What is the frequency of requests. Automatic collection Yandex Wordstat Keyword counter

  • 06.12.2021

You can find out the frequencies of Wordstat manually, but it is long and inconvenient. To speed up work, there are parsers: desktop programs, browser extensions, cloud services and scripts. They are all similar - there are only differences in the nuances of the work. Its own has appeared in the PromoPult system as well. Let's figure out how it works and why it is better than analogues.

Main features of the Wordstat Parser in PromoPult:

  • bulk check of frequencies from the left column of Wordstat for specified phrases;
  • loading phrases in a list or using an XLSX file;
  • the ability to parse the frequency in any Yandex region;
  • accounting for the type of match when parsing (operators " phrase«, «! phrase" and [ phrase]);
  • saving all reports "in the cloud".

Service features:

  • unlimited number of search queries when checking at one time;
  • collection of frequencies online - no need to install software;
  • no need to create fake Yandex accounts specifically for parsing or risk your own accounts;
  • no need to use proxy servers and enter captcha;
  • summing up the frequencies in the report for the specified regions or a breakdown for each region;
  • high parsing speed;
  • convenient for further processing report in XLSX format.

A bit of theory: why know the frequency of keywords?

The main reason for collecting frequencies is traffic forecasting... Knowing how many times users were interested in a certain phrase, you can roughly calculate how many clicks the site will receive if it takes the Nth position in the search.

How it works in practice:

  • you have formed a list of key phrases by which you plan to promote;
  • for the phrase by which you plan to evaluate traffic, determine the frequency (for example, “ buy an ottoman in Moscow"- 2852);
  • find out the CTR values ​​depending on the position in the search (approximate data on the distribution of CTR can be found in open sources, but if your site has been running for at least a few months, then more accurate data is available in the report "Search queries" / "Query history" / indicator : "CTR on positions,%");
  • make a traffic forecast for the TOP-10 (for this, multiply the frequency by the CTR and divide by 100%; for example, if the CTR of 2-3 positions is 25%, then the predicted traffic when this position is reached is: 2852 * 25/100 = 713).

The second reason to collect frequencies is filtering out "junk" phrases... These are phrases, the frequency of which tends to zero, and it makes no sense to include them on existing pages (and even more so to create new pages for them).

What phrases are considered "junk"? It all depends on the topic. For example, if the topic is narrow, there is little traffic (for example, by the keys “ purchase of an MRI machine" or " Vertu repair"), And each user is worth its weight in gold, then you can leave phrases with a frequency of 1. For mass-market stores, requests with a frequency below 5. And for information sites, a frequency of 10-20 may well be the lower limit. The main thing is not to overdo it with removing unnecessary phrases, otherwise there is a risk of losing traffic for low-frequency requests, which sometimes makes up 70-80% of total traffic.

Another reason to clarify the frequencies is building a hierarchy of requests on the page... More frequent queries are added to Title and H1, and for less frequent ones, sections and subsections are formed.

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There are several services that allow you to predict search frequency, but most specialists use a service from Yandex - Yandex Wordstat.


Yandex has a significant market share (large sample of data) and a convenient tool for analysis (Yandex Wordstat). In the tool from Mail, you can get more advanced data for each key request, but on a much smaller sample of data. Yandex Wordstat service was created primarily for Yandex Direct, but it is very useful for SEO specialists.

3 types of query frequency in Yandex Wordstat

Every day seo experts use 3 types of frequency in their work. You need to grasp the difference and learn how to correctly interpret the information, understand its value.

The total frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month for the entered phrase with any other words in any case / declension / number, etc. That is, if you enter the query [pizza delivery], you will receive the number of impressions per month for such queries as: [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery around the clock], [inexpensive pizza delivery in St. Petersburg at 3 am], [pizza akhtynzan delivery to Yekaterinburg], etc.


The numbers next to each keyword in the keyword search results provide a preliminary estimate of the number of impressions per month you will receive when you select that keyword as a keyword. So, the number next to the word "phone" denotes the number of hits for all queries with the word "phone": "buy a phone", "cell phone", "buy a cell phone", "buy a new cell phone in a speck", etc.

