How to increase the volume on Android devices: tips and instructions. How to increase speaker volume on Android? Best Ways How to Add Sound in Android

  • 01.08.2021

Mobile devices running Android have firmly entered our life, having managed to partially replace the functionality of desktop computers. Modern smartphones allow you to surf the Internet, work with graphics and text files, listen to music, chat and much more. In terms of hardware characteristics, phones, however, are inferior to computers and laptops, for example, in smartphones, the speakers are usually weaker than in the same laptops, but sound is a very important component for any communication device.

Increase volume on Android

Normal volume is needed not only for comfortable listening to music and watching movies. Too weak sound can lead to the fact that in a noisy place the user simply does not hear the call. Fortunately, most modern smartphones have flexible customization capabilities using special built-in and third-party tools. In our short guide, you will learn how to increase the volume on Android and what you need to do.

Standard settings

Before you rush into advanced tools, take a look at your device's settings. In many phones, there are several customizable sound profiles, perhaps the speakers on your device are working half-heartedly for the reason that the wrong profile is simply selected in the settings. Activating another profile is the easiest and most affordable way to make the sound louder on Android.

The setting you need on different models of smartphones can be called differently, we have it "Melodies and notifications". Usually the main profile is set by default, we will choose "Street" instead.

That's it, the sound will immediately get a little louder. On your phone, profiles may be called something else, they are often presented in the form of modes, for example, "Movie", "Music", etc. Note, however, that in any case, the maximum volume will be limited by the system settings. In order to increase the sound on your Android phone more than standard means allow, you need to go roundabout ways.

Engineering menu

An order of magnitude more possibilities in terms of increasing the volume on Android is given - the hidden part of the device's settings, which can be accessed by typing a special code on the phone. The table below shows the codes for entering the engineering menu on devices from different manufacturers. The specified combinations are entered in the telephone dialer.

You can also get into the hidden settings using the free Engineer Mode MTK application.

Let's see how to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu. In it, you need to find the "Audio" section, where all the necessary parameters are located, namely Normal Mode and Headset Mode.

The first mode is active when a headset is not connected to the smartphone, the second is activated when headphones or speakers are connected. Open to start the Normal Mode settings and set the Type option to Media, and for the Value and Max. level ”(Max Vol) set values ​​higher than the default. For example, if your Value is 32 and your Max Vol is 128, try setting the first to 50, and the second to 140.

Apply the new parameters by clicking both Set buttons. The same manipulations must be performed for the next levels (Level 1, Level 2, etc.), each time increasing the values ​​slightly upwards and not forgetting to apply new settings. It is not recommended to set values ​​exceeding the permissible values, as this may reduce the sound quality. Please also note that the "Type" option, in addition to the Media mode, which is responsible for the volume when playing multimedia content, supports other parameters, namely:

  • Sip - volume for internet calls;
  • Mic - microphone sensitivity;
  • Sph - the volume of the spoken speaker;
  • Ring - the volume of the incoming call;
  • FMR - FM radio volume.

If necessary, you can adjust these settings in the same way. The exception is the Sid parameter, changing the values ​​of which can lead to the appearance of an echo effect during a conversation. As for the Headset Mode, which in Android smartphones is responsible for the volume when the headset is connected, the procedure for setting it up is practically no different from the procedure for setting up the Normal Mode. The same is the case with the loudspeaker mode LoudSpeaker Mode, which allows you to increase the volume of the earpiece on Android.

Before making changes to hidden settings, it is recommended to write down the old values ​​of the system parameters, this will allow you to recover in case of failure.

The best audio booster software for Android

Changing settings through the built-in engineering menu is not the only working way to adjust the sound in phones. How else to increase the speaker volume on Android? With the help of dedicated volume booster apps found on Google Play.

Volume Booster by GOODEV

Perhaps the best program that allows you to really amplify the sound on your Android phone. Differs in simplicity and minimum number of parameters. After installation, you need to go to the general settings and enable, if disabled, the options "Show volume control" (display the volume control) and Non-uniform boost (non-standard gain). Volume Booster has its limitations. The application does not work on most devices running Android below version 4.3, it can only be used to amplify the sound in game processes and when playing multimedia.

Sound amplifier

Sound amplifier software for Android from the developer FeniKsenia. It is a simple, convenient and effective application that can boost speaker volume bypassing system restrictions. Adjustment is done by dragging the two sliders "Volume" and "Gain". Like Volume Booster, Sound Booster is designed to increase the volume when playing multimedia content.

