Get real subscribers to the VK group. How to promote a VKontakte group for free. Promotion of a VKontakte group. Add subscribers to the community for free. Promotion of the VKontakte group. Cheat live subscribers to the Vkontakte group

  • 01.11.2021

Hello dear readers of the site. Today we will talk about how you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers how safe and effective it is. I would like to warn you right away that the administration of the social network is fighting against such frauds, even if it is an artificial increase in subscribers or, the result can be disastrous for your account. Even if today you are not caught red-handed for cheating, in the future you can get caught, as the algorithms are constantly being improved and sharpened to catch cheaters.

It will be about the methods and services that provide services artificially increasing the number of subscribers, let's try to make out their advantages and disadvantages. And draw your own conclusions.

To get new subscribers, you need to complete certain tasks of the service members, for which you will receive points (special currency of the service), which you can spend on the subsequent promotion for your group or account.

Everyone has it site for boosting subscribers there are nuances, differences, but they all share the same disadvantages as paid services. The only difference is that they involve real people with live accounts.


  1. You can increase the number of subscribers of your group for free in a short time
  2. The participants are real people. This means that live accounts will join groups, not bots.


  1. To attract subscribers, you need points, points that you get when completing tasks of the service
  2. Not the target audience. Let every online cheater boast advanced targeting settings, but you will not get subscribers who are really interested in your group
  3. The likelihood of losing your account (stolen or blocked), as you log in to the service using your data


Using services for boosting subscribers you may not get the desired result, but thanks to the large number of subscribers of your group, you can launch the “herd instinct” among netizens, moreover, you can take first places in the search results of a social network for certain queries due to the large number of subscribers.

Disadvantages of artificially increasing the number of subscribers- getting a non-target audience for your group. If subscribers are not interested in the information that you publish in your group, then the meaning of a large number of such subscribers is lost, there will be no conversion of visitors into buyers - there is no increase in sales. If you use your personal account to complete the tasks of the service, then sooner or later it will be calculated by Vkontakte robots and banned.

There is a high chance of losing your account. Since the owners of programs or services for online cheating of subscribers can use your credentials for their own purposes and simply take your account away from you.

So draw your own conclusions. My opinion is that you should not risk your Vkontakte account for the sake of useless bots in your group. Make your group so that people themselves want to join you or use legal methods, even if they cost money.

What do you think about growing followers in groups? Write in the comments.

If you have a VKontakte group or community, then you are probably interested in the number of its members growing.

For this to happen, you must comply with a number of conditions. Post interesting content, interact with your audience, etc. Let's talk about this in more detail.

So, how to recruit people or members to a VKontakte group?

Video lesson: how to wind up participants in a VK group

Recruitment of participants through quality materials

This method, although the most difficult, is the most correct and effective. What is its essence?

You should, as often as possible, publish materials in your group related directly to your topic. Here's an example.

If we are talking about a community in which jokes are published, do not be lazy and post 10-20 new, funny jokes during the day. What will you end up with?

If your members like them, they will like and repost the record (see).

What does repost mean? It's simple - all friends of the user who made it will see the material in their news. They will surely like it, they will move to your group, and join it.

How to get subscribers to a VK group

You can go through a mutual exchange. Vkontakte has a large number of communities where people leave their announcements about mutual joining a group, setting likes (see), cheating reposts (see), etc.

We can contact such people and offer them mutual entry into our group. How to do it?

In search we write "Mutual entry"... Next, go to the "Communities" section, and select an open group from the list. We go into it.

Here we are looking at the wall - we need to find an ad in which the user offers to join the group. Here's a similar one.

Now we go to the page to our user, and write to him in a personal message that we have joined his group. We send him a link to ours, and ask him to do the same (see).

A person will read the message and subscribe to our group.

Cheat people in a VKontakte group using services

The network has a large number of services that offer services for the promotion of your groups. What is the principle of their work?


In the personal account of the service, find the "Groups" menu. Then click "Promote".

We will move on to filling out the form. Here you need to specify the following data:

If you need users who meet certain criteria, set up targeting. When you fill in everything, click the "Order" button.

In this guide you will find out how to quickly wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group free and without a chance to get banned.

There are many services on the Internet for promoting publics and groups. Some of them are paid, others are free. To be honest, VK itself provides such services in different ways. But now is not about that. Now we will analyze how to properly wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group without spending money. Like exchange services will help you with this. Their essence is so that people who want to get likes and reposts, as well as friends and community members (and much more), can do it in exchange for the same actions for other people. Unfortunately, on the Internet, there are many low-quality resources or even malicious ones, but we have identified a couple of optimal options, thanks to which you can easily how to safely wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group, and create activity in the community, thanks to the likes and comments of the posts (they can also be ordered).