That is, Yandex tells us that the word “pizza” and any phrases with the word “pizza” will be dialed 2,242,196 times a month, and the phrase “pizza delivery” and all phrases with the phrase “pizza delivery” will be typed 240,705 times a month. Using this information, you can find interesting clusters of queries that users are recruiting and analyze the needs of potential customers. For example, it is clearly seen here that only 10% users who have searched for anything related to pizza are looking for its delivery.

Some users want to receive pizza around the clock, while for the other part of users it is very important that the pizza is delivered quickly. This is valuable information for your business, so experiment and look for interesting query needs.

2. Accurate frequency of requests

Exact Frequency is the projected number of impressions per month of the entered phrase without any other words, but in any case / declension / number, etc. That is, if you enter the query "pizza delivery", you will get the number of impressions per month for such queries as: [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery], etc.

To get the exact frequency of the request, the entire request must be enclosed in quotes:

The exact frequency will help you find the keywords that users are actually typing. Also note that only 6% of users looking for something with pizza delivery limit themselves to [pizza delivery], and 94% of users complement (flesh out) their request.

3. Super Accurate Request Rate

Super Accurate Frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month of the entered phrase without any other words and in specified case / declension / number etc. That is, if you enter the query "! Pizza delivery!", You will get the number of impressions per month for the [pizza delivery] query.

To get the exact frequency of the request, the entire request must be enclosed in quotes and an exclamation mark must be placed in front of each word:

Super accurate frequency allows you to identify in which case, number and declension people are typing certain queries.

Prepositions in Yandex

Wordstat doesn't take into account prepositions when you analyze overall frequency. If you need to look at a key request with a preposition, then you must put "+" in front of the preposition.

Experience the Difference:

Imagine that you want to know how many people want to buy tickets to Moscow. If you type in [air tickets to Moscow], you will get 716,174 total frequency, but this frequency also includes requests for [air tickets from Moscow], [air tickets Moscow], [Moscow sochi air tickets] and others.

But if you enter the request [air tickets + to Moscow], you will see 66,841 total frequency. The numbers differ by a factor of 10, I hope that you will not forget to indicate the "+"

The Yandex Wordstat service has the ability to analyze the frequency of requests for the required region. This can be very helpful sometimes.

In some areas of activity, you can find suitable queries for yourself that are found only in certain regions. For example, the names of geographical objects.

There is also a separate functionality where you can see the popularity of any keyword in different regions.

Seasonality (history of queries) is a very useful functionality with which you can analyze the frequency of a keyword in different periods of time. The data is stored for 2 years.

For example, this is how the demand for air tickets to Moscow looks like at different times of the year:

Additional operators

There are some operators that are used by trained technicians. If you are just starting to master search engine optimization, then you should not focus on them.

Operator "-"

The “-” operator allows you to remove unnecessary words (by analogy with a direct).

Operator "|" (or)

Operator "|" (or) allows you to get a result for several conditions at once.

Operator "()" (grouping)

The operator "()" (grouping) allows you to combine conditions.

We are sometimes asked:

“Why is my site in the TOP for such a seemingly“ bold ”query as“ metal structures ”, but there is very little traffic to the site from this keyword. Some 50-100 people a month! But the frequency of this request is huge, as much as 250 thousand per month! Why is this happening? "

Indeed, if you drive such a request into wordstat.yandex.ru, then the frequency it will show us is quite impressive:

With such a frequency, a position even in 10th place in the search results should bring a lot of traffic, but in reality everything happens completely differently. What is the reason? Let's sort it out in order. There are a few things to consider here. Let's start with the simplest ones and then incrementally.


The first thing that everyone often forgets about is the choice of the region when picking up the frequency. Not a single commercial site can be promoted in all regions at once, unless, of course, it has offices in each of them. Therefore, the frequency is removed exactly for the region where the company's office is located. If there are several regions, mark all of them.

For example, a company that specializes in the supply of metal structures and rolled metal products has an office in Moscow, which has been added to Yandex.Directory. Thus, this site will not be ranked for any other regions, therefore, it is necessary to focus primarily on visitors from Moscow. This means that in wordstat you need to set the corresponding region: Moscow. The key point is the presence of an organization in the Yandex. Directory, since it is on this that the region is bound to the site.

Sometimes clients tell us:

"I want to promote all over Russia, my online store delivers goods to any region."

