumption.

Video on the topic

Widescreen monitors gradually displace other analogs from the market. Such displays are worth buying if your computer's video card supports high resolution.

You will need

  • - Instructions for the monitor.


The widescreen monitors include displays, the aspect ratio of which is 16: 9 (sometimes 16:10), and not 4: 3, like standard monitors. Such displays are more stretched in width. It is very convenient when watching high resolution movies. Start by defining the maximum number of pixels supported by the monitor. Modern devices work with FullHD format (1920x1080 pixels). It is better to choose exactly such a display.

When buying a new monitor to your system unit, consultants of any electronics store can ask you what the screen resolution for the monitor is preferable to you. For those who may seem such a question with something from the section of the Chinese diplomas, we will decompose everything around the shelves. So.

What is the screen resolution?

Let's start with what is the image that we see on the monitor. Any picture is going out of singular points - pixels. To somehow understand what we spell about, we draw an analogy with embroidery. Of one-eyed crosses of different colors, the result is some kind of picture or pattern. So here, pixels are crosses on embroidery, only they are much smaller and tightly pressed to each other, therefore there is no feeling that the image consists of separate points, but looks entire. In addition, they are able to take a different color required by the situation. Thanks to this, we watch movies, pictures, switch different windows and instantly see the corresponding changes on the monitor.

Pixels - without them anyway

Pixels can be square or in some cases rectangular. There was even a wave of renovation of loved square monitors on more elongated, which sometimes too stretched images. But about this later.

It is the number of these pixels per unit length, or otherwise their density determines the resolution of the monitor screens.

Screen resolution parameters

The main parameters of the monitor resolution are considered height and width. So, if you go to the control panel on your computer and go to the screen settings section, you can go out on this window (specifically this window - for users of the Windows 7 operating system), which you will be displayed in the photo below.

In this case, the monitor has a set maximum resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. What does it mean? This means that in width from the left to the right side of the monitor, 1366 pixels are located, and from above to Niza - 768. This is the optimal monitor given as an example in which the information from the screen will be transmitted as clear as possible and convenient for a person with ordinary, normal vision. .

Also we see that the monitor can also be asked another, less permission. Slowing, for example, a width value up to 1024 pixels, images can be made more stretched. That is, in fact, the physical number of pixels, determining the resolution of the monitor screen, does not change, it remains the same, but the display of images will be such that it would be with different expansion.

Most Popular Screen Formats

Above mentioned the form of pixels, because we consider this question more.

Previously, it's about the hundred years who have passed since the appearance of the first film, all the monitors of the first models of TVs and computers had 4: 3 format. Even when there were no televisions yet, a silent movie was filmed in such a format. What do these figures mean? This is the aspect ratio of the display element, can be said, the height and monitor width coefficients. So, dimensions can be the following: 16:12 \u003d 4x4: 3x4, 40:30 \u003d 4x10: 3x10. Analog TVs in their majority have exactly this format and, accordingly, the analog television shows also "customize" under the 4: 3 frame. This also includes 5: 4 format. It is also more "quadten", and is used in the production of monitors for computers. But gradually a new format of 16: 9 grew to life, which gave rise to a new image size, and the screen resolution of the wide-format monitor, constantly upgraded and changing in parameters appeared.

Widescreen broadcasting: convenient or profitable?

The new course was advertised by its convenience. So, a person should better perceive information on the sides of the monitor than top and bottom. But it is impossible to miss the moment that widescreen productions. Yes, yes, if you take 4: 3 and 16: 9 monitors, who will have equal diagonals, it turns out that their area is different. Screen 4: 3 will have more space to work than the 16: 9 screen, but less resources will be spent on production than per square. Many opinions were expressed both in defense and against widescreen monitors, and both have their pros and cons. For those people who began their acquaintance with computer tools during 4: 3 times, wide screens are uncomfortable and require a lot of time to adapt to it.

