Why is my laptop not working? The laptop does not turn on: how to restore its work Why does the laptop not

  • 02.07.2020

The laptop turned off and does not turn on, urgently run to the store for a new one? The laptop turned off and does not turn on - a typical problem that many users come to me with. First of all, it is necessary to find the true reason for such a "turn". Oddly enough, there can be many reasons for this, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the minimum “base” required to resuscitate your laptop at home.

Plug in!

The laptop turned off and does not turn on, most often due to problems with the power supply. Here you can also identify several signs and the first of them is a dead battery. Try connecting it to a charger. If this does not help, then connect to the charging directly. In the case of a broken battery, the laptop will instantly turn on.

In addition to the laptop, it should be remembered that the reason for the sudden shutdown may lie in a faulty power supply. Since the laptop turned off and does not turn on at all, the entire charge on the battery is probably used up. At the same time, the power supply (or PSU) does not pass current, therefore, the device does not receive current.

You can check the power supply with a sharp look - make sure that the charge indicator is on on the unit itself and on the laptop, if any.

It is good if you have the skills and equipment of an electrician, namely a tester. Take the last device and connect the probes to the connector on the other end of the wire. The permissible voltage is indicated on the PSU itself, and if the indicators measured by us are too untrue, then a replacement power supply will be required.

Of course, no one has canceled the good old “fool” option - pull the cable, press the charger socket harder to the laptop (maybe you need it), or just arm yourself with a “donor cable”. As a rule, this is the first thing that comes to mind to anyone, even a professional user. And of course, make sure the lights are on in your area!

High laptop temperature.

The laptop turned off and does not turn on even with a new cable? It happens and not so, do not rush to get upset! Pay attention to performance and noise levels. If both of these parameters do not suit you, then we will need a processor and a video card, and if necessary, you can finally verify the need for this action when a powerful stream of hot air appears from the area where the fan is installed. Such a stream, of course, is accompanied by a strong and unpleasant noise.

Well, since we got to the very point when the laptop turned off and does not turn on, therefore the quality of our overheating has already reached the boiling point - the motherboard instantly overheats immediately after you press the "Turn on" button. All this disgrace is due to the dust content of the radiator, fan, and the entire motherboard as a whole. It's no secret that any printed circuit board and all components placed on it can heat up. When the temperature rises, in modern PCs, the protection system is triggered, usually this is a sudden shutdown. The same principle applies to laptops.

So, we need to clean the insides of the device. Carefully open the case, separate the battery, keyboard. You can blow out the radiator with compressed air cans, which are sold at any computer store.

You can use a simple brush. Remember that we will need to clean the fan and the laptop motherboard itself. For the latter, a dry and soft piece of cloth should be used. Be careful, any scratch on the motherboard can lead to very unpleasant consequences!

Then we calmly remove the heatsinks from the processor and video card, remove the remnants of the old thermal paste and apply a new one. Thermal paste contributes to high-quality heat removal to the radiator, and from there to the outside world. Therefore, this point should not be ignored.

That's all, we collect the laptop and try to turn it on. Did not work out? Then read on!

Faulty motherboard and does not turn on the laptop.

The laptop turned off and will not turn on due to faulty hardware. It is quite possible that the motherboard has long exhausted its life resources and has become unusable. Of course, you can try to ring it with a powerful multimeter, connect it to an oscilloscope ... But this is already a real space, even for me. Either we go to repair, or we get a new laptop.

Is the display working?

It's funny, but sometimes the computer works, makes noise, gives elementary signs of life, but the display does not display anything and even blinks when turned on. Obviously, you had a power failure, a video card burned out, or a matrix flew. These options are very difficult to decide on your own, although you can try connecting a second monitor via VGA or HDMI connectors in order to get the final picture of the world.
If a picture appears after connecting, you need it, but if not, then most likely And it’s even better to buy a new laptop, since the cost of replacing a video card will cost a little less than a new laptop.