The most visited (about 12 unique visitors per day) and eventful project in this area. There are always a lot of tasks and those who want to complete them. The site interface is very simple and straightforward. To register, you just need to log in from VK and put the first like for verification. There is a unified currency on the site that you can earn by completing tasks, as well as spend by posting your tasks (for example, subscribing to a group). You can learn more about how to use this exchange in the video below.

Service advantages:

Saturation with tasks

A large number of performers

Simple interface

Safe promotion of subscribers to a group(Ability to add only verified users to your public)

If you wish, you can buy currency for real

Targeting by gender, age, geolocation and more

The second project of this topic, which has all the advantages of the first service, but it is, so to speak, cross-platform, that is, you can work with all popular social networks (Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram, Ask.FM and of course VK), and the account for one. Thus, you can complete tasks in different social networks. networks, and spend on one thing.

Service advantages:

Even more tasks

More performers

Modern interface

Low average cost of jobs

Nice bonuses for buying currency

Gift Quests

Another cross-platform resource, so far without classmates, but already from YouTube. The project is quite popular and already has over two million registered users.

The advantages of this service include:

Very nice and friendly interface

The ability to promote the channel on YouTube

Daily bonuses for visiting the resource

Inexpensive job prices

The presence of a promotional code that you need to enter when authorizing from VK and you will immediately have 50 points on your balance:C9SRVX

To reduce the likelihood of an account being banned for suspicious activity, do not complete tasks related to voting, as they use applications that are easy to track you down. It is also dangerous to perform tasks with reposts, but if you take on them, then make sure that the users or communities from which you repost do not get banned, otherwise it is better to delete such reposts from the wall. The safest tasks are likes, comments, adding to friends and communities.

Now you know the proven and effective promotion resources, but that's not all. It is necessary to understand that 50% of users of such sites create second accounts on social networks and without hesitation begin to perform all tasks in a row, which is eventually noticed by social media. The networks ban him for suspicious activity. How to wind up live subscribers to a VK group? This is the main question that we will answer next.

Cheat live subscribers to the Vkontakte group

Cheat subscribers to the VK group without dogs
means a lot, because if a significant part of the participants will have frozen accounts, then the public will soon overtake the same account. Therefore, we will tell you a few secrets of promotion.

1) Don't add too many people a day. This will attract a lot of the attention of the assessors (real assessors). 200 a day is enough for a beginner group.

2) Use different sources of attraction. Friends invitations, advertising in communities, third-party resources. The more sources, the more difficult it is to figure out whether you are winding up users artificially or not.

3) Every day, clean the list of participants from deleted pages. To do this, go to the "Community Management" item, the "Participants" tab and check for those. If you follow this, then there is practically no chance of getting banned. Another little secret about how to wind up subscribers to a group without dogs... At the very top of the list will be the newest members and they need to be checked very carefully, and those who are on the list for the first week do not require close checks, because fake accounts are banned in the very first days. Don't worry about those below.

4) It is best to check the accounts of each new user and if you suspect that this is a fake page, twink or something like that, immediately delete it, and if you see that a person has many friends, real photos and he is not the first page year, then even if he is banned, then most likely he will restore the page.

5) Use retargeting. If the audience of your community is supposed to consist of certain people, then you don't need to clog it with everyone. For example, you are selling lipstick in the city of Moscow, which means that your target audience is women from 14 to 50 from Moscow and you do not need to attract men and people from other regions, because this will also arouse the suspicion of assessors.

Now that you know how to wind up real subscribers to a group and at the same time not get sanctions from social networks, you can safely start your own business. I hope this article was useful to you! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments.

Hello dear readers. Almost always, the promotion of a VKontakte group begins with the promotion of subscribers. Whether we like it or not, the fact remains that no one wants to join an empty group. People are much more willing to join groups where there is an audience and where some kind of animation is visible - comments, likes and reposts. In order for users of social. networks began to join your young group, you must first of all create interesting and high-quality content in it, as well as wind up subscribers to the VK group.

At first, you can even wind up bots to create the appearance of a busy group. In the future, when the group will be dominated by mostly living people, these bots can be removed.

You can add subscribers to the VK group both for a fee and for free, using only your efforts and time. Let's take a look at each method separately.

Paid promotion of subscribers to the VKontakte group

There are a huge number of services and ordinary freelancers on the network that provide services for promoting subscribers to a group.

Such subscribers cost mere kopecks - from 50 kopecks per subscriber to 5 rubles. The cost depends primarily on the quality of the subscribers. Bots have the cheapest price. As a rule, such subscribers become "dogs" in a maximum of a couple of months. The highest value is obtained from subscribers with certain criteria - age, demography, gender, etc. such subscribers usually do not unsubscribe afterwards, and even among them there are active ones who will like your posts, but this is a rarity 🙂

I will give only a couple of links to sites where you can order a promotion of subscribers to a group:

The cost of 1,000 subscribers is 1,000 rubles.

This exchange has a fixed cost of payment - 500 rubles. You simply choose the one that suits you from the list of services, contact the freelancer, discuss issues and order a kwork. After completing the work, accept it or send it back for revision.