Loud Volume Booster for Speakers

In search of an answer to the question of how to amplify sound on Android, you should try another application from FeniKsenia called Loud Volume Booster for Speakers. It is very similar to Sound Booster, but it can be used not only to increase the volume when playing multimedia, but also to increase the sound level in game processes, when receiving system notifications, and so on. The volume in Loud Volume Booster for Speakers is also adjusted by dragging two sliders.


Well, we hope that after reading this article it will not be difficult for you to increase the sound on your Android device. For novice users, difficulties may arise only when working with the engineering menu. In any case, try to adhere to the rule of the golden mean and do not increase the volume to the limit values, otherwise you run the risk of making your smartphone's speakers unusable.

It's hard to imagine a smartphone without volume buttons. Pressed on one side - it decreased, pressed on the other - increased. However, there are smartphones where the volume does not rise above average in any way: the level scale shows the maximum, but the sound is still quiet.

What is it? Breaking? Marriage? Not at all. Your ears are taken care of by your phone manufacturer. To avoid getting deafened by the loud sound, he limited the ability to turn on the speakers at full power. However, this can be fixed.

Consider the standard and non-standard ways to increase the volume on a smartphone, with which you can bypass the manufacturer's restrictions.

Phone settings

The phone settings are the most convenient to use. And even in the event of a breakdown of the sound level control buttons. The instruction looks like this:

Engineering menu

This menu was deliberately hidden by the developers of the smartphone and the operating system from users so that they could not accidentally make changes that would lead to device malfunctions. With its help, you can reconfigure almost all parameters of the phone, including increasing the volume levels of the speakers.

Access to the engineering menu is opened by a special code - universal or specific for devices of a certain brand.


There is 4 sound mode options that are available for customization:

  • Normal Mode. Responsible for the sound from the speakers without using headphones or any other devices.
  • Headset Mode. Headphone sound.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode. Responsible for adjusting the volume of the speakerphone.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode. The same as the previous point, only with headphones.

After opening the settings, you will see two fields with numbers. The first one indicates the current volume value, the second one - the maximum allowable one. The data from the first field can be edited.

Set the desired value in it and press the "Set" button.

The engineering menu will allow you to adjust more parameters than the standard "Settings" and volume buttons.

Third Party Applications

If the engineering menu seemed too complicated for you, you can use special applications from the Google Play Market. The maximum volume level of the speakers cannot be surpassed with their help, but it is quite possible to remove some restrictions.

Volume Booster GOODEV

Volume Booster GOODEV is a very easy to use application designed only for volume control. You don't need to expect anything beyond it, but it is ready to become an excellent replacement for the usual settings.

The instructions for using Volume Booster GOODEV look like this:

Sound amplifier

As the name suggests, the Sound Booster app is also responsible for adjusting and boosting the volume on your phone. It is also simple and, unlike the previous program, has a translation into Russian. However, the "Sound Booster" does not always provide a result comparable to the Volume Booster GOODEV. Its effectiveness is somewhat lower.

How to use the app:

  1. Read the warning that excessive volume amplification can damage your hearing and accelerate speaker wear. Click "OK" to continue.
  2. Use the sliders under the respective headings to make adjustments. The first slider adjusts the overall volume level, while the second boosts it. The maximum gain is possible up to 60% of the default setting in the speakers.

Using patches

This option is suitable exclusively for experienced smartphone and PC users, since it implies working with system files using root rights. An inexperienced user who does not understand what he is doing runs the risk of breaking the smartphone.

The patches were developed by enthusiastic craftsmen, that is, they have nothing to do with the manufacturer of the device. They are embedded in system catalogs, which leads to changes in the functions of the gadget, in particular, to the removal of the speaker volume limit. But there is one “but”: these patches are not so easy to find, and the risk of downloading a non-working or viral package is far from zero.

Let's briefly consider the sequence of actions:

Probably many smartphone owners have faced the problem of loudness. For example, I was not happy with two things. The first one is a quiet sound of the speaker during an incoming call, and the second is a very loud sound in the headphones during an incoming call.

A little about how Android controls volume

If no headset is connected to your gadget (headphones, hands-free, etc.), then the volume settings will be the same, and as soon as you connect the headset, the settings will be different. For a general understanding, I will tell you a few examples.