Well that's all. We got acquainted with all domestic problems, due to which a laptop can turn off and not turn on until it is provided with the necessary assistance. Successful work!

But the good news is that most of the problems that arise in the operation of this device can be solved. It is only necessary to determine the cause of the breakdown and its nature, and then act according to the situation. All laptop problems are either software or hardware. It is necessary to accurately diagnose the malfunction, and then you will already know exactly what steps to take to fix it.

So, why does the laptop not turn on and what should I do?

The worst thing that an ordinary user of this device can imagine. How to proceed in such a case?

  • Often, if the laptop does not start, then the problem lies in its power supply. Therefore, first of all, check if there is light in the house and voltage at the outlet.
  • If there were no problems with electricity, you should proceed to inspect the power supply. Perhaps he began to work intermittently or broke down completely. The surest way to verify this is to get exactly the same power supply, only in working condition. Connect it to your laptop and see if your device turns on.
  • Often, the breakdown of the power supply is very trivial - broken wires or broken contacts in the connectors. By the way, one simple rule will help to avoid problems with the charger in the future. When charging a laptop, first plug the plug into the device, and only then the adapter cord into an electrical outlet. The fact is that with a different connection order, a spark appears, which spoils the contacts.
  • If a similar power unit does not save the situation, then it's time to move on to more decisive action. Remove the battery from your device, wait 10-15 minutes, and then turn on the device. If it turned on without problems, then provide it and put the battery in its original place.
  • Another reason why the laptop does not turn on is sometimes connected to it. Disable them all, including even . Try restarting the device. If the laptop turns on, then return external devices one at a time to understand which one caused the problem.

These are the steps that you are able to take on your own when the laptop does not boot. If not one of them has led to the desired results, then the problem should be sought in non-working, broken internal contacts and more. And only an experienced master will help with this.

You can hear the work of coolers, but the laptop screen does not work

So, you know what to do if the laptop does not turn on. But there are also cases when it starts up, but its screen remains dark. How to proceed in such a case?

1. Look closely at the monitor. Perhaps something can still be considered? If so, then the screen, most likely, is in order, but the backlight does not work. You can turn it on using the hot keys on your keyboard. Each model has its own and is well known to most users.
2. Another way to check if the screen is working is to connect an external one to the laptop. If a picture appears on it, then there is no doubt and the cause of the malfunction is determined.
3. Often the problem is hidden in a discrete video card. This element sometimes overheats and breaks. By the way, some video cards are prone to breakdowns more often than others. For example, nVidia video cards have a short service life.

To prevent such damage, do not place the laptop on your lap or in any other position with the ventilation holes blocked. It is advisable in such cases to use special stands that do not interfere with air circulation.

If your laptop is not a gaming laptop, then do not spend too much time playing games on it. And yet - do not forget to monitor the temperature of the video card. If the reason turned out to be in it, then remove it or simply turn it off - some laptop models have switches specifically for this. With the missing discrete graphics card, your device will continue to work, you just have to say goodbye to some games temporarily.

Of course, the reason why the laptop boots up and does not turn on can be more serious. For example, in some cases, the problem lies in the processor or firmware, motherboard or. But you are unlikely to cope with such difficulties on your own.

Turns on and freezes after splash screen

Sometimes, for some reason, the laptop does not “start” in any way. And sometimes it still starts, you can see the initial splash screen and basic information about the device on the screen, and then the device freezes. Either nothing happens at all, or information about errors appears that interferes with the full operation of the machine.