And here we have to disappoint them: unfortunately, even within Russia, an online store cannot be ranked if it does not have branches in the respective regions. Branches mean a card of an organization linked in Yandex.Directory with a confirmed office in the region. Thus, when assessing demand, you should always strictly determine the regionality.

Frequency types

After choosing a region, it is immediately clear that the frequency has significantly decreased.

However, all the same, these are not real numbers of specific phrases, and in order to accurately determine the frequency of each keyword, you need to use a special syntax.

Base frequency

So far, we have collected the so-called Base Frequency. This frequency is called the one that we get when we enter a query in wordstat without any syntax, choosing a region or not. This frequency is the sum of the frequencies of all phrases where words from the query occur in any word forms and in any order. For example, in our case, the request "Metal structures" without specifying the region had a frequency of about 250 thousand per month around the world and 33 thousand in Moscow. This frequency includes all phrases that contain the word "metal structures". Moreover, the word may have different endings, that is, it will include phrases: "metalwork plant", "welded metalwork", "buy cheap metalwork", etc.

Frequency quoted

If we want to know the frequency of a search query more accurately, for example, to cut off from it those queries where other words are present, then we need to put the query in quotes. In other words, if you enter a query in this form - “metal structures” - into wordstat, we will get the following figure:

Now we see that only 948 people request the word "metal structures" in Moscow separately in Yandex. However, word forms are still mixed here, for example, "metal structures" "metal structures". To remove them, we will use the following type of frequency.

Frequency quoted and exclamation mark (exact frequency)

If you ask a query in wordstat in this form - “! Metalwork” - we will get the most accurate frequency. That is, the frequency of this word will be displayed exactly as we wrote:

In verbose queries, an exclamation mark must be placed before each word, since this operator fixes the word form of each word in the query separately.

Thus, there is a significant difference in the final frequency of the one-word query "metalwork" in comparison with the initial baseline.

Precise frequency based on word order

However, if we evaluate a query consisting of two words in a similar way, for example, "buy metal structures", then we still need to take into account the word order.

So, for example, if we check the exact frequency of requests: “! Buy! Metalwork” and “! Metalwork! Buy”, we will find that, in a strange way, they will have the same frequency:

This is because the quotes and exclamation mark operators do not take into account the word order. To get the exact frequency of the phrase "buy steel structures" taking into account the word order, you need to use the "parenthesis" operator and enter the phrase as follows: “[! buy! metal structures] ":

Thus, we see that “to buy metal structures” is searched more often than “to buy metal structures”.

As a result, we figured out that the main factor in assessing the demand for key queries, which must be taken into account, is the correct frequency pickup for the semantic core. As an example, we compared the base and exact frequency for the first three dozen phrases that wordstat produces for the query “metalwork”. In the table below, the column "Impressions per month" shows the base frequency given by Yandex without taking into account the region. The column "Real frequency" shows the exact frequency for the region of Moscow and removed using the operators "quotation marks", "exclamation mark" and "square brackets".

As you can see, the exact frequency is much less than the base one. If we proceed from this method of assessing demand, then the picture in which a position in Yandex's TOP-10 for the key phrase "metal structures", which has a frequency of 839, brings 50-100 visitors, already looks more real.

Distribution of click-through rates on the first search page

But one can rightly object:

Will there be only 50-100 visits for a position in the TOP-10 with a keyword with a frequency of 839?

In general, yes!

According to various estimates, the distribution of CTR in organic SERPs in the TOP-10 is something like this:

  1. TOP-1: 15-35%
  2. TOP-2: 10-25%
  3. TOP-3: 7-20%
  4. TOP-4: 5-15%
  5. TOP-5 - TOP-10: 3-12%

The calculations, of course, are very generalized, but they roughly reflect the current picture: 3 or even 4 blocks of contextual advertising take more than half of the total CTR. Next, there may be Yandex services: a market, pictures, maps, which makes the click-through rate on regular sites even less. Taking into account the fact that the position in Yandex is rarely stable for any site in the TOP-10 due to the work of the so-called “bandit” algorithm, we can safely conclude that the above figures for the amount of traffic are normal.

CTR estimation via Yandex.Direct

Our words are easy to check - just go to Yandex.Direct in the budget forecast and see there the predicted CTR depending on the position in the contextual advertising blocks on the search.

Yandex usually underestimates the click-through rate in its forecasts too much, but this once again shows that even a high position for any request does not guarantee a large number of visitors.


