Cheat friends on VKontakte for free. Download program. How to add VKontakte friends using programs? Key for the friends program

  • 09.10.2021

To be popular is the task facing many users of the VKontakte social network. Today, popularity is often judged by the number of friends. After all, the more there are, the more people will see the content you publish, the more likes will be on the photos, etc. Both people doing business on VK and ordinary users think about a large number of friends. And one of the most effective ways to achieve this is through special programs. It is about them that we will talk today.

How to use programs to add VK friends?

Programs for adding friends to VK have been used for a long time. On the net you can find very different software for every taste. Some are online services that can automatically wind up the required number of subscriptions. Others are programs that need to be downloaded and installed on your PC. But they all have one thing in common - they help to recruit a large number of people much faster than if you manually submitted applications and waited for a response to them.

Programs like these are designed to make our work easier and help us achieve our goals. If you want to wind up a sufficient number of friends, then you need to know the basic principles of such software.

There are two types of services:

  • Adding people from your database (in such cases, you will receive bots or offers). Here, the promotion will be carried out at the expense of incoming applications.
  • Cheating live people. Here, the promotion will be carried out at the expense of outgoing applications.

In the first case, everything is extremely simple. You launch the software and watch how new applications arrive on your account. Then you just have to accept friendship.

In the second case, everything is somewhat different. You will need to parse the target audience (if necessary), then send the resulting list of friend requests. You can also send out a private message with a call to add if you know how and what leverage to use.

Another fairly popular tactic for adding people as friends through programs is massliking. That is, the robot visits the pages of different users and likes them. People will come to visit you in response and see your profile, thereby you "warm the ground" for further action. After a while, you can send applications to the same people as friends. In this case, your account will not be new to them, and they are more likely to accept the invitation.

The use of such tools as the distribution of drugs, massliking is necessary, since VK has a limit on the number of outgoing friend requests per day - up to 50 pcs. That is, due to just inviting, you can add no more than 50 people per day (and even then, some of them will not reciprocate). If you want to have many more friends, then you definitely need to use other tools that the programs offer.

Best programs

In order not to get confused in the many different software that Runet offers us, we have selected for you the most popular and effective programs for adding friends to VK.

This is not one, but at once a series of programs from one developer. Although more recently, a bot appeared from them, which has the functionality of all other progs. Services from Lizard are designed to facilitate the implementation of routine and similar tasks on VKontakte. Below is a list of Lizard VK Bot functions (individual services are indicated in brackets):

Depending on your goals and objectives, you can use one specific program or bot, which includes all the capabilities of other programs. How to use:

As a result, we will receive a whole list of users with whom it will be possible to carry out further actions. For example, we then launched another program and, through mass-liking, warmed up the ground for further sending requests to friends.

The algorithm of operation of other programs is similar: we select and set up a task, and then we launch and observe the result.

The price of each program is individual. Lizard VK Bot costs 690 rubles / month. - 490 rubles / month or forever 2990 rubles. - forever 990 rubles. - forever 790 rubles.


Another quite popular bot among VK users, designed for automatic promotion of accounts and groups on VKontakte. The service specializes in performing tasks of the same type, like the previous program.

One of the main advantages of BroBot is that it is completely free if you only use 1 account. Moreover, all the functionality is available in full and is not limited in time. Functional:

  • parsing of the target audience;
  • sending messages;
  • checker and massliking;
  • answering machine;
  • auto-posting and much more.

This service is a unique and irreplaceable assistant especially for those users who, for one reason or another, cannot pay for using such software. To cheat VK friends here, just like in the previous service, you need to use various scenarios: parsing and inviting; parsing and sending messages (+ inviting); mass-liking with further distribution of friendship, etc. How to use:

Ready. BroBot will carry out its task until we stop it. If you need to add VK friends on several accounts, then you can buy a version with 10 available profiles for 599 rubles / month. or with an unlimited number of profiles for 1799 rubles / month.