So, when working in office programs such as Microsoft Word, with the same scale, 5: 4 monitors will be able to display more lines than their widescreen fellows. You do not need to constantly move on the sheet up-down to find some information, you can see the entire sheet of the entire sheet, and at the same time to lose the text readability. Wide monitors stretch the "square" image, why round things become oval, stretch faces and body characters on the screen. Fortunately, they work on all problems. So, on the monitor 5: 4, you can view a widescreen film, black fields will be added from above and below, so as not to crop part of the image. Similarly, on a wide monitor, it can be done so that the picture has its own source parameters and has not sprawled throughout the screen area. In computer games, developers add the possibility of maintaining different formats, etc. But it is still important that the wide format is primarily profitable for the manufacturer, and it is constantly imposed on it by reducing the production of square screens. "You want a monitor 5: 4? But this is unmodest, now no one does not buy anyone! " Of course, I do not buy, because everyone will chase the fashion, not very thinking about convenience. And it's funny that screens with 4: 3, 5: 4 are cheaper than the models of widescreen monitors, the production of which is used less material, and which, according to logic, should cost cheaper. But still return to the question

Problems in the selection of optimal permission

The fact is that the abundance of producers who themselves decide which it is better to make expansion, puts the consumer in a predicising position. There are more than three dozen different video standards, which are inherent in different resolution and the different aspect ratio. Suppose XGA video station has a resolution of 1024 × 768 (786K) or 640 × 480 (307K), with the aspect ratio of 4: 3, when the VGA standard has four permissible permissions (640 × 480, 640 × 350, 320 × 200, 720 × 400 ) With the appropriate ratios of the parties (4: 3, 64:35, 16:10, 9: 5). The WHUXGA video station has the largest number of pixels - 7680 × 4800 (36864K), and it is widescreen - 16:10. But how to choose exactly the one that makes a specific user?

What to be guided when choosing a permit for the monitor

The maximum monitor screen resolution is often optimal to work on the computer. It can be manually changed to one of those available in the list of resolution settings.

Since the screen resolution is relevant for televisions, and for computers that are fundamentally different devices (although the TV can be connected to a PC as a monitor), consider the optimality of the parameters separately for both types of devices.

TV: Convenience viewing

The standard clarity of the monopolist in its area until some time has always had the aspect ratio of the frame 4: 3, and only a ratio of 16: 9, which is positioned as a high definition image - digital television has become relatively recently. We are now at once at that stage when the transition occurs from one standard to another, and how much time this process will also be delayed - completely unclear. Some countries have long moved to a new, more comfortable and high-quality digital format, but you can wait for a long time on domestic expanses. Therefore, you can buy a new-fashioned widescreen TV, in virtually all models of which are prudently there is a function of adjusting the resolution of monitor screens. Having studied carefully instructions, the user will already decide himself, in what kind of a square picture on a rectangular monitor - stretch it by filling out the entire monitor it, or add a black frame on the sides to maintain the proportions of the original image.

Monitor from PC - Gamers dilemma

If the monitor chooses a gamer, then it must first familiarize himself with the requirements for preferred game / games, and then according to these data to summarize what permissions of monitor screens are suitable for this. To unambiguously say, "this is a model, the model is ideal for all games in the world." It is impossible.

See news in Odnoklassniki - Is it worth bothering with the choice of permission?

If you use a PC to work in office programs or just to view mail, news feeds on social networks, etc., you need to choose only on personal experience or consult with an experienced user who can clarify you all of interest.

This also includes the resolution of the laptop monitor screen. It is likely that for its transportation it will be more convenient (purely physically) so that it is rectangular and compact to fit in a backpack or bag. On a rectangular monitor, it is convenient to open two windows at once when the monitor 4: 3 or 5: 4 gives more space for review and work on one document.

From year to year, monitors were improved mainly only in increasing the resolution of the matrix and all this was the cause of the desire of people to view the content of more than good quality. Fortunately, production does not stand still, and all the more powerful and perfect computer devices come to the global market. With their help, this high-quality content is created and broadcast.

Screen resolution 16: 9, as and 16:10, is a standard for modern time. In this case, the resolution of the matrix is \u200b\u200b1920 x 1080 and 1920 x 1200 pixels, respectively. However, it is not necessary to judge the size of the monitor on it. Since even some mobile phones with a screen diagonal in 5 inches have a matrix resolution more than FullHD standard (1920 x 1080 pixels).

Modern monitors from the average price segment, having screen resolutions 16: 9 and 16:10, usually possess at 22-24 inches. But it was not always so. The optimal screen resolution in different times was different.

Short story

At the beginning of the history of the creation and reproduction of the content stood the aspect ratio of the screen 1: 1, that is, the "square". This decision was used only in the photo and allowed to use the frame layout both vertically and horizontally. Later, such a format began to use and when creating movies.

The "Square" change came to the 5: 4 format, which was also called 1.25: 1. It was used in some computer monitors, and many people were confused with a more common 4: 3 format. The difference was only in permissive ability in 1280 x 1024 pixels. Some "experts" and "professionals" celebrated more accurate geometry on this screen format, but not everyone agrees with this, and disputes are still.