In conclusion, let us summarize that for a correct assessment of demand and drawing up on its basis a strategy for search engine promotion of a site, it is important to collect the most complete semantic core and correctly remove the frequency of all phrases, as well as set the region. It is absolutely wrong to "dwell" on individual and presumably the most "fat" search phrases and believe that, having moved up to them in the TOP-10, the site will become the leader of the topic. The site's leadership in search engine promotion is determined solely by the total visibility of the site for a specific semantic core, that is, a large list of search queries of various frequencies and lengths.

The analysis of search queries is used by every competent optimizer. Statistics show what people are most often looking for on the Internet using search engines.

Its main purpose is to compose a semantic core. If you do not have one (most often we are talking about blogs), they turn to the statistics of search queries when writing articles, "sharpening" it for a specific keyword.

Most webmasters consider the main tool for selecting keywords Yandex query statistics.

Wordstat.yandex.ru (Wordstat) - Yandex query statistics

Yandex Wordstat (wordstat.yandex.ru) unites all kinds of word forms, while most often not taking into account prepositions and interrogative forms. If you just write the keyword you are interested in in Yandex Wordstat, the service will show you the total number of hits for this word, word forms and phrases in which it was encountered.
For example, let's write:

request statistics
(Views: 31535. Words included: Yandex query statistics, search query statistics etc.).

In order to achieve concretization for a specific word form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

The most common is to enclose the desired search query in quotation marks (""). In this case, a specific keyword in any word form will be taken into account.

"query statistics"
(There are already 4764 impressions. Includes: request statistics, request statistics etc.).

Exclamation mark operator! allows only the exact meanings of keywords to be taken into account.

"! statistics! requests"
(There are already 4707 impressions. Now we have found out the exact number of impressions for the query we are interested in. Pay attention, the operator! Stands in front of each of the words).

Using the - (minus) operator, it becomes possible to exclude specific words from the display.

Using the plus + operator, you can force Yandex statistics to take into account conjunctions and prepositions. You will receive data on word forms with these parts of speech.

The bracket operators () are grouping and | - or. These operators are used to compose a group of keys under one request at once.

It is worth noting that operators can be combined with each other in various ways to significantly reduce the time for collecting statistical analysis data.

Yandex search query statistics provides not only derivatives of the entered words, but also associative queries that users used along with your queries. This feature contributes to a significant expansion of the semantic core (tab on the right - "What else were people looking for ...").

The first tab of wordstat.yandex.ru "By Words" contains the total number of hits for specific search queries. Using the region tab, you can determine the particularity of the same keyword in a particular search region.

The "On the map" tab displays the frequency of using queries on the world map. To track the frequency of this request for a certain period, you can use the tabs "by month", "by week". This is especially true for seasonal queries.

  • First, Yandex statistics does not provide data on the number of people who searched for specific queries; it only shows the number of hits on search results containing this query.
  • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat displays data for the last month by default. It should be borne in mind that some requests may be seasonal in nature, and there are also requests, the so-called “rise of interests”.
  • Thirdly, the number at the top of the request includes all keywords containing the request itself and its word forms. Special operators should be used.

Taking into account all the possibilities that wordstat.yandex.ru provides, and the competent use of all the tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

Google Query Statistics

Google has two services that can be used as keyword statistics. Google's keyword research is often used as a complementary tool to expand the semantic core. This service usually independently determines the language and region for the search, the task of the optimizer is to compose a starting set of words. As a result, the system will offer you similar requests, indicating the frequency of their impressions and competition.

Google Search Statistics is more about comparing the popularity of multiple search terms. In addition, a visual representation of changes in the dynamics of the popularity of a request in the form of graphs is offered.

Rambler query statistics

The Rambler query statistics are not so popular, since the Rambler search engine is not so actively "used" by Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different word forms. In other words, you can get accurate statistics on the frequency of the request in the desired number and case without the use of additional operators.

The statistics of Rambler search queries would be a convenient addition to Yandex, if this search engine were more authoritative on the Runet. It is worth noting that Rambler statistics allows you to determine the number of views, both of the first page and of any other page with respect to a specific set of words.

Search terms - frequency and competitiveness

What else should a beginner optimizer know about targeted queries? It is usually customary to subdivide all search queries into high frequency (HF), mid frequency (MF) and low frequency (LF). And also for highly competitive (VC), medium-competitive (SK) and low-competitive (NK).