This is a software that works according to the first principle we are describing: it adds friends from its database. That is, by launching it, incoming friend requests will begin to arrive on your page. You can leave them in subscribers, you can accept them manually, or you can configure the bot to do this automatically. Functional:

  • cheat friends;
  • approval of all incoming applications;
  • distribution of records by groups;
  • distribution of comments;
  • anti-captcha, proxy, multi-account and VPN;
  • unsubscribing from everyone you follow;
  • transferring subscribers to friends and vice versa;

Today, most of the population of Russia has pages on social networks. And many do not even one at a time. Why is this needed? This is necessary in order to communicate, in order to get to know each other, finally, in order to promote your services and products. What do you think? VKontakte has a lot of different merchants, businessmen, legal and not very (those who are not very good, they are usually blocked after a week or two). They all need your wallet and your attention, which is why, over time, any page set up with the intention of “just chatting with friends and listening to music” gets overgrown with subscriptions. At first there are ten of them, then there are twenty of them, then there are fifty of them, and this is still not enough.
Go to your list of subscriptions. Add to your friends list. Do you see groups or people you don't know? Congratulations, you have become a victim of competent (exactly) promotion of VKontakte. For some you have become a new tick in the list.

OK, I want to try it myself!

Well, downloading a cheat on VKontakte friends for free, some wonderful program is the dream of anyone who wants to turn from "plankton" into a shark of social business. It's so good when there is a whole bunch of friends on the page who write, who like your photos, and so on. It seems that you need very little - just download a wonderful application that will wind up friends for you, and then you will become influential and be able to manage the audience by offering certain goods or services. Or just become an authority.
But no matter how good the proposed promotion of VKontakte friends is, downloading it is only half the battle.

When a person has bots and fake pages as friends, this is suspicious.

Promotion myths.

Ransomware - this is what you are most likely to download instead of the "breaker or VK promoter"

How to actually gain credibility, make friends, distribute VKontakte products and do it quickly ?!

This is very easy to do. You just need to use real promotion. Yes, of course, everyone would be comfortable with artificial cheating on VKontakte friends for free, a program that could be downloaded very simply and used without restrictions.

"Stupid" cheat bots are immediately blocked

But in fact, you still need real friends and subscribers. Yes, the number of existing subscribers or friends affects the decision-making process, but it only strengthens the already formed opinion about the page. That is, if you are interesting to a client, then the number of subscribers will force him to subscribe, and if you are not interesting to a client, he will decide that they all belong not to his social group, and there is nothing to talk about.
Therefore, you will have to return to the question of quality again and again. The quality of cheating friends is determined mainly by the degree of their retention, whether they are real people, and their responsive activity.
In order to attract real friends and subscribers in a quality manner, you need special tools. But your personal will is also needed.
We will not repeat the Carnegie book to you, but only point out that you should manage your page yourself if possible, if there is no time, use a timer. This significantly improves the ability to publish news, which can now run at least around the clock. We also point out that you need to research those with whom you want to make friends on VKontakte, or attract them to the page. Think about what they look like on average, how old they are, what interests, what kind of education. This will help you identify your target audience. In the future, to attract, you can use both your own time and special programs.

With the help of this program, you can easily recruit the cherished 10,000 friends on your VKontakte accounts. Similarly to the VK10000Friends program, it sends requests to VKontakte communities dedicated to PR with requests to add them as friends. Surprisingly, this type of PR is very effective, because the speed of cheating friends through this program is at least 1 new friend in 5 seconds.

Program features

The program contains quite a few possibilities. Some of them can only be used by activated users. And in order to be activated, you need to purchase activation on the official website of the program.