Immediately after the "Square" in order to expand the visible scene and frame, 4: 3 or 1,33: 1 format was created. This format was first obtained widespread in photographs and cinema, and then at all became the standard broadcasting of analog television. You can remember the period when there were huge wooden in each house first, and later plastic flat-screen TVs with a practically square screen for receiving that broadcast standard. Computer monitors also received this format and for a long time had a resolution of 1024 x 768, 1152 x 864 and 1600 x 1200 pixels. Subsequently, they were given widescreen devices that have a resolution of 16: 9.

There were also 3: 2 and 14: 9 formats. The first is not a significant aware of himself, but the second was an intermediate format for the transition from analog television station 4: 3 to a wide format and easily placed in the old format in the form of small black stripes at the top and bottom of the screen.

Modern 16:10 Received computer monitors and a large number of laptops with a resolution of 1280 x 800, 1440 x 900 and 1680 x 1050 pixels per inch. The advantage of this format is greater compared to the most massive resolution of 16: 9. Such format is widely used in gaming monitors.

The transition to the digital was marked by the creation of a single HDTV high definition television standard having a 16: 9 format. The resolution of the screens matrix in this case is: 1366 x 768, 1600 x 900, 1280 x 720 and 1920 x 1080 pixels. Now there are also much more capacious matrices of the same format. What is the difference for the user?

The aspect ratio of the screen at home and in the office

Now people enjoy a mass of various computer devices, mobile gadgets and wearable electronic devices both at home and at work in the office. All these technologies are designed to simplify and speed up work, as well as entertain owners.

Screen resolution 16: 9 and 16:10 are found both in a computer or laptop and in a TV broadcasting digital content and digital television. Both of these formats are ideal for lovers of computer video games and they differ slightly, but 16:10 formats are usually applied in TVs.

For workers dealing with tables, text or three-dimensional modeling and drawings, the presence of a slightly higher vertical screen (16:10 compared with 16: 9) allows you to get an additional important space for work and review, which contributes to better work.

Content important

Having a 16: 9 monitor, you must have the digital content itself. It is created on both video and photo-and photo devices and computer devices. In the modern world, the mediamir is adjusted in FullHD and 4K standards, having a resolution of 16: 9, since, unifying the content, manufacturers of equipment and content refuse non-standard solutions in favor of generally accepted norms. Such actions have reduced the cost of developing new formats and their implementation, as well as to release production resources to improve and improve products in other directions.

Outgoing signal

The video signal itself is formed in a special device (video card or video adapter, ratio 16: 9). The resolution varies within the limits selected by the user. The greater the resolution, the stronger the load on the power of the hardware as a video adapter and the entire electronic device as a whole. Modern video devices are able to broadcast video or game content in a three-dimensional image with the highest clarity (up to 4k and ultrahd).

For lovers of high-quality cinema and computer games

Modern monitors with the ratio of sides at 16: 9 and 16:10 for connoisseurs of gaming and filmontant do not allow fully immersed in the digital world, since the width of the review is limited, and the human eye perceives much more. For this, the developers of monitors and televisions created special series of their devices with very much they received the aspect ratio of 21: 9 and the resolution of 2560 x 1080 and 3440 x 1440.

Addressable number of pixels (image elements). For the LCD panel, the permission is a working mode, which achieves the best image quality. If the computer video mode does not coincide with the actual panel resolution, the monitor ... ... Glossary of the Terms of Household and Computer Technology SAMSUNG

This term has other meanings, see permission. The resolution value determining the number of points (elements of the bitmap image) per unit area (or a unit of length). The term is usually applied to images in digital ... ... Wikipedia

graphic permission - Screen resolution characterizing the degree of image detail. The higher the screen resolution, the better detailing. Themes Information Technologies In general En Graphics Resolution ...

Or frame width ratio to height (eng. Aspect Ratio) concept in photography, cinema and television. In the cinema applies the ratio of the side of the screen, different from photography and television, in which the ratio ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see the shooting. This term also has other values, see Rooting. Removing from the screen, moving the process of copying cinematic, television, less often a photographic image ... Wikipedia

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a high resolution - The ability of the monitor screen, printer, or scanner to represent images with a high degree of detail of individual elements. High-resolution graphic displays are able to display on the screen 1024x1024 points and more, printers have ... ... Technical translator directory

Limit permission in television - It is measured by horizontal (line) resolution, usually expressed in the maximum number of lines in the image height (screen) differ in the test table using the IEEE 208/1960 standard or any equivalent of this standard ... Dictionary of concepts and terms formulated in regulatory documents of Russian legislation

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