Of course, the best option would be a high-frequency and at the same time low or medium-competitive request. But these are rare. It happens that a low-frequency query is highly competitive. Typically, high-frequency queries are highly competitive, medium-frequency queries are medium-competitive, etc.

It should be borne in mind that these terms do not carry any definite quantitative meanings, since these figures will differ for each topic. It should be understood that the promotion of a specific site will be determined not only by its subject matter, but also by the specific situation on the market.

It should be borne in mind that the competent use of search engine query statistics is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who go to certain search queries should receive the information they expected, only in this case they will want to return to your resource.

Purpose: Yandex Wordstat is one of the key tools for determining the current demand in a specific topic, and, accordingly, the formation of an actual semantic core. It is actively used by SEO-optimizers, copywriters and webmasters.

Searching for keywords on Yandex Wordstat today is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to find keys for the semantic core. From experience, picking up keywords in this online Yandex service means collecting from 30 to 40% of the total size of the semantic core. Additionally, you can search for keywords in Yandex through the selection of search suggestions, but this is a topic for another article. The service is absolutely free.

In addition to the selection, you can perform a convenient analysis of search queries in Yandex Wordstat, how much the queries are targeted and in demand - for this, the service has a lot of functionality. Keyword analysis in Yandex Wordstat boils down to:

  • Analysis of the frequency of words (popularity of the query) for 3 matches: broad, phrasal, exact.
  • Popularity of queries in different regions
  • Determination of the seasonality of a search phrase through the "Query History" tool.

Case 1. There are a number of tools to automate work with the service: KeyCollector(paid), SlovoYOB(free KeyCollector option), keyword parser "Magadan"(paid and free edition), an extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome for Yandex Wordstat Helper, AllSubmitter(module "selection of keywords"), YWSCheck.

Below we will consider in more detail the statistics of keywords from Yandex Wordstat ( wordstat.yandex.ru), as the main tool for collecting statistics on Yandex queries and the words themselves. However, you can also use another service from Yandex - Direct ( direct.yandex.ru). It was created for advertising campaigns and allows you to fine-tune the display of ad units that will be displayed for certain search phrases.

Although both services use the same information base, have some similar functions, their purpose is completely different.

Case 2.
- Information in the service is updated once a month.
- The maximum number of results pages is 40.
- The minimum frequency is 1.

1. Viewing query statistics using Yandex Wordstat

To take advantage of a tool for selecting popular keywords and see the statistics of Yandex search queries, you must be a registered user and pass authorization. If there are no problems with this, then by going to the page https://wordstat.yandex.ru/ you can start working right away.

In the search box, enter the query of interest. For example, if you are planning to create an informational website about landscape design, enter "landscape design".

In a couple of seconds, in the left column you will see statistics for the entered keyword. The first line will display the phrase and the number of impressions per month.

Attention! The frequency in Yandex Wordstat and Direct is not how many times a given query was entered in the Yandex search bar, but how many times a Yandex Direct ad appeared for a given search query - this should be remembered!

All phrases below are diluted word forms of the entered key. It is not worth adding up the number of impressions for them, since they are all included in the total number indicated in the first line. By clicking on one of them, for example, on "landscape design of the site", you can find out the statistics specifically in this direction, with all sorts of additional words.

Case 3. To get around Yandex's limitation on the number of query options, you can search for them in various forms, for example: cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, etc. As a result, you will get more options for search queries than if you only asked: cleaning

The right line will display similar queries and Yandex query statistics for them. This is very useful when composing and expanding the semantic core, if, for example, the main search phrase does not have a wide coverage.

Case 4. Remember that frequency indicators are very often screwed up and do not always correspond to real demand. Causes:
- site owners and seo companies monitor the visibility of their sites on a daily basis
- the work of various services for checking positions, cheating behavioral factors, grouping search queries

2. Setting up the region

If you are creating a site focused on a specific region (for example, a site for a water delivery company in Moscow, or any city portal), then the statistics of search phrases must be configured by region. By default, Yandex Wordstat binds to your location. However, in any case, you must specify the correct region for processing statistics. This can be done by clicking on the corresponding button under the search bar. Here, you can check the box in the position "by region" and see the frequency of using the words of interest to you on the world map.