  • Don't be afraid. Most often, the reason for what is happening is in the BIOS settings. You just need to enter the BIOS and reset all parameters - "Load BIOS Defaults". After that, save and exit.
  • Sometimes it happens that the laptop freezes, reports an error and asks you to press a certain button. For example, "Press F1 to continue". As a rule, after pressing it, it continues to turn on and then works in normal mode. And although this solution to the problem is the simplest, you should not ignore the very fact of informing about the error. Most often this happens if the battery starts to run out on the laptop motherboard or the BIOS settings go astray. Please note that to replace the battery, you must contact the service center.
  • Of course, problems with a laptop can be more serious. For example, work-related malfunctions manifest themselves in a similar way. In this case, there is a chance to determine the presence of hearing problems. If the hard drive is faulty, then you will hear the engine trying to start unsuccessfully under a slight crackling of the heads.
  • Another reason why the laptop does not turn on is RAM. In some device models, access to its slats is provided. You can try removing them and gently cleaning the contacts. If this does not help, then start the machine, leaving only one memory module at a time. In the event that your device has only one bar, then put it in another slot and start the device again. There is a great chance that these actions of yours will help solve the problem.

I get a message that I can't start from the boot device

As a rule, we are talking about a variety of messages in English. If you encounter this, then remove everything from the device, and remove the disk from the drive. Restart your laptop. If your actions did not bring any positive result, then the problem most likely lies in the operation of the hard drive. Such a malfunction can be both software and hardware in nature.

In the first case, reinstall Windows. If after that your laptop began to work as before, then this means that the problem was software and now it has already been resolved. If the reinstallation did not save the situation, then it's time to contact the service department, whose employees will solve this malfunction at the hardware level.

Laptop keeps restarting or shutting down

If your device is constantly shutting down and restarting, then it is most likely a serious hardware problem. Perhaps the fault is in the short circuit in the south bridge, which caused it to overheat. Or dust has clogged in, causing excessive heat inside. If so, then the fan will run at high speeds, but still will not cope with the problem. As a result, your laptop will periodically turn off and restart. This will happen at various times, regardless of external causes. You are unlikely to be able to solve the problem yourself this time, so immediately contact the service center.

But before that, make sure it's not a bad diet. If the laptop battery is dead, the device may turn on and then immediately shut down.

After loading Windows shows a screen of death, errors on a black screen and reboots

Another fairly common problem is when Windows starts loading when you turn on the laptop, but then the download is interrupted and the device reboots. The screen turns blue or black with numerous error messages.

As in the previous case, the problem can be both software and hardware in nature. And again, restarting Windows will help to understand what exactly happened to your device. You can start reinstalling the operating system from a bootable USB flash drive. If this is done, then the problem can be considered solved. If not, then you can’t figure it out without the help of specialists from the service center.

A laptop is a very complex piece of equipment, which, unfortunately, sooner or later fails. As a rule, this happens at the most inopportune moment. For example, when you need to finish a project, turn in a report, or do some urgent work.

The main thing that should not be allowed if the laptop does not turn on is panic. Some malfunctions can be completely eliminated at home on your own, and the services of a technical specialist will not be needed. What to do in such an unpleasant situation? Try to find and, if possible, correct the cause.

Most often, laptops do not turn on in the following situations

  • There was a power problem.
  • A hard disk failure has occurred.
  • Error in BIOS settings.
  • Problems with the video card or processor.
  • The device has overheated.

Now let's look at the main causes of each of these faults.

Nutrition problems

No matter how trite it may sound, you need to check if the laptop is connected to a power outlet. It is likely that the connector is loose or the cable is damaged. The network adapter may not be working. It is enough to connect another suitable charger and check if the laptop has begun to show signs of life.

If the problem is with the battery, you can fix it like this: remove the battery and try turning on the powered laptop directly. However, this is not a panacea. Some models, in principle, are not designed to work without a battery. In any case, if the device turned on without this part, the problem definitely lies in the battery.

Hard drive failure

In this case, as a rule, the laptop starts to turn on, but freezes almost immediately. Sometimes a system HDD error message is displayed. In BIOS SETUP, you can check whether the computer sees the device or not. If the hard drive is detected, in this case it is most rational to try to start the system from a USB flash drive.