Example 1. You listen to music on your phone, turn on the loud speaker at full power, and when you connect a headset to it and turn on the loud speaker again, the volume may differ (it may be louder or lower, depending on which phone model or firmware version).

Example 2. You are watching a movie in headphones, the volume (meaning the volume of multimedia) is set to 40% and then after a while you have an incoming call, then the volume in the headphones will change to the general volume, in which case you can get a powerful sound blow to your ears. Believe me, I was blown off the couch more than once in such cases, the fact is that the programmers have poorly adjusted the volume modes.

Example 3. You are talking on the phone and you need to switch to the speakerphone mode, and you notice that the speaker is not as loud (or vice versa) as when listening to music; or your partner has begun to hear you poorly, this is because the microphone may have different sensitivity in different modes. Also, when you connect a headset in the same situation and turn on the speakerphone mode - again, different settings. This is how Android controls volume.

We learn the theory of the engineering menu

So let's look at what and how you can do if you tinker a little over the "Engineering menu".

Before making any changes, we recommend that you read the entire article, and comprehend, and then experiment. Also take a piece of paper and write down all the defaults in case something goes wrong. You can start the engineering menu by using telephone dialing: we write the following combinations on it (Fig. 1):

picture 1

* # * # 54298 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 83781 # * # * - smartphones based on MTK processor

* # * # 8255 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * - Samsung smartphones

* # * # 3424 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # * - HTC smartphones

* # * # 7378423 # * # * - Sony smartphones

* # * # 3646633 # * # * - smartphones Fly, Alcatel, Philips

* # * # 2846579 # * # * - Huawei smartphones

Congratulations, you have entered the engineering menu (Fig. 2). Keep in mind that the menu structure may differ slightly on different phones. Find the "Audio" section and go into it. After entering, we see a bunch of unknown lines (modes) (Fig. 3). Here's what these modes mean in Android:

figure 2 figure 3

Normal Mode(settings section in normal or normal mode) - this mode is active when nothing is connected to the smartphone;

Headset Mode(headset mode) - this mode is activated after connecting headphones or external speakers;

LoudSpeaker Mode(loudspeaker mode) - it is activated when nothing is connected to the smart, and you turn on the loudspeaker while talking on the phone;

Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode(loudspeaker mode with a headset connected) - this mode is activated when headphones or external speakers are connected to the smart, and you turn on the loudspeaker while talking on the phone;

Speech Enhancement(telephone conversation mode) - this mode is activated in the normal telephone conversation mode, and nothing is connected to it (headset, external speakers) and the speakerphone is not turned on.

It is better not to poke your nose into the last three sections:

Debug Info- it is not clear for what - infa on the backup of information or its debugging;

Speech Logger- I did not fully understand, most likely, keeping a Log during negotiations or recording chatter. If you check the box next to "Enable speech log", then after the end of the phone call, the corresponding files are created in the root directory of the memory card. Their name and structure takes the following form: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm (Wednesday_July_2014__time07_02_23.vm).

What these files are for and how they can be useful to us is not clear. The / sdcard / VOIP_DebugInfo directory (which is the storage location for files with backup information) is not automatically created, if you create it manually, it will remain empty after a conversation.

Audio logger- good software for sound recording, which supports fast search, playback and saving.

If you approach these modes wisely, you can adjust the volume of Android smartphones or tablets as you like. When entering any of the modes, different volume settings (Type) will become available to your eyes. Here is a list of the basic settings you need to know (Figure 4):

picture 4

Sip- settings for internet calls;

Mic- microphone sensitivity settings;

Sph- settings for the spoken dynamics (the one that we apply to the ears);

Sph2- settings for the second spoken speaker (I don't have one);

Sid- we skip, when you change these parameters during negotiations on your smartphone or tablet, you can hear yourself instead of the interlocutor;

Media- setting the volume level of multimedia;

Ring- setting the volume level of the incoming call;

FMR- FM radio volume settings.