Case 5. For large regions: Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, you can set the region Russia, and after collecting, delete all regions except the required one (you can find a lot of lists of regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine on the Internet). This way you can get a wider list of key phrases.

In the report "by region" you can understand in which regions this query is most popular. And when you click on the button " map»You can visually see on the world map the frequency of using the phrase.

Case 6. When hovering over a country, the percentage can be more than 100. "Regional popularity" is the share that a region takes in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all impressions of search results that came to this region. The popularity of a word / phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not highlighted in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that there is an increased interest in this word in this region, if it is less than 100%, it is decreased.

This data can be used in the formation of contextual advertising and decide whether to create separate advertising campaigns for certain regions.

3. Seasonality

The Query History tool allows you to:

  • See detailed statistics for months, weeks.
  • Assess the seasonality of a particular topic.
  • Determine if the phrase is a "dummy" (the number of impressions wound up by webmasters in a short period).

By entering a search phrase and clicking on the "History of requests", you can see the statistics of impressions for the year. For example, having hammered our query "landscape design" into the search for the words Yandex Wordstat, we will see that this topic is at its peak of popularity only in the spring and summer months. And by the new year, the frequency barely exceeds 100,000 impressions per month.

Case 7. Seasonality allows you to find "twisted" / "dummy" queries, for example, if the frequency of a phrase is 0 for a whole year, and the frequency has become 3000 for the last 1-2 months. tree, buy Christmas toys, of course, in the summer the frequency of such requests will be zero. An exception may be important news and events, for example: the victory of an unknown athlete at the Olympics.
When analyzing jumps on a chart, it is advisable to analyze several queries from the group in order to understand the general upward and downward trends in the chart.

Yandex Wordstat will be useful for novice webmasters who create their first website. With its help, they can pick up key phrases with stable popularity. This will allow them not to depend on the season and have a more stable income.

Case 8. The wordstat statements don't work here! Please be aware that this report does not support any query language operators. The seasonality of the request Yandex does not provide information using the operators "quotation marks", "exclamation mark" and all others. In this report, Yandex provides information on the widest match type.

4. Operators in Yandex Wordstat for the selection of keywords

The search form in Wordstat supports 5 operators, using which you can: "Refine queries", "Exclude unnecessary words", "Combine data on several queries":

  • The "-" operator. If you put it before a certain word, then all queries that contain this word will disappear from the selection. Example: Buy a bike bmx -bu-moscow
  • The operator "(|)". It is used to add synonyms to a selection. For example, the construction "Flights to (Istanbul | Antalya)" is equivalent to two queries: "Flights to Istanbul" and "Flights to Antalya".
  • Operator "!" - exact match. It is needed so that the words you entered are taken into account by the service in an exact form, without changing the endings or declensions.
  • The quotation mark operator "" is a phrase match. By putting the desired phrase in quotation marks, you can remove from the selection all diluted queries containing additional words and leave only its exact form and word forms.
  • The "+" operator. Conjunctions and prepositions will be taken into account only if this operator is put in front of them. Otherwise, Yandex will ignore them.

Example. The difference in the frequency of different matches for "all regions":

  • Broad Compliance - Apartment Cleaning - 15,912 hits per month
  • Phrase matching - "apartment cleaning" - 1,963 impressions per month
  • Exact match - "! Cleaning! Apartments" - 1,057 impressions per month

Case 9. When selecting search queries for a site, it is necessary to additionally check the frequency for an exact match, since very often there are phrases - "zeroes", while by broad correspondence they can have very impressive meanings.

5. Take into account the word order in the query

If there are 2 queries in the core that contain the same words, only in a different order, then now everyone can find out which of the two options users ask more often, for example:

It was before the operator appeared: "! Buy! Christmas tree" - "469 impressions per month" or "buy Christmas tree" - "469 impressions per month"

It became when using the operator: "buy a Christmas tree" - "442 impressions per month" or "buy a Christmas tree" - "27 impressions per month"

Conclusion: the query “buy a tree” is more asked than “buy a tree”.
"True" frequency - 442 impressions per month for the most popular option - "buy a Christmas tree".
* the check was carried out on September 26, 2016
* previously, to determine the correctness of spelling, one had to resort to the services of the "Keyword Planner" tool - adwords.google.com

Operator ""(square brackets). Allows you to fix the order of words in a search query. In this case, all word forms and stop words are taken into account.
For example, for the phrase “tickets [from Moscow to paris]”, the ad will be shown for the queries “plane tickets from Moscow to Paris”, “from Moscow to Paris tickets”, but will not appear on the queries “tickets from Paris to Moscow”, “ tickets moscow paris "or" how to fly from moscow to paris ".