Among the free features of the program are the following:

  • Sending messages - "beggars" to thematic PR communities.
  • Automatic acceptance of friend requests.
  • Ability to work through the anti-captcha service (RuCaptcha or Anti-Captcha).
  • 30 minutes trial period at medium speed.
By purchasing the full version of the program, you will also get the following features:
  • Unlimited running time of the program.
  • Possibility to select the speed mode among "Low", "Medium" and "High".
    • At high speed, use the program no more than 4-5 hours a day.
    • At medium speed, use the program no more than 12 hours a day.
    • At low speed, the program can be used around the clock.
  • Work with multiple accounts at the same time thanks to the multi-account.
  • Cancellation of all outgoing friend requests.
  • Loop cancellation of outgoing friend requests.
  • Removing all friends on the account.
  • Unsubscribing and logging out from all VKontakte communities.
  • Removing dogs from your friends list.
  • Sending a message along with a friend request with the ability to indicate the name of the recipient.
These are the interesting features of this program. The great thing is that she does everything automatically for you. You don't need to do absolutely anything other than launching the program.

Attention! For the program to work, a mobile phone number must be linked to your account. The program will not work without it!

The best time to carry out this kind of promotion is from 10 am to 11 pm. The rest of the time, the target audience of VKontakte is reduced by about half, because the work, for the most part, is carried out by real people, not programs.

It is recommended to enable the function of automatically accepting new friend requests. People who see your posts in groups and go to your page to add you, first of all look at the number of subscribers. If they get the impression that you keep people as subscribers, they are unlikely to add you as a friend.

To protect your page from blocking and increase the number of incoming applications, it is recommended to indicate real data about you on your page, including name, surname, avatar and personal information.


It has already been said above that the minimum speed of the program is approximately 1 person in 5 seconds. So, for example, when testing the program for this review, we managed to get about 250 new friend requests in 25 minutes of work, which almost corresponds to what was said, because the test was carried out at an average speed! At high speed, you can achieve even more grandiose results, and all this - in automatic mode!

A program for building friends on your accounts in automatic mode, bypassing the daily limits of VKontakte. The principle of its operation is based on the distribution of various enticing messages of the "Add to friends" type in VKontakte groups, intended just for this kind of PR.

The purpose of this program- an increase in the number of VKontakte friends on accounts in a completely automatic mode. If you are a user of the Demo version, you do not even need to do anything except add an account to the program - the program does all the work of building friends on its own, you just need to run it.

Full automation of the process of cheating VK friends is achieved by the program performing tasks such as:

2 operating modes:
The program provides 2 operating modes: normal mode and turbo mode. The latter is characterized by a several times higher speed of work, but at the same time a higher probability of blocking your accounts. In the Demo version, the use of the turbo mode is limited in time for a period of 20 minutes.

How to work with the program:
The program is very easy to use. For it to work, just go to the settings and configure several important points:

  • Add VKontakte accounts to which friends will wind up. In the demo version of the program, only 1 account is allowed to work.
  • Set the way to work with captcha: through the Antigate service (only works in the Premium version), manually entering or waiting (timeout) for the captcha to disappear and continue working without entering it at all.

    If Antigate is selected, you should be on your guard, because after 5 unsuccessful attempts to recognize captcha through the service, the program switches to the manual mode of captcha input.

  • Enter a list of VKontakte communities to which spam messages will be sent (only in the Premium version). You can collect this kind of database using third-party parsers, for example, VKFastParser, GroupSearcher or some other parsers. The main thing to consider when collecting such groups is the openness of comments (walls), so look for parsers who can collect communities by this criterion.
  • Check the box whether to accept friend requests automatically (you can turn it off in the premium version).
  • Specify with a tick whether to send friend requests to other users (you can disable it in the premium version).

    As for this point, the program works this way: by sending messages to groups, it also searches for users who leave similar messages, after which it sends an application to one of them once every 15 minutes. This is done until the daily limit for sending applications is reached on the account.

    Starting from version 2.6.0, the demo version no longer sends a message with the application name along with the application, which previously very often led to blocking.