Problems with the video card and other components

Most often this occurs due to overheating or as a result of an impact. Basically, the video card, the north or south bridge suffers. Listen for any sounds when turned on. If you hear how the cooler works, but there is no image, the problem is most likely in the video card. A faulty bridge can be indicated by complete silence or by Windows freezing on boot. In any case, the help of a professional is required here.


Just like that, the BIOS settings can hardly go astray. Most often this happens after an unsuccessful update. You can go into BIOS SETUP and select Load Setup Defaults (default settings).

Laptop beeps when turned on

This symptom indicates overheating or a malfunction of the RAM. The first thing to do with a laptop is to disassemble it and. In most cases, this is enough for further correct work. In the future, it is recommended to use.

If you still have to contact a specialist, it is advisable to correctly indicate the problem (especially by phone). Some users say that the laptop does not turn on, they mean the lack of loading Windows. For a specialist, these are completely different symptoms.

If your laptop does not turn on, the problem may be both at the hardware and software level. In order to correctly diagnose the cause of the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to correctly imagine the process of loading a computer device.

Let's agree that today the problem will be attributed by us to the stages before loading the operating environment, since the failures of this stage of loading the computer are one big separate topic. By the way, we have already considered .

Let's just say that these two topics intersect strongly and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the problem of loading the operating environment from the problem of turning on the portable device itself.

Laptop won't turn on - faulty power supply

Often the culprit of a failure when turning on a laptop, like any PC, is a damaged power supply or a damaged cable. It does not supply power in the required amount to the mobile device, or does not supply it at all, as it is completely out of order. The power supply can supply significantly less voltage to the laptop input than is necessary.

For example, a number of laptop models require 19.5 V, and the bad block produces, for example, only 9 V, so the laptop cannot start. Here you will need a tester to measure the voltage supplied by the unit. In any case, the failed power supply should be replaced with another original one or with a universal one that allows you to adjust the required power level.


An equally common culprit for problems with turning on a laptop is the battery. If the laptop with the battery removed is connected directly to the network using only the power supply and starts without errors, then the battery is the cause of the failure.

Sometimes it happens that the laptop does not want to start with the battery removed, then you need to look for a replacement for the failed battery. And although the laptop "knows how" to start and work without a battery, however, this mode of operation is very dangerous. In this case, you will need to turn it on from an uninterruptible power supply.

Connected external peripherals

Sometimes connected peripheral devices can also lead to problems associated with the difficulties of starting a laptop. Therefore, in order to diagnose this problem, you should disable all external devices that are connected to the laptop: printers, flash drives, external drives, and so on. This behavior of the mobile device may be due to a conflict with the connected device.

If the problem disappeared after disconnecting all external devices, then you need to determine which one is causing the laptop to fail to turn on. But if the problem is not overcome, then the diagnosis should be continued.

Or several devices can be connected to the laptop at once, one of which introduces a conflict

Power button

Possible causes of the problem under consideration include a malfunction of the power button. In different laptop models, its location is not the same. Most often, it can be seen next to the top of the laptop case.

To cope with the problem on your own, you need sufficient experience in repairing a laptop, and therefore in this case it is better to carry your computer to a service center. And the reasons for the failure in the case of a button may be a break in its cable or copper contacts that have lost their properties.

Power button and its cable:

Black display when laptop is on

Sometimes they say that the laptop starts, but the display does not give anything - it remains black. In this case, the indicators light up, you can hear the operation of the components of the cooling system (the noise of coolers), but the monitor display turns out to be blankly black.

The reasons for such a strange behavior of a laptop can be anything, up to a failed graphics card, since it is she who forms and displays the image. The reason may also be in the display itself.

VGA cable and its connector on a laptop for connecting an additional monitor

To check if the laptop monitor is the culprit of the failure, you need to connect a known working monitor to the laptop, after finding the VGA or HDMI port. If the additional monitor at the start of the laptop shows the entire progress of the boot, then the problem is in the native monitor of the laptop.