Further, under the item for selecting settings, we have a list of volume levels (Level) (Fig. 5). For a better understanding - there are 7 such levels, from level 0 to level 6. Each level corresponds to one "click" on the volume rocker of a smartphone or tablet. Accordingly, level 0 is the quietest level, and level 6 is the loudest signal level. Each level can be assigned its own values, which are in the Value is 0 ~ 255 cell, and should not go beyond the range from 0 to 255 (the lower the value, the lower the sound). To do this, erase the old value in the cell, then enter the new (desired) value and press the “Set” button (the one next to the cell) for assignment (Fig. 6). Be careful when using maximum values, as the speakers can produce uncharacteristic unpleasant sounds in the form of rattles and other unpleasant effects.

figure 5 figure 6

A warning! Rewrite all factory defaults before making changes (if something goes wrong).

You should know this!

Editing modes in the engineering menu

Example 1. How do I increase the volume of an incoming call?

To do this, you need to go to the engineering menu, print the "Audio" section, enter the "LoudSpeaker Mode" and select "Ring" in the volume settings - the volume settings for the incoming call. Then sequentially change (increase) the values ​​of all signal levels (level 0 - level 6). You can also increase the value of the Max Vol section for more effect. 0 ~ 160, if it is not maximum (I set it to 155 for myself, with a higher value the speaker starts to "wheeze").

Example 2. How do I increase the volume while talking on the phone? (Increase the volume of the small speaker that we put to the ear).

Again we go into the engineering menu already known to us, print out the "Audio" section, go to the special "Normal Mode" mode, select Sph in it - this parameter is responsible for changing the value of all signal levels in the range from level 0 to level 6. Set the desired value for us level. In the Max Vol. 0 ~ 160, can also be changed to a higher volume power value.

Example 3. Increase the volume and sensitivity of the smartphone's spoken microphone

To adjust and set the required volume level as well as the sensitivity of the spoken microphone, you need to go to "Engineering menu"> "Audio"> "Normal Mode"> select Mic - microphone sensitivity settings, and for all levels (level 0 - level 6) we assign one and the same value, for example 240. Now the interlocutor should hear you better.

Example 4. How do I increase the volume of audio recording while filming?

Suppose there is a need to increase the volume of sound recording when filming, then in the engineering menu for our loudspeaker (LoudSpeaker Mode), change the microphone sensitivity settings (mic), increase all values ​​at all levels (level 0 - level 6), for example, set it to 240 at every level. I remind you about pressing the (set) button - reload your favorite gadget and rejoice.

By the way, do not forget to press the “Set” button after each editing of a certain parameter. This action should fix and accept your command for execution. Otherwise, the user-set parameters are not activated. In addition, a certain number of mobile devices require a reboot in order for the changes to take effect (turn off and turn on the device).

Good luck with your experiments, if something is not clear - write in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you.

Code table for entering the engineering menu

smartphones based on MTK processor * # * # 54298 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 8612 # * # *
Samsung * # * # 197328640 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # *
Htc * # * # 3424 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # *
Huawei * # * # 2846579 # * # * or * # * # 14789632 # * # *
Sony * # * # 7378423 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 3649547 # * # *
Fly, Alcatel, Philips * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # 9646633 #
Prestigio * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 83781 # * # *
ZTE *#*#4636#*#*
Philips * # * # 3338613 # * # * or * # * # 13411 # * # *
TEXET *#*#3646633#*#*
Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*
Blackview * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # 35789 # *
Cube * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # *
Cubot *#*#3646633#*#*
Doogee * # * # 3646633 # * # *, * # 9646633 #, * # 35789 # * or * # * # 8612 # * # *
Elephone *#*#3646633#*#*,
HOMTOM *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#3643366#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*

Note: the table is constantly updated

Weak and lackluster sound is often very frustrating for the user. Familiarity with this situation allows me to talk about methods to overcome this problem.

Many users of smartphones running Android operating system often have a problem with the sound. Most models have a too quiet ringtone, which is difficult to distinguish on a noisy street or in transport, or it is difficult to hear music in headphones. Here all sorts of manipulations begin to amplify the sound on Android, first on your own, then with the help of friends and forums about modern gadgets.

But even after that, there are those who have not solved the problem and are still dissatisfied with the sound of their phone. This article is for you.

First of all, go to the Device Settings Menu

Sometimes it is possible to set the desired sound level in the phone settings. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Going into the general settings, find the item responsible for the sound.
  2. In this subsection, different types of adjustments related to the audio capabilities of a mobile phone are available: select the melody you like with a change in its sound level. Choose a ringtone for SMS, for calls with adjusting the sound sliders at full strength.