Differences between Demo and Premium versions:
More and more often programs are released in Demo and Pro (Premium) versions, where Demo is a trial version of the program with reduced functionality. This was also the case with the VK10000Friends program. Unlike the Demo version, which you can download for free, the paid Premium version is characterized by:
  • Multi-account. In the premium version of the program there are no restrictions on the number of accounts - you can add as many of them as you like, thereby increasing the total number of added friends on all accounts.
  • Adding your own list of groups for mailing.
  • The ability not to accept friend requests automatically, but to do it yourself.
  • No 20 minute limit for turbo mode.
  • The ability to work through the Antigate anti-captcha service.
Efficiency and numbers:
The way to cheat friends here is not the fastest and most effective. Especially in the Demo version. Even when working in turbo mode from one account, it was not possible to wind up a large number of friends for several reasons:
  • The program has slightly optimized the speed of work to reduce the risk of freezing the VKontakte page.
  • The result of the program's work practically does not depend on it or on you - a significant part of users find you on their own, the number of applications submitted does not depend on the program.
  • A large number of unsubscriptions. This is characterized by the fact that people who monitor PR communities and send applications to all comers do this not for the purpose of accumulating friends, but for the purpose of accumulating subscribers. Do not be surprised if a significant part of your "new friends" immediately unsubscribe from you.
  • The last, partly also important point is the impossibility of launching more than one copy of the program.
As for the numbers, under 21 accounts in normal high-speed mode for 9 hours of work, approximately 1000 - 1500 new friends are added in total under all accounts, of which approximately 10-30% then (or immediately) unsubscribe.

To reduce unsubscriptions, it is best to promote a "stylish" account with filled information and a cute avatar using this method. Even on fake accounts, very few people need friends without avatars. For example, on an account with a dog on an avatar, about 60 friends were wound up in half an hour of work, of which 40 then unsubscribed. But on the account with a nice guy on the avatar, more than 150 friends were clocked in the same time, of which only a quarter of them unsubscribed.

Despite the significant number of unsubscriptions, this method of cheating friends is quite promising, since it is completely automatic and does not require any currency (points) for its work, as in all cheat services. As a result, there are practically no “dogs” (or bots), because, again, comparing with cheat services, users are not busy joining suspicious communities, for which they are most banned, but add you as a friend either manually or using programs like VK10000Friends. and the risk of blocking for this is minimal due to the large number of variants of sent spam messages.

In addition to everything, it is worth noting one important detail that only adds to the attractiveness of this program. Speech, in fact, about a beautiful animated cat in the program window, which moves smoothly at the moment of cheating friends!

You can purchase the full (Premium) version of the program to get rid of all restrictions on its official website.

In DEMO mode, the search for friends is available only under one profile (account), this is quite enough if you have one page, but if you are promoting in social networks, promoting groups and other similar things, then the PREMIUM mode will be of interest to you.
Under 21 accounts in normal high-speed mode, for 9 hours of work, as a rule, 1200 - 1600 new friends are added in total under all accounts and
about 100 unsubscribers are deleted.
Premium access price - ridiculous, 30 rubles per week

I present to you the program " VK10000Friends"

This application is designed to promote accounts in social. network, increasing the number of friends and, accordingly, unique page views.
The principle of operation is based on sending messages like "Add me as a friend" to groups for self-promotion.

Also, in these groups, the application looks for people who need friends and sends them an application every 15 minutes to avoid blocking the page. The intervals for sending messages and other actions in the program are configured in such a way as to avoid freezing the page and not arouse suspicion from the VKontakte administration.

The speed of adding to friends depends on the day of the week (on weekends it is a little worse) and the time of day. usually live people are added, and they tend to sleep at night (well, most).

In the DEMO mode, the search for friends is available only under one profile, this is quite enough if you have one profile, but if you are promoting in social networks, promoting groups and other similar things, then the PREMIUM mode will be of interest to you.
Under 21 accounts in normal high-speed mode, in 9 hours of work, as a rule, 1200 - 1600 new friends are added in total under all accounts, and about 100 unsubscribers are deleted.

Video instruction:


Program website:

P.S. on my own I will add: The program is really gorgeous - I have been using it for the second week already. People come and ask to be your friends. And the price of Premium Access for a week is 30 rubles. available to almost all interested people - agree. The author is an adequate person, easily makes contact and will always help with all questions.