However, if the additional monitor does not show anything, then the problem may be in the failed video card. In this case, you need to carry your laptop to a service center.

Permanent reboot

To the hardware problem with turning on the mobile device, we also include its incomplete turning on. In this case, the start of a portable computer is observed with the monitor turned on, on which messages are displayed with the results of the system self-test.

Each of the messages appears on a black display if the option to display them is enabled in the BIOS. However, at some stage of the self-test, the laptop starts a sudden reboot. Most often, overheating is to blame for this behavior of the device, and therefore it would not hurt to open the laptop and clean it from dust inside.

We also add that the boot of the computer, carried out by the I / O program, is accompanied by sound signals if the BIOS has detected a boot error. Also, this program displays an error message.

Operating system not found

The following is an error looking for a boot entry on the hard drive (BIOS does not detect the 55AAh signature on the hard drive):

This type of failure can be attributed to both hardware and software errors. During one of the boot phases, the BIOS looks for the boot sector of the operating environment, where the bootloader code is located, to which the active boot phase should be transferred and which should start loading the operating environment.

But it often happens that the master boot record may not be found due to the fact that the user, for example, forgot to partition the hard disk into sections, or because the MBR was damaged. In this case, the BIOS can generate a number of very different errors, up to "Missing operating system" or Missing operating system.

This also includes the problem of a damaged boot manager of the bootmgr operating environment, the absence of which or the damage of which is also reported through BIOS resources.

The following shows the boot manager search error (Small bootmgr file not found or corrupted)

There are a lot of reasons for the problem with turning on the laptop. In this article, we have considered only a few that may be available for diagnosis by the simplest means. However, not all of these problems can be fixed at home with minimal experience.

Most of these problems should be solved in service centers. Among the causes of laptop failures considered in the article: problems with the battery, power supply, video card, monitor display, laptop conflicts with connected peripherals, a problem with dust and overheating of the internal components of a laptop computer. However, failed hard drives, failed RAM, chips of chips involved in the layout of the motherboard, and so on, can also lead to power-on failures.

Many problems may not be purely hardware in nature, but software, as happens in the absence of a master boot record, when the BIOS is unable to correctly determine the first boot sector of the disk.

Reading time: 6 min

If the screen on your laptop does not turn on or remains black when turned on, then the first thing you need to do is figure out the problem of the error. There are a lot of reasons that cause such a problem. Before contacting the service center, you can independently carry out diagnostics.

Causes of the malfunction

The reasons why the laptop screen does not work can be divided into the following groups:

  • The battery has stopped working.
  • Fault in the hardware settings of the laptop.
  • The RAM has fallen out of the socket or the RAM has failed.
  • Breakage of the backlight, laptop matrix or cable.
  • Video card problems.
  • Damage to the motherboard due to overheating of the device or mechanical interference.

In the last 3 cases, repair or replacement of parts will be required. You can try to fix the malfunctions described in other paragraphs yourself.

If the laptop turns off after a long time of use and does not start, it is likely that it has overheated. It is necessary to check that nothing blocks the air outlet, clean it from dust and turn it on again.

Video card problem

The video card is responsible for processing video effects on laptops. When a laptop is running, a black screen can pop up at any time when the video card completely or partially fails.

As in situations with personal computers, a laptop video card is a rather capricious thing that can break due to mechanical injury or overheating. The complexity of repairing a video card in a laptop lies in the fact that this component is securely soldered. Nothing can be changed individually.

Of course, professionals using special equipment can change the video card, but this is a very expensive service. It may be necessary to replace the entire system board.

Damage to the motherboard due to overheating of the device

When starting a laptop, a black screen may appear due to a malfunction of the motherboard. In a laptop, the screen may not turn on at all when the motherboard is excessively overheated.

In turn, overheating is caused by dust and various debris under the case. All this "disgrace" tends to heat up, which prevents normal heat transfer. It turns out that the motherboard and all its hardware will work much slower than usual.