The Volume + program will help to increase the volume. It is featured on Google Play. To everyone's joy, the app is free.

After downloading and installing Volume +, launch it. You need to select “Speaker Settings”. This brings you to the menu. Here you need to check the items

  • Speaker Modifications and
  • Virtual Room Effect.

Then, in turn, click on the items "Volume Level", "Bass Enhance", "Virtual Room", where all levels are increased by one. You shouldn't set +4 right away. In this case, malfunctions, glitches are possible, which can then be eliminated only by uninstalling the program and pulling out the battery. It is better to gradually find the optimum volume.

You can also add sound volume through the equalizer. To do this, you need to go to the GooglePlay market and download the equalizer you like. For example, JetAudio. You can choose from a variety of programs.

In fact, JetAudio is a multifunctional program. There is also a player of various formats, a ripper, and a converter. Among other things, there is a good equalizer.

Open the equalizer. The default is Normal. It is necessary to open the "Custom" tab and increase the required columns as you wish. Try to play any music. You will hear a noticeable difference.

Important: no need to touch the 60 Hz speaker!

It should also be remembered that the higher the sound volume, the lower the sound quality. Wheezing is possible. The video also tells how you can do without programs and do it through the engineering menu.

Increasing sound by means of third-party programs

Many people may like the Volume Booster GOODEV application, which may well cope with the task of changing the volume levels on the phone.

Using the utility is extremely simple, I will explain how to do it:

  1. After installing and launching the program, a small text will appear on the screen with an explanation of the risk to human hearing when using too loud sound. I advise you to read and click on "OK".
  2. It will be possible to adjust the sound volume using the "Boost" lever. If you move the slider all the way, by as much as 60% of the original value, then you will notice a difference in sound intensity. Warning: do not set the maximum values ​​everywhere - there is a danger of damage to the device's speakers.

Engineering menu features

Such a menu is available on all phones, but it is impossible to get to it with one click - you need to know the secret code. The widest range of settings is available in this menu, the sound can be made perfect there. Note that different brands of phones have their own access code to the engineering menu.

Here's how you can take advantage of this kind of sound setting:

  1. To enter the engineering menu of Chinese smartphones Meizu, Xiaomi and several other brands, the following chains of numbers and symbols are suitable, which must be entered using the keyboard: * # * # 54298 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # *. On Samsung it will be - * # * # 197328640 # * # *. In case of failure, I recommend that you look at the instructions for the phone, there may be a hint.
  2. After a successful entry into this menu, click on "Hardware Testing", if the click did not work, slide your finger to the right.
  3. Next - enter the item for audio settings, it is called Audio.

4 types of sound options settings will become available:

  • Normal Mode will be responsible for the main sound coming from the speakers of the device.
  • Headset Mode will allow you to change the sound quality in the headphones.
  • The sound of the interlocutor's voice during speakerphone can be changed using LoudSpeaker Mode.
  • In Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode, you can turn on the loudspeaker mode when using headphones.

Entering each of these items, you can see two cells with numbers for changing the sound power.

  • In the line Value is 0 ~ 255 indicating the range of the active sound, you can set your own value;
  • In Max Vol. 0 ~ 160 is the maximum possible sound strength, you can also change the numbers.

For example, numbers 32-128 are often found there, if you set 45-160, the sound will increase significantly. Do not forget to press Set to confirm the operation.

Here is a list of the optimal metrics for Android smartphones:

  • Level 0 - 45/160
  • Level 1 - 60/160
  • Level 2 - 75/160
  • Level 3 - 90/160
  • Level 4 - 105/160
  • Level 5 - 120/160
  • Level 6 - 135/160
  • Level 7 - 150/160
  • Level 8 - 165/160
  • Level 9 - 180/160
  • Level 10 - 195/160
  • Level 11 - 210/160
  • Level 12 - 225/160
  • Level 13 - 240/160
  • Level 14 - 255/160

At 1 point, the level increases by 15, in the last one it is always 160.

After this procedure, change the values ​​in each of the 4 items. After completing these settings and exiting the special menu, a mandatory restart of the smartphone is required.

In which system files can the sound strength be modified?

By modifying files such as mixer_path.xml and mixer_paths_mtp.xml, you can get the desired sound power on your device. These files are usually found in system / etc. However, in order to do this, root rights must be activated in the smartphone file manager.