Here are examples of works for 500 rubles on this exchange:

The third option for paid subscribers' promotion is the use of special software. Everything is simple here, you buy a program for boosting subscribers once and always use it.

Among such programs, I think the following are the best:

- a program that has the "Exchanger" tool in its arsenal. With its help, the program will automatically perform routine actions of mutual subscription to communities.

The program allows you to massively invite friends to groups by criteria.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of online promotion services today, but none of them can boast of the availability of their offers, and even more importantly, the quality of the services provided. You can always order active, targeted subscribers to your VK groups on the most interesting conditions and being sure of their high quality. All attracted people are definitely real users of the social network.

How to wind up subscribers to a group for free?

Paid ways to increase subscribers are good, but there are also free ones. In this case, all gratuity is reduced to reciprocity. You do not need to pay money for this, but it will take your time.

The principle is simple - you join other groups, and in return they subscribe to you. This whole thing takes place on special sites. Here are a couple of them:

- after authorization, you can complete tasks in the system and receive points for this. Points are a kind of internal currency. Subsequently, you can order subscribers for your group on them.

On average, points are awarded for the following actions:

  • Subscription to groups - from 5 to 10 points;
  • Like - 2 points;
  • Add as friend - from 4 to 7 points;
  • Repost - from 2 to 7 points;

A nice bonus of this service is a daily bonus of 25 points. If you have a lot of free time and you want to wind up subscribers to the VK group for free, then here you can wind up hundreds of people a day.

- a service similar to the previous one that allows you to earn likes by joining groups, adding to friends and making reposts. Subsequently, the likes earned can be spent on your tasks.

Here you can also gain several hundred subscribers for your VKontakte group completely free of charge, using only your own efforts.

- the service is practically no different from the previous two. Earn likes and spend them on boosting subscribers.

There are many similar sites and the principle is the same for all of them. They differ only in the interface.

As you can see, completely free of charge, you can wind up several thousand subscribers per month for free. But when cheating, you should definitely take into account the limits in order to avoid the ban of the main account.

Hello dear reader!

Promotion of Vkontakte subscribers to a group for free : quickly, efficiently, or allow the group to develop on its own? This question worries everyone who is just starting to create a thematic community.

I suspect that you understand how important it is to use social networks in promoting your online resource - a blog, website, online store or affiliate programs.

Before you start promoting your community, you need to do some preparation. To "all the stars converge", you need to take a few steps:

One of the methods is to cheat members in the VK group, which will allow you to quickly gain subscribers and give weight to your public.

What is the purpose of boosting subscribers in VK

Agree, if you have been sent an invitation, then the first thing you do is evaluate its topic, the number of participants, likes, reposts. And only then you take a closer look at its design and various headings.

I am more than sure that a beautifully designed group with a small number of subscribers will not be able to generate interest on your part. In most cases, you will simply unsubscribe, or you will watch from the outside as it develops.

This is why you need to add subscribers to the group, for free or for a fee. You get new members, develop public and promote your Internet resource. It will be easier for you to invite, it will be more interesting to work with him.

How to wind up VK subscribers to a group for free

As I said, increasing the number of participants can be done quickly, qualitatively, or the group can develop slowly.

It all depends on whether you will use cheat program subscribers to the VKontakte group or act independently, without automation.

When manually recruiting members, there is a possibility of being banned, since any social network has a restriction on sending invitations to become a member of a group.

In addition, not every user will look favorably at the notification of the invitation to the thematic community that has arrived from nowhere.

He may report spam and you will be banned. Whatever one may say, but working independently, without involving special services, is quite difficult.

If you use automation to cheat subscribers, then the probability of getting banned is very small. After all, do not knock on the PM yourself to each user who has your topic, and impose your public.


You calmly give the task of adding to the group, the participants independently submit, applications and approve them. Do you feel the difference?

What way to cheat groups to choose?

Choose the way how to wind up subscribers to the VKontakte group , based on their capabilities and needs.

If you need to quickly increase the number of participants, then there is only one option - to use a special service and switch to a paid basis.

This way you will save your time and get results in the coming days. But the group must be fully prepared for promotion.

If you do not have a time limit, then use the free method of boosting subscribers. To do this, after a simple registration, select the most suitable tasks and complete them.

So you will top up your balance without any cash injections from your side. After that, create your task and put it to completion. The higher the cost of work in points, the faster you will get the result.

  • The only disadvantage of the free method is littering your personal page. After all, you perform tasks related to reposts, likes, or adding friends.
  • If you have the opportunity, then earn points using the "spare" page, so that your personal wall was clean of various rubbish.

The most valuable thing in using the service for cheating members is the ability to free yourself from the routine of sending invitations. In this case, the probability of a ban is minimized.

What should you choose? Decide for yourself. But after simple registration you will be able to fill your group with new members.

Best regards, Alexander Gavrin.