Often the task arises to collect all queries from 2, 3 or 4 words with the entry of the main token queries. Here are two examples of how to do this:

Example 1: if you need to collect all 3-word queries in the subject with the words cleaning, you need to form the following line - "cleaning cleaning cleaning".

More compact alternative line:

(cleaning ~ 3) - will parse all 3-word queries with the word cleaning
(cleaning ~ 4) - will parse all 4-word queries with the word cleaning

Example 2: If the main query is two-word and you need to parse all 4-word queries with it, then you need to form the following line - "cleaning cleaning cleaning apartments".

More compact alternative line:(cleaning ~ 4) apartments

7. Features of Yandex Wordstat

The disadvantage of direct parsing of Yandex Wordstat is the technical limitations imposed by the service itself:

  • When checking frequencies, it is necessary to form separate queries for each checked phrase. Due to this, the time for collecting information increases.
  • With a large number of requests, additional proxy servers may be required, since the service can impose sanctions in the form of an eternal captcha or a ban (you can also try to change the IP address by dropping the Internet connection if the IP address is dynamically issued by the provider).

8. Browser plugins for the convenience of working with Yandex Wordstat

  • Yandex Wordstat Helper - An extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome that allows you to significantly speed up the collection of words using the wordstat.yandex.ru service.
  • Yandex Wordstat Assistant - An extension for Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and Opera browsers, which allows you to significantly speed up the manual collection of words using the Yandex word selection service (wordstat).

9. Selection of search phrases using Yandex Direct

Yandex Direct is a contextual advertising service, and the lion's share of its users are sellers of goods and services, advertisers. Despite the fact that it is "sharpened" for advertising campaigns, this service also allows you to see Yandex statistics on popular keywords or products that users want to buy. But, since this is an exclusively commercial tool, here you can also calculate your profit from promotion for specific requests.

Selection of keywords for Yandex Direct can be done using the following instruction:

  • Go to the page https://direct.yandex.ru/.
  • Click on the button " To place an ad"And click" start using the service. "
  • Fill in the data on the advertising campaign and go to the next stage of its setup (the "next" button at the bottom of the page).
  • Go to filling in the "new keywords" field.

By clicking on the "Find words" button and entering a search phrase, you will see the same statistics as in the word selection service. Right there you can add specific key phrases of Yandex Direct so that your ad will be shown on them. Hints are also available to fine-tune the ad campaign.

Case 10. A very fast collection of search queries is implemented in the KeyCollector program; in a few minutes, if you have a sufficient number of accounts, you can collect thousands of phrases.

10. Additional service for budget forecasting in Direct

As we saw, Wordstat and Yandex services were created to solve completely different problems. While Wordstat is used by publishers and CEOs who are trying to make money on advertising, Yandex is also used by advertisers to build their campaigns.

Nevertheless, in the Yandex Direct functionality there is a very popular tool for both webmasters and advertisers - “ budget forecast"... The former can realistically assess the potential profit from the site provided they get into the Yandex Advertising Network, while the latter can assess their advertising costs.

Case 11. In its interface, in the "Tips" window, only frequency queries "not dummies" are displayed, with the help of which you can collect all the significant initial phrases in the topic, which can be further expanded.

By adding a group of keywords, you can see not only their frequency ("Impression forecast"), but also the cost of a click on the ad, as well as the CTR (click-through rate).

11. Features of Yandex Direct

  • You can use both a batch collection of phrases from the left and right columns, and the refinement of all types of frequencies for the phrases available in the table. This mode reduces calls to the service and significantly increases the collection speed.
  • When retrieving phrases from the left or right column through Yandex Direct, the service can send fewer phrases than it produces in the main Yandex.Wordstat
  • When collecting frequencies in KeyCollector through the Yandex.Direct interface, a huge data retrieval rate is achieved (up to 1000 phrases per minute for 1 stream).