It should be borne in mind that on different brands of phones with different versions of Android, variations of both the system files to change and the items in these files are possible. For example, for Xiaomi Redmi 4, changes in the aforementioned files are suitable to increase the sound power. But these manipulations should be done with extreme caution, first of all, it is better to make a backup of the device.

For listening to music, there are such applications with which you can increase the sound power:

  • Equalizer -
  • Bass Booster -

1. Check volume settings in different applications

If the sound is too quiet in any one program or game, make sure it is set to the maximum volume. This advice may seem trivial. But while most applications have limited audio control to a single slider, some games or media players might hide advanced audio options. Try to find them and adjust.

Also, if you are using Windows, check your volume mixer settings. This is such a control point for sound levels in different programs. To launch it, right-click on the sound icon and select "Open Volume Mixer".

Then set the maximum volume level for each application. If the required program is not in the mixer, start it and enable sound playback in it - the program should appear.

2. Restart your computer and test it in Safe Mode

The sound can suddenly become quiet or completely disappear as a result of a crash in the OS or a specific program. Restart your computer - this may be enough to restore normal volume.

If restarting does not help, the reason may not be an accidental crash, but incorrect system settings or incorrect behavior of individual programs. To find and fix such problems, test the sound in.

3. Update your operating system and sound driver

The volume may drop due to bugs in the operating system code. Such errors usually appear after installing incomplete updates. In such cases, one can only hope that the developers will notice the error and quickly fix it in the next update. So check if there are any new updates for your system.

Windows users should also check for the latest versions of the sound driver and update it. Free software like Driver Booster will do it automatically. If you do not want to install additional software, you can download the driver from the website of your computer manufacturer and install it manually.

4. Use an equalizer

If the sound was always quiet, you can increase the maximum volume using the equalizer. Run it and test different presets. If none of them give the desired gain, experiment with the sliders manually until you get the optimal effect.

  1. Open the section "Control Panel" → "Sound".
  2. Double click on the playback device and go to the "Enhancements" tab.
  3. Check the "Equalizer" box and try different presets in the "Settings" list. Or click on the three-dot button to manually adjust the equalizer.

  1. Launch iTunes.
  2. From the top bar, choose Window → Equalizer.
  3. Try different presets or adjust the sliders manually.

The settings will take effect when playing files in iTunes. If you are looking for an advanced equalizer for macOS with even more presets that can amplify the sound in all programs, you can try Boom 2. The cheapest version of the app is for one Mac user and costs $ 10. It can be used free of charge for 7 days.

In addition, many players have built-in equalizers. Use them if the system one does not suit you.

5. Replace your audio device

If none of the above helps, the playback device (built-in speakers, external speakers, or headphones) may be causing the faint sound. If it worked fine before, but then suddenly becomes too quiet, take it to a service center. If your device has never had a high volume, try replacing it with more powerful headphones or.

How to increase the volume on a tablet or smartphone

1. Check your sound settings

Make sure volume limiting is not enabled in the audio settings on your device.

On iOS, this can be done in the Settings → Music menu. If the item "Volume Limit" is active, click on it and move the slider all the way to the right. This will increase the maximum allowed headphone volume, but will not affect the speaker sound.

If you use Android, it is possible that the manufacturer of your gadget has also added a similar function to the settings.

2. Remove suspicious programs, restart or reset the device

If the sound becomes quiet suddenly, it is most likely a software glitch. Try restarting the machine and check if the volume has recovered.

If you've recently installed audio apps, uninstall them and test the volume. You can reinstall them if necessary.

If these measures do not help, please do a factory reset after saving important data. These instructions for and will help you.

3. Check the speaker

If the smartphone was dropped or was in not the cleanest pockets, its speaker could become clogged with small debris. Similar circumstances also lead to a decrease in volume. Check the sound hole and, if necessary, clean it with a cotton swab or other safe object.

Also, make sure the case does not cover the speaker. If so, then you will have to or be content with reducing the sound.

If the sound was normal, and then became quiet and neither cleaning nor resetting to factory settings helped, most likely something broke inside the device. Contact a specialist for repair.

4. Increase the volume with the equalizer

This advice makes sense if the device has never been loud enough for you.

If you're using Android, look for an equalizer in your sound settings. If not, there are third-party services available for free on Google Play. Programs like Equalizer - Bass Boost and Equalizer FX even have a dedicated sound boost option that can be turned on with a single tap.