The system cannot operate at full capacity due to the temperature increase. We need to disassemble the body of the device, and then clean everything there properly. The main thing here is not to damage the tracks on the board and important contacts, you can not spill water on the motherboard.

Immediately you can lubricate the fan and change the thermal paste. Thermal paste is applied to the video card and processor, and a radiator with a fan is installed on top to remove hot air. You need to apply thermal paste in a thin layer so as not to squeeze out the entire tube.

Faulty cable or screen matrix

If you can connect an external monitor, then it becomes possible to check if the video card is working. If the image is normal on an external monitor, then the video card is working. In some laptop models, after connecting an external monitor, the matrix automatically turns off.

Perhaps you just need to switch the screen back to the internal matrix. Switching is carried out by a combination of hot keys, which can be found in the technical description of the device.

If there is a normal picture on the external monitor, then an error has occurred with the cable or in the matrix itself. If on some parts of the monitor there is a picture, in others it is absent, then this indicates a failure of the matrix. Most often, jitter occurs due to a faulty loop. All repairs consist of replacing the cable with a new one.

Also, the absence of a signal when the hard drive and cooler are not working at the same time indicates problems with power circuits. On the system board, the power paths may have burned out or the connectors are loose.

To check these problems, you need to disassemble the laptop, inspect the connection of the cables and start searching for burned out tracks. On boards, the traces are very thin, so only professionals can properly reconnect.

You can also check the status of the switch screen. It could break off, stick, fail. The switch can stick due to liquid getting on the laptop.

If even a drop of sweet liquid is spilled on the switch, it will almost certainly lead to sticking. You need to find it, it is located in the area where the laptop case is connected to the matrix. You can try a thin screwdriver to press the lever and try to turn on the lamp.

On the screen, the faded appearance of the picture indicates that the matrix backlight burned out, problems with cables, controllers, or about a malfunction of the power transformer.

The cable could break, or thin tracks crumbled at the point of connection to the matrix. The repair process of thin tracks is a very risky task. Often, performance can be restored only in 50% of cases.

If the lamp has lost its brightness or burned out, it remains only to change it. It is not always possible to find a similar product that was in a laptop. In this case, you can choose a replacement in terms of dimensions and parameters, reconfigure the brightness of the matrix and the lamp.

You can verify the operation by bringing the monitor screen to a bright light source. If there is still a backlight, albeit very dim, then this means that there is no backlight. It turns out that this malfunction is connected with the lamp or with its connection.

Battery failure

The laptop battery is constantly draining. A black screen during device startup may indicate that the battery is low.

An unpleasant sensation may occur if the battery is not charged when the cable is connected. Removing the battery also does not solve the problem? The power supply itself or the cable may be damaged. In this situation, you need to take a multimeter to measure the voltage at the output of the power supply.

It is necessary to attach the multimeter probes to the output contacts of the PSU, after which the multimeter pointer should be set to the 20 V position. The voltage should appear on the display with a small error.

Without a minimum knowledge of electronics, it is better not to do this yourself. If the PSU fails, then certain components may need to be replaced, which is a very time consuming task without decent tools. Much easier to get a new charging cable.

RAM failure

The image may not be displayed because the memory modules are installed incorrectly or there are problems with the contacts. This method quite often allows you to solve the problem when a black screen appears and the laptop does not turn on after moisture or water gets into it. It is important to make sure the laptop is completely dry and do nothing until it is completely dry.

First you need to remove the RAM module and purge the connectors. If only one memory bar is installed, and 2 connectors are available, then you can simply swap them. Let's take a look at how RAM is extracted.

During disassembly of the laptop, you must first disconnect it from the power supply, remove the battery. Many laptops have specially designated compartments for RAM, you need to unscrew it. If you are unlucky and there is no such compartment on a working laptop, you need to completely unscrew the back cover in the product.

The screenshot shows the view of the compartment for the RAM and how it should be unscrewed.